(10/24/2016 - )
18 DAY 53
Warm Up
6-minute Run on Treadmill <@ 7mph>
Rest 1:00.
4-minute Run on Treadmill <@ 7mph>
Warm Up
30' Quadruped Crawl
20 x Air Squat
Complete 3 rounds.
Strength / Warm Up
Linear Leg Press (machine)
{10 x 208 / 10 x 298 / 10 x 388}
Linear Leg Press (machine)
{3 x 10 x 478}
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Tempo Pull-up <slow pull, pause at top>
Seated Leg Press (machine)
{3 x 10 x 335}
Conditioning / Accessory
100 x Air Squat
Complete for time.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
6-minute Run on Treadmill <@ 7mph>
Rest 1:00.
4-minute Run on Treadmill <@ 7mph>
Warm Up
30' Quadruped Crawl
20 x Air Squat
Complete 3 rounds.
Strength / Warm Up
Linear Leg Press (machine)
{10 x 208 / 10 x 298 / 10 x 388}
Linear Leg Press (machine)
{3 x 10 x 478}
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Tempo Pull-up <slow pull, pause at top>
Seated Leg Press (machine)
{3 x 10 x 335}
Conditioning / Accessory
100 x Air Squat
Complete for time.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
18 DAY 52
Warm Up
5-minute Run on Treadmill <@ 7mph>
Rest 1:00.
5-minute Run on Treadmill <@ 7mph>
Warm Up
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
3 x 10
30-count Straight Arm Plank
Alternate a set of one arm dumbbell strict press with a set of straight arm plank.
{20 / 27.5 / 30}
Warm Up
30-count/side x Shoulder Opener Stretch
Push and Pull Party
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
{1 x 10/side x 40}
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
{1 x 10/side x 40}
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
{1 x 10/side x 45}
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
{1 x 10/side x 45}
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
{1 x 10 (right side) x 50 + 1 x (9 + 1) (left side) x 50}
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
{1 x 10/side x 50}
One Arm Dumbbell Push Press
{1 x 10/side x 50}
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
{1 x 10/side x 50}
One Arm Dumbbell Push Press
{1 x 10/side x 55}
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
{1 x 10/side x 55}
One Arm Dumbbell Push Press
{1 x 10 (right side) x 60 + 1 x (8 + 2) (left side) x 60}
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
{1 x 10/side x 60}
All in all, however, I am happy to be moving again.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
5-minute Run on Treadmill <@ 7mph>
Rest 1:00.
5-minute Run on Treadmill <@ 7mph>
Warm Up
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
3 x 10
30-count Straight Arm Plank
Alternate a set of one arm dumbbell strict press with a set of straight arm plank.
{20 / 27.5 / 30}
Warm Up
30-count/side x Shoulder Opener Stretch
Push and Pull Party
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
{1 x 10/side x 40}
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
{1 x 10/side x 40}
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
{1 x 10/side x 45}
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
{1 x 10/side x 45}
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
{1 x 10 (right side) x 50 + 1 x (9 + 1) (left side) x 50}
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
{1 x 10/side x 50}
One Arm Dumbbell Push Press
{1 x 10/side x 50}
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
{1 x 10/side x 50}
One Arm Dumbbell Push Press
{1 x 10/side x 55}
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
{1 x 10/side x 55}
One Arm Dumbbell Push Press
{1 x 10 (right side) x 60 + 1 x (8 + 2) (left side) x 60}
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
{1 x 10/side x 60}
All in all, however, I am happy to be moving again.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
18 DAY 35
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
(My mind's bothered. It's been bothered all weekend. I want to help. At the same time, I feel powerless.
"My love is a star. You can't always see me, but know that I am always there. If you see one shining, take it as mine and remember that I am always near."
I pray, I wish and I hope that Zelimkhan Bakaev is still alive.
Stay hopeful. All tyrants will fall.)
AMRAP (12:00)
6 x Pull-up
12 x Russian Kettlebell Swing <24-kg> [Rx+: <32-kg>]
18 x Double Under
{6 + 4}
(One of my classmates completed 10 rounds. Asshole.)
3 x 4
Complete with 3, 1, 3, 1 tempo.
{135 (40% of Max Deadlift) / 185 (55%) / 225 (67%)}
(My back was tender after Friday night's hiccup.)
Warm Up / Fat Burn
5-minute Run on Treadmill <@ 7.5mph>
Walk to locker room to get phone. Then, walk back to treadmill.
5-minute Run on Treadmill <@ 9mph>
Warm Up
30-count x (back racked front rack stretch) <40>
30-count x Front Racked Sotts Press into Bottom of Overhead Hold <40>
Complete 3 rounds.
Seated, Alternating Dumbbell Strict Press
4 x 10/arm
Dumbbell Bench Press
4 x 10
Alternate a set of seated, alternating dumbbell strict press with a set of dumbbell bench press.
{2 x 30 / 2 x 35 / 2 x 40 / 2 x 45}
50-40-30-20-10 x calorie Run on Treadmill <@ 9.5mph>
50-40-30-20-10 x Air Squat
(Previous year, I worked a lot on strength, technique and mobility, but not as much on endurance and stamina. I lacked the many skills to complete conditioning workouts as prescribed. More often than not, conditioning workouts were just opportunities for me to work on those skills that I needed to work on. I rarely breathe heavy during conditioning workouts. As a result, I did not reap the benefit of the intended, metabolic effect. In addition, the many injuries that I sustained over the course of the year left me traumatized to give my 100% in every workout.
I am planning to complete at least one high-intensity MetCon a week from hereon.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
(My mind's bothered. It's been bothered all weekend. I want to help. At the same time, I feel powerless.
"My love is a star. You can't always see me, but know that I am always there. If you see one shining, take it as mine and remember that I am always near."
I pray, I wish and I hope that Zelimkhan Bakaev is still alive.
Stay hopeful. All tyrants will fall.)
AMRAP (12:00)
6 x Pull-up
12 x Russian Kettlebell Swing <24-kg> [Rx+: <32-kg>]
18 x Double Under
{6 + 4}
(One of my classmates completed 10 rounds. Asshole.)
3 x 4
Complete with 3, 1, 3, 1 tempo.
{135 (40% of Max Deadlift) / 185 (55%) / 225 (67%)}
(My back was tender after Friday night's hiccup.)
Warm Up / Fat Burn
5-minute Run on Treadmill <@ 7.5mph>
Walk to locker room to get phone. Then, walk back to treadmill.
5-minute Run on Treadmill <@ 9mph>
Warm Up
30-count x (back racked front rack stretch) <40>
30-count x Front Racked Sotts Press into Bottom of Overhead Hold <40>
Complete 3 rounds.
Seated, Alternating Dumbbell Strict Press
4 x 10/arm
Dumbbell Bench Press
4 x 10
Alternate a set of seated, alternating dumbbell strict press with a set of dumbbell bench press.
{2 x 30 / 2 x 35 / 2 x 40 / 2 x 45}
50-40-30-20-10 x calorie Run on Treadmill <@ 9.5mph>
50-40-30-20-10 x Air Squat
(Previous year, I worked a lot on strength, technique and mobility, but not as much on endurance and stamina. I lacked the many skills to complete conditioning workouts as prescribed. More often than not, conditioning workouts were just opportunities for me to work on those skills that I needed to work on. I rarely breathe heavy during conditioning workouts. As a result, I did not reap the benefit of the intended, metabolic effect. In addition, the many injuries that I sustained over the course of the year left me traumatized to give my 100% in every workout.
I am planning to complete at least one high-intensity MetCon a week from hereon.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
18 DAY 33
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
AMRAP (10:00)
5 x Shoulder-to-Overhead <115> [Push Jerk]
10 x Deadlift <115>
15 x Box Jump <24">
{5 + 8}
(I performed this workout a year ago. I completed the exact same number of reps.
I was devastated after the workout. I invest so much time and energy into CrossFit. To fail on test day at something I am so passionate about is just heartbreaking. My spirit was broken.
My classmates did not understand my frustration.
I was overconfident in my ability. I completed the first two rounds in about 2:00. I quickly hit a wall. In addition to moving too fast, I was performing the deadlifts without paying too much attention to my form. Bad forms caught up. By the third or fourth round, I was having a hard time picking up the 115-pound barbell from the floor. I wrecked my lower back again. Insult, hurt back, to injury, poor workout result.
I feel embarrassed and sad right now.
A classmate and I had dinner at Five Senses, a Korean restaurant in Koreatown, Manhattan, after class.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 57.44 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
AMRAP (10:00)
5 x Shoulder-to-Overhead <115> [Push Jerk]
10 x Deadlift <115>
15 x Box Jump <24">
{5 + 8}
(I performed this workout a year ago. I completed the exact same number of reps.
I was devastated after the workout. I invest so much time and energy into CrossFit. To fail on test day at something I am so passionate about is just heartbreaking. My spirit was broken.
My classmates did not understand my frustration.
I was overconfident in my ability. I completed the first two rounds in about 2:00. I quickly hit a wall. In addition to moving too fast, I was performing the deadlifts without paying too much attention to my form. Bad forms caught up. By the third or fourth round, I was having a hard time picking up the 115-pound barbell from the floor. I wrecked my lower back again. Insult, hurt back, to injury, poor workout result.
I feel embarrassed and sad right now.
A classmate and I had dinner at Five Senses, a Korean restaurant in Koreatown, Manhattan, after class.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 57.44 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
18 DAY 31
Warm Up
Barbell drills
Skill / Strength / Warm Up
Muscle Clean + Strict Press
5 x (5 + 5)
{65 (28% of Max Clean, 45% of Max Strict Press) / 75 (33%, 52%) / 85 (37%, 59%) / 95 (41%, 66%) / 105 (46%, 72%)}
Clean + Hang Clean from Just below the Knee
5 x (1 + 2)
{115 (50% of Max Clean) / 135 (59%) / 155 (67%) / 175 (76%) / 195 (85%)}
(One hundred ninety-five pound was a new hang clean PR.)
Back Squat
4 x 4
{225 (68% of Max Back Squat) / 250 (78%) / 275 (83%) / 305 (92%)}
(The third set with the 275-pound weight was easy. The fourth set with the 305-pound weight was not so easy.)
30-count x Bar Hang with Supinated Grip, Feet on Ground, Locked out Arms and Hip Skewed to Right
30-count x (back racked front rack stretch) <empty bar>
Complete 3 rounds.
Hang Clean from Hip with Full Grip on Bar at Bottom of Front Squat + Front Racked Sotts Press with Pause at Top of Press
5 x (1 + 1)
{5 x empty bar}
Hang Clean from Hip with Full Grip on Bar at Bottom of Front Squat + Front Racked Sotts Press + Bottom of Overhead Squat Hold with Clean Width Grip
5 x (1 + 1 + 30-count)
{5 x empty bar}
(We first met on Saturday and tonight we met again.
My body aches just thinking about completing 75 wallballs with a 30-pound medicine ball.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Barbell drills
Skill / Strength / Warm Up
Muscle Clean + Strict Press
5 x (5 + 5)
{65 (28% of Max Clean, 45% of Max Strict Press) / 75 (33%, 52%) / 85 (37%, 59%) / 95 (41%, 66%) / 105 (46%, 72%)}
Clean + Hang Clean from Just below the Knee
5 x (1 + 2)
{115 (50% of Max Clean) / 135 (59%) / 155 (67%) / 175 (76%) / 195 (85%)}
(One hundred ninety-five pound was a new hang clean PR.)
Back Squat
4 x 4
{225 (68% of Max Back Squat) / 250 (78%) / 275 (83%) / 305 (92%)}
(The third set with the 275-pound weight was easy. The fourth set with the 305-pound weight was not so easy.)
30-count x Bar Hang with Supinated Grip, Feet on Ground, Locked out Arms and Hip Skewed to Right
30-count x (back racked front rack stretch) <empty bar>
Complete 3 rounds.
Hang Clean from Hip with Full Grip on Bar at Bottom of Front Squat + Front Racked Sotts Press with Pause at Top of Press
5 x (1 + 1)
{5 x empty bar}
Hang Clean from Hip with Full Grip on Bar at Bottom of Front Squat + Front Racked Sotts Press + Bottom of Overhead Squat Hold with Clean Width Grip
5 x (1 + 1 + 30-count)
{5 x empty bar}
(We first met on Saturday and tonight we met again.
My body aches just thinking about completing 75 wallballs with a 30-pound medicine ball.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
18 DAY 30
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
Warm Up / Skill
Pistol Squat
Accumulate 30 reps per leg.
(An asshole is an asshole is an asshole.)
Conditioning / Skill
AMRAP (3:00)
15 x Toes-to-Bar
15 x Push-up
15 x Air Squat
Rest for 3:00.
AMRAP (3:00)
12 x Toes-to-Bar
12 x Push-up
12 x Air Squat
Rest for 3:00.
AMRAP (3:00)
9 x Toes-to-Bar
9 x Push-up
9 x Air Squat
{1 + 3 x Toes-to-Bar + 12 x Hanging Knee Raise
1 + ?
1 + ?}
(I really made an effort during the first AMRAP to learn kipping toes-to-bars.)
A bunch of crap
30-count x (back racked front rack stretch) <empty bar>
5 x Clean from the Hip (with Full Grip at Bottom of Front Squat) <empty bar>
Complete 3 rounds.
20-count x Bar Hang with Supinated Grip
20-count x (back racked front rack stretch at bottom of back squat) <empty bar>
Complete 3 rounds.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
Warm Up / Skill
Pistol Squat
Accumulate 30 reps per leg.
(An asshole is an asshole is an asshole.)
Conditioning / Skill
AMRAP (3:00)
15 x Toes-to-Bar
15 x Push-up
15 x Air Squat
Rest for 3:00.
AMRAP (3:00)
12 x Toes-to-Bar
12 x Push-up
12 x Air Squat
Rest for 3:00.
AMRAP (3:00)
9 x Toes-to-Bar
9 x Push-up
9 x Air Squat
{1 + 3 x Toes-to-Bar + 12 x Hanging Knee Raise
1 + ?
1 + ?}
(I really made an effort during the first AMRAP to learn kipping toes-to-bars.)
A bunch of crap
30-count x (back racked front rack stretch) <empty bar>
5 x Clean from the Hip (with Full Grip at Bottom of Front Squat) <empty bar>
Complete 3 rounds.
20-count x Bar Hang with Supinated Grip
20-count x (back racked front rack stretch at bottom of back squat) <empty bar>
Complete 3 rounds.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
18 DAY 29
Warm Up
500-meter Row
And a bunch of crap.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 x Power Snatch <115> [scaled: <95>]
6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6 x Bar Facing Burpee
Complete in under 15:00.
(I was bummed. I had higher expectation for myself.
I am just scared. I have been traumatized since my previous back injury. A part of me tells me to just rip the bar off of the ground. Another part of me tells me to wait until I catch my breath. On another note, my left shoulder was surprisingly tight tonight. I suspected that the tightness was due to this afternoon's physical therapy. I also had trouble locking out my right elbow tonight.
I completed all of the power snatches unbroken tonight. However, they were sloppy.)
Back Squat
3 x 3
Complete with 3, 2, x, 1 tempo.
{135 (41% of Max Back Squat) / 185 (56%) / 205 (62%) / 225 (68%)}
(I could not feel my upper body after the conditioning piece. My core was non-existent.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 57.44 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
500-meter Row
And a bunch of crap.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 x Power Snatch <115> [scaled: <95>]
6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6 x Bar Facing Burpee
Complete in under 15:00.
(I was bummed. I had higher expectation for myself.
I am just scared. I have been traumatized since my previous back injury. A part of me tells me to just rip the bar off of the ground. Another part of me tells me to wait until I catch my breath. On another note, my left shoulder was surprisingly tight tonight. I suspected that the tightness was due to this afternoon's physical therapy. I also had trouble locking out my right elbow tonight.
I completed all of the power snatches unbroken tonight. However, they were sloppy.)
Back Squat
3 x 3
Complete with 3, 2, x, 1 tempo.
{135 (41% of Max Back Squat) / 185 (56%) / 205 (62%) / 225 (68%)}
(I could not feel my upper body after the conditioning piece. My core was non-existent.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 57.44 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
18 DAY 27
Warm Up
A bunch crap and Turkish get-ups
(I turned around to take a second look.
I just wanted to be left alone.)
Turkish Get-up
{1/arm x 12-kg / 1/arm x 16-kg / 1/arm x 20-kg / 1/arm x 24-kg / right arm x 28-kg}
(The sit-up part of the Turkish get-up was the toughest part of the Turkish get-up.)
AMRAP (18:00)
12 x Russian Kettlebell Swing <32-kg> [Rx+: <36-kg>]
2 x 50' x Shuttle Sprint
12 x No Push-up Burpee
2 x 50' x Shuttle Sprint
Complete with a partner. One athlete works at a time. Athletes alternate after each round.
(My partner and I did not keep track of our completed rounds.
The 36-kg kettlebell felt just fine.
No push-up burpees were the worst.
I had buffet from a deli for lunch.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch crap and Turkish get-ups
(I turned around to take a second look.
I just wanted to be left alone.)
Turkish Get-up
{1/arm x 12-kg / 1/arm x 16-kg / 1/arm x 20-kg / 1/arm x 24-kg / right arm x 28-kg}
(The sit-up part of the Turkish get-up was the toughest part of the Turkish get-up.)
AMRAP (18:00)
12 x Russian Kettlebell Swing <32-kg> [Rx+: <36-kg>]
2 x 50' x Shuttle Sprint
12 x No Push-up Burpee
2 x 50' x Shuttle Sprint
Complete with a partner. One athlete works at a time. Athletes alternate after each round.
(My partner and I did not keep track of our completed rounds.
The 36-kg kettlebell felt just fine.
No push-up burpees were the worst.
I had buffet from a deli for lunch.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
18 DAY 26
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
9 x Thruster <95>
35 x Double Under
Complete in under 20:00.
(I did the best I could given the condition of my left shoulder.)
Active Recovery?
I attended an old co-worker's farewell party at Bierocracy, a bar in Long Island City, Queens, on Friday night. Later in the night, another old co-worker and I traveled back to Manhattan for a birthday drink at a bar in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan.
Fat Burn (Saturday)
5-minute Run on Treadmill <@ 7.5mph>
Rest 1:00.
5-minute Run on Treadmill <@ 9mph>
Active Recovery (Saturday)
15-minute Bike on stationary bike
★ / 18 / 46 / 57.44 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
9 x Thruster <95>
35 x Double Under
Complete in under 20:00.
(I did the best I could given the condition of my left shoulder.)
Active Recovery?
I attended an old co-worker's farewell party at Bierocracy, a bar in Long Island City, Queens, on Friday night. Later in the night, another old co-worker and I traveled back to Manhattan for a birthday drink at a bar in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan.
Fat Burn (Saturday)
5-minute Run on Treadmill <@ 7.5mph>
Rest 1:00.
5-minute Run on Treadmill <@ 9mph>
Active Recovery (Saturday)
15-minute Bike on stationary bike
★ / 18 / 46 / 57.44 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
18 DAY 25
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
max effort x Hang Power Clean <155>
max effort x Box Jump with Step Down <24">
max effort x Russian Kettlebell Swing to Kettlebell Goblet Squat <24-kg>
max effort x Alternating Dumbbell Snatch <50>
max effort x Wallwalk
Work for 0:30. Rest for 0:30. Complete 6 rounds.
{7 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5
9 / 11 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 15
10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10
10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10
2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2}
(I just checked Behind the White Board. Damn, I need to try harder. I would feel better right now if I had completed 8 to 10 hang power cleans and 15 box jumps per round, which I am fully capable of.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
max effort x Hang Power Clean <155>
max effort x Box Jump with Step Down <24">
max effort x Russian Kettlebell Swing to Kettlebell Goblet Squat <24-kg>
max effort x Alternating Dumbbell Snatch <50>
max effort x Wallwalk
Work for 0:30. Rest for 0:30. Complete 6 rounds.
{7 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5
9 / 11 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 15
10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10
10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10
2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2}
(I just checked Behind the White Board. Damn, I need to try harder. I would feel better right now if I had completed 8 to 10 hang power cleans and 15 box jumps per round, which I am fully capable of.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
18 DAY 24
Warm Up
Barbell drills
Technique / Strength
Muscle Snatch + Behind-the-Neck Strict Press + Overhead Squat
5 x (3 + 3 + 3)
{65 (42% of Max Power Snatch) / 70 (45%) / 75 (48%) / 80 (52%) / 85 (55%)}
Technique / Strength
5 x 2
{95 (61%) / 105 (68%) / 115 (74%) / 125 (81%) / 135 (87%) / 1 x 145 (bonus) (94%)}
(I am really feeling a difference in my left shoulder since Monday's physical therapy. I PR-ed my squat snatch 3 times tonight. My overhead position never felt better.)
Strength / Accessory
Front Squat
5 x 5
{145 (50% of Front Squat) / 165 (57%) / 185 (64%) / 205 (71%) / 225 (78%)}
(Every weight felt light tonight, including the snatches.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Barbell drills
Technique / Strength
Muscle Snatch + Behind-the-Neck Strict Press + Overhead Squat
5 x (3 + 3 + 3)
{65 (42% of Max Power Snatch) / 70 (45%) / 75 (48%) / 80 (52%) / 85 (55%)}
Technique / Strength
5 x 2
{95 (61%) / 105 (68%) / 115 (74%) / 125 (81%) / 135 (87%) / 1 x 145 (bonus) (94%)}
(I am really feeling a difference in my left shoulder since Monday's physical therapy. I PR-ed my squat snatch 3 times tonight. My overhead position never felt better.)
