16 DAY 213
Warm Up
10-minute run on the treadmill
(I started the warm-up run at a 7 miles per hour pace. Every 2 minutes, I increased the speed by 0.5 miles per hour. On the 9th minute, I increased the speed by another 0.5 miles per hour. I finished the warm-up run at a 9.5 miles per hour pace.
I was content with the warm-up run.)
Bench Press
10 x 15 / 10 x 65 / 10 x 65
(warm-up set)
5 x 105 / 5 x 125 / 5 x 145 / 5 x 155 / 5 x 165
(I almost whited out from the last rep.
I was content with the PR today.)
Conditioning I
150 dumbbell thrusters (with 20-pound weight/arm)
(I finished the 150 dumbbell thrusters in 12:58. I might had completed 160 thrusters. I lost count at around the 100th rep. Regardless, I was not satisfied with the time. I had fantasized that I would finish the exercise in around 3:00. Man, did I overestimate my ability.
My legs gave in first, followed by my left arm. It got really ugly toward the end when my knees started to buckle forward and inward. My knees passed so far beyond my toes, my heels were coming off of the floor.)
1-mile run (at a 6-minute per mile pace)
(I know I am capable of running a 6-minute and under mile. It is simply a matter of pacing. One of the perks of running on a treadmill is that you can let the machine pace for you. I was confident that I could finish the 1-mile run at the set pace. However, my mind caved in. My hand reached for the stop button at the 0.80-mile mark with less than 400 meters to go. Needless to say, I was disappointed.)
Conditioning II
AMRAP (20:00)
2 pull-ups (unbroken)
2 dips (unbroken)
2 burpees (unbroken, with full range of motion push-ups; knees must not touch the floor)
(Work on your weakness everyday.
I completed 17+4 rounds of the AMRAP. My goal was to finish 15 rounds. I was content with the second workout.)
★ / 18 / 46
10-minute run on the treadmill
(I started the warm-up run at a 7 miles per hour pace. Every 2 minutes, I increased the speed by 0.5 miles per hour. On the 9th minute, I increased the speed by another 0.5 miles per hour. I finished the warm-up run at a 9.5 miles per hour pace.
I was content with the warm-up run.)
Bench Press
10 x 15 / 10 x 65 / 10 x 65
(warm-up set)
5 x 105 / 5 x 125 / 5 x 145 / 5 x 155 / 5 x 165
(I almost whited out from the last rep.
I was content with the PR today.)
Conditioning I
150 dumbbell thrusters (with 20-pound weight/arm)
(I finished the 150 dumbbell thrusters in 12:58. I might had completed 160 thrusters. I lost count at around the 100th rep. Regardless, I was not satisfied with the time. I had fantasized that I would finish the exercise in around 3:00. Man, did I overestimate my ability.
My legs gave in first, followed by my left arm. It got really ugly toward the end when my knees started to buckle forward and inward. My knees passed so far beyond my toes, my heels were coming off of the floor.)
1-mile run (at a 6-minute per mile pace)
(I know I am capable of running a 6-minute and under mile. It is simply a matter of pacing. One of the perks of running on a treadmill is that you can let the machine pace for you. I was confident that I could finish the 1-mile run at the set pace. However, my mind caved in. My hand reached for the stop button at the 0.80-mile mark with less than 400 meters to go. Needless to say, I was disappointed.)
Conditioning II
AMRAP (20:00)
2 pull-ups (unbroken)
2 dips (unbroken)
2 burpees (unbroken, with full range of motion push-ups; knees must not touch the floor)
(Work on your weakness everyday.
I completed 17+4 rounds of the AMRAP. My goal was to finish 15 rounds. I was content with the second workout.)
★ / 18 / 46
16 DAY 212
I posted a new photo on Instagram this afternoon.
2 / 15 / 21 / 24 / 30
2 / 15 / 21 / 24 / 30
Do not put me on the spot like that.
His intention was good. But do not put me on the spot like that.
We planned to meet at Union Square. Instead, we met at a friend's apartment by Herald Square, the Herald Tower. From there, we walked to a Korean BBQ restaurant just outside of Koreatown. I forgot the name of the restaurant. The food was delicious.
★ / 57.44
His intention was good. But do not put me on the spot like that.
We planned to meet at Union Square. Instead, we met at a friend's apartment by Herald Square, the Herald Tower. From there, we walked to a Korean BBQ restaurant just outside of Koreatown. I forgot the name of the restaurant. The food was delicious.
★ / 57.44
I helped a woman carrying her stroller down a set of subway stairs.
