16 DAY 366
The fever has subsided. I still get a little lightheaded when I stand, and my stomach is still turning. But, all in all, I feel a lot better than I did the night before.
I am watching Titantic right now. I first saw Titantic when I was about 9 years old.
2017 will be a good year.
I am watching Titantic right now. I first saw Titantic when I was about 9 years old.
2017 will be a good year.
I got a haircut today. My hair is thinner than ever.
(56 / 1,000,000)
(56 / 1,000,000)
16 DAY 365
I caught a fever. I am not too sad. I do not have New Year's Eve plans. This worked out.
My wrist is bruised. There is a bump. It hurts a little. I think I hurt my wrist yesterday while trying to crack it.
Am I farther along?
My breakthroughs this year:
1) I started CrossFit.
2) I finally went forth with the plastic surgery.
3) I finished my orthodontist treatment that I started last summer.
My wrist is bruised. There is a bump. It hurts a little. I think I hurt my wrist yesterday while trying to crack it.
Am I farther along?
My breakthroughs this year:
1) I started CrossFit.
2) I finally went forth with the plastic surgery.
3) I finished my orthodontist treatment that I started last summer.
I donated a dollar to some organization on Friday.
(57 / 1,000,000)
(57 / 1,000,000)
16 DAY 364
Warm Up
3-minute walk on the treadmill (at 3.5 mile/hour pace)
7-minute run on the treadmill
(Start run at 7 mile/hour pace. Increase speed by 1 mile/hour every 2 minutes. Increase speed by another 1 mile/hour at the ninth minute. Finish run at 10 mile/hour.)
Strength I
Lat Pull-down (machine)
5 x 6 x 100
Pike Push-up
5 x 6
Alternate a set of lat pull-down with a set of pike push-up. Complete each superset in 3 minutes.
(I switched the one arm dumbbell strict press for pike push-up. One arm dumbbell strict press was hurting my back.)
Strength II
AMRAP (10:00)
3 x Strict Pull-up
3 x Strict Dip
(I completed 6+2 rounds.)
50-40-30-20-10 x calorie run (on treadmill, at 10.1 mile/hour pace.)
50-40-30-20-10 x air squat
(I did not time the workout.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
3-minute walk on the treadmill (at 3.5 mile/hour pace)
7-minute run on the treadmill
(Start run at 7 mile/hour pace. Increase speed by 1 mile/hour every 2 minutes. Increase speed by another 1 mile/hour at the ninth minute. Finish run at 10 mile/hour.)
Strength I
Lat Pull-down (machine)
5 x 6 x 100
Pike Push-up
5 x 6
Alternate a set of lat pull-down with a set of pike push-up. Complete each superset in 3 minutes.
(I switched the one arm dumbbell strict press for pike push-up. One arm dumbbell strict press was hurting my back.)
Strength II
AMRAP (10:00)
3 x Strict Pull-up
3 x Strict Dip
(I completed 6+2 rounds.)
50-40-30-20-10 x calorie run (on treadmill, at 10.1 mile/hour pace.)
50-40-30-20-10 x air squat
(I did not time the workout.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 363
Warm Up
3-minute walk on the treadmill (at 3.5 mile/hour pace)
7-minute run on the treadmill
(Start run at 7 mile/hour pace. Increase speed by 1 mile/hour every 2 minutes. Increase speed by another 1 mile/hour at the ninth minute. Finish run at 10 mile/hour.)
Lat Pull-down (machine)
5 x 5 x 100
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
5 x 5/arm x 40
Alternate a set of lat pull-down with a set of one arm dumbbell strict press. Complete each superset in 3 minutes.
(I am still having trouble isolating the pressing movement with the left shoulder. The shoulder is better, but still needs work. My lower back is pretty angry right now.)
1:00 Plank (at max effort)
0.25-mile run on the treadmill (at 10.1 mile/hour pace)
1:00 Dumbbell Hang Clean (at max effort with 2 25-pound dumbbells)
1:00 Dumbbell Overhead Lunge (at max effort with 2 25-pound dumbbells)
Complete 3 rounds. Rest as needed.
(I respectively completed 20, 20, and 21 hang cleans, and 10, 10, and 12 overhead lunges for the three rounds.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
3-minute walk on the treadmill (at 3.5 mile/hour pace)
7-minute run on the treadmill
(Start run at 7 mile/hour pace. Increase speed by 1 mile/hour every 2 minutes. Increase speed by another 1 mile/hour at the ninth minute. Finish run at 10 mile/hour.)
Lat Pull-down (machine)
5 x 5 x 100
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
5 x 5/arm x 40
Alternate a set of lat pull-down with a set of one arm dumbbell strict press. Complete each superset in 3 minutes.
(I am still having trouble isolating the pressing movement with the left shoulder. The shoulder is better, but still needs work. My lower back is pretty angry right now.)
1:00 Plank (at max effort)
0.25-mile run on the treadmill (at 10.1 mile/hour pace)
1:00 Dumbbell Hang Clean (at max effort with 2 25-pound dumbbells)
1:00 Dumbbell Overhead Lunge (at max effort with 2 25-pound dumbbells)
Complete 3 rounds. Rest as needed.
(I respectively completed 20, 20, and 21 hang cleans, and 10, 10, and 12 overhead lunges for the three rounds.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 361
Warm Up
~1-mile run
(I finally got my lazy ass out of the house.)