Strength / Accessory
Front Squat
5 x 5
{145 (50% of Front Squat) / 165 (57%) / 185 (64%) / 205 (71%) / 225 (78%)}
(Every weight felt light tonight, including the snatches.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
18 DAY 21
Warm Up
40' Bear Crawl
40' Quadruped Crawl
40' Duck Walk
40' (bottom of the squat hop)
5 x Wall-facing Squat
Complete 2 rounds.
(I visited the New York Public Library at Bryant Park for the first time today.
Subsequently, I enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate at a pop up cafe by the library.
Friday night, I saw I, Tonya.
Then, I had dinner at At Nine.)
Warm Up
5-minute Run on Treadmill <@ 7 mph>
Rest 1:00.
5-minute Run on Treadmill <@ 8.5 mph>
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
4 x 9/arm
{30 / 40 / 50 / 60}
(I could not complete the set with the 60-pound dumbbell unbroken.)
One Arm Dumbbell Push Press
1 x 8/arm x 60
One Arm Dumbbell Push Jerk
1 x 7/arm x 60
One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge
3 x 40'/arm
AMRAP (5:00)
Farmer's Carry Up and Down Stair <2 x 45>
Each stair segment counts as 1 rep. Each trip up and down the stairs counts as 1 round. One round is made up of 4 reps.
{5 + 1}
★ / 18 / 46 / 57.44 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
40' Bear Crawl
40' Quadruped Crawl
40' Duck Walk
40' (bottom of the squat hop)
5 x Wall-facing Squat
Complete 2 rounds.
(I visited the New York Public Library at Bryant Park for the first time today.
Subsequently, I enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate at a pop up cafe by the library.
Friday night, I saw I, Tonya.
Then, I had dinner at At Nine.)
Warm Up
5-minute Run on Treadmill <@ 7 mph>
Rest 1:00.
5-minute Run on Treadmill <@ 8.5 mph>
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
4 x 9/arm
{30 / 40 / 50 / 60}
(I could not complete the set with the 60-pound dumbbell unbroken.)
One Arm Dumbbell Push Press
1 x 8/arm x 60
One Arm Dumbbell Push Jerk
1 x 7/arm x 60
One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge
3 x 40'/arm
AMRAP (5:00)
Farmer's Carry Up and Down Stair <2 x 45>
Each stair segment counts as 1 rep. Each trip up and down the stairs counts as 1 round. One round is made up of 4 reps.
{5 + 1}
★ / 18 / 46 / 57.44 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
18 DAY 20
Warm Up
Run to Madison Square Park and back.
Warm Up
So much crap.
Overhead Squat
5 x 3
{95 (66% of Max Overhead Squat, 61% of Max Power Snatch) / 105 (72%, 68%) / 115 (79%, 74%) / 125 (86%, 81%) / 135 (93%, 87%)}
500-meter Row
40 x Air Squat
30 x Sit-up
20 x Push-up
10 x Pull-up
Complete in 8:00.
(Skinny bitches be finishing this workout in under 4:00.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Run to Madison Square Park and back.
Warm Up
So much crap.
Overhead Squat
5 x 3
{95 (66% of Max Overhead Squat, 61% of Max Power Snatch) / 105 (72%, 68%) / 115 (79%, 74%) / 125 (86%, 81%) / 135 (93%, 87%)}
500-meter Row
40 x Air Squat
30 x Sit-up
20 x Push-up
10 x Pull-up
Complete in 8:00.
(Skinny bitches be finishing this workout in under 4:00.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
18 DAY 19
Warm Up
I don't remember.
EMOM (10:00)
Clean Deadlift + Hang Clean from Below the Knee
1 + 1
{95 (41% of Max Clean) / 95 / 95 / 95 / 95 / 115 (50%) / 115 / 115 / 115 / 115}
EMOM (10:00)
Clean Pull + Clean
1 + 1
{135 (59%) / 135 / 135 / 135 / 155 (67%) / 155 / 155 / 175 (76%) / 175 / 175}
EMOM (10:00)
{195 (85%) / 195 / 195 / 205 (89%) / 205 / 205 / 215 (93%) / 215 / 215 / 225 (98%)}
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
I don't remember.
EMOM (10:00)
Clean Deadlift + Hang Clean from Below the Knee
1 + 1
{95 (41% of Max Clean) / 95 / 95 / 95 / 95 / 115 (50%) / 115 / 115 / 115 / 115}
EMOM (10:00)
Clean Pull + Clean
1 + 1
{135 (59%) / 135 / 135 / 135 / 155 (67%) / 155 / 155 / 175 (76%) / 175 / 175}
EMOM (10:00)
{195 (85%) / 195 / 195 / 205 (89%) / 205 / 205 / 215 (93%) / 215 / 215 / 225 (98%)}
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
18 DAY 18
Warm Up
10 x Jump Squat
10 x No Push-up Burpee
0:30 x Hollow Hold
0:30 x Handstand Hold [scaled: Handstand Hold Attempt)
Complete 2 rounds.
(I had a breakthrough with my handstand today.)
A1. 8-10 x Goblet Hold Walking Lunge <AHAP> [sub: 10 x Double Kettlebell Front Rack Hold Walking Lunge <2 x 24-kg>]
A2. 5 - 10 x Strict Pull-up [5 x]
A3. 0:20 - 0:30 x Hanstand Hold [sub: 1 x Wallwalk + 30-count x Handstand Hold]
Complete 3 sets in 15:00.
(I only completed 2 sets of the handstand hold.)
40 x Burpee
50 x Box Jump Over <24">
60 x Wallball <20>
(I was bummed. A classmate finished the workout in 6:39.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
10 x Jump Squat
10 x No Push-up Burpee
0:30 x Hollow Hold
0:30 x Handstand Hold [scaled: Handstand Hold Attempt)
Complete 2 rounds.
(I had a breakthrough with my handstand today.)
A1. 8-10 x Goblet Hold Walking Lunge <AHAP> [sub: 10 x Double Kettlebell Front Rack Hold Walking Lunge <2 x 24-kg>]
A2. 5 - 10 x Strict Pull-up [5 x]
A3. 0:20 - 0:30 x Hanstand Hold [sub: 1 x Wallwalk + 30-count x Handstand Hold]
Complete 3 sets in 15:00.
(I only completed 2 sets of the handstand hold.)
40 x Burpee
50 x Box Jump Over <24">
60 x Wallball <20>
(I was bummed. A classmate finished the workout in 6:39.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
18 DAY 16
Warm Up
Technique / Warm Up / Strength
Split Jerk + Front Squat
5 x (2 + 3)
{95 (51% of Max Push Jerk, 56% of Max Push Press) / 115 (62%, 68%) / 135 (73%, 79%) / 145 (78%, 85%) / 165 (89%, 97%}
3 x Shoulder-to-Overhead <135> [Push Jerk]
6 x Front Squat <135>
9 x Hand-Release Push-up
18 x Double Under
Complete with a partner. Each partner completes 5 rounds. One athlete works at a time. Shoulder-to-overheads and double unders may overlap.
(In short, I died.
My partner carried me.
I need to sleep better.)
Bonus (Monday)
Russian Kettlebell Swing
10 x 36-kg
Double Kettlebell Clean
{1 x (2 x 24-kg) / 1 x (2 x 28-kg) / 1 x (2 x 32-kg)
One Arm Kettlebell Snatch
{1/arm x 24-kg / 1/arm x 28-kg / 1/arm x 32-kg}
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Technique / Warm Up / Strength
Split Jerk + Front Squat
5 x (2 + 3)
{95 (51% of Max Push Jerk, 56% of Max Push Press) / 115 (62%, 68%) / 135 (73%, 79%) / 145 (78%, 85%) / 165 (89%, 97%}
3 x Shoulder-to-Overhead <135> [Push Jerk]
6 x Front Squat <135>
9 x Hand-Release Push-up
18 x Double Under
Complete with a partner. Each partner completes 5 rounds. One athlete works at a time. Shoulder-to-overheads and double unders may overlap.
(In short, I died.
My partner carried me.
I need to sleep better.)
Bonus (Monday)
Russian Kettlebell Swing
10 x 36-kg
Double Kettlebell Clean
{1 x (2 x 24-kg) / 1 x (2 x 28-kg) / 1 x (2 x 32-kg)
One Arm Kettlebell Snatch
{1/arm x 24-kg / 1/arm x 28-kg / 1/arm x 32-kg}
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
18 DAY 15
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
Accessory / Strength
Snatch Pull
5 x 3
Complete a set every 3:00.
{135 (87% of Max Power Snatch) / 1 x 155 (100%) / 155 / 175 (113%) / 195 (126%) / 215 (139%)}
0:20 x Mountain Climber w/ Hands on Medicine Ball
Rest 0:10.
0:20 x Plank
Rest 0:10.
0:20 x Russian Twist w/ Medicine Ball <20>
Rest 0:10.
0:20 x Plank w/ Shoulder Tap
Rest 0:10.
Complete 4 rounds.
(My coach said that I was not doing my mountain climbers correctly. I spent 4 rounds learning how to properly complete a mountain climber.)
0:20 x Left Side Plank
Rest 0:10.
0:20 x Tuck-up
Rest 0:10.
0:20 x Right Side Plank
Rest 0:10.
0:20 x Jump Switch Lunge
Rest 0:10.
Complete 4 rounds.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
Accessory / Strength
Snatch Pull
5 x 3
Complete a set every 3:00.
{135 (87% of Max Power Snatch) / 1 x 155 (100%) / 155 / 175 (113%) / 195 (126%) / 215 (139%)}
0:20 x Mountain Climber w/ Hands on Medicine Ball
Rest 0:10.
0:20 x Plank
Rest 0:10.
0:20 x Russian Twist w/ Medicine Ball <20>
Rest 0:10.
0:20 x Plank w/ Shoulder Tap
Rest 0:10.
Complete 4 rounds.
(My coach said that I was not doing my mountain climbers correctly. I spent 4 rounds learning how to properly complete a mountain climber.)
0:20 x Left Side Plank
Rest 0:10.
0:20 x Tuck-up
Rest 0:10.
0:20 x Right Side Plank
Rest 0:10.
0:20 x Jump Switch Lunge
Rest 0:10.
Complete 4 rounds.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
18 DAY 13
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
AMRAP (15:00)
20-calorie Row
20 x Wallball <20>
20 x Box Jump <24">
Complete with a partner. One athlete works at a time. Athletes alternate after each exercise.
{6 + 21}
(I completed all of the movements unbroken.)
AMRAP (15:00)
32 x Sit-up
16 x Air Squat
8 x Push-up [sub: 4 x Handstand Push-up (my partner) + 4 x Push-up]
4 x Pull-up [sub: 4 x Chest-to-Bar Pull-up (my partner) + 2 x Strict Pull-up]
Complete with a partner. One athlete works at a time. Athletes may divide up the work anyhow.
(I saw 2 movies on Saturday night, The Post and Star Wars: The Last Jedi.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
AMRAP (15:00)
20-calorie Row
20 x Wallball <20>
20 x Box Jump <24">
Complete with a partner. One athlete works at a time. Athletes alternate after each exercise.
{6 + 21}
(I completed all of the movements unbroken.)
AMRAP (15:00)
32 x Sit-up
16 x Air Squat
8 x Push-up [sub: 4 x Handstand Push-up (my partner) + 4 x Push-up]
4 x Pull-up [sub: 4 x Chest-to-Bar Pull-up (my partner) + 2 x Strict Pull-up]
Complete with a partner. One athlete works at a time. Athletes may divide up the work anyhow.
(I saw 2 movies on Saturday night, The Post and Star Wars: The Last Jedi.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
18 DAY 12
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
(I woke up this morning with a wrecked right hamstring. All day, I was walking with my hip skewed to the left.)
Warm Up
Touch and Go Power Snatch + Power Clean and Push Jerk
{3 x 95 (61% of Max Power Snatch) + 95 (58% of Max Clean and Jerk, 56% of Max Push Press) / 3 x 115 (74%) + 115 (70%, 68%) / 2 x 135 (87%) + 135 (82%, 79%) / 0 + 155 (94%, 91%)}
15.1 (9:00 + 6:00)
Part A
AMRAP (9:00)
15 x Toes-to-Bar
10 x Deadlift <115>
5 x Snatch <115>
Part B
Clean and Jerk (6:00)
Establish 1RM Clean and Jerk.
{2 +25 /
115 / 135 / 155 / 165 (100%, 97%) / 175 (106%, 103%)}
(I was bummed about the MetCon result. I wasted a lot of time on the toes-to-bars.
I no-repped two of my toes-to-bars.
I power cleaned and push jerked all of my clean and jerks. My left shoulder felt great today. Every weight felt light.)
Clean and Jerk [Power Clean and Push Jerk]
{185 (112%)}
(I was happy about the PR.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
(I woke up this morning with a wrecked right hamstring. All day, I was walking with my hip skewed to the left.)
Warm Up
Touch and Go Power Snatch + Power Clean and Push Jerk
{3 x 95 (61% of Max Power Snatch) + 95 (58% of Max Clean and Jerk, 56% of Max Push Press) / 3 x 115 (74%) + 115 (70%, 68%) / 2 x 135 (87%) + 135 (82%, 79%) / 0 + 155 (94%, 91%)}
15.1 (9:00 + 6:00)
Part A
AMRAP (9:00)
15 x Toes-to-Bar
10 x Deadlift <115>
5 x Snatch <115>
Part B
Clean and Jerk (6:00)
Establish 1RM Clean and Jerk.
{2 +25 /
115 / 135 / 155 / 165 (100%, 97%) / 175 (106%, 103%)}
(I was bummed about the MetCon result. I wasted a lot of time on the toes-to-bars.
I no-repped two of my toes-to-bars.
I power cleaned and push jerked all of my clean and jerks. My left shoulder felt great today. Every weight felt light.)
Clean and Jerk [Power Clean and Push Jerk]
{185 (112%)}
(I was happy about the PR.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
18 DAY 11
Warm Up
0:20 x Jumping Jack
0:10 x Rest
0:20 x Air Squat
0:10 x Rest
0:20 x Sit-up
0:10 x Rest
0:20 x Windmill
0:10 x Rest
0:20 x Groiner
0:10 x Rest
Complete 3 rounds.
Warm Up
Back Squat
{5 x 45 (14%) / 5 x 95 (29%)}
Back Squat w/ 3 2 x 1 Tempo
1 x 6
Rest 1:00.
Kettlebell Windmill
1 x 8/arm
Rest 1:00.
Side Star Plank
0:30 - 0:45/side
Rest 1:00.
Complete 3 rounds.
{135 (41%) / 185 (56%) / 225 (68%)
16-kg / 20-kg / 24-kg
0:30 / 0:30 / -}
(I did not want a partner. I strongly dislike squatting with a partner. More often than not, they hold me back.
I did not finish my last round of side plank within the allotted time.
I am planning to squat again this Saturday.)
AMRAP (3:00)
1 x Burpee
Cash in,
Row 500-meter
Rest 3:00.
Complete 2 rounds.
{21 / 19}
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
0:20 x Jumping Jack
0:10 x Rest
0:20 x Air Squat
0:10 x Rest
0:20 x Sit-up
0:10 x Rest
0:20 x Windmill
0:10 x Rest
0:20 x Groiner
0:10 x Rest
Complete 3 rounds.
Warm Up
Back Squat
{5 x 45 (14%) / 5 x 95 (29%)}
Back Squat w/ 3 2 x 1 Tempo
1 x 6
Rest 1:00.
Kettlebell Windmill
1 x 8/arm
Rest 1:00.
Side Star Plank
0:30 - 0:45/side
Rest 1:00.
Complete 3 rounds.
{135 (41%) / 185 (56%) / 225 (68%)
16-kg / 20-kg / 24-kg
0:30 / 0:30 / -}
(I did not want a partner. I strongly dislike squatting with a partner. More often than not, they hold me back.
I did not finish my last round of side plank within the allotted time.
I am planning to squat again this Saturday.)
AMRAP (3:00)
1 x Burpee
Cash in,
Row 500-meter
Rest 3:00.
Complete 2 rounds.
{21 / 19}
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
18 DAY 9
Warm Up
5 x No Push-up Burpee
5 x Scap Pull-up
5 x Kipping Swing
5 x Snatch High Pull
5 x Muscle Snatch
Complete 3 rounds.
Warm Up
Barbell drills
Warm Up
Touch-and-Go Hang Power Snatch
3 x 5
{65 (42% of Max Power Snatch) / 85 (55%) / 95 (62%) / 115 (74%)}
15 x Hang Power Snatch <95>
12 x Burpee
9 x Pull-up
Complete 3 rounds in 15:00.
(I was bummed. I was possibly too conservative with my pacing.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
5 x No Push-up Burpee
5 x Scap Pull-up
5 x Kipping Swing
5 x Snatch High Pull
5 x Muscle Snatch
Complete 3 rounds.
Warm Up
Barbell drills
Warm Up
Touch-and-Go Hang Power Snatch
3 x 5
{65 (42% of Max Power Snatch) / 85 (55%) / 95 (62%) / 115 (74%)}
15 x Hang Power Snatch <95>
12 x Burpee
9 x Pull-up
Complete 3 rounds in 15:00.
(I was bummed. I was possibly too conservative with my pacing.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
18 DAY 8
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
Warm Up / Strength
Clean + Push Press + Thruster
3 + 3 + 3
{95 (41% of Max Clean, 56% of Max Push Press, 70% of Max Thruster, 33% of Max Front Squat) / 95 / 105 (46%, 62%, 78%, 36%) / 105 / 115 (50%, 68%, 85%, 40%)}
(Overhead movements terrify the shit out of me.)
AMRAP (7:00)
7 x Thruster <75>
21 x Double Under
{6 + 1}
(I ambitiously wanted to completed 10 rounds.
I divided up my thrusters in the later rounds. I was afraid of that numbness that I usually experience in my left shoulder after high volume overhead movements.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
Warm Up / Strength
Clean + Push Press + Thruster
3 + 3 + 3
{95 (41% of Max Clean, 56% of Max Push Press, 70% of Max Thruster, 33% of Max Front Squat) / 95 / 105 (46%, 62%, 78%, 36%) / 105 / 115 (50%, 68%, 85%, 40%)}
(Overhead movements terrify the shit out of me.)
AMRAP (7:00)
7 x Thruster <75>
21 x Double Under
{6 + 1}
(I ambitiously wanted to completed 10 rounds.
I divided up my thrusters in the later rounds. I was afraid of that numbness that I usually experience in my left shoulder after high volume overhead movements.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
18 DAY 7
Warm Up
10-10-10 x Smith Machine Deadlift <20 (6% of Max Deadlift)-110 (33%)-160 (48%)>
10-10-10 x Air Squat
5-5-5/side x Cossack Squat
Warm Up / Strength
Smith Machine Deadlift
{200 (60%) / 250 (75%) / 290 (87%) / 320 (96%)}
Smith Machine Deadlift
5 x 1
{330 (99%) / 340 (101%) / 350 (104%) / 360 (f) / 360 (f) / 360 (f)}
(The 360-pound weight just won't move.)
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press + One Arm Dumbbell Push Press + One Arm Dumbbell Push Jerk
(3 + 3 + 3)
{30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60}
(My left arm could not complete the set with the 60-pound dumbbell unbroken.)
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
{2 x 10/arm x 70}
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
Fat Burn
10-minute run on Treadmill <@ 8 mph>
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
10-10-10 x Smith Machine Deadlift <20 (6% of Max Deadlift)-110 (33%)-160 (48%)>
10-10-10 x Air Squat
5-5-5/side x Cossack Squat
Warm Up / Strength
Smith Machine Deadlift
{200 (60%) / 250 (75%) / 290 (87%) / 320 (96%)}
Smith Machine Deadlift
5 x 1
{330 (99%) / 340 (101%) / 350 (104%) / 360 (f) / 360 (f) / 360 (f)}
(The 360-pound weight just won't move.)
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press + One Arm Dumbbell Push Press + One Arm Dumbbell Push Jerk
(3 + 3 + 3)
{30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60}
(My left arm could not complete the set with the 60-pound dumbbell unbroken.)
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
{2 x 10/arm x 70}
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
Fat Burn
10-minute run on Treadmill <@ 8 mph>
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
18 DAY 4
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat
6 x (3 + 5)
Complete a set every 2:00.
{95 (61% of Max Power Snatch) / 105 (68%) / 115 (74%) / 115 / 105 / 95}
(The strength session did not go according to plan. The toughest part of the strength piece was that I had to share equipment with a partner. My partner and I were working at different weights. Every 2:00, we had to change the weight twice. I was always moving. I had no rest.)
21-15-9 x American Kettlebell Swing <24-kg> [sub: Russian Kettlebell Swing <32-kg>]
21-15-9 x Overhead Squat <45>
3 x Burpee
The MetCon starts with 3 burpees.
Complete in 9:00.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat
6 x (3 + 5)
Complete a set every 2:00.
{95 (61% of Max Power Snatch) / 105 (68%) / 115 (74%) / 115 / 105 / 95}
(The strength session did not go according to plan. The toughest part of the strength piece was that I had to share equipment with a partner. My partner and I were working at different weights. Every 2:00, we had to change the weight twice. I was always moving. I had no rest.)
21-15-9 x American Kettlebell Swing <24-kg> [sub: Russian Kettlebell Swing <32-kg>]
21-15-9 x Overhead Squat <45>
3 x Burpee
The MetCon starts with 3 burpees.
Complete in 9:00.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
18 DAY 3
Warm Up
10 x Jump Squat
8 x Push-up
10 x Hollow Rock
30-count Samson Stretch
Complete 3 rounds.