(38 / 1,000,000)
(38 / 1,000,000)
16 DAY 211
Warm Up
10-minute run on the treadmill
(I started the warm-up run at a 6.5 miles per hour pace. I finished the warm-up run at a 9 miles per hour pace. Every 2 minutes, I increased the speed by 0.5 miles per hour. On the 9th minute, I increased the speed by another 0.5 miles per hour.)
50 wall-facing squats
(I was hoping that the wall-facing squats would correct my squat position and improve my overhead mobility.)
headstand hold attempts
(I tried.
Though I was successful at holding a modified crow pose with my head on the mat for approximately 10 seconds.)
Bench Press
10 x 15 / 10 x 65 / 10 x 65
(warm-up set)
5 x 105 / 5 x 125 / 5 x 145 / 5 x 155 / 4 x 165
(Man, I was so close.)
15 dumbbell hang clusters (with 30-pound weight/arm)
0.5-mile run (at a 6-minute per mile pace)
Complete 5 rounds. Rest 3 minutes between each round.
(I ran on the treadmill at a constant 6-minute per mile pace. It had been a while since I pushed my lungs during a workout. Lately, whenever I start to breathe the least bit heavy, I slow down. The best part about running on a treadmill is that you cannot slow down. If you slow down, you fall off of the treadmill. I could have attacked the dumbbell clusters with more intensity by completing larger sets at a time, setting more reps for the exercise, or using heavier weights.)
★ / 18 / 46
10-minute run on the treadmill
(I started the warm-up run at a 6.5 miles per hour pace. I finished the warm-up run at a 9 miles per hour pace. Every 2 minutes, I increased the speed by 0.5 miles per hour. On the 9th minute, I increased the speed by another 0.5 miles per hour.)
50 wall-facing squats
(I was hoping that the wall-facing squats would correct my squat position and improve my overhead mobility.)
headstand hold attempts
(I tried.
Though I was successful at holding a modified crow pose with my head on the mat for approximately 10 seconds.)
Bench Press
10 x 15 / 10 x 65 / 10 x 65
(warm-up set)
5 x 105 / 5 x 125 / 5 x 145 / 5 x 155 / 4 x 165
(Man, I was so close.)
15 dumbbell hang clusters (with 30-pound weight/arm)
0.5-mile run (at a 6-minute per mile pace)
Complete 5 rounds. Rest 3 minutes between each round.
(I ran on the treadmill at a constant 6-minute per mile pace. It had been a while since I pushed my lungs during a workout. Lately, whenever I start to breathe the least bit heavy, I slow down. The best part about running on a treadmill is that you cannot slow down. If you slow down, you fall off of the treadmill. I could have attacked the dumbbell clusters with more intensity by completing larger sets at a time, setting more reps for the exercise, or using heavier weights.)
★ / 18 / 46
16 DAY 210
We went on a cruise tonight up and down the Hudson River. All I wanted to do was to sit alone on the terrace, feel the wind, and not talk.
★ / 57.44
★ / 57.44
16 DAY 209
Warm Up
AMRAP (8:00)
8 barbell good-mornings (with 95-pound weight)
8 kipping pull-ups
8 bent over rows (with 95-pound weight)
0:30 headstand hold
8 kettlebell front squat
(First time back in class in two weeks since my back injury, I was afraid to use my body. The 95-pound weight felt heavy. During the first round of barbell good-mornings, I had trouble cleaning the weight to the front rack position, and pressing then lowering the bar onto my back. I had trouble with the headstand hold. My coach walked over, insensitively asked, "is that how I was doing it?" Dude, I do not just instantaneously learn a movement after looking at one demonstration. In addition, I have always struggled with upper body movement. I was not surprised that I could not hold a headstand.
All in all, my body felt weak today.)
Back Squat
5 x 45 / 5 x 135 / 5 x 185 / 2 x 275
(warm-up set)
3 x 275 / 3 x 275 / 3 x 275 / 2 x 275 / 3 x 265
(In BWOD, I had completed 6 x 3 x 270, 7 x 2 x 275, and 7 x 2 x 280. I was disappointed that I failed a rep tonight. It was a little embarrassing too.)
max effort toes-to-bars
front rack walking lunges (with 115-pound weight)
For the front rack walking lunges, walk from one end of the classroom to the other end of the classroom. Complete 3 rounds.