8 x 100-meter Sprint
Sprint the straight section of the track. Walk the curved section of the track.
(I managed to maintain the same speed throughout the first 7 runs, working at 100% effort. The eighth run felt slower. All in all, I was content.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
~1-mile run
(I finally got my lazy ass out of the house.)
8 x 100-meter Sprint
Sprint the straight section of the track. Walk the curved section of the track.
(I managed to maintain the same speed throughout the first 7 runs, working at 100% effort. The eighth run felt slower. All in all, I was content.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 360
My brother and I went out for brunch at Tulip, a local Chinese restaurant.
Merry Christmas.
(54 / 1,000,000)
★ / 80
Merry Christmas.
(54 / 1,000,000)
★ / 80
16 DAY 358
Active Recovery
~3.7-mile run and walk
(I wanted to drop in at a local CrossFit gym, CrossFit Woburn of Woburn, Massachusetts. My parents took both cars. I did not care. I figured that I could just run to the gym. Man, I cannot run anymore. Earlier this year, right when I began CrossFit, I weighed approximately 165 pounds. I currently weigh 195 pounds. I simply cannot move like I used to.
I turned around midway and went home.)
Goals for 2017
Back Squat
Current PR - 310
Goal for 2017- 350
40-pound PR
(I think that is a comfortable goal. I recently squatted 310 pounds with ease. I am confident that I can squat 350 pounds by the end of 2017.)
Front Squat
Current PR - 245
Goal for 2017 - 300
55-pound PR
(This goal is a little more intimidating. Front squat is intimidating. I need to work on my front rack position. I think it is probable with a stronger front rack position.)
Current PR - 245
Goal for 2017 - > Back Squat
> 100-pound PR
(Do not doubt me. You would be surprised.)
Current PR - 120
Goal for 2017 - 165
45-pound PR
(I surprised myself two weeks ago during an in class snatch EMOM. This is another intimidating goal, but not entirely out of reach.)
Clean and Jerk
Current PR - 145
Goal for 2017 - 185
40-pound PR
(I struggle with overhead movements due to a tight left shoulder. I am doing a lot of shoulder mobility work on my own. Once my shoulder mobility improves and with a stronger front rack position, I believe this is attainable.)
Current PR - 205
Goal for 2017 - 245
40-pound PR
Bench Press
Current PR - 170 (with Smith Machine) / 5 x 5 x 160 (a set every 5 minutes, paired with another exercise, with Smith Machine)
Goal for 2017 - 225 (with free weight) / 103. 5 x 5 x 180 (a set every 3 minutes, with free weight)
Current PR - 8
Goal for 2017 - 25 / Comfortably perform pull-ups in a WOD
17-rep PR
(The most pull-ups I have completed unbroken is 8 reps. My goal is to be able to complete 25 strict pull-ups unbroken by the end of 2017. In addition, I currently find WODs with large volume of pull-ups every intimidating. Hopefully by the end of 2017, I would be more confident and comfortable with WODs with pull-ups.)
1-mile Run
Current PR - 6:14
Goal for 2017 - 18. < 6:00
> 0:14 PR
(This is a PR from high school. It is time to set a new PR.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
~3.7-mile run and walk
(I wanted to drop in at a local CrossFit gym, CrossFit Woburn of Woburn, Massachusetts. My parents took both cars. I did not care. I figured that I could just run to the gym. Man, I cannot run anymore. Earlier this year, right when I began CrossFit, I weighed approximately 165 pounds. I currently weigh 195 pounds. I simply cannot move like I used to.
I turned around midway and went home.)
Goals for 2017
Back Squat
Current PR - 310
Goal for 2017- 350
40-pound PR
(I think that is a comfortable goal. I recently squatted 310 pounds with ease. I am confident that I can squat 350 pounds by the end of 2017.)
Front Squat
Current PR - 245
Goal for 2017 - 300
55-pound PR
(This goal is a little more intimidating. Front squat is intimidating. I need to work on my front rack position. I think it is probable with a stronger front rack position.)
Current PR - 245
Goal for 2017 - > Back Squat
> 100-pound PR
(Do not doubt me. You would be surprised.)
Current PR - 120
Goal for 2017 - 165
45-pound PR
(I surprised myself two weeks ago during an in class snatch EMOM. This is another intimidating goal, but not entirely out of reach.)
Clean and Jerk
Current PR - 145
Goal for 2017 - 185
40-pound PR
(I struggle with overhead movements due to a tight left shoulder. I am doing a lot of shoulder mobility work on my own. Once my shoulder mobility improves and with a stronger front rack position, I believe this is attainable.)
Current PR - 205
Goal for 2017 - 245
40-pound PR
Bench Press
Current PR - 170 (with Smith Machine) / 5 x 5 x 160 (a set every 5 minutes, paired with another exercise, with Smith Machine)
Goal for 2017 - 225 (with free weight) / 103. 5 x 5 x 180 (a set every 3 minutes, with free weight)
Current PR - 8
Goal for 2017 - 25 / Comfortably perform pull-ups in a WOD
17-rep PR
(The most pull-ups I have completed unbroken is 8 reps. My goal is to be able to complete 25 strict pull-ups unbroken by the end of 2017. In addition, I currently find WODs with large volume of pull-ups every intimidating. Hopefully by the end of 2017, I would be more confident and comfortable with WODs with pull-ups.)