Warm Up
Back Squat
{5 x 45 (14% of Max Back Squat) / 5 x 135 (41%) / 3 x 225 (68%) / 3 x 275 (83%)}
Farmer's Carry w/ Farmer's Handles
{95/arm (46% or 44% of Max 50' Farmer's Carry) / 165/arm (80% or 77%)}
AMRAP (20:00)
3 x Back Squat <275>
6/arm x Dumbbell Bench Press <50/arm>
100' Farmer's Carry w/ Farmer's Handles <AHAP> [<165/arm>]
Complete with a partner. Rest while your partner work.
{10 + ?}
(My partner led the AMRAP.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
10 x Jump Squat
8 x Push-up
10 x Hollow Rock
30-count Samson Stretch
Complete 3 rounds.
Warm Up
Back Squat
{5 x 45 (14% of Max Back Squat) / 5 x 135 (41%) / 3 x 225 (68%) / 3 x 275 (83%)}
Farmer's Carry w/ Farmer's Handles
{95/arm (46% or 44% of Max 50' Farmer's Carry) / 165/arm (80% or 77%)}
AMRAP (20:00)
3 x Back Squat <275>
6/arm x Dumbbell Bench Press <50/arm>
100' Farmer's Carry w/ Farmer's Handles <AHAP> [<165/arm>]
Complete with a partner. Rest while your partner work.
{10 + ?}
(My partner led the AMRAP.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
18 DAY 2
Warm Up
A bunch of crap.
AMRAP (3:00)
8 x Hang Power Clean <75>
12 x Shoulder-to-Overhead <75> [Strict Press (r1), Push Press (r2), Push Jerk (r3)]
16 x Air Squat
Rest for 3:00.
Complete 3 rounds.
{2 + 12, 2 + 8, 2 + 8}
(My left shoulder was numb after the first round.
I called a physical therapist today regarding my left shoulder.)
8 - 10/leg x Overhead Walking Lunge <45-lb plate> [<25-lb dumbbell/arm>]
5 - 10 x Strict Pull-up
{6/leg, 10, 4/leg, 10/leg, 10, 10/leg, 10}
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap.
AMRAP (3:00)
8 x Hang Power Clean <75>
12 x Shoulder-to-Overhead <75> [Strict Press (r1), Push Press (r2), Push Jerk (r3)]
16 x Air Squat
Rest for 3:00.
Complete 3 rounds.
{2 + 12, 2 + 8, 2 + 8}
(My left shoulder was numb after the first round.
I called a physical therapist today regarding my left shoulder.)
8 - 10/leg x Overhead Walking Lunge <45-lb plate> [<25-lb dumbbell/arm>]
5 - 10 x Strict Pull-up
{6/leg, 10, 4/leg, 10/leg, 10, 10/leg, 10}
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 363
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
("Me?" I said.
"I don't watch hockey." I also said.)
Warm Up / Strength
Hang Power Snatch
3 x 3
{65 (42% of Max Power Snatch) / 95 (61%) / 115 (74%) / 135 (87%)}
1 x Hang Power Snatch <135>
Cash in,
70-calorie Row
70 x Burpee
70 x Hang Power Snatch <55>
60-calorie Row
60 x Burpee
60 x Hang Power Snatch <75>
50-calorie Row
50 x Burpee
50 x Hang Power Snatch <95>
40-calorie Row
40 x Burpee
40 x Hang Power Snatch <115>
30-calorie Row
30 x Burpee
Complete in team of 3.
{0 + 520}
(My team divided the work evenly.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
("Me?" I said.
"I don't watch hockey." I also said.)
Warm Up / Strength
Hang Power Snatch
3 x 3
{65 (42% of Max Power Snatch) / 95 (61%) / 115 (74%) / 135 (87%)}
1 x Hang Power Snatch <135>
Cash in,
70-calorie Row
70 x Burpee
70 x Hang Power Snatch <55>
60-calorie Row
60 x Burpee
60 x Hang Power Snatch <75>
50-calorie Row
50 x Burpee
50 x Hang Power Snatch <95>
40-calorie Row
40 x Burpee
40 x Hang Power Snatch <115>
30-calorie Row
30 x Burpee
Complete in team of 3.
{0 + 520}
(My team divided the work evenly.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 362
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
(Our office hosted a Yankee Swap today in the office pantry. I received a Jenga set.
We played Catch Phase in the pantry after Yankee Swap.
I did not drink.
I felt overheated after the party. I was having a hard time breathing.)
Strict Pull-up
Death by Strict Pull-up
{7 + 4}
AMRAP (4:00)
10 x Deadlift <135> [scaled: <95>]
8 x Pull-up
6 x Thruster <135> [scaled: <95>]
4 x Handstand Push-up [scaled: Push-up]
Rest 1:00
Complete 3 rounds.
{4 + 22}
(Shut up. You're just a weak bitch.
I was overwhelmed.
I needed new shoes for NYE.
My friend was bugging me to hang out on Saturday.
I did not finish my work.
I was overheated and dizzy when I left work.
My apartment's shower faucet was frozen.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
(Our office hosted a Yankee Swap today in the office pantry. I received a Jenga set.
We played Catch Phase in the pantry after Yankee Swap.
I did not drink.
I felt overheated after the party. I was having a hard time breathing.)
Strict Pull-up
Death by Strict Pull-up
{7 + 4}
AMRAP (4:00)
10 x Deadlift <135> [scaled: <95>]
8 x Pull-up
6 x Thruster <135> [scaled: <95>]
4 x Handstand Push-up [scaled: Push-up]
Rest 1:00
Complete 3 rounds.
{4 + 22}
(Shut up. You're just a weak bitch.
I was overwhelmed.
I needed new shoes for NYE.
My friend was bugging me to hang out on Saturday.
I did not finish my work.
I was overheated and dizzy when I left work.
My apartment's shower faucet was frozen.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 361
Warm Up
Barbell drills
Technique / Strength
Deadlift + Clean Pull + Clean
10 x (1 + 1 + 1)
{95 (42% of Max Clean) / 95 / 115 (51%) / 115 / 135 (60%) / 135 / 155 (69%) / 175 (78%) / 195 (87%) / 215 (96%)}
Technique / Strength / Bonus
{220 (98%) / 225 (100%) / 230 (102%)}
Warm Up
Back Squat
{5 x 135 (41% of Max Back Squat)) / 5 x 175 (53%)}
Back Squat
3 x 10
{230 (70%, 84% of Max 10RM Back Squat) / 230 / 230}
(I completed a set every 4:00.
After class, I went shopping for an outfit for NYE.
My friend is making me feel bad about my outfit. Well, fuck you too.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Barbell drills
Technique / Strength
Deadlift + Clean Pull + Clean
10 x (1 + 1 + 1)
{95 (42% of Max Clean) / 95 / 115 (51%) / 115 / 135 (60%) / 135 / 155 (69%) / 175 (78%) / 195 (87%) / 215 (96%)}
Technique / Strength / Bonus
{220 (98%) / 225 (100%) / 230 (102%)}
Warm Up
Back Squat
{5 x 135 (41% of Max Back Squat)) / 5 x 175 (53%)}
Back Squat
3 x 10
{230 (70%, 84% of Max 10RM Back Squat) / 230 / 230}
(I completed a set every 4:00.
After class, I went shopping for an outfit for NYE.
My friend is making me feel bad about my outfit. Well, fuck you too.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 358
Warm Up / Strength
Death by Push-up
{12 + 9}
One Arm Dumbbell Bent-over Row
Complete as many reps of one arm dumbbell bent-over row as the push-ups with a 20-pound dumbbell.
46 / 99 / 100 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Death by Push-up
{12 + 9}
One Arm Dumbbell Bent-over Row
Complete as many reps of one arm dumbbell bent-over row as the push-ups with a 20-pound dumbbell.
46 / 99 / 100 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 355
Warm Up
Barbell drills
Warm Up / Technique / Strength
Tall Snatch + Snatch Balance
5 x (2 + 2)
{75 (48% of Max Power Snatch) / 85 (55%) / 95 (61%) / 105 (68%) / 115 (74%}
10 x Hang Power Snatch <75>
35 x Double Under
200-meter Row
Rest while your partner work.
Complete in team of 2.
Complete 6 rounds per partner.
Additional Goal for 2018
Run 1-mile
Goal for 2017 - < 6:00
Current - 6:14
Goal for 2018 - < 6:00
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Barbell drills
Warm Up / Technique / Strength
Tall Snatch + Snatch Balance
5 x (2 + 2)
{75 (48% of Max Power Snatch) / 85 (55%) / 95 (61%) / 105 (68%) / 115 (74%}
10 x Hang Power Snatch <75>
35 x Double Under
200-meter Row
Rest while your partner work.
Complete in team of 2.
Complete 6 rounds per partner.
Additional Goal for 2018
Run 1-mile
Goal for 2017 - < 6:00
Current - 6:14
Goal for 2018 - < 6:00
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 354
Warm Up
Barbell drills
Warm Up / Technique / Strength
Tall Clean
3 x 3
{95 (42% of Max Clean) / 105 (47%) / 115 (51%)}
Warm Up / Technique / Strength
Hang Clean from above the Knee
3 x 3
{115 / 125 (56%) / 135 (60%)}
Warm Up / Technique / Strength
Hang Clean from just below the Knee
3 x 3
{135 / 135 / 135}
Technique / Strength
5 x 1
{155 (69%) / 175 (78%) / 195 (87%) / 215 (96%) / 230 (102%) {f} / 230 {f}}
(I doubted myself.)
Goals for 2018
Back Squat
Goal for 2017 - 350
Current - 2 x 330
Goal for 2018 - 385
Front Squat
Goal for 2017 - 300
Current - 290
Goal for 2018 - 335
Goal for 2017 - > Back Squat
Current - 3 x 335
Goal for 2018 - 405
Goal for 2017 - 165
Current - 155 (power snatch)
Goal for 2018 - 185
Clean and Jerk
Goal for 2017 - 185
Current - 165, 165 (1 power clean + 3 push jerks), 170 (max push press), 145 (max strict press)
Goal for 2017 - 205
Goal for 2017 - 245
Current - 225 (max clean), 215 (max power clean)
Goal for 2018 - 265
Bench Press
Goal for 2017 - 225 and 5 x 5 x 185
Current - 195 (max bench press) and 5 x 5 x 170 (smith machine bench press)
Goal for 2018 - 225 and 5 x 5 x 185
Goal for 2017 - 25 (strict)
Current - 10 (butterfly/kipping), 8 (strict)
Goal for 2018 - 25 (strict)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Barbell drills
Warm Up / Technique / Strength
Tall Clean
3 x 3
{95 (42% of Max Clean) / 105 (47%) / 115 (51%)}
Warm Up / Technique / Strength
Hang Clean from above the Knee
3 x 3
{115 / 125 (56%) / 135 (60%)}
Warm Up / Technique / Strength
Hang Clean from just below the Knee
3 x 3
{135 / 135 / 135}
Technique / Strength
5 x 1
{155 (69%) / 175 (78%) / 195 (87%) / 215 (96%) / 230 (102%) {f} / 230 {f}}
(I doubted myself.)
Goals for 2018
Back Squat
Goal for 2017 - 350
Current - 2 x 330
Goal for 2018 - 385
Front Squat
Goal for 2017 - 300
Current - 290
Goal for 2018 - 335
Goal for 2017 - > Back Squat
Current - 3 x 335
Goal for 2018 - 405
Goal for 2017 - 165
Current - 155 (power snatch)
Goal for 2018 - 185
Clean and Jerk
Goal for 2017 - 185
Current - 165, 165 (1 power clean + 3 push jerks), 170 (max push press), 145 (max strict press)
Goal for 2017 - 205
Goal for 2017 - 245
Current - 225 (max clean), 215 (max power clean)
Goal for 2018 - 265
Bench Press
Goal for 2017 - 225 and 5 x 5 x 185
Current - 195 (max bench press) and 5 x 5 x 170 (smith machine bench press)
Goal for 2018 - 225 and 5 x 5 x 185
Goal for 2017 - 25 (strict)
Current - 10 (butterfly/kipping), 8 (strict)
Goal for 2018 - 25 (strict)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 353
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
(A combination of exhaustion and irritation hindered my ability to properly speak. I was at a lost for words. About thirty seconds of silence felt like a lifetime. And then my mouth made some sound that did not make sense. I awkwardly laughed and I was embarrassed.)
Touch-and-Go Deadlift
5 x 6-8
{8 x 65 (19% of Max Deadlift) / 8 x 155 (46%) / 8 x 205 (61%) / 8 x 255 (76%) / 6 x 285 (85%) / 6 x 305 (91%)}
3 x Deadlift <1.5 x bodyweight> [scaled: <275> (1.375 x bodyweight, 82%)]
6 x Burpee [sub: Burpee over Bar]
9 x Box Jump with Step Down <24"> [Rx+: <30">]
Complete 4 rounds.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
(A combination of exhaustion and irritation hindered my ability to properly speak. I was at a lost for words. About thirty seconds of silence felt like a lifetime. And then my mouth made some sound that did not make sense. I awkwardly laughed and I was embarrassed.)
Touch-and-Go Deadlift
5 x 6-8
{8 x 65 (19% of Max Deadlift) / 8 x 155 (46%) / 8 x 205 (61%) / 8 x 255 (76%) / 6 x 285 (85%) / 6 x 305 (91%)}
3 x Deadlift <1.5 x bodyweight> [scaled: <275> (1.375 x bodyweight, 82%)]
6 x Burpee [sub: Burpee over Bar]
9 x Box Jump with Step Down <24"> [Rx+: <30">]
Complete 4 rounds.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 352
Warm Up
AMRAP (5:00)
100-meter Row
Complete in team of 3. Athletes rotate after every 100 meters.
{1,444 m}
Warm Up
1/arm x Turkish Get Up <20-kg>
5 x Strict Pull-up
5/leg x Elevated Pistol Squat <24-in>
Warm Up / Conditioning
AMRAP (7:00)
2/arm x Turkish Get Up <20-kg>
5/leg x Elevated Pistol Squat <24-in>
5 x Strict Pull-up
Back Squat
Complete in 20:00
{6 x 45 (14% of Max Back Squat) / 6 x 135 (41%) / 6 x 185 (56%) / 6 x 225 (68%) / 6 x 245 (74%) / 6 x 265 (80%) / 5 x 285 (86%) / 4 x 305 (92%)}
(This is my first time squatting above 300 pounds since I hurt my groin.
I felt weak today.)
AMRAP (7:00)
18 x Wallball <25>
max effort x Burpee Box Jump Over
Complete in team of 2. While Partner 1 completes 18 wallballs, Partner 2 completes max effort burpee box jump overs. Athletes switch at Partner 1's completion of the wallballs, and so on.
{62 wallballs + 22 burpee box jump overs}
(Above constitutes just my score.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
AMRAP (5:00)
100-meter Row
Complete in team of 3. Athletes rotate after every 100 meters.
{1,444 m}
Warm Up
1/arm x Turkish Get Up <20-kg>
5 x Strict Pull-up
5/leg x Elevated Pistol Squat <24-in>
Warm Up / Conditioning
AMRAP (7:00)
2/arm x Turkish Get Up <20-kg>
5/leg x Elevated Pistol Squat <24-in>
5 x Strict Pull-up
Back Squat
Complete in 20:00
{6 x 45 (14% of Max Back Squat) / 6 x 135 (41%) / 6 x 185 (56%) / 6 x 225 (68%) / 6 x 245 (74%) / 6 x 265 (80%) / 5 x 285 (86%) / 4 x 305 (92%)}
(This is my first time squatting above 300 pounds since I hurt my groin.
I felt weak today.)
AMRAP (7:00)
18 x Wallball <25>
max effort x Burpee Box Jump Over
Complete in team of 2. While Partner 1 completes 18 wallballs, Partner 2 completes max effort burpee box jump overs. Athletes switch at Partner 1's completion of the wallballs, and so on.
{62 wallballs + 22 burpee box jump overs}
(Above constitutes just my score.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 349
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
She Bear
1 x Power Snatch
1 x Overhead Squat
1 x Snatch
1 x Overhead Squat
1 x Snatch Balance
1 x Overhead Squat
{95 (61% of Max Power Snatch) / 95 / 95 / 105 (68%) / 105 (failed snatch) / 105 / 115 (74%) / 125 (81%)}
Rope Climb
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
She Bear
1 x Power Snatch
1 x Overhead Squat
1 x Snatch
1 x Overhead Squat
1 x Snatch Balance
1 x Overhead Squat
{95 (61% of Max Power Snatch) / 95 / 95 / 105 (68%) / 105 (failed snatch) / 105 / 115 (74%) / 125 (81%)}
Rope Climb
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 348
Warm Up
Rowing and manmakers
Bench Press
5 x 6
{45 (23% of Max Bench Press) / 95 (49%) / 115 (59%) / 135 (69%) / 155 (79%) / 165 (85%)}
10-8-6-4-2/arm x One Arm Dumbbell Thruster <50> [scaled: <40>]
10-8-6-4-2 x Strict Pull-up
25-25-25-25-25 x Double Under
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Rowing and manmakers
Bench Press
5 x 6
{45 (23% of Max Bench Press) / 95 (49%) / 115 (59%) / 135 (69%) / 155 (79%) / 165 (85%)}
10-8-6-4-2/arm x One Arm Dumbbell Thruster <50> [scaled: <40>]
10-8-6-4-2 x Strict Pull-up
25-25-25-25-25 x Double Under
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 347
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
AMRAP A (3:00)
8 x Push-up
16 x Air Squat
Rest 1:00.
AMRAP B (3:00)
16 x American Kettlebell Swing <24-kg> [sub: Russian Kettlebell Swing <32-kg>]
32 x Double Under
Rest 1:00.
AMRAP C (3:00)
8 x Chest-to-Bar Pull-up
16-calorie Row
Rest 1:00.
Complete 3 rounds.
{2 + 12 (AMRAP B), 1 + 2 (AMRAP C, 8 ctbpus and 2 pus), 3 + 20 (AMRAP A), 1 + 24, 0 + 13, 3 + 6, 1 + 37, 0 + 8 (1 ctbpu and 7 pus), 3 + 2}
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
AMRAP A (3:00)
8 x Push-up
16 x Air Squat
Rest 1:00.
AMRAP B (3:00)
16 x American Kettlebell Swing <24-kg> [sub: Russian Kettlebell Swing <32-kg>]
32 x Double Under
Rest 1:00.
AMRAP C (3:00)
8 x Chest-to-Bar Pull-up
16-calorie Row
Rest 1:00.
Complete 3 rounds.
{2 + 12 (AMRAP B), 1 + 2 (AMRAP C, 8 ctbpus and 2 pus), 3 + 20 (AMRAP A), 1 + 24, 0 + 13, 3 + 6, 1 + 37, 0 + 8 (1 ctbpu and 7 pus), 3 + 2}
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 343
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
(There are two types of people in this universe, those who dance and those who don't. So, are you a dancer?)
Power Snatch + Overhead Squat
5 x (2 + 2)
{75 (48% of Max Power Snatch) / 95 (61%) / 105 (68%) / 115 (74%) / 125 (81%) / 135 (87%)}
10 x Power Snatch <75>
10/leg x Box Step Up with Medicine Ball in Bear Hug Hold <20> [Rx+: <30>]
Complete 3 rounds.
(I completed each set of the power snatches unbroken.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
(There are two types of people in this universe, those who dance and those who don't. So, are you a dancer?)
Power Snatch + Overhead Squat
5 x (2 + 2)
{75 (48% of Max Power Snatch) / 95 (61%) / 105 (68%) / 115 (74%) / 125 (81%) / 135 (87%)}
10 x Power Snatch <75>
10/leg x Box Step Up with Medicine Ball in Bear Hug Hold <20> [Rx+: <30>]
Complete 3 rounds.
(I completed each set of the power snatches unbroken.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 342
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
AMRAP (9:00)
1 x Shoulder-to-Overhead <135>
Cash in,
50 x Shoulder-to-Overhead <95>
50 x Shoulder-to-Overhead <115>
Complete with a partner.
(My partner and I divided the cash-in evenly. However, my partner completed more reps with the 135-pound weight.)
Rest 3:00.
AMRAP (9:00)
1 x Front Squat <135>
Cash in,
50 x Front Squat <95>
50 x Front Squat <115>
Complete with a partner.
(I completed more work than my partner.)
Rest 3:00.
AMRAP (9:00)
1 x Hang Power Clean <135> [scaled: <95> (me, only)]
Cash in,
50 x Hang Power Clean <95>
50 x Hang Power Clean <115> [scaled: <95> (me, only)]
Complete with a partner.
(My partner completed more work than me.
This week has been rough.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
AMRAP (9:00)
1 x Shoulder-to-Overhead <135>
Cash in,
50 x Shoulder-to-Overhead <95>
50 x Shoulder-to-Overhead <115>
Complete with a partner.
(My partner and I divided the cash-in evenly. However, my partner completed more reps with the 135-pound weight.)
Rest 3:00.
AMRAP (9:00)
1 x Front Squat <135>
Cash in,
50 x Front Squat <95>
50 x Front Squat <115>
Complete with a partner.
(I completed more work than my partner.)
Rest 3:00.
AMRAP (9:00)
1 x Hang Power Clean <135> [scaled: <95> (me, only)]
Cash in,
50 x Hang Power Clean <95>
50 x Hang Power Clean <115> [scaled: <95> (me, only)]
Complete with a partner.
(My partner completed more work than me.
This week has been rough.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 340
Warm Up / Conditioning
A bunch of crap
(Heartbreak waits on the other side.)
AMRAP (8:00)
2-4-6... x Wallball <20>
2-4-6... x Reverse Lunge w/ Medicine Ball in Bear Hug Hold <20>
{18 + 10}
(Long story short, I could and should have finished the round of 20. I am disappointed.)