(I respectively completed 15, 10, and 10 toes-to-bars. I was surprised at how not easy the front rack walking lunges were. I thought that I was going to kick ass, but I did not. My legs and abs were soft like jelly after the back squats and the toes-to-bars.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46
AMRAP (8:00)
8 barbell good-mornings (with 95-pound weight)
8 kipping pull-ups
8 bent over rows (with 95-pound weight)
0:30 headstand hold
8 kettlebell front squat
(First time back in class in two weeks since my back injury, I was afraid to use my body. The 95-pound weight felt heavy. During the first round of barbell good-mornings, I had trouble cleaning the weight to the front rack position, and pressing then lowering the bar onto my back. I had trouble with the headstand hold. My coach walked over, insensitively asked, "is that how I was doing it?" Dude, I do not just instantaneously learn a movement after looking at one demonstration. In addition, I have always struggled with upper body movement. I was not surprised that I could not hold a headstand.
All in all, my body felt weak today.)
Back Squat
5 x 45 / 5 x 135 / 5 x 185 / 2 x 275
(warm-up set)
3 x 275 / 3 x 275 / 3 x 275 / 2 x 275 / 3 x 265
(In BWOD, I had completed 6 x 3 x 270, 7 x 2 x 275, and 7 x 2 x 280. I was disappointed that I failed a rep tonight. It was a little embarrassing too.)
max effort toes-to-bars
front rack walking lunges (with 115-pound weight)
For the front rack walking lunges, walk from one end of the classroom to the other end of the classroom. Complete 3 rounds.
(I respectively completed 15, 10, and 10 toes-to-bars. I was surprised at how not easy the front rack walking lunges were. I thought that I was going to kick ass, but I did not. My legs and abs were soft like jelly after the back squats and the toes-to-bars.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46
16 DAY 208
The barber is nice, but he does not give haircut as nice as he is.
(37 / 1,000,000)
(37 / 1,000,000)
16 DAY 205
Warm Up
100 air squats
(When I squat, at the bottom position, the knee passes beyond the toes, thus the hip is not extended backward, but rather downward, and the lumbar curve on the back is not maintained. Air squat is one of the fundamental movements in CrossFit, and for good reasons. An improper squat position translates to poor form when barbell cycling. And poor forms lead to injuries. And barbell cycling is just a major part of the CrossFit sport.
I picked up the weight okay. I fully extended the hip and the knee without a problem. Subsequently, I proceeded to lower the bar. My knee was in the way. I looked down to move my knee away from the path. The second I looked down, my back rounded. As I was moving my knee away from the bar, instinctually, I straightened my legs, just slightly, pushing my hip upward, rather than backward. In the process, my back bent more. I successfully lowered the bar. As quickly as I could manage, I repositioned myself. I wanted to make sure that my back was flat before I pick up the weight again. While I was picking up the weight for the second time, I habitually looked down, again, to make sure my knee was away from the bar path. My coach was watching. The owner of the gym was watching. I got nervous. Then again, from the top, I struggled with lowering the bar.
I believe that correcting my squat would tremendously help me with barbell cycling and overhead squat.)
10-minute run
(I started the run at a 6.5 miles per hour pace. I finished the run at a 9.5 miles per hour pace.)
Back Squat
5 x 105 / 5 x 155 / 5 x 175 / 5 x 195 / 5 x 215 / 5 x 225 / 5 x 235 / 5 x 245
(Today, with the back squat, again, I focused on extension of the hip, alignment of the knees and the toes, and maintenance of the lumbar curve.)
0.5-mile run
40 pistol squats (20/leg)
Complete 5 rounds.
(I ran on a treadmill at a constant 7:03/mile pace. I completed the exercise in 31:32.)
★ / 18 / 46
100 air squats
(When I squat, at the bottom position, the knee passes beyond the toes, thus the hip is not extended backward, but rather downward, and the lumbar curve on the back is not maintained. Air squat is one of the fundamental movements in CrossFit, and for good reasons. An improper squat position translates to poor form when barbell cycling. And poor forms lead to injuries. And barbell cycling is just a major part of the CrossFit sport.
I picked up the weight okay. I fully extended the hip and the knee without a problem. Subsequently, I proceeded to lower the bar. My knee was in the way. I looked down to move my knee away from the path. The second I looked down, my back rounded. As I was moving my knee away from the bar, instinctually, I straightened my legs, just slightly, pushing my hip upward, rather than backward. In the process, my back bent more. I successfully lowered the bar. As quickly as I could manage, I repositioned myself. I wanted to make sure that my back was flat before I pick up the weight again. While I was picking up the weight for the second time, I habitually looked down, again, to make sure my knee was away from the bar path. My coach was watching. The owner of the gym was watching. I got nervous. Then again, from the top, I struggled with lowering the bar.