1-mile Run
Current PR - 6:14
Goal for 2017 - 18. < 6:00
> 0:14 PR
(This is a PR from high school. It is time to set a new PR.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 356
Warm Up
A bunch of crap.
21-18-15-12-9 x Russian Kettlebell Swing (with 32-kilogram kettlebell)
21-18-15-12-9 x Goblet Squat (with 32-kilogram kettlbell)
Row for Calorie (at max effort)
21-18-15-12-9 x Sit Up
21-18-15-12-9 x Burpee
(This looked like a tough workout. However, I never expected to perform as poorly as I did. My core and legs were shaking during those goblet squats. I finished the Russian kettlebell swings and the goblet squats just under the time cap. I had no strategy on the rower. I averaged under 500 calories a hour on the rower. I eventually gave up. I figured that I could rest on the rower and give whatever I had left on the sit ups and the burpees. It turned out that there was not much left. I had a tough time with the sit up and an even tougher time with the burpees. I was only on the round of 15s before reaching the time cap.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
A bunch of crap.
21-18-15-12-9 x Russian Kettlebell Swing (with 32-kilogram kettlebell)
21-18-15-12-9 x Goblet Squat (with 32-kilogram kettlbell)
Row for Calorie (at max effort)
21-18-15-12-9 x Sit Up
21-18-15-12-9 x Burpee
(This looked like a tough workout. However, I never expected to perform as poorly as I did. My core and legs were shaking during those goblet squats. I finished the Russian kettlebell swings and the goblet squats just under the time cap. I had no strategy on the rower. I averaged under 500 calories a hour on the rower. I eventually gave up. I figured that I could rest on the rower and give whatever I had left on the sit ups and the burpees. It turned out that there was not much left. I had a tough time with the sit up and an even tougher time with the burpees. I was only on the round of 15s before reaching the time cap.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 355
I left work early again tonight to check out two apartments in Queens. The trip was unfruitful.
Warm Up
Mobility work with blue band
(I really like the mobility work with the band.)
I warmed up on my own before class started. I practiced double unders. I completely lost my rhythm during my October break. I still cannot find it.
I was running on 8 almonds and a mouthful of honey. I just knew that the class was going to suck before it started.)
E2MO2M (16:00)
1 x Hang Snatch Pull + 1 x Hang Snatch
65 / 75 / 85 / 95 / 105 (F/P) / 115 (F/F) / 110 (F/F) / 95 (F/F)
(I missed my first attempt at the 105-pound weight. I caught my second attempt from the ground. Subsequently, I missed every following lift. I was frustrated. I was fast. And with me, speed equates sloppiness. I had to partner up with another person tonight. I was not too happy about that neither.
My coach caught something that he did not catch last week - my weight was all in the knees. The left shoulder is the culprit. I still have trouble sitting back at the bottom of my overhead squat. I have snatched better.)
2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2 x Push Press (with 95-pound weight)
2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2 x Box Jump Over (with 24-inch box)
(I completed the MetCon in 6:55. The push presses felt light following the snatches. Still, they were sloppy. All in all, I was content with my performance.
In the hindsight, I think I was performing push jerks instead of push presses.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
Mobility work with blue band
(I really like the mobility work with the band.)
I warmed up on my own before class started. I practiced double unders. I completely lost my rhythm during my October break. I still cannot find it.
I was running on 8 almonds and a mouthful of honey. I just knew that the class was going to suck before it started.)
E2MO2M (16:00)
1 x Hang Snatch Pull + 1 x Hang Snatch
65 / 75 / 85 / 95 / 105 (F/P) / 115 (F/F) / 110 (F/F) / 95 (F/F)
(I missed my first attempt at the 105-pound weight. I caught my second attempt from the ground. Subsequently, I missed every following lift. I was frustrated. I was fast. And with me, speed equates sloppiness. I had to partner up with another person tonight. I was not too happy about that neither.
My coach caught something that he did not catch last week - my weight was all in the knees. The left shoulder is the culprit. I still have trouble sitting back at the bottom of my overhead squat. I have snatched better.)
2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2 x Push Press (with 95-pound weight)
2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2 x Box Jump Over (with 24-inch box)
(I completed the MetCon in 6:55. The push presses felt light following the snatches. Still, they were sloppy. All in all, I was content with my performance.
In the hindsight, I think I was performing push jerks instead of push presses.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 354
I left work early tonight and skipped gym to check out two apartments in Brooklyn. It was a disappointing night. First, my phone died. The first apartment was nice. However, it was too far from Manhattan. The landlord gave me a bad vibe. After my first visit, I wandered down Saint Mark's Avenue. I saw a doorman through the window of an apartment building. I walked inside and asked the doorman for a iPhone charger. The doorman was not helpful. From the apartment, I made a turn onto Nostrand Avenue. I walked into a Chinese restaurant, but was too shy to ask the owner of the restaurant for a charger. Subsequently, I walked by a coffee shop. I saw many computers, tablets, and phones. I walked in. A man was nice enough to lend me his charger. After my phone was charged, I walked to a nearby bus stop. I farted while I was waiting for the bus. A woman walked by, heard my fart, and began to speak to me about the health benefits of farting. The bus ride was a long one. The second apartment we checked out was tiny.
I feel defeated today.
I feel defeated today.
I gave up my seat on the train for a pregnant woman tonight.