Rest for 2:00.
8 x Cindy
A round of Cindy is consisted of,
5 x Pull-up
10 x Push-up
15 x Air Squat
Complete in 8:00.
{CAP + 115}
(My body was just wrecked. I had a hard time moving in general.)
Rest 2:00.
10-9-8... -1 x Russian Kettlebell Swing <32-kg>
10-9-8... -1 x Box Jump <24">
Complete in 8:00.
(I could not keep my lower back tight on the kettlebell swings.
I think the box jumps broke my legs.)
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
(Heartbreak waits on the other side.)
AMRAP (8:00)
2-4-6... x Wallball <20>
2-4-6... x Reverse Lunge w/ Medicine Ball in Bear Hug Hold <20>
{18 + 10}
(Long story short, I could and should have finished the round of 20. I am disappointed.)
Rest for 2:00.
8 x Cindy
A round of Cindy is consisted of,
5 x Pull-up
10 x Push-up
15 x Air Squat
Complete in 8:00.
{CAP + 115}
(My body was just wrecked. I had a hard time moving in general.)
Rest 2:00.
10-9-8... -1 x Russian Kettlebell Swing <32-kg>
10-9-8... -1 x Box Jump <24">
Complete in 8:00.
(I could not keep my lower back tight on the kettlebell swings.
I think the box jumps broke my legs.)
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 339
Warm Up / Conditioning
A bunch of crap with a partner and a medicine ball
Back Squat
5 x 3 <3 3 x 1>
{45 (14% of Max Back Squat) / 135 (41%) / 185 (56%) / 205 (62%) / 225 (68%) / 245 (74%) / 265 (80%)}
25 x Wallball <20>
50 x Double Under
20 x Wallball <20>
40 x Double Under
15 x Wallball <20>
30 x Double Under
10 x Wallball <20>
20 x Double Under
5 x Wallball <20>
10 x Double Under
Complete in 10:00.
(Last night's workout left its mark. I am having a hard time raising my arms and walking.)
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap with a partner and a medicine ball
Back Squat
5 x 3 <3 3 x 1>
{45 (14% of Max Back Squat) / 135 (41%) / 185 (56%) / 205 (62%) / 225 (68%) / 245 (74%) / 265 (80%)}
25 x Wallball <20>
50 x Double Under
20 x Wallball <20>
40 x Double Under
15 x Wallball <20>
30 x Double Under
10 x Wallball <20>
20 x Double Under
5 x Wallball <20>
10 x Double Under
Complete in 10:00.
(Last night's workout left its mark. I am having a hard time raising my arms and walking.)
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 338
Warm Up / Conditioning
10-calorie Row
10 x Kipping Swing
10 x Clean Grip Overhead Squat
10 x Broad Jump
Complete 4 rounds.
AMRAP (12:00)
25 x Pull-up
50-calorie Row
100 x Overhead Squat <45>
50 x Box Jump
25 x Pull-up
{0 + 203}
(I was disappointed.
I could and should have been more aggressive.
I need to be more confident in my ability. A little confidence goes a long way.
Last year, I completed, if I remember correctly, 145 reps in 15 minutes.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
10-calorie Row
10 x Kipping Swing
10 x Clean Grip Overhead Squat
10 x Broad Jump
Complete 4 rounds.
AMRAP (12:00)
25 x Pull-up
50-calorie Row
100 x Overhead Squat <45>
50 x Box Jump
25 x Pull-up
{0 + 203}
(I was disappointed.
I could and should have been more aggressive.
I need to be more confident in my ability. A little confidence goes a long way.
Last year, I completed, if I remember correctly, 145 reps in 15 minutes.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 337
Warm Up / Conditioning
10-minute run on treadmill <4:00 @ 7mph, 3:00 @ 8mph, 2:00 @ 9mph, 1:00 @ 10mph>
(I had a hard time with the run today.)
Warm Up
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
3 x 10/arm x 10
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press + One Arm Dumbbell Push Press + One Arm Dumbbell Push Jerk
5 x (3 + 3 + 3)/arm
{20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60}
Active Recovery
10-minute on Elliptical Trainer
Tabata Plank
Tabata Side Plank
Complete 4 rounds per side.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
10-minute run on treadmill <4:00 @ 7mph, 3:00 @ 8mph, 2:00 @ 9mph, 1:00 @ 10mph>
(I had a hard time with the run today.)
Warm Up
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
3 x 10/arm x 10
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press + One Arm Dumbbell Push Press + One Arm Dumbbell Push Jerk
5 x (3 + 3 + 3)/arm
{20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60}
Active Recovery
10-minute on Elliptical Trainer
Tabata Plank
Tabata Side Plank
Complete 4 rounds per side.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 334
Warm Up
5/side x Dead Bug
5/side x Bird Dog
5 x Air Squat w/ Tempo <5 2 x 1>
15 x Wallball, Unbroken <14>
Complete 3 rounds.
Back Squat w/ Tempo <5 2 x 1>
5 x 3
{45 (14% of Max Back Squat) / 135 (41%) / 185 (56%) / 205 (62%) / 225 (68%) / 245 (74%) / 255 (77%) / 185}
(My legs were soft after the strength session.)
AMRAP (7:00)
3-6-9... x Wallball <20>
3-6-9... x Box Jump Over <24-in>
{18 + 21}
(I was not content.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
5/side x Dead Bug
5/side x Bird Dog
5 x Air Squat w/ Tempo <5 2 x 1>
15 x Wallball, Unbroken <14>
Complete 3 rounds.
Back Squat w/ Tempo <5 2 x 1>
5 x 3
{45 (14% of Max Back Squat) / 135 (41%) / 185 (56%) / 205 (62%) / 225 (68%) / 245 (74%) / 255 (77%) / 185}
(My legs were soft after the strength session.)
AMRAP (7:00)
3-6-9... x Wallball <20>
3-6-9... x Box Jump Over <24-in>
{18 + 21}
(I was not content.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 333
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
AMRAP (40:00)
Row for max calories.
Cash in
4 x Chest-to-Bar Pull-up [scaled: Assisted Chest-to-Bar Pull-up <Green Band>]
Cash out
2 x Wall Walk (I did not start each of my wall walk with a push-up.)
Work in team of 3. Athletes switch after every 35 (male) / 30 (female) calories. Athlete B may not start on the chest-to-bar pull-ups prior to Athlete A completing the required calories.
(My team misunderstood the direction. We overlapped the chest-to-bar pull-ups and the row.
Four times, one of my coaches and I got on the rower at roughy the same time. Four times, I got off of the rower before my coach.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
AMRAP (40:00)
Row for max calories.
Cash in
4 x Chest-to-Bar Pull-up [scaled: Assisted Chest-to-Bar Pull-up <Green Band>]
Cash out
2 x Wall Walk (I did not start each of my wall walk with a push-up.)
Work in team of 3. Athletes switch after every 35 (male) / 30 (female) calories. Athlete B may not start on the chest-to-bar pull-ups prior to Athlete A completing the required calories.
(My team misunderstood the direction. We overlapped the chest-to-bar pull-ups and the row.
Four times, one of my coaches and I got on the rower at roughy the same time. Four times, I got off of the rower before my coach.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 332
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
Push Press
5 x 4
Complete a set every 3:00.
{45 (26% of Max Push Press) / 95 (56%) / 105 (62%) / 115 (68%) / 125 (74%) / 135 (79%)}
AMRAP (8:00)
2-4-8-10-12... x American Kettlebell Swing <24-kg> [sub: Russian Kettlebell Swing <32-kg>]
2-4-8-10-12... x Burpee
30 x Double Under
{8 + 46}
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
Push Press
5 x 4
Complete a set every 3:00.
{45 (26% of Max Push Press) / 95 (56%) / 105 (62%) / 115 (68%) / 125 (74%) / 135 (79%)}
AMRAP (8:00)
2-4-8-10-12... x American Kettlebell Swing <24-kg> [sub: Russian Kettlebell Swing <32-kg>]
2-4-8-10-12... x Burpee
30 x Double Under
{8 + 46}
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 331
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
(Shut the fuck up! Shut the fuck up! Shut the fuck up!)
5 x 3
Athletes may not touch-and-go reps or use a weightlifting belt or mixed grip.
{3 x 135 (40%) / 3 x 185 (55%) / 3 x 225 (67%) / 3 x 245 (73%) / 3 x 245}
(My body was not feeling it today.)
EMOM (15:00)
1:00 - 7 x Toes-to-Bar
2:00 - 7/leg x Goblet Hold Reverse Lunge <24-kg> [Rx+: <28-kg>]
3:00 - 14 x Plate Ground-to-Overhead <45> [scaled: <25>]
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
(Shut the fuck up! Shut the fuck up! Shut the fuck up!)
5 x 3
Athletes may not touch-and-go reps or use a weightlifting belt or mixed grip.
{3 x 135 (40%) / 3 x 185 (55%) / 3 x 225 (67%) / 3 x 245 (73%) / 3 x 245}
(My body was not feeling it today.)
EMOM (15:00)
1:00 - 7 x Toes-to-Bar
2:00 - 7/leg x Goblet Hold Reverse Lunge <24-kg> [Rx+: <28-kg>]
3:00 - 14 x Plate Ground-to-Overhead <45> [scaled: <25>]
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 328
Food for Thought
True happiness comes from within.
Warm Up
Run from apartment to track
400-meter Walk
800-meter Run
400-meter Walk
AMRAP (20:00)
2-story Descent via Stair
2-story Ascent via Hill
8 x Push-up
10 x Sit-up
12 x Pistol Squat
{8 + 1}
Active Recovery
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
True happiness comes from within.
Warm Up
Run from apartment to track
400-meter Walk
800-meter Run
400-meter Walk
AMRAP (20:00)
2-story Descent via Stair
2-story Ascent via Hill
8 x Push-up
10 x Sit-up
12 x Pistol Squat
{8 + 1}
Active Recovery
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 319
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
AMRAP (30:00)
20 x Pull-up [sub: Ring Row]
20 x One Arm Kettlebell Thruster <24-kg> [sub: Goblet Squat <32-kg>]
20 x American Kettlebell Swing <24-kg> [sub: Russian Kettlebell Swing <32-kg>]
20 x Sit-up
Complete AMRAP with a partner. One athlete works at a time. Partition reps as desired.
{9 + 37}
(My partner and I each completed half of the work. My partner completed the workout Rx. I substituted three of the movements due to my shoulder injury.
My ring rows were a mess.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
AMRAP (30:00)
20 x Pull-up [sub: Ring Row]
20 x One Arm Kettlebell Thruster <24-kg> [sub: Goblet Squat <32-kg>]
20 x American Kettlebell Swing <24-kg> [sub: Russian Kettlebell Swing <32-kg>]
20 x Sit-up
Complete AMRAP with a partner. One athlete works at a time. Partition reps as desired.
{9 + 37}
(My partner and I each completed half of the work. My partner completed the workout Rx. I substituted three of the movements due to my shoulder injury.
My ring rows were a mess.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 318
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
Overhead Squat with Tempo (4 2 x 1) [sub: Front Squat]
5 x 3
Bar comes from the floor.
Strict Pull-up
5 x 5
Alternate a set of overhead squat with a set of strict pull-up.
{95 (44% of Max Power Clean, 33% of Max Front Squat) / 115 (53%, 40%) / 135 (63%, 47%) / 155 (72%, 53%) / 175 (81%, 60%)}
1 x Snatch Deadlift + 1 x Hang Snatch + 1 x Overhead Squat [sub: 1 x Deadlift + 1 x Hang Clean + 1 x Front Squat]
Complete a set every 1:15. Complete 16 sets in 20:00.
{95 (28% of Max Deadlift, 42% of Max Clean, 33% of Max Front Squat) / 95 / 115 (34%, 51%, 40%) / 115 / 135 (40%, 60%, 47%) / 135 / 155 (46%, 69%, 53%) / 155 / 155 / 165 (49%, 73%, 57%) / 165 / 165 / 175 (52%, 78%, 60%) / 175 / 175 / 185 (55%, 82%, 64%)}
15 x (lower back stretch)
15 x Pike Pulse
Complete 3 rounds.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
Overhead Squat with Tempo (4 2 x 1) [sub: Front Squat]
5 x 3
Bar comes from the floor.
Strict Pull-up
5 x 5
Alternate a set of overhead squat with a set of strict pull-up.
{95 (44% of Max Power Clean, 33% of Max Front Squat) / 115 (53%, 40%) / 135 (63%, 47%) / 155 (72%, 53%) / 175 (81%, 60%)}
1 x Snatch Deadlift + 1 x Hang Snatch + 1 x Overhead Squat [sub: 1 x Deadlift + 1 x Hang Clean + 1 x Front Squat]
Complete a set every 1:15. Complete 16 sets in 20:00.
{95 (28% of Max Deadlift, 42% of Max Clean, 33% of Max Front Squat) / 95 / 115 (34%, 51%, 40%) / 115 / 135 (40%, 60%, 47%) / 135 / 155 (46%, 69%, 53%) / 155 / 155 / 165 (49%, 73%, 57%) / 165 / 165 / 175 (52%, 78%, 60%) / 175 / 175 / 185 (55%, 82%, 64%)}
15 x (lower back stretch)
15 x Pike Pulse
Complete 3 rounds.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 317
17 DAY 314
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
Clean and Jerk [sub: Clean]
Establish 1RM.
{3 x 95 (power clean) (44% of Max Power Clean) / 3 x 95 (42% of Max Clean) / 3 x 115 (power clean) (53%) / 3 x 115 (51%) / 1 x 135 (power clean) (63%) / 1 x 135 (60%) / 1 x 155 (power clean) (72%) / 1 x 155 (69%) / 1 x 175 (power clean) (81%) / 1 x 175 (78%) / 1 x 195 (power clean) (91%) / 1 x 195 (87%) / 1 x 215 (power clean) (100%) / 1 x 215 (96%)}
(I was not content.)
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
Clean and Jerk [sub: Clean]
Establish 1RM.
{3 x 95 (power clean) (44% of Max Power Clean) / 3 x 95 (42% of Max Clean) / 3 x 115 (power clean) (53%) / 3 x 115 (51%) / 1 x 135 (power clean) (63%) / 1 x 135 (60%) / 1 x 155 (power clean) (72%) / 1 x 155 (69%) / 1 x 175 (power clean) (81%) / 1 x 175 (78%) / 1 x 195 (power clean) (91%) / 1 x 195 (87%) / 1 x 215 (power clean) (100%) / 1 x 215 (96%)}
(I was not content.)
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 313
Warm Up
AMRAP (7:00)
3 x Chin-up
10 x Goblet Squat <16-kg>
5/side x Cossack Squat
20-count Hollow Hold
5 x Front Squat <45>
{2 + 3}
Back Squat
Establish 10RM in 20:00.
{5 x 45 (14% of Max Back Squat) / 5 x 135 (41%) / 5 x 185 (56%) / 5 x 225 (68%) / 3 x 245 (74%) / 3 x 265 (80%) / 10 x 275 (83%)}
(I was content.)
EMOM (10:00)
1:00 - 10 x Burpee Box Jump Over <24">
2:00 - 10 x Toes-to-Bar [sub: Medicine Ball V-up <14>]
{10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 8 / 10 / 8 / 10 / 8 / 10}
(My medicine ball v-ups were no good.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
AMRAP (7:00)
3 x Chin-up
10 x Goblet Squat <16-kg>
5/side x Cossack Squat
20-count Hollow Hold
5 x Front Squat <45>
{2 + 3}
Back Squat
Establish 10RM in 20:00.
{5 x 45 (14% of Max Back Squat) / 5 x 135 (41%) / 5 x 185 (56%) / 5 x 225 (68%) / 3 x 245 (74%) / 3 x 265 (80%) / 10 x 275 (83%)}
(I was content.)
EMOM (10:00)
1:00 - 10 x Burpee Box Jump Over <24">
2:00 - 10 x Toes-to-Bar [sub: Medicine Ball V-up <14>]
{10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 8 / 10 / 8 / 10 / 8 / 10}
(My medicine ball v-ups were no good.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 312
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
Partner AMRAP (30:00)
Partner 1 completes,
2 x Cindy,
5 x Pull-up
10 x Push-up
15 x Air Squat
Partner 2,
Row for max calorie.
At the completion of 2 rounds of Cindy, Partner 1 moves onto the rower while Partner 2 moves onto Cindy. There will be 2 scores for the AMRAP, number of rounds of Cindy completed and number of calories rowed.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
Partner AMRAP (30:00)
Partner 1 completes,
2 x Cindy,
5 x Pull-up
10 x Push-up
15 x Air Squat
Partner 2,
Row for max calorie.
At the completion of 2 rounds of Cindy, Partner 1 moves onto the rower while Partner 2 moves onto Cindy. There will be 2 scores for the AMRAP, number of rounds of Cindy completed and number of calories rowed.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 311
Seated Pike Pulse
3 x 15
Warm Up
Strict Ring Dip
4 x 5
One Arm Kettlebell Bent Over Row
4 x 8/arm x {16, 20, 24, 28-kg}
Alternate a set of strict ring dip with a set of one arm kettlebell bent over row.
AMRAP (20:00)
30 x Wallball <20>
30 x Box Jump (w/ Step Down) <24">
30-calorie Row
30 x Toes-to-Bar
{1 + 101}
(Toes-to-bars gave me a lot of trouble. Again, I was not too thrilled with the MetCon result. However, at the same time, I was not too upset.
I felt fine during the strength portion of the workout. My energy hit a low as soon as the MetCon started.
Lately, I have not been sleeping well.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Seated Pike Pulse
3 x 15
Warm Up
Strict Ring Dip
4 x 5
One Arm Kettlebell Bent Over Row
4 x 8/arm x {16, 20, 24, 28-kg}
Alternate a set of strict ring dip with a set of one arm kettlebell bent over row.
AMRAP (20:00)
30 x Wallball <20>
30 x Box Jump (w/ Step Down) <24">
30-calorie Row
30 x Toes-to-Bar
{1 + 101}
(Toes-to-bars gave me a lot of trouble. Again, I was not too thrilled with the MetCon result. However, at the same time, I was not too upset.
I felt fine during the strength portion of the workout. My energy hit a low as soon as the MetCon started.
Lately, I have not been sleeping well.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 310
Warm Up
It was a blur.
(I did not sleep well last night. I felt weak today.)
Overhead Squat [sub: Front Squat]
Establish 3RM in 15:00. Bar comes from the floor.
{95 (45% of Max Power Clean, 42% of Max Clean, 33% of Max Front Squat) / 115 (55%, 51%, 40%) / 135 (64%, 60%, 47%) / 155 (74%, 69%, 53%) / 175 (83%, 78%, 60%) / 195 (93%, 87%, 67%) / 215 (102%, 96%, 74%)}
AMRAP (3:00)
1 x Double Under
Cash in,
18 x Overhead Squat <95> [sub: Front Squat]
18 x Lateral Burpee over Bar
Rest for 3:00.
AMRAP (3:00)
1 x Double Under
Cash in,
15 x Overhead Squat <115> [sub: Front Squat <135>]
15 x Lateral Burpee over Bar
Rest for 3:00.
AMRAP (3:00)
1 x Double Under
Cash in,
9 x Overhead Squat <135> [sub: Front Squat <185 (86% of Power Clean, 64% of Max Front Squat)>]
9 x Lateral Burpee over Bar
(I was not too thrilled with the MetCon results. However, there were just too many victories tonight to be upset over the MetCon results.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
It was a blur.
(I did not sleep well last night. I felt weak today.)
Overhead Squat [sub: Front Squat]
Establish 3RM in 15:00. Bar comes from the floor.
{95 (45% of Max Power Clean, 42% of Max Clean, 33% of Max Front Squat) / 115 (55%, 51%, 40%) / 135 (64%, 60%, 47%) / 155 (74%, 69%, 53%) / 175 (83%, 78%, 60%) / 195 (93%, 87%, 67%) / 215 (102%, 96%, 74%)}
AMRAP (3:00)
1 x Double Under
Cash in,
18 x Overhead Squat <95> [sub: Front Squat]
18 x Lateral Burpee over Bar
Rest for 3:00.
AMRAP (3:00)
1 x Double Under
Cash in,
15 x Overhead Squat <115> [sub: Front Squat <135>]
15 x Lateral Burpee over Bar
Rest for 3:00.
AMRAP (3:00)
1 x Double Under
Cash in,
9 x Overhead Squat <135> [sub: Front Squat <185 (86% of Power Clean, 64% of Max Front Squat)>]
9 x Lateral Burpee over Bar
(I was not too thrilled with the MetCon results. However, there were just too many victories tonight to be upset over the MetCon results.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 309
Warm Up / Strength
Smith Machine Sumo Deadlift / Smith Machine Deadlift
{10 x 110 (34% of Max Deadlift) / 10 x 110 // 8 x 160 (49%) / 8 x 160 // 6 x 200 (62%) / 6 x 200 // 4 x 250 (77%) / 4 x 250 // 2 x 290 (89%) / 2 x 290}
Smith Machine Sumo Deadlift + Smith Machine Deadlift
5 x (1 + 1)
{310 (95%) / 320 (98%) / 330 (102%) / 340 (105%) / 350 (108%)}
AMRAP (5:00)
1-story Farmer's Carry up and down Stairs
One story climb, up and down the stairs, counts as 1 round or 4 reps.
{5 + 1}
Tabata Plank
Tabata Side Plank
Complete 4 rounds per side.
Seated Pike Pulse
3 x 15
AMRAP (5:00)
1-story Farmer's Carry up and down Stairs
One story climb, up and down the stairs, counts as 1 round or 4 reps.