I believe that correcting my squat would tremendously help me with barbell cycling and overhead squat.)
10-minute run
(I started the run at a 6.5 miles per hour pace. I finished the run at a 9.5 miles per hour pace.)
Back Squat
5 x 105 / 5 x 155 / 5 x 175 / 5 x 195 / 5 x 215 / 5 x 225 / 5 x 235 / 5 x 245
(Today, with the back squat, again, I focused on extension of the hip, alignment of the knees and the toes, and maintenance of the lumbar curve.)
0.5-mile run
40 pistol squats (20/leg)
Complete 5 rounds.
(I ran on a treadmill at a constant 7:03/mile pace. I completed the exercise in 31:32.)
★ / 18 / 46
16 DAY 204
Warm Up
10-minute run on the treadmill
(I started at a 6 mile per hour pace. I finished at a 9.5 mile per hour pace.)
Bench Press
10 x 15 / 10 x 65 / 10 x 65
(warm up set)
5 x 105 / 5 x 115 / 5 x 125 / 5 x 135 / 5 x 145 / 5 x 155 / 2 x 165
Bench Press
10 x 115 / 8 x 115 / 6 x 115 / 4 x 115 / 2 x 115
AMRAP (20:00)
5 x Pull-up
10 x Push-up
15 x Sit-up
(I finished 6+2 rounds.)
★ / 18 / 46
10-minute run on the treadmill
(I started at a 6 mile per hour pace. I finished at a 9.5 mile per hour pace.)
Bench Press
10 x 15 / 10 x 65 / 10 x 65
(warm up set)
5 x 105 / 5 x 115 / 5 x 125 / 5 x 135 / 5 x 145 / 5 x 155 / 2 x 165
Bench Press
10 x 115 / 8 x 115 / 6 x 115 / 4 x 115 / 2 x 115
AMRAP (20:00)
5 x Pull-up
10 x Push-up
15 x Sit-up
(I finished 6+2 rounds.)
★ / 18 / 46
16 DAY 203
I ran to the track. I stretched. I ran back to my apartment. I had planned to stay a little longer. I had programmed two workouts. Then, I saw a classmate from my CrossFit class at the track. And I changed my plan.
It was a 1.56-mile run to the track. I ran for 11:34 at a 7:24 per mile pace. It was a 1.10-mile run from the track back to the apartment. I ran for 8:07 at a 7:20 per mile pace.
★ / 18 / 46
It was a 1.56-mile run to the track. I ran for 11:34 at a 7:24 per mile pace. It was a 1.10-mile run from the track back to the apartment. I ran for 8:07 at a 7:20 per mile pace.
★ / 18 / 46
16 DAY 202
Warm Up
5-minute on the Elliptical machine at a conversational pace
20-minute run
Plate Side Bend (with 45-pound plate) (for the duration of the wait for a Smith machine)
Back Squat
10 x 105 (warm up set)
5 x 195 / 5 x 215 / 5 x 235 / 5 x 245 / 5 x 195
Today was a bad squat day, second worst to actually missing a squat day. Warm up set aside, every weight felt heavy.
On the other hand, the run felt great. I ran on the treadmill. I started the run at a 5 mile per hour pace. I gradually increased the pace throughout the run. I finished the run at a 9 mile per hour pace.
★ / 18 / 46
5-minute on the Elliptical machine at a conversational pace
20-minute run
Plate Side Bend (with 45-pound plate) (for the duration of the wait for a Smith machine)
Back Squat
10 x 105 (warm up set)
5 x 195 / 5 x 215 / 5 x 235 / 5 x 245 / 5 x 195
Today was a bad squat day, second worst to actually missing a squat day. Warm up set aside, every weight felt heavy.
On the other hand, the run felt great. I ran on the treadmill. I started the run at a 5 mile per hour pace. I gradually increased the pace throughout the run. I finished the run at a 9 mile per hour pace.
★ / 18 / 46
16 DAY 201
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
5 x 8 x 35/arm
Dumbbell Bench Press
1 x 8 x 55/arm / 4 x 8 x 50/arm
I told myself that I would not go back to class until my back is fully recovered. I simply cannot afford to injure my back a third time. I am still feeling discomforts in my lower back. The second injury did not hit as hard as the first injury, but is making a lasting impact. I called to schedule an appointment with a doctor at the NYU Medical Center in the coming week to have my back examined. I have read many horror stories online regarding lower back injuries since the second accident. I am praying for a quick, full recovery. I miss good health.