(55 / 1,000,000)
(55 / 1,000,000)
16 DAY 353
I met up with a friend today. We did some online apartment hunting at a Starbucks in Midtown, Manhattan.
Rest day.
I really wanted to take the Olympic lifting class this morning. However, I was exhausted mentally and physically. I was sleepy. I was sore from Monday and Tuesday's snatches, Thursday's bear complex, Friday's Cindy and Saturday's open gym.
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
I really wanted to take the Olympic lifting class this morning. However, I was exhausted mentally and physically. I was sleepy. I was sore from Monday and Tuesday's snatches, Thursday's bear complex, Friday's Cindy and Saturday's open gym.
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 352
Warm Up
10 x ass-to-grass-ish air squat (with pause at the bottom of squat)
10 x back squat (with empty bar)
10 x front squat (with empty bar)
5 x behind-the-neck sots press (with empty bar)
5 x front rack sots press (with empty bar)
interim front rack position stretches
Strength I
Back Squat
5 x 135 / 5 x 185
(warm up set)
5 x 8 x 230
Box Jump
5 x 8 x 36-inch
Alternate a set of back squat with a set of box jump. Respectively complete each superset in 4, 5, 4, 5, and 4 minutes.
(First and foremost, pajama pants is not optimal for squats. My pants was limiting my range of motion. My squats did not feel pretty today. I was so terrfied that my pants was going to rip at the bottom of one of the squats. I was not wearing any underwear. 9,200 total poundage today, and 1,140 total inches.)
Strength II
5 x 8 x 190
Strict Toes-to-Bar
5 x 7
Alternate a set of deadlift with a set of strict toes-to-bar. Complete each superset in 4 minutes.
(Easy. 5 x 8 x 195 and 5 x 8 respectively for next session's deadlift and toes-to-bar.)
Strength III
Lat Pull-down (machine)
5 x 85 / 5 x 100 / 5 x 100 / 5 x 100 / 5 x 100
(My upper body was so sore from Tuesday, Thursday and Friday's workout. I will be incorporating lat pull-downs into my weekly routine from today on.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
10 x ass-to-grass-ish air squat (with pause at the bottom of squat)
10 x back squat (with empty bar)
10 x front squat (with empty bar)
5 x behind-the-neck sots press (with empty bar)
5 x front rack sots press (with empty bar)
interim front rack position stretches
Strength I
Back Squat
5 x 135 / 5 x 185
(warm up set)
5 x 8 x 230
Box Jump
5 x 8 x 36-inch
Alternate a set of back squat with a set of box jump. Respectively complete each superset in 4, 5, 4, 5, and 4 minutes.
(First and foremost, pajama pants is not optimal for squats. My pants was limiting my range of motion. My squats did not feel pretty today. I was so terrfied that my pants was going to rip at the bottom of one of the squats. I was not wearing any underwear. 9,200 total poundage today, and 1,140 total inches.)
Strength II
5 x 8 x 190
Strict Toes-to-Bar
5 x 7
Alternate a set of deadlift with a set of strict toes-to-bar. Complete each superset in 4 minutes.
(Easy. 5 x 8 x 195 and 5 x 8 respectively for next session's deadlift and toes-to-bar.)
Strength III
Lat Pull-down (machine)
5 x 85 / 5 x 100 / 5 x 100 / 5 x 100 / 5 x 100
(My upper body was so sore from Tuesday, Thursday and Friday's workout. I will be incorporating lat pull-downs into my weekly routine from today on.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 351
Warm Up
A blur.
Cindy (AMRAP 20:00)
5 x pull-up
10 x push-up
15 x air squat
(I performed my pull-ups strict. Not by choice. I did curled up to a ball on a few of the reps. However, I did not kick. By my standard, that is strict. I completed 8+2 rounds. By number, I did not PR. I performed better the last time I completed Cindy. I am definitely getting stronger, however, it seems like my improvement in strength is not keeping up with my weight gain. On top of that, I was sore from Tuesday and Thursday's workouts.
I was not too upset.)
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
A blur.
Cindy (AMRAP 20:00)
5 x pull-up
10 x push-up
15 x air squat
(I performed my pull-ups strict. Not by choice. I did curled up to a ball on a few of the reps. However, I did not kick. By my standard, that is strict. I completed 8+2 rounds. By number, I did not PR. I performed better the last time I completed Cindy. I am definitely getting stronger, however, it seems like my improvement in strength is not keeping up with my weight gain. On top of that, I was sore from Tuesday and Thursday's workouts.
I was not too upset.)
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
My Russian friend invited me to a Russian holiday party at a bar in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan. There were a lot of beautiful people at the bar.
★ / 57.44
★ / 57.44
16 DAY 350
Warm Up
A bunch of crap.
AMRAP (22:00)
The Bear Complex (1 x Power Clean + 1 x Front Squat + 1 x Push Press + 1 x Back Squat + 1 x Behind-the-Neck Push Press, or 1 x Cluster + 1 Behind-the-Neck Thruster)
Complete the AMRAP with a partner.
(My partner and I completed 119 reps. My partner completed more reps than I did. We started with doubles. I began performing singles after the 40th rep, while my partner powered on with doubles. I threw in a few doubles, while my partner resorted to singles here and there. I approximated that I completed 48 reps, while my partner completed 71 reps. My partner was so strong. His form looked consistent from start to finish. It just looked easy for him, while I struggled greatly with the overhead movements.