{6 + 2}
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Smith Machine Sumo Deadlift / Smith Machine Deadlift
{10 x 110 (34% of Max Deadlift) / 10 x 110 // 8 x 160 (49%) / 8 x 160 // 6 x 200 (62%) / 6 x 200 // 4 x 250 (77%) / 4 x 250 // 2 x 290 (89%) / 2 x 290}
Smith Machine Sumo Deadlift + Smith Machine Deadlift
5 x (1 + 1)
{310 (95%) / 320 (98%) / 330 (102%) / 340 (105%) / 350 (108%)}
AMRAP (5:00)
1-story Farmer's Carry up and down Stairs
One story climb, up and down the stairs, counts as 1 round or 4 reps.
{5 + 1}
Tabata Plank
Tabata Side Plank
Complete 4 rounds per side.
Seated Pike Pulse
3 x 15
AMRAP (5:00)
1-story Farmer's Carry up and down Stairs
One story climb, up and down the stairs, counts as 1 round or 4 reps.
{6 + 2}
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 306
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
5 x 3
Athletes may not use a weightlifting belt, mixed grip and touch-and-go reps.
{65 (21% of Max Deadlift} / 135 (43%) / 185 (59%) / 205 (65%) / 225 (71%) / 245 (78%) / 265 (84%) / 285 (90%) / 305 (97%) / 325 (103%)}
EMOM (12:00)
1:00 - 6 to 8 x Deadlift <135> [Rx+: 8 x Deadlift <185>]
2:00 - 30 to 50 x Double Under [40 x]
3:00 - 18 to 20 x Sit-up [20 x]
(I completed 3 of the 4 rounds of double unders unbroken.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
5 x 3
Athletes may not use a weightlifting belt, mixed grip and touch-and-go reps.
{65 (21% of Max Deadlift} / 135 (43%) / 185 (59%) / 205 (65%) / 225 (71%) / 245 (78%) / 265 (84%) / 285 (90%) / 305 (97%) / 325 (103%)}
EMOM (12:00)
1:00 - 6 to 8 x Deadlift <135> [Rx+: 8 x Deadlift <185>]
2:00 - 30 to 50 x Double Under [40 x]
3:00 - 18 to 20 x Sit-up [20 x]
(I completed 3 of the 4 rounds of double unders unbroken.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 305
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
AMRAP (3:00)
Cash In
10 x Toes-to-Bar [sub: 10 x Hanging Knee Raise (recommended by coach)]
40-calorie Row
40 x Box Jump (w/ Step Down) <24"> [Rebounding Box Jump (r6 only)]
20/arm x Kettlebell Push Press <24-kg> [sub: 30 x Push Up (recommended by coach)]
Rest for 3:00.
Complete 6 rounds. Athletes start each round with a cash in of 10 toes-to-bars. Subsequently, athletes pick up where they left off in the chipper.
{(+60) 0 + 60 / (+55) 1 + 15 / (+50) 1 + 65 / (+45) 2 + 0 / (+45) 2 + 45 / (+58) 2 + 103}
(In the hindsight, I believe that I could have pushed myself harder in the later rounds. However, all in all, I am really happy with my effort.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
AMRAP (3:00)
Cash In
10 x Toes-to-Bar [sub: 10 x Hanging Knee Raise (recommended by coach)]
40-calorie Row
40 x Box Jump (w/ Step Down) <24"> [Rebounding Box Jump (r6 only)]
20/arm x Kettlebell Push Press <24-kg> [sub: 30 x Push Up (recommended by coach)]
Rest for 3:00.
Complete 6 rounds. Athletes start each round with a cash in of 10 toes-to-bars. Subsequently, athletes pick up where they left off in the chipper.
{(+60) 0 + 60 / (+55) 1 + 15 / (+50) 1 + 65 / (+45) 2 + 0 / (+45) 2 + 45 / (+58) 2 + 103}
(In the hindsight, I believe that I could have pushed myself harder in the later rounds. However, all in all, I am really happy with my effort.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 304
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
AMRAP (12:00)
15 x Burpee
10 x Hang Clean <115>
5 x Push Press <115> [sub: 10 x Wallball <20>]
(I subbed the push presses with wallballs. My left shoulder was irritated.
All in all, I felt weak today. My energy was low. Multiple nights of bad sleep had finally caught up to me.
I felt a sharp pain in my right knee during the first round of burpees.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
AMRAP (12:00)
15 x Burpee
10 x Hang Clean <115>
5 x Push Press <115> [sub: 10 x Wallball <20>]
(I subbed the push presses with wallballs. My left shoulder was irritated.
All in all, I felt weak today. My energy was low. Multiple nights of bad sleep had finally caught up to me.
I felt a sharp pain in my right knee during the first round of burpees.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 303
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
Back Squat
5 x 4
Complete with 52x1 tempo.
{45 (14% of Max Back Squat) / 95 (29%) / 135 (41%) / 185 (56%) / 225 (68%) / 235 (71%)}
12 x American Kettlebell Swing <24-kg>
9 x Wallball <20>
6 x Pull-up
Complete 5 rounds in 10:00.
(I can do butterfly pull-ups now!
I jumped onto the bar. The rhythm came about naturally. The pieces just fell together.
However, I did lose my rhythm toward the later rounds when I was fatigued.
I still strongly despise AKS.
And lastly, I have been experiencing pain in my right arm since last week.
All in all, I was content with my effort tonight.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
Back Squat
5 x 4
Complete with 52x1 tempo.
{45 (14% of Max Back Squat) / 95 (29%) / 135 (41%) / 185 (56%) / 225 (68%) / 235 (71%)}
12 x American Kettlebell Swing <24-kg>
9 x Wallball <20>
6 x Pull-up
Complete 5 rounds in 10:00.
(I can do butterfly pull-ups now!
I jumped onto the bar. The rhythm came about naturally. The pieces just fell together.
However, I did lose my rhythm toward the later rounds when I was fatigued.
I still strongly despise AKS.
And lastly, I have been experiencing pain in my right arm since last week.
All in all, I was content with my effort tonight.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 302
Warm Up
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
1 x 30/arm x 20
Warm Up
80'/arm x One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Carry <40, 50, 60>
0.13-mile walk on treadmill <@ 4mph>
Complete 3 rounds.
Accessory / Strength
Bicep Curl + Hammer Curl
5 x (5 + 5)
{20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40}
Accessory / Strength
Tricep Press
3 x 10
{40 / 50 / 60}
Tabata Plank
Tabata Side Plank
Complete 4 rounds per side.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
1 x 30/arm x 20
Warm Up
80'/arm x One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Carry <40, 50, 60>
0.13-mile walk on treadmill <@ 4mph>
Complete 3 rounds.
Accessory / Strength
Bicep Curl + Hammer Curl
5 x (5 + 5)
{20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40}
Accessory / Strength
Tricep Press
3 x 10
{40 / 50 / 60}
Tabata Plank
Tabata Side Plank
Complete 4 rounds per side.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 300
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
(Every part of my body was sore today.)
EMOM (12:00)
1 x Power Snatch + 1 x Overhead Squat
{45 (32% of Max Power Snatch) / 45 / 45 / 65 (46%) / 65 / 65 / 75 (54%) / 75 / 75 / 85 (61%) / 85 / 85}
("Ben started the EMOM with an empty bar and finished the workout with the 225-pound weight."
Well, if Ben started the EMOM with an empty bar, then I guess that I should start the EMOM with an empty bar as well. I am no Ben.
My coach heavily critiqued my snatches this past Wednesday night. I did not have a lot of confidence going into tonight's session. In addition, my entire body was sore.)
EMOM (12:00)
1 x Snatch + 1 x Overhead Squat [/ 1 x Power Snatch + 2 x Overhead Squat / 1 x Power Snatch + 1 x Overhead Squat]
{95 (68%) / 95 / 95 / 105 (75%) / 105 / 105 / 115 (82%) / 115 / 115 / 115 / 115 / 115}
(I was really affected by my coach's criticisms from Wednesday night. I was over-thinking my movements. The snatches were sloppy.)
EMOM (12:00)
1 x Snatch [substitute: 1 x Power Snatch]
{125 (89%) / 125 / 125 / 135 (96%) / 135 / 135 / 145 (104%) / 145 (miss) / 145 (miss) / 145 / x / 150 (107%)}
(Back squat. My current two rep max back squat is 330-pound. I am 20-pound away from my year-end goal of 350-pound.
Front squat. My current max front squat is 290-pound. I am 10-pound away from my year-end goal of 300-pound.
Snatch. My current max snatch is 150-pound. I am 15-pound away from my year-end goal of 165-pound.
Clean. My current max clean is 225-pound. I am 20-pound away from my year-end goal of 245-pound.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
(Every part of my body was sore today.)
EMOM (12:00)
1 x Power Snatch + 1 x Overhead Squat
{45 (32% of Max Power Snatch) / 45 / 45 / 65 (46%) / 65 / 65 / 75 (54%) / 75 / 75 / 85 (61%) / 85 / 85}
("Ben started the EMOM with an empty bar and finished the workout with the 225-pound weight."
Well, if Ben started the EMOM with an empty bar, then I guess that I should start the EMOM with an empty bar as well. I am no Ben.
My coach heavily critiqued my snatches this past Wednesday night. I did not have a lot of confidence going into tonight's session. In addition, my entire body was sore.)
EMOM (12:00)
1 x Snatch + 1 x Overhead Squat [/ 1 x Power Snatch + 2 x Overhead Squat / 1 x Power Snatch + 1 x Overhead Squat]
{95 (68%) / 95 / 95 / 105 (75%) / 105 / 105 / 115 (82%) / 115 / 115 / 115 / 115 / 115}
(I was really affected by my coach's criticisms from Wednesday night. I was over-thinking my movements. The snatches were sloppy.)
EMOM (12:00)
1 x Snatch [substitute: 1 x Power Snatch]
{125 (89%) / 125 / 125 / 135 (96%) / 135 / 135 / 145 (104%) / 145 (miss) / 145 (miss) / 145 / x / 150 (107%)}
(Back squat. My current two rep max back squat is 330-pound. I am 20-pound away from my year-end goal of 350-pound.
Front squat. My current max front squat is 290-pound. I am 10-pound away from my year-end goal of 300-pound.
Snatch. My current max snatch is 150-pound. I am 15-pound away from my year-end goal of 165-pound.
Clean. My current max clean is 225-pound. I am 20-pound away from my year-end goal of 245-pound.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 299
Warm Up
Barbell drills
Hang Power Clean
Establish 3RM in 10:00.
{95 (45% of Max Power Clean, 42% of Max Clean) / 115 (55%, 51%) / 135 (64%, 60%) / 155 (74%, 69%) / 165 (79%, 73%)}
(Ugh. I wish that I have better front rack mobility. My inability to hold on to the barbell while the barbell is on my shoulders makes barbell cycling extremely difficult.)
60 x Deadlift <95>
100 x Wallball <20>
60 x Hang Power Clean <95>
150 x Double Under
60 x Push-up
100 x Front Rack Reverse Lunge <95>
Complete with a partner. Complete in 25:00.
(My partner and I each completed half of the work. We were the first team to complete the workout.
However, I do not feel good about it.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Barbell drills
Hang Power Clean
Establish 3RM in 10:00.
{95 (45% of Max Power Clean, 42% of Max Clean) / 115 (55%, 51%) / 135 (64%, 60%) / 155 (74%, 69%) / 165 (79%, 73%)}
(Ugh. I wish that I have better front rack mobility. My inability to hold on to the barbell while the barbell is on my shoulders makes barbell cycling extremely difficult.)
60 x Deadlift <95>
100 x Wallball <20>
60 x Hang Power Clean <95>
150 x Double Under
60 x Push-up
100 x Front Rack Reverse Lunge <95>
Complete with a partner. Complete in 25:00.
(My partner and I each completed half of the work. We were the first team to complete the workout.
However, I do not feel good about it.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 298
Warm Up
Barbell drills
Technique / Strength
Tall Snatch [/ Tall Power Snatch]
3 x 3
{65 (46% of Max Power Snatch) / 85 (61%) / 85}
(The tall snatches were okay.
I might had a breakthrough with my snatches tonight.)
Technique / Strength
Hang Snatch (from above the Knee) [/ Hang Power Snatch (from above the Knee)]
3 x 3
{85 / 115 (82%) / 125 (made) (89%), 125 (miss), 125 (made), 125 (miss) / 115 (made), 115 (made), 115 (miss?)}
(I strongly dislike pairing up with someone who lifts more than me.)
Technique / Strength
Snatch [/ Power Snatch]
3 x 3
{115 / 115 / 95}
(I missed a couple lifts with the 115-pound weight.
All in all, tonight was no good.)
Back Squat
5 x 5
{135 (41% of Max Back Squat) / 185 (56%) / 225 (68%) / 250 (76%) / 270 (81%)}
(The squats felt really good tonight.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Barbell drills
Technique / Strength
Tall Snatch [/ Tall Power Snatch]
3 x 3
{65 (46% of Max Power Snatch) / 85 (61%) / 85}
(The tall snatches were okay.
I might had a breakthrough with my snatches tonight.)
Technique / Strength
Hang Snatch (from above the Knee) [/ Hang Power Snatch (from above the Knee)]
3 x 3
{85 / 115 (82%) / 125 (made) (89%), 125 (miss), 125 (made), 125 (miss) / 115 (made), 115 (made), 115 (miss?)}
(I strongly dislike pairing up with someone who lifts more than me.)
Technique / Strength
Snatch [/ Power Snatch]
3 x 3
{115 / 115 / 95}
(I missed a couple lifts with the 115-pound weight.
All in all, tonight was no good.)
Back Squat
5 x 5
{135 (41% of Max Back Squat) / 185 (56%) / 225 (68%) / 250 (76%) / 270 (81%)}
(The squats felt really good tonight.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 296
Warm Up
A bunch of crap with a medicine ball
Front Squat + Back Squat
4 x (2 + AMRAP w/ 30x0 tempo)
{(2 + 5) x 95 (33% of Max Front Squat, 29% of Max Back Squat) / (2 + 5) x 135 (47%, 41%) / (2 + 5) x 185 (64%, 56%) / (2 + 5) x 225 (78%, 68%) / (2 + 0) x 245 (84%, 74%)}
(I need more time!)
7 x Front Squat <95> [rx+: <135>]
7 x Back Squat <95> [rx+: <135>]
14 x Box Jump Over <24">
Complete a round every 4:00. Complete 4 rounds.
(I completed every round in just over 1:00.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap with a medicine ball
Front Squat + Back Squat
4 x (2 + AMRAP w/ 30x0 tempo)
{(2 + 5) x 95 (33% of Max Front Squat, 29% of Max Back Squat) / (2 + 5) x 135 (47%, 41%) / (2 + 5) x 185 (64%, 56%) / (2 + 5) x 225 (78%, 68%) / (2 + 0) x 245 (84%, 74%)}
(I need more time!)
7 x Front Squat <95> [rx+: <135>]
7 x Back Squat <95> [rx+: <135>]
14 x Box Jump Over <24">
Complete a round every 4:00. Complete 4 rounds.
(I completed every round in just over 1:00.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 294
Warm Up
30 x Behind-the-Neck Strict Press w/ PVC
30/arm x One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press <20>
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
Barbell drills
Power Clean
Establish 1RM.
{3 x 95 (42% of Max Clean) / 3 x 115 (51%) / 3 x 135 (60%) / 2 x 155 (69%) / 2 x 175 (78%) / 1 x 185 (82%) / 1 x 195 (87%) / 1 x 200 (89%) / 1 x 205 (91%) / 1 x 210 (93%)}
(I had more strength in the tank.
Only if I had more time.)
20 x Power Clean <80% of today's 1RM> [scaled: <145> (69% of today's 1RM)]
Complete 100' shuttle run every time the athlete breaks up the power cleans.
Complete in 5:00.
(It was a mess, to say the least.)
Warm Up
One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Carry
3 x 80' x <{40 / 50 / 60}>
Complete 3 rounds.
Warm Up
Muscle Squat Snatch
3 x 10 x <20 (14% of Max Power Snatch) / 30 (21%) / 40 (29%)>
Warm Up
Bottom of Overhead Squat Hold
3 x 30-count x <50>
Warm Up / Strength
Smith Machine Bench Press
{10 x 20 (10%) / 10 x 70 (36%) / 10 x 110 (56%) / 5 x 130 (67%) / 5 x 150 (77%)}
Smith Machine Bench Press
5 x 5 x 170 (87%)
Complete a set every 3:00.
{5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 3+1+1}
Tabata Plank
Tabata Side Plank
Complete 4 rounds per side.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Warm Up
30 x Behind-the-Neck Strict Press w/ PVC
30/arm x One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press <20>
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
Barbell drills
Power Clean
Establish 1RM.
{3 x 95 (42% of Max Clean) / 3 x 115 (51%) / 3 x 135 (60%) / 2 x 155 (69%) / 2 x 175 (78%) / 1 x 185 (82%) / 1 x 195 (87%) / 1 x 200 (89%) / 1 x 205 (91%) / 1 x 210 (93%)}
(I had more strength in the tank.
Only if I had more time.)
20 x Power Clean <80% of today's 1RM> [scaled: <145> (69% of today's 1RM)]
Complete 100' shuttle run every time the athlete breaks up the power cleans.
Complete in 5:00.
(It was a mess, to say the least.)
Warm Up
One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Carry
3 x 80' x <{40 / 50 / 60}>
Complete 3 rounds.
Warm Up
Muscle Squat Snatch
3 x 10 x <20 (14% of Max Power Snatch) / 30 (21%) / 40 (29%)>
Warm Up
Bottom of Overhead Squat Hold
3 x 30-count x <50>
Warm Up / Strength
Smith Machine Bench Press
{10 x 20 (10%) / 10 x 70 (36%) / 10 x 110 (56%) / 5 x 130 (67%) / 5 x 150 (77%)}
Smith Machine Bench Press
5 x 5 x 170 (87%)
Complete a set every 3:00.
{5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 3+1+1}
Tabata Plank
Tabata Side Plank
Complete 4 rounds per side.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 293
Warm Up
80'/arm x One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Carry <40 / 45 / 55>
5/leg x Pistol Squat
40'/arm x One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge <40 / 45 / 55>
Complete 3 rounds.
Warm Up
10 x "Barbell" Overhead Squat <20>
30-count Bottom of Overhead Squat Hold
Complete 3 rounds.
Warm Up / Strength
Smith Machine Deadlift
{10 x 110 (35% of Max Deadlift) / 8 x 160 (51%) / 6 x 200 (63%) / 4 x 250 (79%) / 2 x 290 (92%)}
Smith Machine Sumo Deadlift
5 x 1
{290 / 300 (95%) / 310 (98%) / 320 (102%) / 330 (105%) / 340 (108%) (bonus) / 350 (111%) (bonus)}
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
1 x 30/arm x 15
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
One Arm Russian Kettlebell Swing
1 x 30/arm x 30
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
80'/arm x One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Carry <40 / 45 / 55>
5/leg x Pistol Squat
40'/arm x One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge <40 / 45 / 55>
Complete 3 rounds.
Warm Up
10 x "Barbell" Overhead Squat <20>
30-count Bottom of Overhead Squat Hold
Complete 3 rounds.
Warm Up / Strength
Smith Machine Deadlift
{10 x 110 (35% of Max Deadlift) / 8 x 160 (51%) / 6 x 200 (63%) / 4 x 250 (79%) / 2 x 290 (92%)}
Smith Machine Sumo Deadlift
5 x 1
{290 / 300 (95%) / 310 (98%) / 320 (102%) / 330 (105%) / 340 (108%) (bonus) / 350 (111%) (bonus)}
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
1 x 30/arm x 15
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
One Arm Russian Kettlebell Swing
1 x 30/arm x 30
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 292
Warm Up
Barbell drills
Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat + Snatch
6 x (1 + 1 + 1)
Complete a set every 2:00.
{75 (54% of Max Power Snatch) / 85 (61%) / 95 (68%) / 105 (75%) / 115 (82%) / 125 (89%) + 125 + 125 (miss)}
(My lack of adequate mobility is holding back my strength.)
Snatch Balance
5 x 1
{2 x 85 / 2 x 95 / 105 / 115 / 125 / 125 / x}
15-12-9 x Pull-up
15-12-9 x Overhead Squat <95>
Complete in 8:00.
(I actually did better than I expected. All in all, I was content.)
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Barbell drills
Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat + Snatch
6 x (1 + 1 + 1)
Complete a set every 2:00.
{75 (54% of Max Power Snatch) / 85 (61%) / 95 (68%) / 105 (75%) / 115 (82%) / 125 (89%) + 125 + 125 (miss)}
(My lack of adequate mobility is holding back my strength.)
Snatch Balance
5 x 1
{2 x 85 / 2 x 95 / 105 / 115 / 125 / 125 / x}
15-12-9 x Pull-up
15-12-9 x Overhead Squat <95>
Complete in 8:00.
(I actually did better than I expected. All in all, I was content.)
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 290
Warm Up
PVC and barbell drill
Hang Power Snatch
5 x 4
{75 (54% of Max Power Snatch) / 85 (61%) / 95 (68%) / 105 (75%) / 115 (82%) / 125 (89%)}
AMRAP (18:00)
30 x Double Under
10 x Hang Power Snatch <95> [scaled: <75>]
10 x Thruster <95 (70% of Max Thruster)> [scaled: <75 (56%)>]
Complete in team of 2. Partners alternate after each set of movement.
(I completed 3 of the 5 rounds of double unders unbroken. On the first round of double unders, I tripped on the 29th rep.
I completed all of the hang power snatches and thrusters unbroken.