★ / 18 / 46
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
5 x 8 x 35/arm
Dumbbell Bench Press
1 x 8 x 55/arm / 4 x 8 x 50/arm
I told myself that I would not go back to class until my back is fully recovered. I simply cannot afford to injure my back a third time. I am still feeling discomforts in my lower back. The second injury did not hit as hard as the first injury, but is making a lasting impact. I called to schedule an appointment with a doctor at the NYU Medical Center in the coming week to have my back examined. I have read many horror stories online regarding lower back injuries since the second accident. I am praying for a quick, full recovery. I miss good health.
★ / 18 / 46
16 DAY 200
Stairs (45:00)
Run/walk from the fifth floor down to the lobby. Run back up to the fifth floor from the lobby. Complete 20 rounds.
I completed the 100-story run in approximately 42:28.
★ / 18 / 46
Stairs (45:00)
Run/walk from the fifth floor down to the lobby. Run back up to the fifth floor from the lobby. Complete 20 rounds.
I completed the 100-story run in approximately 42:28.
★ / 18 / 46
16 DAY 199
Warm Up
5-minute walk on the stair climber.
A selection of warm up exercises to stretch out my lower back.
Bench Press
10 x 15 / 10 x 65 / 10 x 65 (warm up sets)
5 x 105 / 5 x 115 / 5 x 125 / 5 x 135 / 5 x 145 / 5 x 155 / 3 x 160 / 5 x 160
Bench Press
5 x 8 x 110
30 Pull-ups
Unlike my last session, I completed all of the 30 pull-ups without assistance weight. Similar to my last session, I completed the pull-ups in sets of 2.
My lower back is feeling a lot better. The pain has subsided. Better safe than sorry, I have decided to schedule an appointment with a doctor to have my back examined. I hope I do not have a herniated disc.
★ / 18 / 46
5-minute walk on the stair climber.
A selection of warm up exercises to stretch out my lower back.
Bench Press
10 x 15 / 10 x 65 / 10 x 65 (warm up sets)
5 x 105 / 5 x 115 / 5 x 125 / 5 x 135 / 5 x 145 / 5 x 155 / 3 x 160 / 5 x 160
Bench Press
5 x 8 x 110
30 Pull-ups
Unlike my last session, I completed all of the 30 pull-ups without assistance weight. Similar to my last session, I completed the pull-ups in sets of 2.
My lower back is feeling a lot better. The pain has subsided. Better safe than sorry, I have decided to schedule an appointment with a doctor to have my back examined. I hope I do not have a herniated disc.
★ / 18 / 46
16 DAY 198
Five of us went to Golden Unicorn for dim sum this morning. The food was delicious.
16 DAY 196
Two injuries in three weeks. The past month of training has been rough. My start to EWOD has not been too hot.
The pain was worse than the pain from the previous injury, approximately two weeks ago. I could not focus at work today due to the immense pain. I am planning to temporarily cut deadlift out of my fitness diet until I am more comfortable with the movement. All in all, it is not worth it to get injured and take time off to recover when I could have used lighter weight, maintained proper form, stayed healthy, and train for the days I took off to recover. These two injuries are two lessons learned the hard way.
I am improving at a steady speed. I need to be patient, and I will get to where I want to be.
18 / 46
The pain was worse than the pain from the previous injury, approximately two weeks ago. I could not focus at work today due to the immense pain. I am planning to temporarily cut deadlift out of my fitness diet until I am more comfortable with the movement. All in all, it is not worth it to get injured and take time off to recover when I could have used lighter weight, maintained proper form, stayed healthy, and train for the days I took off to recover. These two injuries are two lessons learned the hard way.
I am improving at a steady speed. I need to be patient, and I will get to where I want to be.
18 / 46
16 DAY 195
Warm Up
A diverse selection of barbell warm-up exercises.
Power Clean, from the hip
3 x 65 / 3 x 85 / 3 x 95 / 3 x 115 / 3 x 135 / 3 x 135
50 front rack reverse lunges, 25/leg (with 95-pound weight)
40 sit-ups
30 power cleans (with 95-pound weight)
20 thrusters (with 95-pound weight)
10 burpees
I completed the conditioning workout in 11:20. Front rack reverse lunges and sit-ups were easy. I wanted to complete the lunges unbroken, however, I had to put down the bar/weight at rep 37, when I started to lose grip. Power cleans were manageable. The 20 thrusters took as long as 4 minutes to complete. On my 10th thruster, a pain shock down from my upper back to my lower back. My lower back has been in pain since. I did not want to admit it. It is possible that I hurt my back again Monday night during deadlift. That 10th thruster pushed my already weakened back over the edge. Burpees were manageable.