One thing that I noticed today was that I have a really narrow clean grip. I worked on widening my grip throughout the complex. Another item that I desperately need to work on is reracking after each rep of thrusters.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
A bunch of crap.
AMRAP (22:00)
The Bear Complex (1 x Power Clean + 1 x Front Squat + 1 x Push Press + 1 x Back Squat + 1 x Behind-the-Neck Push Press, or 1 x Cluster + 1 Behind-the-Neck Thruster)
Complete the AMRAP with a partner.
(My partner and I completed 119 reps. My partner completed more reps than I did. We started with doubles. I began performing singles after the 40th rep, while my partner powered on with doubles. I threw in a few doubles, while my partner resorted to singles here and there. I approximated that I completed 48 reps, while my partner completed 71 reps. My partner was so strong. His form looked consistent from start to finish. It just looked easy for him, while I struggled greatly with the overhead movements.
One thing that I noticed today was that I have a really narrow clean grip. I worked on widening my grip throughout the complex. Another item that I desperately need to work on is reracking after each rep of thrusters.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 349
I felt like complete shit all day today. I went out to dinner with a friend after work tonight. Zia Maria? I think that was the name of the restaurant. They forgot the egg on top of my spaghetti cabonara. Talking was nice. Much needed. We walked to a nearby Doughnut Plant after dinner.
★ / 57.44
★ / 57.44
16 DAY 348
Warm Up
A bunch of crap.
(I got this sick feeling in my stomach.)
E2MO2M (16:00)
2 x Hang Snatch Pull + 1 x Hang Snatch
65 / 75 / 85 / 95 / 100 / 100 / 100 / 100
(I caught the 7th snatch in the power position. My coach watched my last rep and said that my form looked fine. However, It did not feel fine. The weight was concentrated on the knees.)
45 x Double Under
30 x Sit-up
15 x Hang Power Snatch (with 75-pound weight)
Complete 3 rounds.
(I scaled the 45 double unders with 90 single unders. First and last round of snatches were ugly. Second round of snatches were acceptable. I need to work on keeping the weight close to the body. I completed the first and second round of snatches unbroken. I divided up the last round of snatches into sets of 10 and 5. I finished the MetCon in 8:24.
And I did it to myself again. A wrenching heartache over my chest.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
A bunch of crap.
(I got this sick feeling in my stomach.)
E2MO2M (16:00)
2 x Hang Snatch Pull + 1 x Hang Snatch
65 / 75 / 85 / 95 / 100 / 100 / 100 / 100
(I caught the 7th snatch in the power position. My coach watched my last rep and said that my form looked fine. However, It did not feel fine. The weight was concentrated on the knees.)
45 x Double Under
30 x Sit-up
15 x Hang Power Snatch (with 75-pound weight)
Complete 3 rounds.
(I scaled the 45 double unders with 90 single unders. First and last round of snatches were ugly. Second round of snatches were acceptable. I need to work on keeping the weight close to the body. I completed the first and second round of snatches unbroken. I divided up the last round of snatches into sets of 10 and 5. I finished the MetCon in 8:24.
And I did it to myself again. A wrenching heartache over my chest.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 347
Warm Up
Barbell work.
EMOM (20:00)
65 / 65 / 70 / 70 / 75 / 75 / 80 / 80 / 85 / 85 / 90 / 90 / 95 / 95 / 100 / 100 / 105 / 105 / 110 / 115 / 120
(I pr-ed my snatch by 20 pounds tonight! Every lift felt light. I was very satisfied with my performance. Nevertheless, my form was not perfect. I know that because my lower back, knees, and ankles are pretty fired up right now. Items to work on: be more patient with the set up, drive the knees outward at the bottom of the overhead squat, which would engage the posterior chain, straighten the lower back, and shift the weight from the knees to the heels, and continue to work on my shoulder mobility.)
Snatch Grip Deadlift
4 x 120 / 4 x 125 / 4 x 130 / 4 x 135 / 4 x 140
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
Barbell work.
EMOM (20:00)
65 / 65 / 70 / 70 / 75 / 75 / 80 / 80 / 85 / 85 / 90 / 90 / 95 / 95 / 100 / 100 / 105 / 105 / 110 / 115 / 120
(I pr-ed my snatch by 20 pounds tonight! Every lift felt light. I was very satisfied with my performance. Nevertheless, my form was not perfect. I know that because my lower back, knees, and ankles are pretty fired up right now. Items to work on: be more patient with the set up, drive the knees outward at the bottom of the overhead squat, which would engage the posterior chain, straighten the lower back, and shift the weight from the knees to the heels, and continue to work on my shoulder mobility.)
Snatch Grip Deadlift
4 x 120 / 4 x 125 / 4 x 130 / 4 x 135 / 4 x 140
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 346
Rest day.
I slept a lot today. Much needed sleep.
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
I slept a lot today. Much needed sleep.
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 345
Warm Up
Active Recovery (for 1:00:00)
10 x Back Squat (with empty barbell)
10 x Front Squat (with empty barbell)
30-count front rack position stretch
5 x Snatch Grip, Behind the Neck Sots Press (with empty barbell)
5 x Front Racked Sots Press (with empty barbell)
30-count front rack position stretch
10 x Thruster (with empty barbell)
Strength I
Back Squat
5 x 135 / 5 x 185
(warm-up set)
5 x 8 x 225
Box Jump
5 x 8 x 36-inch
Alternate a set of back squat with a set of box jump. Respectively complete each superset in 4, 5, 4, 5, and 4 minutes.