The 75-pound weight was too light.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
PVC and barbell drill
Hang Power Snatch
5 x 4
{75 (54% of Max Power Snatch) / 85 (61%) / 95 (68%) / 105 (75%) / 115 (82%) / 125 (89%)}
AMRAP (18:00)
30 x Double Under
10 x Hang Power Snatch <95> [scaled: <75>]
10 x Thruster <95 (70% of Max Thruster)> [scaled: <75 (56%)>]
Complete in team of 2. Partners alternate after each set of movement.
(I completed 3 of the 5 rounds of double unders unbroken. On the first round of double unders, I tripped on the 29th rep.
I completed all of the hang power snatches and thrusters unbroken.
The 75-pound weight was too light.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 289
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
Front Squat + Back Squat
4 x (3 + 6)
{45 (16% of Max Front Squat, 14% of Max Back Squat) / 95 (33%, 29%) / 135 (47%, 41%) / 185 (64%, 56%) / 225 (78%, 68%) / 255 (88%, 77%)}
Tabata Push-up
{8 / 8 / 8 / 8 / 8 / 8 / 6 / 5}
Reverse Tabata L-hang
{8 x 0:10}
(I started to lose my "L" toward the later rounds.
I absentmindedly left my glasses at the gym tonight. God, please keep them safe for me!)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
Front Squat + Back Squat
4 x (3 + 6)
{45 (16% of Max Front Squat, 14% of Max Back Squat) / 95 (33%, 29%) / 135 (47%, 41%) / 185 (64%, 56%) / 225 (78%, 68%) / 255 (88%, 77%)}
Tabata Push-up
{8 / 8 / 8 / 8 / 8 / 8 / 6 / 5}
Reverse Tabata L-hang
{8 x 0:10}
(I started to lose my "L" toward the later rounds.
I absentmindedly left my glasses at the gym tonight. God, please keep them safe for me!)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 286
Warm Up
PVC and barbell drill
Warm Up
TNG Power Snatch
{3 x 65 (46% of Max Power Snatch) / 3 x 85 (61%) / 3 x 95 (68%) / 3 x 105 (75%)}
ARMAP (10:00)
30 x Double Under
15 x Power Snatch <75 (53%)>
(I was disappointed. I could have been more aggressive.
After class, a classmate and I travelled to East Village for dinner.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 57.44 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
PVC and barbell drill
Warm Up
TNG Power Snatch
{3 x 65 (46% of Max Power Snatch) / 3 x 85 (61%) / 3 x 95 (68%) / 3 x 105 (75%)}
ARMAP (10:00)
30 x Double Under
15 x Power Snatch <75 (53%)>
(I was disappointed. I could have been more aggressive.
After class, a classmate and I travelled to East Village for dinner.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 57.44 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 284
Warm Up
Barbell drill
Technique / Strength
AMRAP (30:00)
1 x (2 x Clean Deadlift to Knee + 1 x Clean)
{95 (42% of Max Clean) / 115 (51%) / 135 (60%) / 135 (clean only) / 135 (clean only) / 155 (69%) / 155 (clean only) / 155 / 175 (78%) / 175 (clean only) / 185 (82%) / 185 (clean only) / 195 (87%)
(The cleans did not feel awesome tonight.)
Back Squat
5 x 4
{45 (14% of Max Back Squat) / 135 (41%) / 185 (56%) / 225 (68%) / 245 (74%) / 265 (80%)}
(I felt weak tonight.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Barbell drill
Technique / Strength
AMRAP (30:00)
1 x (2 x Clean Deadlift to Knee + 1 x Clean)
{95 (42% of Max Clean) / 115 (51%) / 135 (60%) / 135 (clean only) / 135 (clean only) / 155 (69%) / 155 (clean only) / 155 / 175 (78%) / 175 (clean only) / 185 (82%) / 185 (clean only) / 195 (87%)
(The cleans did not feel awesome tonight.)
Back Squat
5 x 4
{45 (14% of Max Back Squat) / 135 (41%) / 185 (56%) / 225 (68%) / 245 (74%) / 265 (80%)}
(I felt weak tonight.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 283
Warm Up
0.25-mile run on treadmill <7 mph, 8 mph, 9 mph>
70' One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Carry <30, 45, 55>
Complete 3 rounds.
Warm Up
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
{10 x 30 / 8 x 40 / 6 x 45}
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
{<5 x 5/arm x 60>}
Complete 2:00 active rest run on treadmill after each set. Run at 7mph.
One Arm Dumbbell Floor Press
3 x 8/arm x 60
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
3 x 8/arm x 60
Alternate a set of one arm dumbbell floor press with a set of one arm dumbbell bent over row. Rest as needed.
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
0.25-mile run on treadmill <7 mph, 8 mph, 9 mph>
70' One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Carry <30, 45, 55>
Complete 3 rounds.
Warm Up
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
{10 x 30 / 8 x 40 / 6 x 45}
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
{<5 x 5/arm x 60>}
Complete 2:00 active rest run on treadmill after each set. Run at 7mph.
One Arm Dumbbell Floor Press
3 x 8/arm x 60
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
3 x 8/arm x 60
Alternate a set of one arm dumbbell floor press with a set of one arm dumbbell bent over row. Rest as needed.
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 278
Warm Up
I don't remember.
Warm Up / Strength
Clean + Front Squat
4 x (1 + 9)
{95 (42% of Max Clean, 33% of Max Front Squat) / 115 (51%, 40%) / 135 (60%, 47%) / 155 (69%, 53%) / (1 + 6) x 185 (82%, 64%)}
50 x Double Under [scaled: 25 x]
7 x Front Squat <185>
7/arm x Kettlebell Snatch <24-kg> [scaled: <16-kg> (r2 only)]
Complete in 10:00. For the front squat, weight comes from the ground.
(I was having a really good double under day. I completed 2 out of the 3 sets of double unders unbroken.
The front squats were heavy.
In the hindsight, I wish that I was more confident and patient with the kettlebell snatches.)
~2-mile jog
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
I don't remember.
Warm Up / Strength
Clean + Front Squat
4 x (1 + 9)
{95 (42% of Max Clean, 33% of Max Front Squat) / 115 (51%, 40%) / 135 (60%, 47%) / 155 (69%, 53%) / (1 + 6) x 185 (82%, 64%)}
50 x Double Under [scaled: 25 x]
7 x Front Squat <185>
7/arm x Kettlebell Snatch <24-kg> [scaled: <16-kg> (r2 only)]
Complete in 10:00. For the front squat, weight comes from the ground.
(I was having a really good double under day. I completed 2 out of the 3 sets of double unders unbroken.
The front squats were heavy.
In the hindsight, I wish that I was more confident and patient with the kettlebell snatches.)
~2-mile jog
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 276
Warm Up
2 x Run around the block
Followed by,
AMRAP (9:00)
3 x Deadlift <increasing> {135 / 185 / 6 x 205 / 255}
50' Broad Jump
3 x Strict Toes-to-Bar
5 x Kipping Hanging Knee Raise
AMRAP (2:00)
1 x Toes-to-Bar
Cash in,
8 x Deadlift <225 (71% of Max Deadlift, 100% of Max Clean)>
12 x Box Jump Over <24">
Rest 4:00.
Complete 5 rounds.
{15 / 12 / 11 / 12 / 8}
~2.8-mile run
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
2 x Run around the block
Followed by,
AMRAP (9:00)
3 x Deadlift <increasing> {135 / 185 / 6 x 205 / 255}
50' Broad Jump
3 x Strict Toes-to-Bar
5 x Kipping Hanging Knee Raise
AMRAP (2:00)
1 x Toes-to-Bar
Cash in,
8 x Deadlift <225 (71% of Max Deadlift, 100% of Max Clean)>
12 x Box Jump Over <24">
Rest 4:00.
Complete 5 rounds.
{15 / 12 / 11 / 12 / 8}
~2.8-mile run
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 275
Warm Up
10 x Scap Dip w/ Parallette and Feet on Ground
5/side x Cossack Squat
5 x Push Up w/ Shoulder Tap
5 x Squat Box Jump w/ Step Down <24">
Complete 3 rounds.
Front Squat + Back Squat
4 x (5 + 4)
{135 (47% of Max Front Squat, 41% of Max Back Squat) / 155 (53%, 47%) / 175 (60%, 53%) / 195 (67%, 59%) / 215 (74%, 65%) / 235 (81%, 71%)}
Tabata Push-up
{8 x 7}
Reverse Tabata Tuck Hold on Parallette
{8 x 0:10}
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
10 x Scap Dip w/ Parallette and Feet on Ground
5/side x Cossack Squat
5 x Push Up w/ Shoulder Tap
5 x Squat Box Jump w/ Step Down <24">
Complete 3 rounds.
Front Squat + Back Squat
4 x (5 + 4)
{135 (47% of Max Front Squat, 41% of Max Back Squat) / 155 (53%, 47%) / 175 (60%, 53%) / 195 (67%, 59%) / 215 (74%, 65%) / 235 (81%, 71%)}
Tabata Push-up
{8 x 7}
Reverse Tabata Tuck Hold on Parallette
{8 x 0:10}
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 271
Warm Up
Barbell drill
1 x Power Snatch + 1 x Hang Power Snatch +2 x Overhead Squat
Complete a set every 1:30. Complete 8 sets. Start the first set at approximately 50% of 1RM snatch.
{75 (55% of Max Power Snatch) / 85 (63%) / 95 (70%) / 105 (78%) / 115 (85%) / 125 (93%) / 135 (100%) / 140 (104%) + 140 + 140 + x}
(The strength session went according to plan.)
Snatch Balance
{95 (68% of Max Power Snatch) + 95 (F) + 95 / 3 x 95 / 100 (71%) + 100 (F) / 2 x 100 / 1 x 115 (82%) / 1 x 125 (89%) / 1 x 140 (100%)}
(My shoulders were exhausted after the first strength session. I had trouble stabilizing the weights overhead during the snatch balances.)
25 x Double Under
Rest 1:00
50 x Double Under
Rest 1:00
75 x Double Under
Rest 1:00
50 x Double Under
Rest 1:00
25 x Double Under
Complete in 9:00.
(I am still working on my double unders.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Barbell drill
1 x Power Snatch + 1 x Hang Power Snatch +2 x Overhead Squat
Complete a set every 1:30. Complete 8 sets. Start the first set at approximately 50% of 1RM snatch.
{75 (55% of Max Power Snatch) / 85 (63%) / 95 (70%) / 105 (78%) / 115 (85%) / 125 (93%) / 135 (100%) / 140 (104%) + 140 + 140 + x}
(The strength session went according to plan.)
Snatch Balance
{95 (68% of Max Power Snatch) + 95 (F) + 95 / 3 x 95 / 100 (71%) + 100 (F) / 2 x 100 / 1 x 115 (82%) / 1 x 125 (89%) / 1 x 140 (100%)}
(My shoulders were exhausted after the first strength session. I had trouble stabilizing the weights overhead during the snatch balances.)
25 x Double Under
Rest 1:00
50 x Double Under
Rest 1:00
75 x Double Under
Rest 1:00
50 x Double Under
Rest 1:00
25 x Double Under
Complete in 9:00.
(I am still working on my double unders.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 270
Warm Up
40' Dumbbell Overhead Lunge Walk <2 x 25>
1-story Dumbbell Farmer's Carry Up and Down Stairs <2 x 25>
40' Dumbbell Overhead Lunge Walk <2 x 25>
Rest as needed. Minimize rest time.
Complete 3 rounds.
Warm Up
0.25-mile Run on Treadmill <7 mph, 8 mph, 9 mph>
40' One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Lunge Walk w/ Right Arm <30, 40, 50>
40' One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Lunge Walk w/ Left Arm <30, 40, 50>
Rest as needed. Minimize rest time.
Complete 3 rounds.
(In short, I tried a bunch of exercises, but my body was just not feeling them tonight.)
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
Hip Abduction? Adduction? (machine)
3 x 8 x 160
(All in all, I was not content with tonight's workout.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
40' Dumbbell Overhead Lunge Walk <2 x 25>
1-story Dumbbell Farmer's Carry Up and Down Stairs <2 x 25>
40' Dumbbell Overhead Lunge Walk <2 x 25>
Rest as needed. Minimize rest time.
Complete 3 rounds.
Warm Up
0.25-mile Run on Treadmill <7 mph, 8 mph, 9 mph>
40' One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Lunge Walk w/ Right Arm <30, 40, 50>
40' One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Lunge Walk w/ Left Arm <30, 40, 50>
Rest as needed. Minimize rest time.
Complete 3 rounds.
(In short, I tried a bunch of exercises, but my body was just not feeling them tonight.)
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
Hip Abduction? Adduction? (machine)
3 x 8 x 160
(All in all, I was not content with tonight's workout.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 269
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
AMRAP (1:30)
1 x Toes-to-Bar
Immediately followed by,
AMRAP (3:30)
12 x Power Clean <135>
12 x Burpee-over-Bar [Lateral Burpee-over-Bar]
Rest 5:00.
AMRAP (1:30)
1 x Toes-to-Bar
Immediately followed by,
AMRAP (3:30)
9 x Power Clean <155> [scaled: <145>]
9 x Burpee-over-Bar [Lateral Burpee-over-Bar]
Rest 5:00.
AMRAP (1:30)
1 x Toes-to-Bar
Immediately followed by,
AMRAP (3:30)
6 x Power Clean <185> [scaled: <155>]
6 x Burpee-over-Bar [Lateral Burpee-over-Bar]
{15, 1+5, 15, 1+2?, 15, 1+2?}
(All in all, I was not content.
My toes-to-bars were strict-ish.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
AMRAP (1:30)
1 x Toes-to-Bar
Immediately followed by,
AMRAP (3:30)
12 x Power Clean <135>
12 x Burpee-over-Bar [Lateral Burpee-over-Bar]
Rest 5:00.
AMRAP (1:30)
1 x Toes-to-Bar
Immediately followed by,
AMRAP (3:30)
9 x Power Clean <155> [scaled: <145>]
9 x Burpee-over-Bar [Lateral Burpee-over-Bar]
Rest 5:00.
AMRAP (1:30)
1 x Toes-to-Bar
Immediately followed by,
AMRAP (3:30)
6 x Power Clean <185> [scaled: <155>]
6 x Burpee-over-Bar [Lateral Burpee-over-Bar]
{15, 1+5, 15, 1+2?, 15, 1+2?}
(All in all, I was not content.
My toes-to-bars were strict-ish.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 268
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
Front Squat
4 x 8-10
Bar comes from the ground. Complete in 20:00.
{8 x 95 (33% of Max Front Squat, 42% of Max Clean) / 8 x 125 (43%, 56%) / 8 x 155 (53%, 61%) / 8 x 175 (60%, 78%)}
(I needed more time.
I did not feel 100% today.)
In team of 2, complete,
3 rounds of,
50 x Wallball <25>
40 x Box Jump with Step Down <24">
30 x Handstand Push-up [scaled: Pike Push-up with Feet on a 20" Box (r1), Pike Push-up (r2-r3)]
{14:xx or 15:xx}
(All in all, I was not content.
I just did not feel amazing today.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
Front Squat
4 x 8-10
Bar comes from the ground. Complete in 20:00.
{8 x 95 (33% of Max Front Squat, 42% of Max Clean) / 8 x 125 (43%, 56%) / 8 x 155 (53%, 61%) / 8 x 175 (60%, 78%)}
(I needed more time.
I did not feel 100% today.)
In team of 2, complete,
3 rounds of,
50 x Wallball <25>
40 x Box Jump with Step Down <24">
30 x Handstand Push-up [scaled: Pike Push-up with Feet on a 20" Box (r1), Pike Push-up (r2-r3)]
{14:xx or 15:xx}
(All in all, I was not content.
I just did not feel amazing today.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 267
Warm Up / Conditioning
0.25-mile run on treadmill <7 mph, 8 mph, 9 mph, 10 mph>
90' One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Carry w/ Right Arm <30, 40, 50, 60>
90' One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Carry w/ Left Arm <30, 40, 50, 60>
Complete 4 rounds.
Warm Up
20 x Plank w/ Shoulder Tap
10 x 3/4 Burpee
5/leg x Air Squat Descent to Pistol Ascent
Rest 1:00.
Complete 3 rounds.
(My right groin still hurts.)
AMRAP (10:00)
7 x Push-up
7 x Decline Sit-up
7 x Air Squat
30 x Bicycle
15/side x Heel Touch
30 x Reverse Crunch
Rest 1:00.
Complete 3 rounds.
0.25-mile run on treadmill <10 mph, 10.1 mph, 10.2 mph, 10.3 mph>
Rest 1:00.
Complete 4 rounds.
Active Recovery
Catch 125 Pokémons.
(I felt a sharp pain in my left knee when I was walking down the subway stairs on my way home. Training went fine today. I was shocked by the sudden pain.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
0.25-mile run on treadmill <7 mph, 8 mph, 9 mph, 10 mph>
90' One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Carry w/ Right Arm <30, 40, 50, 60>
90' One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Carry w/ Left Arm <30, 40, 50, 60>
Complete 4 rounds.
Warm Up
20 x Plank w/ Shoulder Tap
10 x 3/4 Burpee
5/leg x Air Squat Descent to Pistol Ascent
Rest 1:00.
Complete 3 rounds.
(My right groin still hurts.)
AMRAP (10:00)
7 x Push-up
7 x Decline Sit-up
7 x Air Squat
30 x Bicycle
15/side x Heel Touch
30 x Reverse Crunch
Rest 1:00.
Complete 3 rounds.
0.25-mile run on treadmill <10 mph, 10.1 mph, 10.2 mph, 10.3 mph>
Rest 1:00.
Complete 4 rounds.
Active Recovery
Catch 125 Pokémons.
(I felt a sharp pain in my left knee when I was walking down the subway stairs on my way home. Training went fine today. I was shocked by the sudden pain.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 265
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
In team of 2, complete,
10 rounds of
3 x Clean and Jerk <135>
Followed by,
10 rounds of
15 x Wallball <20>
10 rounds of
3 x Clean and Jerk <135>
Complete in under 20:00. Partners alternate after every round.
(My team was the last team to complete the workout.
I completed all of the clean and jerks unbroken. I completed the wallballs in sets of 10 and 5. All in all, I was content with my effort.)
Active Recovery
The weather was beautiful tonight. I went for a walk after dinner to catch Pokémons.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
In team of 2, complete,
10 rounds of
3 x Clean and Jerk <135>
Followed by,
10 rounds of
15 x Wallball <20>
10 rounds of
3 x Clean and Jerk <135>
Complete in under 20:00. Partners alternate after every round.
(My team was the last team to complete the workout.
I completed all of the clean and jerks unbroken. I completed the wallballs in sets of 10 and 5. All in all, I was content with my effort.)
Active Recovery
The weather was beautiful tonight. I went for a walk after dinner to catch Pokémons.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 264
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
Warm Up
Push Jerk
5 x 95 (56% of Max Push Press)
Push Jerk
2 x 115 (68%) / 2 x 135 (79%) / 2 x 155 (91%) / 2 x 165 (97%) / 1 x 175 (103%) (F)
(I was surprised that I failed the 175-pound push jerk.)
18-calorie Row
10 x Push Jerk <95>
5/leg x Barbell Overhead Reverse Lunge <95>
Complete 5 rounds.
{18 / 18 / 18 / 18 / 18}
{10 / 10 / 10 / 5 / 10}
{10 / 10 x Barbell Front Rack Reverse Lunge / 10 x Barbell Front Rack Reverse Lunge / 10 x Barbell Front Rack Reverse Lunge / 3}
(That was bad. That was really bad.
Shake it off. Move on.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
Warm Up
Push Jerk
5 x 95 (56% of Max Push Press)
Push Jerk
2 x 115 (68%) / 2 x 135 (79%) / 2 x 155 (91%) / 2 x 165 (97%) / 1 x 175 (103%) (F)
(I was surprised that I failed the 175-pound push jerk.)
18-calorie Row
10 x Push Jerk <95>
5/leg x Barbell Overhead Reverse Lunge <95>
Complete 5 rounds.
{18 / 18 / 18 / 18 / 18}
{10 / 10 / 10 / 5 / 10}
{10 / 10 x Barbell Front Rack Reverse Lunge / 10 x Barbell Front Rack Reverse Lunge / 10 x Barbell Front Rack Reverse Lunge / 3}
(That was bad. That was really bad.
Shake it off. Move on.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 263
Warm Up
Barbell drill
Deadlift + Clean Pull + Clean
3 x (1 + 1 + 1)
{95 (42% of Max Clean) / 115 (51%) / 135 (60%)}
Clean Pull + Clean
3 x (1 + 1)
{145 (64%) / 155 (69%) / 165 (73%)}
5 x 1
{175 (78%) / 185 (82%) / 195 (87%) / 205 (91%) / 215 (96%) (F) / 215 / 225 (100%)}
(I bought a FitBit after class tonight. I am so excited to wear it everywhere I go.
On another note, my right nipple is not looking too good.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Barbell drill
Deadlift + Clean Pull + Clean
3 x (1 + 1 + 1)
{95 (42% of Max Clean) / 115 (51%) / 135 (60%)}
Clean Pull + Clean
3 x (1 + 1)
{145 (64%) / 155 (69%) / 165 (73%)}
5 x 1
{175 (78%) / 185 (82%) / 195 (87%) / 205 (91%) / 215 (96%) (F) / 215 / 225 (100%)}
(I bought a FitBit after class tonight. I am so excited to wear it everywhere I go.
On another note, my right nipple is not looking too good.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 261
Warm Up
20 x Double Under
10 x Plate Overhead Squat <AHAP> [25]
10 x Kneeling, Behind-the-Neck Strict Press
30-count Plank
Complete 2 rounds.