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46
A diverse selection of barbell warm-up exercises.
Power Clean, from the hip
3 x 65 / 3 x 85 / 3 x 95 / 3 x 115 / 3 x 135 / 3 x 135
50 front rack reverse lunges, 25/leg (with 95-pound weight)
40 sit-ups
30 power cleans (with 95-pound weight)
20 thrusters (with 95-pound weight)
10 burpees
I completed the conditioning workout in 11:20. Front rack reverse lunges and sit-ups were easy. I wanted to complete the lunges unbroken, however, I had to put down the bar/weight at rep 37, when I started to lose grip. Power cleans were manageable. The 20 thrusters took as long as 4 minutes to complete. On my 10th thruster, a pain shock down from my upper back to my lower back. My lower back has been in pain since. I did not want to admit it. It is possible that I hurt my back again Monday night during deadlift. That 10th thruster pushed my already weakened back over the edge. Burpees were manageable.
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46
16 DAY 194
Warm Up
AMRAP (10:00)
10 cossack squats
10 kettlebell windmills
10 jump squats (partial squats)
0:05 plank / 0:05 side plank / 0:05 back plank / 0:05 side plank
Push Press
5 x 95 / 4 x 115 / 3 x 125 / 2 x 135 / 1 x 145 / 1 x 150
EMOM (18:00)
Minute 1, x strict handstand push-ups
Minute 2, x strict toe-to-bars
Minute 3, x unbroken double unders
Pick a number for each exercise. Goal is maintain the same number of reps for each exercise throughout the 18:00 EMOM.
(I scaled strict handstand push-ups with elevated push-ups. I respectively selected 8, 7, and 10 reps for the three exercises.)
I PR-ed my push press today with the 145 and the 150-pound weights.
The conditioning session. I attempted at holding a handstand, but was not successful. On the other hand, the handstand kick up felt good today. I was confident that if I had more time, I would have succeeded at holding a handstand, and maybe even completing a handstand negative. Elevated push-ups felt easier than regular push-ups. The 7 toe-to-bars were unchallenging. Double unders were tough as usual. Not being able to correctly perform double unders really takes away from the whole workout. I did, however, complete 25 unbroken double unders in the last round.
★ / 18 / 46
AMRAP (10:00)
10 cossack squats
10 kettlebell windmills
10 jump squats (partial squats)
0:05 plank / 0:05 side plank / 0:05 back plank / 0:05 side plank
Push Press
5 x 95 / 4 x 115 / 3 x 125 / 2 x 135 / 1 x 145 / 1 x 150
EMOM (18:00)
Minute 1, x strict handstand push-ups
Minute 2, x strict toe-to-bars
Minute 3, x unbroken double unders
Pick a number for each exercise. Goal is maintain the same number of reps for each exercise throughout the 18:00 EMOM.
(I scaled strict handstand push-ups with elevated push-ups. I respectively selected 8, 7, and 10 reps for the three exercises.)
I PR-ed my push press today with the 145 and the 150-pound weights.
The conditioning session. I attempted at holding a handstand, but was not successful. On the other hand, the handstand kick up felt good today. I was confident that if I had more time, I would have succeeded at holding a handstand, and maybe even completing a handstand negative. Elevated push-ups felt easier than regular push-ups. The 7 toe-to-bars were unchallenging. Double unders were tough as usual. Not being able to correctly perform double unders really takes away from the whole workout. I did, however, complete 25 unbroken double unders in the last round.
★ / 18 / 46
16 DAY 193
Warm Up
AMRAP (10:00)
0:30 ?
8 push-ups
10 single-legged deadlift (per leg)
0:30 ? (per leg)
8 ?
(Not sure the name of some of the warm up exercises)
EMOM (10:00)
2 x 2 x 245 / 8 x 2 x 225
From Russia with Love + Chin-ups (8:00)
150 Russian kettlebell swings (with 30-kilogram kettlebell)
Complete 3 chin-ups at the beginning of each minute.
(Scaled From Russia with Love with 24-kilogram kettlebell)
50 Push-ups
First and foremost, there was no excuse for my poor form today. It is something that I desperately need to work on. I felt tremendously embarrassed and defeated today. I was very emotional. I finished the scaled conditioning session of the workout in approximately 7:30.
"Your coach does not know your body like you know your body."
★ / 18 / 46
AMRAP (10:00)
0:30 ?
8 push-ups
10 single-legged deadlift (per leg)
0:30 ? (per leg)
8 ?