(I squatted a total of 9,000 pounds today in 22 minutes, 950 more pounds than last week's total. Within the same period, I jumped a total of 1,440 inches, same total height as last week's.)
Strength II
5 x 7 x 185
Strict Toes-to-Bars
5 x 6
Alternate a set of deadlift with a set of strict toes-to-bars. Complete each superset in 4 minutes.
(The 185-pound weight felt very light today. The 6 strict toes-to-bars every 4 minutes were very easy. I am thinking 5 sets of 8 reps at 190-pound for next weekend's deadlift, paired with 7 strict toes-to-bars.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
Active Recovery (for 1:00:00)
10 x Back Squat (with empty barbell)
10 x Front Squat (with empty barbell)
30-count front rack position stretch
5 x Snatch Grip, Behind the Neck Sots Press (with empty barbell)
5 x Front Racked Sots Press (with empty barbell)
30-count front rack position stretch
10 x Thruster (with empty barbell)
Strength I
Back Squat
5 x 135 / 5 x 185
(warm-up set)
5 x 8 x 225
Box Jump
5 x 8 x 36-inch
Alternate a set of back squat with a set of box jump. Respectively complete each superset in 4, 5, 4, 5, and 4 minutes.
(I squatted a total of 9,000 pounds today in 22 minutes, 950 more pounds than last week's total. Within the same period, I jumped a total of 1,440 inches, same total height as last week's.)
Strength II
5 x 7 x 185
Strict Toes-to-Bars
5 x 6
Alternate a set of deadlift with a set of strict toes-to-bars. Complete each superset in 4 minutes.
(The 185-pound weight felt very light today. The 6 strict toes-to-bars every 4 minutes were very easy. I am thinking 5 sets of 8 reps at 190-pound for next weekend's deadlift, paired with 7 strict toes-to-bars.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 344
Warm Up
A bunch of crap.
(My bear crawl game was especially strong tonight.)
Tabata Something Other Than This
Russian Kettlebell Swing (with 32-kilogram kettlebell)
Box Jump Over (with 24-inch box)
Burpee (with overhead target)
Air Squat
Complete each exercise tabata style. Rest 2 minutes between each tabata.
(I have been underperforming greatly since my October break. I felt like complete shit after the workout. I felt so defeated.
I completed my toes-to-bars strict. Not by choice. I have a tough time kipping due to a tight left shoulder. Before my October break, I completed as many as 70 strict-ish toes-to-bars in a class session. Today, my midline gave out after the third round.
Russian kettlebell swings were okay.
I completed just 5 box jump overs in the first round. I was immensely frustrated with the foam box. I was stumbling and falling off of the box throughout the tabata. My rhythm was completely thrown off. The last time my gym programmed Hope, I completed as many as 25 box jumps with step down in a minute, averaging less than 3 seconds a jump. That was box jump with step down.
I completed as little as 2 burpees in a 20-second interval. I completed as many as 25 burpees in a minute during Hope, averaging less than 3 seconds a burpee.
I completed as little as 9 air squats in a 20-second interval.
Tonight's performance was disheartening. I am really upset right now, because I really tried tonight.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
A bunch of crap.
(My bear crawl game was especially strong tonight.)
Tabata Something Other Than This
Russian Kettlebell Swing (with 32-kilogram kettlebell)
Box Jump Over (with 24-inch box)
Burpee (with overhead target)
Air Squat
Complete each exercise tabata style. Rest 2 minutes between each tabata.
(I have been underperforming greatly since my October break. I felt like complete shit after the workout. I felt so defeated.
I completed my toes-to-bars strict. Not by choice. I have a tough time kipping due to a tight left shoulder. Before my October break, I completed as many as 70 strict-ish toes-to-bars in a class session. Today, my midline gave out after the third round.
Russian kettlebell swings were okay.
I completed just 5 box jump overs in the first round. I was immensely frustrated with the foam box. I was stumbling and falling off of the box throughout the tabata. My rhythm was completely thrown off. The last time my gym programmed Hope, I completed as many as 25 box jumps with step down in a minute, averaging less than 3 seconds a jump. That was box jump with step down.
I completed as little as 2 burpees in a 20-second interval. I completed as many as 25 burpees in a minute during Hope, averaging less than 3 seconds a burpee.
I completed as little as 9 air squats in a 20-second interval.
Tonight's performance was disheartening. I am really upset right now, because I really tried tonight.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 343
Rest day.
I changed into my gym clothes. But then decided to skip class.
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
I changed into my gym clothes. But then decided to skip class.
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
I helped carrying a woman's baby carriage up the subway stairs.
(53 / 1,000,000)
(53 / 1,000,000)
16 DAY 342
Warm Up
Some light kettlebell work.
5 x strict handstand push-up
5 x strict toes-to-bar
10 x kettlebell push press/arm (with 24-kilogram kettlebell)
10 x kettlebell bent over row/arm (with 24-kilogram kettlebell)
10 x globet squat (increase weight each round)
100-feet plate push (with 2 45-pound plates)
Complete 6 rounds.
(It was bad. I scaled every movement besides the toes-to-bars. There are just so many movments that I am bad at. So many items that I need to work on.