Warm Up
Barbell drill
Back Squat
5 x 3
<<5 x 45 (14% of Max Back Squat) / 5 x 95 (29%) / 5 x 135 (41%) / 5 x 185 (56%)>>
{225 (68%) / 245 (74%) / 265 (80%) / 285 (86%) / x}
(It's been a while.
To my surprise, my right groin still hurts.)
Back Squat
Max effort x Heaviest set from prior session
5 x Overhead Squat <115> [scaled: <95>]
15 x Double Under
4 x Overhead Squat <115> [scaled: <95>]
15 x Double Under
3 x Overhead Squat <115> [scaled: <95>]
15 x Double Under
2 x Overhead Squat <115> [scaled: <95>]
15 x Double Under
1 x Overhead Squat <115> [scaled: <95>]
15 x Double Under
2 x Overhead Squat <115> [scaled: <95>]
15 x Double Under
3 x Overhead Squat <115> [scaled: <95>]
15 x Double Under
4 x Overhead Squat <115> [scaled: <95>]
15 x Double Under
5 x Overhead Squat <115> [scaled: <95>]
15 x Double Under
Complete in under 8:00.
(All in all, I was content with my effort.)
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
20 x Double Under
10 x Plate Overhead Squat <AHAP> [25]
10 x Kneeling, Behind-the-Neck Strict Press
30-count Plank
Complete 2 rounds.
Warm Up
Barbell drill
Back Squat
5 x 3
<<5 x 45 (14% of Max Back Squat) / 5 x 95 (29%) / 5 x 135 (41%) / 5 x 185 (56%)>>
{225 (68%) / 245 (74%) / 265 (80%) / 285 (86%) / x}
(It's been a while.
To my surprise, my right groin still hurts.)
Back Squat
Max effort x Heaviest set from prior session
5 x Overhead Squat <115> [scaled: <95>]
15 x Double Under
4 x Overhead Squat <115> [scaled: <95>]
15 x Double Under
3 x Overhead Squat <115> [scaled: <95>]
15 x Double Under
2 x Overhead Squat <115> [scaled: <95>]
15 x Double Under
1 x Overhead Squat <115> [scaled: <95>]
15 x Double Under
2 x Overhead Squat <115> [scaled: <95>]
15 x Double Under
3 x Overhead Squat <115> [scaled: <95>]
15 x Double Under
4 x Overhead Squat <115> [scaled: <95>]
15 x Double Under
5 x Overhead Squat <115> [scaled: <95>]
15 x Double Under
Complete in under 8:00.
(All in all, I was content with my effort.)
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 259
Warm Up
So much crap.
Push Jerk
5 x 3
Complete a set every 3:00.
{115 (68% of Max Push Press) / 135 (79%) / 155 (91%) / 155 / 165 (97%)}
EMOM (12:00)
1:00 - 8-10 x Toes-to-Bar [8]
2:00 - 8-10 x Push Jerk <115> [8]
3:00 - 6/leg x Double Kettlebell Front Rack Walking Lunge <AHAP> [2 x 24-kg kettlebells]
Complete 4 rounds.
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
So much crap.
Push Jerk
5 x 3
Complete a set every 3:00.
{115 (68% of Max Push Press) / 135 (79%) / 155 (91%) / 155 / 165 (97%)}
EMOM (12:00)
1:00 - 8-10 x Toes-to-Bar [8]
2:00 - 8-10 x Push Jerk <115> [8]
3:00 - 6/leg x Double Kettlebell Front Rack Walking Lunge <AHAP> [2 x 24-kg kettlebells]
Complete 4 rounds.
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 257
Warm Up
Barbell drill
(My arms started to feel numb mid warm up. I could not keep up with the rest of the class.)
Push Press + Split Jerk
8 x (3 + 1)
Complete a set every 90 seconds.
{95 (56% of Max Push Press) / 95 / 95 / 115 (68%) / 115 / 115 / 115 / 115}
(I was just fatigued.
My mobility needs to catch up to my strength.)
15-12-9 x Push Press
15-12-9 x Lateral Burpee over Bar
15-12-9 x Toes-to-Bar
Complete in under 10:00.
(I had had easier times with burpees.
My toes did not touch the bar on 3 of the toes-to-bars.
I was the only athlete in my class to not finish the workout.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Barbell drill
(My arms started to feel numb mid warm up. I could not keep up with the rest of the class.)
Push Press + Split Jerk
8 x (3 + 1)
Complete a set every 90 seconds.
{95 (56% of Max Push Press) / 95 / 95 / 115 (68%) / 115 / 115 / 115 / 115}
(I was just fatigued.
My mobility needs to catch up to my strength.)
15-12-9 x Push Press
15-12-9 x Lateral Burpee over Bar
15-12-9 x Toes-to-Bar
Complete in under 10:00.
(I had had easier times with burpees.
My toes did not touch the bar on 3 of the toes-to-bars.
I was the only athlete in my class to not finish the workout.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 256
Warm Up
... ...
(There is a new employee in my office, who reminded me of somebody that I used to know. I want to get to know him.)
In team of 3, complete
500-calorie Row
200 x Double Under
100 x Wallball <20-pound Medicine Ball to 10' Target>
50 x Lateral Box Jump Over <24" Box>
100 x Burpee <to 6" Target>
50 x Box Jump Over <24" Box>
100 x Wallball <20-pound Medicine Ball to 10' Target>
200 x Double Under
Two athletes work at a time. One athlete must be rowing at all time.
(My team did not finish the workout.
One of my teammates was cheating. I caught him in the act twice. On the burpees, I counted 6 reps. He told me that he completed 10 reps. On the wallballs, I counted 15 reps. He told me that he completed 20 reps.
He is only cheating himself.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
... ...
(There is a new employee in my office, who reminded me of somebody that I used to know. I want to get to know him.)
In team of 3, complete
500-calorie Row
200 x Double Under
100 x Wallball <20-pound Medicine Ball to 10' Target>
50 x Lateral Box Jump Over <24" Box>
100 x Burpee <to 6" Target>
50 x Box Jump Over <24" Box>
100 x Wallball <20-pound Medicine Ball to 10' Target>
200 x Double Under
Two athletes work at a time. One athlete must be rowing at all time.
(My team did not finish the workout.
One of my teammates was cheating. I caught him in the act twice. On the burpees, I counted 6 reps. He told me that he completed 10 reps. On the wallballs, I counted 15 reps. He told me that he completed 20 reps.
He is only cheating himself.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 253
Warm Up
5 x One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press (w/ Right Arm) <25, 30>
5 x One Arm Thruster (w/ Right Arm) <25, 30>
5 x One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press (w/ Left Arm) <25, 30>
5 x One Arm Thruster (w/ Left Arm) <25, 30>
0.25-mile run on treadmill <7mph>
Complete 2 rounds.
Warm Up
Smith Machine Bench Press
{10 x 20 (10% of Max Bench Press) / 10 x 70 (36%) / 10 x 110 (56%) / 5 x 130 (67%) / 5 x 150 (77%)}
Smith Machine Bench Press
5 x 5
Complete a set every 3:00.
{170 (87%)}
(This was tough.)
AMRAP (10:00)
7 x Push-up
7 x Decline Sit-up
7 x Air Squat
(The push-ups were really hard right after the bench press.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
5 x One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press (w/ Right Arm) <25, 30>
5 x One Arm Thruster (w/ Right Arm) <25, 30>
5 x One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press (w/ Left Arm) <25, 30>
5 x One Arm Thruster (w/ Left Arm) <25, 30>
0.25-mile run on treadmill <7mph>
Complete 2 rounds.
Warm Up
Smith Machine Bench Press
{10 x 20 (10% of Max Bench Press) / 10 x 70 (36%) / 10 x 110 (56%) / 5 x 130 (67%) / 5 x 150 (77%)}
Smith Machine Bench Press
5 x 5
Complete a set every 3:00.
{170 (87%)}
(This was tough.)
AMRAP (10:00)
7 x Push-up
7 x Decline Sit-up
7 x Air Squat
(The push-ups were really hard right after the bench press.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 252
Warm Up
50' Bear Crawl
0:30 x Front Rack Stretch
10 x Front Rack Reverse Lunge <45>
10 x Box Jump (w/ Step Down) <24">
0:30 x Plank
10 x Plate Ground-to-Overhead <10, 25>
Complete 2 rounds.
Warm Up
Barbell drill
Power Clean
Complete in 18:00.
{5 x 115 (53% of Max Clean) / 4 x 135 (63%) / 3 x 155 (72%) / 2 x 165 (77%) / 2 x 170 (79%) / 1 x 175 (81%) / 1 x 180 (84%) / 1 x 185 (86%) (bonus)}
(I was very happy with my lifts. All of the weights felt light. My form remained solid throughout.)
21-15-9 x Power Clean
21-15-9/leg x Front Rack Reverse Lunge
21-15-9 x Push Press
Complete in 16:00.
(I don't know what to say. Maybe I just suck, but I don't want to admit to that just yet.
On another note, I really liked today's programming.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
50' Bear Crawl
0:30 x Front Rack Stretch
10 x Front Rack Reverse Lunge <45>
10 x Box Jump (w/ Step Down) <24">
0:30 x Plank
10 x Plate Ground-to-Overhead <10, 25>
Complete 2 rounds.
Warm Up
Barbell drill
Power Clean
Complete in 18:00.
{5 x 115 (53% of Max Clean) / 4 x 135 (63%) / 3 x 155 (72%) / 2 x 165 (77%) / 2 x 170 (79%) / 1 x 175 (81%) / 1 x 180 (84%) / 1 x 185 (86%) (bonus)}
(I was very happy with my lifts. All of the weights felt light. My form remained solid throughout.)
21-15-9 x Power Clean
21-15-9/leg x Front Rack Reverse Lunge
21-15-9 x Push Press
Complete in 16:00.
(I don't know what to say. Maybe I just suck, but I don't want to admit to that just yet.
On another note, I really liked today's programming.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 251
Warm Up / Conditioning
0.26-mile run on treadmill <6.6mph, 7.6mph, 8.6mph, 9.6mph>
40' One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge w/ Right Arm <35>
40' One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge w/ Left Arm <35>
Complete 4 rounds.
0.25-mile run on treadmill <10.1mph>
40' Farmer's Carry w/ Dumbbells <2 x 50>
1-story Farmer's Carry w/ Dumbbells (Down and Up the Stairs) <2 x 50>
40' Farmer's Carry w/ Dumbbells <2 x 50>
Rest 2:00-3:00.
Complete 4 rounds.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
0.26-mile run on treadmill <6.6mph, 7.6mph, 8.6mph, 9.6mph>
40' One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge w/ Right Arm <35>
40' One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge w/ Left Arm <35>
Complete 4 rounds.
0.25-mile run on treadmill <10.1mph>
40' Farmer's Carry w/ Dumbbells <2 x 50>
1-story Farmer's Carry w/ Dumbbells (Down and Up the Stairs) <2 x 50>
40' Farmer's Carry w/ Dumbbells <2 x 50>
Rest 2:00-3:00.
Complete 4 rounds.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 249
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
(I back squatted with an empty bar just before the start of the class. My right groin still hurts.
My brother corrected me on his last visit that my injured area was not the hip but rather the groin. Clearly, I don't know my body parts.)
EMOM (10:00)
1:00 - 8-10 x Toes-to-Bar
2:00 - 8-10 x Burpee Box Jump Over
{8 / 8 / 8 / 8 / 6 / 7 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 8}
(All in all, I was content.)
Rest 3:00.
Row for Calorie (10:00)
(All in all, I was content with this as well.)
Rest 3:00.
1:00 - 50' Forward Bear Crawl + 50' Backward Bear Crawl
2:00 - 30-50 Mountain Climber
{50+~25 / 30 / 50+~10 / 30 / 50 / 30 / 50 / 30 / 50 / 30}
(In the hindsight, I felt that I did not do well on the third MetCon because I did not expect myself to do well on the third MetCon.
Both of my arms were numb 3 minutes into the row. The numbness lasted through the rest of the class.
I had a bad case of diarrhea right after class. My core and legs were weak from sitting on the toilet for about 10 minutes. On the train ride home, I remembered that I had a glass of milk prior to class. Asians are genetically intolerant to lactose. My body handles lactose well most of the times. Tonight was not one of those times.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
(I back squatted with an empty bar just before the start of the class. My right groin still hurts.
My brother corrected me on his last visit that my injured area was not the hip but rather the groin. Clearly, I don't know my body parts.)
EMOM (10:00)
1:00 - 8-10 x Toes-to-Bar
2:00 - 8-10 x Burpee Box Jump Over
{8 / 8 / 8 / 8 / 6 / 7 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 8}
(All in all, I was content.)
Rest 3:00.
Row for Calorie (10:00)
(All in all, I was content with this as well.)
Rest 3:00.
1:00 - 50' Forward Bear Crawl + 50' Backward Bear Crawl
2:00 - 30-50 Mountain Climber
{50+~25 / 30 / 50+~10 / 30 / 50 / 30 / 50 / 30 / 50 / 30}
(In the hindsight, I felt that I did not do well on the third MetCon because I did not expect myself to do well on the third MetCon.
Both of my arms were numb 3 minutes into the row. The numbness lasted through the rest of the class.
I had a bad case of diarrhea right after class. My core and legs were weak from sitting on the toilet for about 10 minutes. On the train ride home, I remembered that I had a glass of milk prior to class. Asians are genetically intolerant to lactose. My body handles lactose well most of the times. Tonight was not one of those times.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 243
Warm Up
Smith Machine Bench Press
{10 x 20 (10% of Max Bench Press) / 10 x 70 (36%) / 10 x 110 (56%) / 5 x 130 (67%) / 5 x 150 (77%)}
(There was an office happy hour today. It was fun. I hit a emotional low after the happy hour.)
Smith Machine Bench Press
5 x 5 x 170 (87%)
Complete a set every 3:00.
Warm Up
Smith Machine Deadlift
10 x 20 (6% of Deadlift)
Smith Machine Sumo Deadlift
{10 x 110 (35%) / 8 x 160 (51%) / 6 x 200 (63%) / 4 x 250 (79%) / 2 x 270 (86%)}
{5 x 270 / 4 x 290 (92%) / 3 x 300 (95%) / 2 x 310 (98%) / 1 x 320 (102%)}
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 106
Smith Machine Bench Press
{10 x 20 (10% of Max Bench Press) / 10 x 70 (36%) / 10 x 110 (56%) / 5 x 130 (67%) / 5 x 150 (77%)}
(There was an office happy hour today. It was fun. I hit a emotional low after the happy hour.)
Smith Machine Bench Press
5 x 5 x 170 (87%)
Complete a set every 3:00.
Warm Up
Smith Machine Deadlift
10 x 20 (6% of Deadlift)
Smith Machine Sumo Deadlift
{10 x 110 (35%) / 8 x 160 (51%) / 6 x 200 (63%) / 4 x 250 (79%) / 2 x 270 (86%)}
{5 x 270 / 4 x 290 (92%) / 3 x 300 (95%) / 2 x 310 (98%) / 1 x 320 (102%)}
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 106
17 DAY 242
Active Recovery
Today's active recovery consisted of about a hour of running around Sunnyside, Queens catching Pokémons.
★ / 18 / 46 / 57.44 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 106
Today's active recovery consisted of about a hour of running around Sunnyside, Queens catching Pokémons.
★ / 18 / 46 / 57.44 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 106
17 DAY 234
Bonus / Warm Up
1 x ~400-meter Run
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
10/arm x 20
8/arm x 30
A bunch of other crap.
Warm Up
More crap.
Axel Bar Clean and Jerk
Establish 1 RM in 15:00.
[substitute: Axel Bar Clean and Press Away
5 x 5]
{5 x 75 (47% of Max Clean and Jerk, 44% of Max Push Press) / 5 x 95 (59%, 56%) / 5 x 115 (72%, 68%) / 5 x 135 (84%, 79%) / 5 x 155 (97%, 91%)}
(I surprised myself with the 5 unbroken push jerks at 155-pound.)
21-15-9 x Axel Bar Shoulder-to-Overhead <AHAP> [Axel Bar Push Jerk <95>]
21-15-9 x Chest-to-Bar Pull-up [scaled: Pull-up]
(I completed all of the push jerks unbroken.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
1 x ~400-meter Run
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
10/arm x 20
8/arm x 30
A bunch of other crap.
Warm Up
More crap.
Axel Bar Clean and Jerk
Establish 1 RM in 15:00.
[substitute: Axel Bar Clean and Press Away
5 x 5]
{5 x 75 (47% of Max Clean and Jerk, 44% of Max Push Press) / 5 x 95 (59%, 56%) / 5 x 115 (72%, 68%) / 5 x 135 (84%, 79%) / 5 x 155 (97%, 91%)}
(I surprised myself with the 5 unbroken push jerks at 155-pound.)
21-15-9 x Axel Bar Shoulder-to-Overhead <AHAP> [Axel Bar Push Jerk <95>]
21-15-9 x Chest-to-Bar Pull-up [scaled: Pull-up]
(I completed all of the push jerks unbroken.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 231
Warm Up
0.25-mile on treadmill <6.5 mph, 7.5 mph, 8.5 mph, 9.5 mph>
90' One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Carry w/ Right Arm <30, 40, 60, 60>
90' One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Carry w/ Left Arm <30, 40, 60, 60>
Complete 4 rounds.
(The "6" on the 60-pound dumbbell looks like a "5".
I only realized how wrecked my body was once I started the warm up. Every part of my body hurt.)
Warm Up / Conditioning
AMRAP (10:00)
7 x Push-up
7 x Decline Sit-up
7 x Air Squat
(I completed all of the movements unbroken.
My goal was to complete 10 rounds.
I could not lift my right leg to insert into the decline bench without feeling pain at the hip.)
Warm Up
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
{10/arm x 30 / 8(r) x 40 / 1(l) x 40}
(I felt an irritation in my left elbow. I ultimately decided to stop the strict press.)
Active Recovery
Bicycle Machine? (20:00)
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
{3(1) x 40}
Chest Machine?
{5 x 50/arm}
(And nope.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
0.25-mile on treadmill <6.5 mph, 7.5 mph, 8.5 mph, 9.5 mph>
90' One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Carry w/ Right Arm <30, 40, 60, 60>
90' One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Carry w/ Left Arm <30, 40, 60, 60>
Complete 4 rounds.
(The "6" on the 60-pound dumbbell looks like a "5".
I only realized how wrecked my body was once I started the warm up. Every part of my body hurt.)
Warm Up / Conditioning
AMRAP (10:00)
7 x Push-up
7 x Decline Sit-up
7 x Air Squat
(I completed all of the movements unbroken.
My goal was to complete 10 rounds.
I could not lift my right leg to insert into the decline bench without feeling pain at the hip.)
Warm Up
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
{10/arm x 30 / 8(r) x 40 / 1(l) x 40}
(I felt an irritation in my left elbow. I ultimately decided to stop the strict press.)
Active Recovery
Bicycle Machine? (20:00)
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
{3(1) x 40}
Chest Machine?
{5 x 50/arm}
(And nope.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 224
Warm Up
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
<<10/arm x 20 / 10/arm x 30>>
Warm Up
0.25-mile run on treadmill <@ 6.5 mph, 7.5 mph, 8.5 mph, 9.5 mph>
One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge w/ Right Arm <30> [substitute: (r2-r4 only) One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Carry <40, 50, 60>
One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge w/ Left Arm <30> [substitute: (r2-r4 only) One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Carry <40, 50, 60>
(The strained muscle at the hip really hurt during the walking lunge.)
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
5/arm x 60
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
5/arm x 60
Alternate a set of one arm dumbbell strict press with a set of one arm dumbbell bent over row. Complete each superset in 4:00.
One Arm Dumbbell Muscle/Power Snatch
5 x 5/arm
Complete each set in 2:00.
{50 / 55 / 60 / 60 / 70}
(I could not find a 65-pound dumbbell.)
Dumbbell Deadlift
3 x 8 x <2 x 70>
Complete each set in 1:00.
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
<<10/arm x 20 / 10/arm x 30>>
Warm Up
0.25-mile run on treadmill <@ 6.5 mph, 7.5 mph, 8.5 mph, 9.5 mph>
One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge w/ Right Arm <30> [substitute: (r2-r4 only) One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Carry <40, 50, 60>
One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge w/ Left Arm <30> [substitute: (r2-r4 only) One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Carry <40, 50, 60>
(The strained muscle at the hip really hurt during the walking lunge.)
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
5/arm x 60
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
5/arm x 60
Alternate a set of one arm dumbbell strict press with a set of one arm dumbbell bent over row. Complete each superset in 4:00.
One Arm Dumbbell Muscle/Power Snatch
5 x 5/arm
Complete each set in 2:00.
{50 / 55 / 60 / 60 / 70}
(I could not find a 65-pound dumbbell.)
Dumbbell Deadlift
3 x 8 x <2 x 70>
Complete each set in 1:00.
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 220
Warm Up
30' Duck Walk
30' Inchworm
Complete 3 rounds.
(Yes. This was tonight's warm up.
That was all.)
Back Squat
3 x 2
<<5 x 45 (14% of Max Back Squat) / 5 x 135 (41%) / 5 x 185 (56%) / 5 x 225 (68%)>>
{2 x 255 (77%) / 2 x 275 (83%) / x}
(My hip cracked like the way the knuckles crack on the set of 225-pound. I felt a shock of numbness in my right leg. The crack sounded so nasty. I was terrified.
Did my hip just shattered? I thought to myself.)
9-6-3 x Back Squat <AHAP> <<<80% of 1RM Back Squat>>> [245 (74%)]
90-60-30' Sandbag Carry <AHAP> [180-200-200]
9-6-3 x Bar Muscle Up [scaled: Strict Pull-up]
Complete in under 10:00.