(Not sure the name of some of the warm up exercises)
EMOM (10:00)
2 x 2 x 245 / 8 x 2 x 225
From Russia with Love + Chin-ups (8:00)
150 Russian kettlebell swings (with 30-kilogram kettlebell)
Complete 3 chin-ups at the beginning of each minute.
(Scaled From Russia with Love with 24-kilogram kettlebell)
50 Push-ups
First and foremost, there was no excuse for my poor form today. It is something that I desperately need to work on. I felt tremendously embarrassed and defeated today. I was very emotional. I finished the scaled conditioning session of the workout in approximately 7:30.
"Your coach does not know your body like you know your body."
★ / 18 / 46
16 DAY 192
I attended a birthday picnic in Central Park today.
Central Park was beautiful today.
Central Park was beautiful today.
16 DAY 191
Warm Up
Bench Press
10 x 15 / 10 x 65 / 10 x 65
Bench Press
5 x 105 / 5 x 115 / 5 x 125 / 5 x 135 / 5 x 145 / 5 x 150 / 5 x 155 / 3 x 160
Bench Press
5 x 8 x 105
30 Pull-ups
I felt shitty about missing class today.
During my last bench press session, I peaked at 3 x 145. I was thrilled with the multiple PRs today. More so, I was ecstatic with the quick improvements that I had made over the past few months. Unlike the last time I bench pressed, I took my time resting between sets. As for the pull-ups, they were challenging as usual. I scaled the last 10 pull-ups with 25-pound assistance weight.
★ / 18 / 46
Bench Press
10 x 15 / 10 x 65 / 10 x 65
Bench Press
5 x 105 / 5 x 115 / 5 x 125 / 5 x 135 / 5 x 145 / 5 x 150 / 5 x 155 / 3 x 160
Bench Press
5 x 8 x 105
30 Pull-ups
I felt shitty about missing class today.
During my last bench press session, I peaked at 3 x 145. I was thrilled with the multiple PRs today. More so, I was ecstatic with the quick improvements that I had made over the past few months. Unlike the last time I bench pressed, I took my time resting between sets. As for the pull-ups, they were challenging as usual. I scaled the last 10 pull-ups with 25-pound assistance weight.
★ / 18 / 46
16 DAY 190
Warm Up
10 x Muscle Clean
10 x Push Press
10 x Above Parallel Overhead Squat
10 x Overhead Squat
Overhead Squat (5:00 + 7:00)
3 x 65 / 3 x 85 / 3 x 95 / 3 x 100 / 3 x 95 / 3 x 105
Conditioning (12:00)
1000-meter row
50 x thruster (with 45-pound bar)
30 x pull-up
500-meter row
I meant to attempt at a new personal record weight today for the overhead squat. My previous overhead squat record was 115-pound. However, I did the math incorrectly while putting on the weights. Anyways, I did not achieve a new personal record today. As for Jackie, this was my second exposure to the WOD. The first time, I scaled the pull-up portion of the workout with a green assistance band. Today, I completed the workout Rx. I completed the workout in 11:56, 4 seconds under the time cap, 2 seconds over my previous time. Overall, today's class was nice and easy. I was content with my performance today.
★ / 18 / 46
10 x Muscle Clean
10 x Push Press
10 x Above Parallel Overhead Squat
10 x Overhead Squat
Overhead Squat (5:00 + 7:00)
3 x 65 / 3 x 85 / 3 x 95 / 3 x 100 / 3 x 95 / 3 x 105
Conditioning (12:00)
1000-meter row
50 x thruster (with 45-pound bar)
30 x pull-up
500-meter row
I meant to attempt at a new personal record weight today for the overhead squat. My previous overhead squat record was 115-pound. However, I did the math incorrectly while putting on the weights. Anyways, I did not achieve a new personal record today. As for Jackie, this was my second exposure to the WOD. The first time, I scaled the pull-up portion of the workout with a green assistance band. Today, I completed the workout Rx. I completed the workout in 11:56, 4 seconds under the time cap, 2 seconds over my previous time. Overall, today's class was nice and easy. I was content with my performance today.
★ / 18 / 46
16 DAY 189
Warm Up
A diverse selection of dynamic warm up exercises.
10 x Jump Squat
100-meter run
Complete 12 rounds. Rest as your partner work.
My partner and I completed the workout in approximately 20:00.
★ / 18 / 46
A diverse selection of dynamic warm up exercises.
10 x Jump Squat
100-meter run
Complete 12 rounds. Rest as your partner work.