I asked my coach to watch one of my wall-facing, strict handstand push-ups tonight. It was not up to standard. So, back on the box.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
Some light kettlebell work.
5 x strict handstand push-up
5 x strict toes-to-bar
10 x kettlebell push press/arm (with 24-kilogram kettlebell)
10 x kettlebell bent over row/arm (with 24-kilogram kettlebell)
10 x globet squat (increase weight each round)
100-feet plate push (with 2 45-pound plates)
Complete 6 rounds.
(It was bad. I scaled every movement besides the toes-to-bars. There are just so many movments that I am bad at. So many items that I need to work on.
I asked my coach to watch one of my wall-facing, strict handstand push-ups tonight. It was not up to standard. So, back on the box.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 341
Rest day.
It had been a while since I threw weights over my head. I stopped pairing dumbbell strict press with bench press when I realized that my inability to isolate the pressing movement was hurting my lower back.
I stumbled upon one of my CrossFit coaches' Insgram page today. I came across two videos respectively of her working on thrusters and front squats. I was immensely impressed by her front rack position. For her thrusters, she managed to re-rack after every rep, an interim movement I had utterly ignored until now. Her upper body looked so erect for her front squats. I believe it was a result of her strong front rack position.
I am not too fond of my gym's programming this week. The weeks starts with Monday's 45 thrusters, followed by Tuesday's 36 push jerks and Wednesday's 30 strict handstand push-ups and 60 one arm kettlebell push presses per arm. That is a lot of back to back shoulder heavy movements.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
It had been a while since I threw weights over my head. I stopped pairing dumbbell strict press with bench press when I realized that my inability to isolate the pressing movement was hurting my lower back.
I stumbled upon one of my CrossFit coaches' Insgram page today. I came across two videos respectively of her working on thrusters and front squats. I was immensely impressed by her front rack position. For her thrusters, she managed to re-rack after every rep, an interim movement I had utterly ignored until now. Her upper body looked so erect for her front squats. I believe it was a result of her strong front rack position.
I am not too fond of my gym's programming this week. The weeks starts with Monday's 45 thrusters, followed by Tuesday's 36 push jerks and Wednesday's 30 strict handstand push-ups and 60 one arm kettlebell push presses per arm. That is a lot of back to back shoulder heavy movements.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 340
Warm Up
250-meter row
20-second l-hang hold
12 x wallball (with 25-pound medicine ball)
20-second wall-facing handstand hold
Complete 3 rounds.
(I was surprised that I could hold a L-hang. I did not finish the warm up.)
Back Squat
6 x 45 / 3 x 135
(warm-up set)
3 x 3 x 295
Front Squat
2 x 225 / 2 x 235 / 2 x 245 / 2 x 245
15 x thruster (with 115-pound weight)
20-calorie row
Complete 3 rounds in 8:00.
(I scaled the thrusters with 100-pound weight. I knew before I arrived to class that I was not going to finish the MetCon. I completed 2+5 rounds. Regardless, I was surpringly content with my performance today.
In the hindsight, I regretted attending class today. I should have listened to my body. It was wrecked from exercising for 4 consecutive days.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
250-meter row
20-second l-hang hold
12 x wallball (with 25-pound medicine ball)
20-second wall-facing handstand hold
Complete 3 rounds.
(I was surprised that I could hold a L-hang. I did not finish the warm up.)
Back Squat
6 x 45 / 3 x 135
(warm-up set)
3 x 3 x 295
Front Squat
2 x 225 / 2 x 235 / 2 x 245 / 2 x 245
15 x thruster (with 115-pound weight)
20-calorie row
Complete 3 rounds in 8:00.
(I scaled the thrusters with 100-pound weight. I knew before I arrived to class that I was not going to finish the MetCon. I completed 2+5 rounds. Regardless, I was surpringly content with my performance today.
In the hindsight, I regretted attending class today. I should have listened to my body. It was wrecked from exercising for 4 consecutive days.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 339
Warm Up
Clean-related barbell work.
5 x 3 x Clean Pull + 5 x 1 x Clean (from 12" block)
65 / 95 / 115 / 135 / 155
5 x 1 x Clean (from 12" block)
165 / 175 / 185 / 190 / 195 / 200 / 205
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
Clean-related barbell work.
5 x 3 x Clean Pull + 5 x 1 x Clean (from 12" block)
65 / 95 / 115 / 135 / 155
5 x 1 x Clean (from 12" block)
165 / 175 / 185 / 190 / 195 / 200 / 205
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 338
Warm Up
10 x back squat (with empty bar)
10 x front squat (with empty bar)
5 x sots press (with empty bar)
5 x front racked sots press (with empty bar)
10 x box jump (with 24-inch box)
Strength I
Back Squat
5 x 135 / 3 x 185
(warm-up set)
5 x 7 x 230
Box Jump
5 x 7 x 36-inch
Alternate a set of back squat with a set of box jump. Respectively complete each superset in 4, 5, 4, 5, and 4 minutes.
(In total, I squatted 8050 pounds and jumped 1260 inches today in 22 minutes. Two weeks ago, in the same amount of time, I squatted 6750 pounds and jumped 900 inches.)
Strength II
4 x Strict Pull-up
1 x Wallwalk into 10 count x Handstand Hold
Alternate a set of strict pull-up with a set of wallwalk and handstand hold. Complete as many rounds as possible before the end of class.