My partner and I completed the workout in approximately 20:00.
★ / 18 / 46
16 DAY 188
3 x Back Squat (50% - 60% of 1 RM Back Squat)
250-meter Row Sprint
Complete 1 round every 4 minutes. Complete 10 rounds.
Dumbbell Bench Press
5 x 8 x (50 + 50)
Bicep Curl
3 x 5 x 25 per arm / 3 x 5 x 22.5 per arm
Today's workout was nice and easy.
I used 185-pound weight for the back squats. I rowed under a minute for each of the 250-meter row sprints.
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46
3 x Back Squat (50% - 60% of 1 RM Back Squat)
250-meter Row Sprint
Complete 1 round every 4 minutes. Complete 10 rounds.
Dumbbell Bench Press
5 x 8 x (50 + 50)
Bicep Curl
3 x 5 x 25 per arm / 3 x 5 x 22.5 per arm
Today's workout was nice and easy.
I used 185-pound weight for the back squats. I rowed under a minute for each of the 250-meter row sprints.
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46
He asked if I could swipe him into the subway station. I said yes.
(36 / 1,000,000)
(36 / 1,000,000)
16 DAY 187
I woke up from a nap, walked to the barber shop, and got my hair cut.
(35 / 1,000,000)
(35 / 1,000,000)
16 DAY 186
Morning AMRAP (20:00)
5 burpees (with full range of motion push-ups)
100-meter run
20 double unders
Afternoon AMRAP (20:00)
3 wall walks (substituted for 5 pike push-ups)
10 push-ups
15 sit-ups
I respectively completed 5+108 and 6+9 rounds of the morning and afternoon AMRAPs. For the morning AMRAP, I had a hard time with the double unders. In addition to my lack of skill, the sun-roasted, black asphalt track was scorching hot to jump on barefoot, making the already tough double unders even tougher. Running on the burning tar was not fun neither. As for the afternoon AMRAP, I was creating too much noise with the wall walks, particularly due to my less than graceful landings. Midway through the workout, I substituted the wall walks with pike push-ups.
18 / 46
Morning AMRAP (20:00)
5 burpees (with full range of motion push-ups)
100-meter run
20 double unders
Afternoon AMRAP (20:00)
3 wall walks (substituted for 5 pike push-ups)
10 push-ups
15 sit-ups
I respectively completed 5+108 and 6+9 rounds of the morning and afternoon AMRAPs. For the morning AMRAP, I had a hard time with the double unders. In addition to my lack of skill, the sun-roasted, black asphalt track was scorching hot to jump on barefoot, making the already tough double unders even tougher. Running on the burning tar was not fun neither. As for the afternoon AMRAP, I was creating too much noise with the wall walks, particularly due to my less than graceful landings. Midway through the workout, I substituted the wall walks with pike push-ups.
18 / 46
I hung out with my Dad on Independence Day. We watched firework by the Charles River. Demi Lovato and Nick Jonas performed at the pre-show.
16 DAY 185
Warm Up
A selection of warm up exercises to stretch out my lower back.
AMRAP (20:00)
5 push-ups
10 sit-ups
20 pistol squats (10 pistol squats per leg)
Skill Work
handstand kick-ups
assisted handstand walk
100 x power jump
Boston weather is greater than New York weather.
I completed 8+6 rounds of the AMRAP. Pistol squats were particularly tough with a sore back. I was hoping to cycle through the pistol squats a lot faster than I did.
Then, I sun-bathed. In freedom.
★ / 18 / 46
A selection of warm up exercises to stretch out my lower back.
AMRAP (20:00)
5 push-ups
10 sit-ups
20 pistol squats (10 pistol squats per leg)
Skill Work
handstand kick-ups
assisted handstand walk
100 x power jump
Boston weather is greater than New York weather.
I completed 8+6 rounds of the AMRAP. Pistol squats were particularly tough with a sore back. I was hoping to cycle through the pistol squats a lot faster than I did.
Then, I sun-bathed. In freedom.
★ / 18 / 46
16 DAY 184
The bus was nearly full. A father walked onto the bus with his young son. The father could not find two neighboring seats for him and his son. He approached me, and asked if I could move and bundle up with another passenger, so he could sit next to his son. I agreed to move.
(33 / 1,000,000)
(33 / 1,000,000)
16 DAY 183
An old co-worker and I attended our first Mets game this Friday at Citi Field in Flushing, Queens. The game was halted and delayed two times midway due to heavy rain. The Mets ultimately beat the Cubs 10-2. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at the game.
★ / 57.44
★ / 57.44