(I completed 5 rounds. I divided up the strict pull-ups into singles after the third round. Pull-ups were tough. Wallwalks and handstand holds were easy.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
10 x back squat (with empty bar)
10 x front squat (with empty bar)
5 x sots press (with empty bar)
5 x front racked sots press (with empty bar)
10 x box jump (with 24-inch box)
Strength I
Back Squat
5 x 135 / 3 x 185
(warm-up set)
5 x 7 x 230
Box Jump
5 x 7 x 36-inch
Alternate a set of back squat with a set of box jump. Respectively complete each superset in 4, 5, 4, 5, and 4 minutes.
(In total, I squatted 8050 pounds and jumped 1260 inches today in 22 minutes. Two weeks ago, in the same amount of time, I squatted 6750 pounds and jumped 900 inches.)
Strength II
4 x Strict Pull-up
1 x Wallwalk into 10 count x Handstand Hold
Alternate a set of strict pull-up with a set of wallwalk and handstand hold. Complete as many rounds as possible before the end of class.
(I completed 5 rounds. I divided up the strict pull-ups into singles after the third round. Pull-ups were tough. Wallwalks and handstand holds were easy.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
Love yourself, B. Love yourself.
Accept how you are.
My barber gave me a bad haircut today.
And I need to start eating health-ish again.
(52 / 1,000,000)
Accept how you are.
My barber gave me a bad haircut today.
And I need to start eating health-ish again.
(52 / 1,000,000)
16 DAY 337
Warm Up
Not worth listing.
1 x Deadlift (with 255-pound weight)
3 x Handstand Push-up
5 x Wallball (with 20-pound medicine ball)
(I scaled the deadlift with 225-pound weight. I thought the whole night that 225-pound was the Rx weight. I scaled the handstand push-ups with regular push-ups. I scaled up the wallballs with 25-pound medicine ball. I completed 24 rounds in 30 minutes.
I breezed through the push-ups and the wallballs. At the 15th round, my coach told me to complete 5 reps of the push-ups instead of 3, because the push-ups were too easy for me. Now, the deadlift. My lower back turned into a block of cement after the 10th round, when I began to slow down drastically. I spent a significant chunk of the 30 minutes pacing back and forth in front of the bar, afraid to pick it up, terrified that it was going to break my back. The weight did not feel heavy. The first rep felt the same as the last rep. But damn. That lower back. So tight. My coach watched a number of my reps. He said that my form looked fine. My lower back is okay right now.
In total, I completed 24 deadlifts with the 225-pound weight, 92 push-ups, and 120 wallballs with the 25-pound medicine ball. I am content with my performance tonight.
I tore a piece of the skin off of my palm again tonight. It was awful.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
Not worth listing.
1 x Deadlift (with 255-pound weight)
3 x Handstand Push-up
5 x Wallball (with 20-pound medicine ball)
(I scaled the deadlift with 225-pound weight. I thought the whole night that 225-pound was the Rx weight. I scaled the handstand push-ups with regular push-ups. I scaled up the wallballs with 25-pound medicine ball. I completed 24 rounds in 30 minutes.
I breezed through the push-ups and the wallballs. At the 15th round, my coach told me to complete 5 reps of the push-ups instead of 3, because the push-ups were too easy for me. Now, the deadlift. My lower back turned into a block of cement after the 10th round, when I began to slow down drastically. I spent a significant chunk of the 30 minutes pacing back and forth in front of the bar, afraid to pick it up, terrified that it was going to break my back. The weight did not feel heavy. The first rep felt the same as the last rep. But damn. That lower back. So tight. My coach watched a number of my reps. He said that my form looked fine. My lower back is okay right now.
In total, I completed 24 deadlifts with the 225-pound weight, 92 push-ups, and 120 wallballs with the 25-pound medicine ball. I am content with my performance tonight.
I tore a piece of the skin off of my palm again tonight. It was awful.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 336
Warm Up
A bunch of crap.
Max Height Box Jump
(I PR-ed today. I cleared the 44-inch box.)
Kipping Toes-to-Bar
(I cannot kip.)
AMRAP (8:00)
9 x toes-to-bar
12 x Russian kettlebell swing (with 32-kilogram kettlebell)
15 x box jump over (with 24-inch box)
(I completed 3+33 rounds. At first, I was upset with my performance. Then, I made peace with myself.
Toes-to-bar felt stricter than ever. Russian kettlebell swings felt stronger than ever. Box jump overs. They felt okay.
Items to work on: burpee, double under, and kipping swing. My aerobic capacity also needs a reboot. That being said, I am squeezing in an aerobic heavy workout this weekend.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
A bunch of crap.
Max Height Box Jump
(I PR-ed today. I cleared the 44-inch box.)
Kipping Toes-to-Bar
(I cannot kip.)
AMRAP (8:00)
9 x toes-to-bar
12 x Russian kettlebell swing (with 32-kilogram kettlebell)
15 x box jump over (with 24-inch box)
(I completed 3+33 rounds. At first, I was upset with my performance. Then, I made peace with myself.
Toes-to-bar felt stricter than ever. Russian kettlebell swings felt stronger than ever. Box jump overs. They felt okay.
Items to work on: burpee, double under, and kipping swing. My aerobic capacity also needs a reboot. That being said, I am squeezing in an aerobic heavy workout this weekend.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105