(I completed all of my back squats unbroken.
I was very distracted after the "hip crack".
My coach told me to use the 200-pound sandbag. He said that the 180-pound sandbag was too light for me.
"No more 180-pound sandbag for you." My coach said.
I weighed myself after class. I weighed 198-pound.
And he was just too good to be true.)
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
30' Duck Walk
30' Inchworm
Complete 3 rounds.
(Yes. This was tonight's warm up.
That was all.)
Back Squat
3 x 2
<<5 x 45 (14% of Max Back Squat) / 5 x 135 (41%) / 5 x 185 (56%) / 5 x 225 (68%)>>
{2 x 255 (77%) / 2 x 275 (83%) / x}
(My hip cracked like the way the knuckles crack on the set of 225-pound. I felt a shock of numbness in my right leg. The crack sounded so nasty. I was terrified.
Did my hip just shattered? I thought to myself.)
9-6-3 x Back Squat <AHAP> <<<80% of 1RM Back Squat>>> [245 (74%)]
90-60-30' Sandbag Carry <AHAP> [180-200-200]
9-6-3 x Bar Muscle Up [scaled: Strict Pull-up]
Complete in under 10:00.
(I completed all of my back squats unbroken.
I was very distracted after the "hip crack".
My coach told me to use the 200-pound sandbag. He said that the 180-pound sandbag was too light for me.
"No more 180-pound sandbag for you." My coach said.
I weighed myself after class. I weighed 198-pound.
And he was just too good to be true.)
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 208
17 DAY 206
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
(Many bad nights of sleep finally caught up with me.
Work did not go well today. Class did not go well today.)
Front Squat + Push Press + Split Jerk
5 x (3 + 3 + 3)
{95 (33% of Max Front Squat, 56% of Max Push Press, 59% of Max Clean and Jerk) / 115 (40%, 68%, 72%) / 125 (43%, 74%, 78%) / 135 (47%, 79%, 84%) / x}
(I was dizzy from the overhead presses.
All in all, I felt weak today.
And this complex is really tough on athletes with poor front rack mobility.)
3 x Split Jerk <@ 85% of 1RM> [scaled: 3 x Split Jerk <115 (72% of Max Clean and Jerk)>]
6 x Chest-to-Bar Pull-up [scaled: 6 x Band Assisted Chest-to-Bar Pull-up <w/ green band>]
9 x Hand Release Push-up
Complete 5 rounds in under 10:00.
(Split jerk is just awkward to cycle.
And my body felt weak in all kinds of ways today.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
(Many bad nights of sleep finally caught up with me.
Work did not go well today. Class did not go well today.)
Front Squat + Push Press + Split Jerk
5 x (3 + 3 + 3)
{95 (33% of Max Front Squat, 56% of Max Push Press, 59% of Max Clean and Jerk) / 115 (40%, 68%, 72%) / 125 (43%, 74%, 78%) / 135 (47%, 79%, 84%) / x}
(I was dizzy from the overhead presses.
All in all, I felt weak today.
And this complex is really tough on athletes with poor front rack mobility.)
3 x Split Jerk <@ 85% of 1RM> [scaled: 3 x Split Jerk <115 (72% of Max Clean and Jerk)>]
6 x Chest-to-Bar Pull-up [scaled: 6 x Band Assisted Chest-to-Bar Pull-up <w/ green band>]
9 x Hand Release Push-up
Complete 5 rounds in under 10:00.
(Split jerk is just awkward to cycle.
And my body felt weak in all kinds of ways today.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 205
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
Warm Up
5 x 45 (14% of Max Deadlift) / 5 x 135 (43%) / 3 x 185 (59%) / 3 x 255 (81%)
E2MO2M (12:00)
3 x Deadlift <@ 70% of 1RM Deadlift>
(I had 275-pound on my mind. However, I did not have enough time to work up to the weight.)
AMRAP (18:00)
Work in team of two.
10 x Strict Handstand Push-up [5 // scaled: 5 x Seated, Dumbbell Strict Press <2 x 35>]
20 x Dumbbell Snatch <50> [scaled: 10 x <35> // 10]
30 x Russian Kettlebell Swing <32-kilogram> [15 // 15]
40 x Double Under [30 // 10]
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
Warm Up
5 x 45 (14% of Max Deadlift) / 5 x 135 (43%) / 3 x 185 (59%) / 3 x 255 (81%)
E2MO2M (12:00)
3 x Deadlift <@ 70% of 1RM Deadlift>
(I had 275-pound on my mind. However, I did not have enough time to work up to the weight.)
AMRAP (18:00)
Work in team of two.
10 x Strict Handstand Push-up [5 // scaled: 5 x Seated, Dumbbell Strict Press <2 x 35>]
20 x Dumbbell Snatch <50> [scaled: 10 x <35> // 10]
30 x Russian Kettlebell Swing <32-kilogram> [15 // 15]
40 x Double Under [30 // 10]
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 203
Warm Up
Smith Machine (Conventional) Deadlift
10 x 20 (6% of Max Deadlift)
Smith Machine Stiff-Legged Deadlift
10 x 70 (22%)
Smith Machine Sumo Deadlift
10 x 110 (35%)
Smith Machine Sumo Deadlift
{10 x 200 (63%) / 8 x 250 (79%) / 6 x 275 (87%) / 4 x 300 (95%) / 2 x 315 (100%) / 1 x 320 (bonus) (102%) / 1 x 325 (bonus) (103%)}
Warm Up
Literally a bunch of crap
(Summer of my junior year in college, I was offered an opportunity to visit Bowling Green, Kentucky. I said no to the offer.)
Bench Press
5 x 8
Complete in 20:00.
{5 x 45 (24% of Max Smith Machine Bench Press) / 8 x 95 (50%) / 8 x 135 (71%) / 8 x 145 (76%) / 7 x 155 (82%) / 8 x 145 / 8 x 135}
From Russia with Love
150 x Russian Kettlebell Swing <24>
(I ambitiously wanted to complete the swings unbroken. At minimum, I wanted to complete the workout in under 4:00.
Russian kettlebell swings at 24-kilogram do not itch my posterior chain anymore. My forearms were the weakest links today. I kept rest to the minimum when I did have to put the bell down from fatigue in the forearms.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Smith Machine (Conventional) Deadlift
10 x 20 (6% of Max Deadlift)
Smith Machine Stiff-Legged Deadlift
10 x 70 (22%)
Smith Machine Sumo Deadlift
10 x 110 (35%)
Smith Machine Sumo Deadlift
{10 x 200 (63%) / 8 x 250 (79%) / 6 x 275 (87%) / 4 x 300 (95%) / 2 x 315 (100%) / 1 x 320 (bonus) (102%) / 1 x 325 (bonus) (103%)}
Warm Up
Literally a bunch of crap
(Summer of my junior year in college, I was offered an opportunity to visit Bowling Green, Kentucky. I said no to the offer.)
Bench Press
5 x 8
Complete in 20:00.
{5 x 45 (24% of Max Smith Machine Bench Press) / 8 x 95 (50%) / 8 x 135 (71%) / 8 x 145 (76%) / 7 x 155 (82%) / 8 x 145 / 8 x 135}
From Russia with Love
150 x Russian Kettlebell Swing <24>
(I ambitiously wanted to complete the swings unbroken. At minimum, I wanted to complete the workout in under 4:00.
Russian kettlebell swings at 24-kilogram do not itch my posterior chain anymore. My forearms were the weakest links today. I kept rest to the minimum when I did have to put the bell down from fatigue in the forearms.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 201
Warm Up
A little running and a little barbell drill
(I forgot to bring gym clothes to work again today.
I worked out in a polo tonight.)
Strict Press
{5 x 45 (39% of Max Strict Press) / 5 x 65 (57%) / 5 x 95 (83%) / 4 x 100 (87%) / 3 x 110 (96%) / 2 x 120 (104%) / 2 x 130 (bonus) (113%) / 1 x 140 (122%)
(I PR-ed my strict press by 25-pound tonight. The last PR was from a year and a half ago when I first started CrossFit. I was aiming for a new PR of 135-pound tonight. Needless to say, I was ecstatic with the 140-pound PR.)
Push Press
{5 x 115 (77%) / 4 x 125 (83%) / 3 x 140 (93%) / 2 x 155 (103%) / 1 x 170 (113%)}
(I PR-ed my push press by 20-pound tonight. The last PR was from a year ago when I first started EWOD.)
AMRAP (7:00)
2-4-6-8-10... x Pull-up
2-4-6-8-10... x Box Jump Over
(This was my second time utilizing kipping pull-up in a workout. It did not go well.
At the start of the class, my coach said that we will complete the MetCon in two heats. I did not get the memo toward the end of the class when the plan was changed from two heats to just one heat. Two minutes into the MetCon, my coach called out my name from across the room to let me know that we are all going in just one heat. At the time, I was cheering on my partner.
I am easily thrown off my game when life happens unexpectedly.
I started the MetCon 2 minutes late. My coach gave me 2 extra minutes after the allotted 7 minutes to make up for lost time.
I was not happy with this effort. However, all in all, I was content with tonight's workout.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A little running and a little barbell drill
(I forgot to bring gym clothes to work again today.
I worked out in a polo tonight.)
Strict Press
{5 x 45 (39% of Max Strict Press) / 5 x 65 (57%) / 5 x 95 (83%) / 4 x 100 (87%) / 3 x 110 (96%) / 2 x 120 (104%) / 2 x 130 (bonus) (113%) / 1 x 140 (122%)
(I PR-ed my strict press by 25-pound tonight. The last PR was from a year and a half ago when I first started CrossFit. I was aiming for a new PR of 135-pound tonight. Needless to say, I was ecstatic with the 140-pound PR.)
Push Press
{5 x 115 (77%) / 4 x 125 (83%) / 3 x 140 (93%) / 2 x 155 (103%) / 1 x 170 (113%)}
(I PR-ed my push press by 20-pound tonight. The last PR was from a year ago when I first started EWOD.)
AMRAP (7:00)
2-4-6-8-10... x Pull-up
2-4-6-8-10... x Box Jump Over
(This was my second time utilizing kipping pull-up in a workout. It did not go well.
At the start of the class, my coach said that we will complete the MetCon in two heats. I did not get the memo toward the end of the class when the plan was changed from two heats to just one heat. Two minutes into the MetCon, my coach called out my name from across the room to let me know that we are all going in just one heat. At the time, I was cheering on my partner.
I am easily thrown off my game when life happens unexpectedly.
I started the MetCon 2 minutes late. My coach gave me 2 extra minutes after the allotted 7 minutes to make up for lost time.
I was not happy with this effort. However, all in all, I was content with tonight's workout.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 199
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
In 5:00,
40-calorie Row
Then, AMRAP of
12 x Deadlift <155 (49% of Max Deadlift)>
12 x Toes-to-Bar
Rest 5:00.
In 5:00,
30-calorie Row
Then, AMRAP of
9 x Deadlift <185 (59%)>
9 x Toes-to-Bar
Rest 5:00.
In 5:00,
20-calorie Row
Then, AMRAP of
6 x Deadlift <225 (71%)>
6 x Toes-to-Bar
{1+18 or 1+15?, 2+12 or 1+12?, 2+7?}
(I had not had a good workout all of last week and this week thus far.
I had a hard time with the row. I had a hard time maintaining the calorie per hour above 1,000.
I spent a lot of time calming my breathing. I was afraid to pick up the bar immediately after the row. I was afraid that breathing heavy was going to affect my deadlift form. I was then afraid to go straight from the deadlift into the toes-to-bars. I knew that maintaining my rhythm on the toes-to-bars would be difficult if I was breathing heavy.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap
In 5:00,
40-calorie Row
Then, AMRAP of
12 x Deadlift <155 (49% of Max Deadlift)>
12 x Toes-to-Bar
Rest 5:00.
In 5:00,
30-calorie Row
Then, AMRAP of
9 x Deadlift <185 (59%)>
9 x Toes-to-Bar
Rest 5:00.
In 5:00,
20-calorie Row
Then, AMRAP of
6 x Deadlift <225 (71%)>
6 x Toes-to-Bar
{1+18 or 1+15?, 2+12 or 1+12?, 2+7?}
(I had not had a good workout all of last week and this week thus far.
I had a hard time with the row. I had a hard time maintaining the calorie per hour above 1,000.
I spent a lot of time calming my breathing. I was afraid to pick up the bar immediately after the row. I was afraid that breathing heavy was going to affect my deadlift form. I was then afraid to go straight from the deadlift into the toes-to-bars. I knew that maintaining my rhythm on the toes-to-bars would be difficult if I was breathing heavy.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 196
Warm Up / Conditioning
0.25-mile run on treadmill <@ 6, 7, 8, 9mph>
40-feet farmer's carry <2 25-pound plates>
1-story farmer's carry down and up stairs <2 25-pound plates>
40-feet farmer's carry <2 25-pound plates>
Complete 4 rounds. Increase speed on the treadmill every round.
(I was on the bike. He was pacing back and forth on the other side of the room. Subsequently, he sat on a bench. Why didn't he go home?
He was drunk when I returned home last night. I think he was drinking all of last night and today. He was still drunk by the time I returned home tonight.
Is he? Is he not?
He doesn't want to go home.
And he is still drunk right now.
God, please let him be.
Is it because of me? I like to think that it is because of me. I always like to think that it is because of me.)
0.25-mile run on treadmill <@ 10mph>
40-feet farmer's carry <2 45-pound plates>
1-story farmer's carry down and up stairs <2 45-pound plates>
40-feet farmer's carry <2 45-pound plates>
Complete 4 rounds.
(I did not time the workout.
I spent minimal time transitioning from the run to the carry and back to the run. I was content with my effort.
I was afraid that this was going to feel awful. It did not feel awful.)
AMRAP (10:00)
5 x Push-up
7 x Decline Sit-up
9 x Air Squat
(I was very happy with this effort.
I completed all of the movements unbroken.
I spent minimal time transitioning between the movements.)
Strength / Conditioning
AMRAP (5:00)
3 x Machine Assisted Pull-up <-25>
5 x Machine Assisted Dip <-25>
(I was less happy with this effort.)
Plank for 1:00.
(I cleaned the apartment when I returned home.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
0.25-mile run on treadmill <@ 6, 7, 8, 9mph>
40-feet farmer's carry <2 25-pound plates>
1-story farmer's carry down and up stairs <2 25-pound plates>
40-feet farmer's carry <2 25-pound plates>
Complete 4 rounds. Increase speed on the treadmill every round.
(I was on the bike. He was pacing back and forth on the other side of the room. Subsequently, he sat on a bench. Why didn't he go home?
He was drunk when I returned home last night. I think he was drinking all of last night and today. He was still drunk by the time I returned home tonight.
Is he? Is he not?
He doesn't want to go home.
And he is still drunk right now.
God, please let him be.
Is it because of me? I like to think that it is because of me. I always like to think that it is because of me.)
0.25-mile run on treadmill <@ 10mph>
40-feet farmer's carry <2 45-pound plates>
1-story farmer's carry down and up stairs <2 45-pound plates>
40-feet farmer's carry <2 45-pound plates>
Complete 4 rounds.
(I did not time the workout.
I spent minimal time transitioning from the run to the carry and back to the run. I was content with my effort.
I was afraid that this was going to feel awful. It did not feel awful.)
AMRAP (10:00)
5 x Push-up
7 x Decline Sit-up
9 x Air Squat
(I was very happy with this effort.
I completed all of the movements unbroken.
I spent minimal time transitioning between the movements.)
Strength / Conditioning
AMRAP (5:00)
3 x Machine Assisted Pull-up <-25>
5 x Machine Assisted Dip <-25>
(I was less happy with this effort.)
Plank for 1:00.
(I cleaned the apartment when I returned home.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 195
Warm Up
A bunch of crap.
Front Squat
Establish 1 RM front squat, following the above rep scheme, in 40:00.
{5 x 45 (17% of Max Front Squat) (warm up)/ 5 x 95 (35%) (warm up) / 5 x 135 (50%) / 3 x 165 (61%) / 3 x 185 (69%) / 3 x 205 (76%) / 1 x 230 (85%) / 1 x 250 (93%) / 1 x 265 (98%) / 1 x 275 (102%) / 1 x 290 (107%) (bonus)}
(I pr-ed my front squat by 20-pound tonight. I wanted to finish the session at 300-pound. However, I was just not confident in my growth over the last six months to attempt the 300-pound weight. I have pr-ed my front squat a total of 45-pound this year. I am 10-pound away from my year end goal for the front squat at 300-pound.
My form remained solid throughout the heavier weights.
I was content.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap.
Front Squat
Establish 1 RM front squat, following the above rep scheme, in 40:00.
{5 x 45 (17% of Max Front Squat) (warm up)/ 5 x 95 (35%) (warm up) / 5 x 135 (50%) / 3 x 165 (61%) / 3 x 185 (69%) / 3 x 205 (76%) / 1 x 230 (85%) / 1 x 250 (93%) / 1 x 265 (98%) / 1 x 275 (102%) / 1 x 290 (107%) (bonus)}
(I pr-ed my front squat by 20-pound tonight. I wanted to finish the session at 300-pound. However, I was just not confident in my growth over the last six months to attempt the 300-pound weight. I have pr-ed my front squat a total of 45-pound this year. I am 10-pound away from my year end goal for the front squat at 300-pound.
My form remained solid throughout the heavier weights.
I was content.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 194
Warm Up
AMRAP (8:00)
200-meter Row
Plank w/ 20 x Shoulder Tap
10 x Ring Row [Rx+: False Grip Ring Row]
15 to 30-second Hollow Body Hold w/ Arms on the Side [Sub: 30-count]
(For multiple, consecutive nights, I stand on the train platform and said to myself as the train comes into the station, "if a train door stops in front of me, then that means blah blah blah." And every night, a train door stops in front me.)
Bench Press
5 x 5
{45 (24% of Max Smith Machine Bench Press) / 95 (50%) / 135 (71%) / 145 (76%) / 155 (82%) / 165 (87%) / 4 x 175 (92%), 175 (F)}
Complete in 18:00.
(I was bummed.
My plan was to finish the strength portion of the workout at either 175 or 185-pound. That did not happen.
I was really impressed by a classmate who finish his session at 205-pound. I was surprised by his strength. He weighs only about 165-pound.
I was externally rotating my elbows during the press with the heavier weights. That is really bad.)
In 2:30, complete
500-meter Row
Then, complete
Max effort x Push-up
During the remainder of the 2:30 interval.
Rest for 2:30.
Complete 4 rounds.
{10 / 12 / 12 / 10}
(My plan was to row at a consistent under 2:00 per 500-meter pace for the 4 rounds. I did that.
My other plan was to complete 15 push-ups per round. That did not happen.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
AMRAP (8:00)
200-meter Row
Plank w/ 20 x Shoulder Tap
10 x Ring Row [Rx+: False Grip Ring Row]
15 to 30-second Hollow Body Hold w/ Arms on the Side [Sub: 30-count]
(For multiple, consecutive nights, I stand on the train platform and said to myself as the train comes into the station, "if a train door stops in front of me, then that means blah blah blah." And every night, a train door stops in front me.)
Bench Press
5 x 5
{45 (24% of Max Smith Machine Bench Press) / 95 (50%) / 135 (71%) / 145 (76%) / 155 (82%) / 165 (87%) / 4 x 175 (92%), 175 (F)}
Complete in 18:00.
(I was bummed.
My plan was to finish the strength portion of the workout at either 175 or 185-pound. That did not happen.
I was really impressed by a classmate who finish his session at 205-pound. I was surprised by his strength. He weighs only about 165-pound.
I was externally rotating my elbows during the press with the heavier weights. That is really bad.)
In 2:30, complete
500-meter Row
Then, complete
Max effort x Push-up
During the remainder of the 2:30 interval.
Rest for 2:30.
Complete 4 rounds.
{10 / 12 / 12 / 10}
(My plan was to row at a consistent under 2:00 per 500-meter pace for the 4 rounds. I did that.
My other plan was to complete 15 push-ups per round. That did not happen.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 193
Warm Up
A bunch of crap?
(I am worried about hair loss.
I got itchy crap growing on my head. I scratch. They bleed. My head is a fucking mess.
And I lost my metro card today. I am bummed.)
Bent Over Row
5 x 8
{45 / 65 / 95 / 95 / 115 / 115 / 115}
Hammer Curl
5 x 12/arm x 35
Alternate a set of bent over row with a set of hammer curl.
(The program calls for Pendlay rows. However, what was demonstrated by the coach during the warm up was a bent over row. The shirtless man working out next to me was doing Pendlay rows. I was doing bent over rows.)
Accumulate 800' sandbag carry <AHAP> [<120>]
(The 120-pound sandbag was the heaviest sandbag we have.
All in all, I was not satisfied with my performance.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap?
(I am worried about hair loss.
I got itchy crap growing on my head. I scratch. They bleed. My head is a fucking mess.
And I lost my metro card today. I am bummed.)
Bent Over Row
5 x 8
{45 / 65 / 95 / 95 / 115 / 115 / 115}
Hammer Curl
5 x 12/arm x 35
Alternate a set of bent over row with a set of hammer curl.
(The program calls for Pendlay rows. However, what was demonstrated by the coach during the warm up was a bent over row. The shirtless man working out next to me was doing Pendlay rows. I was doing bent over rows.)
Accumulate 800' sandbag carry <AHAP> [<120>]
(The 120-pound sandbag was the heaviest sandbag we have.
All in all, I was not satisfied with my performance.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 187
Warm Up
A bunch of crap
(I made huge improvement with kipping toes-to-bars tonight.)
Warm Up
Back Squat
{5 x 45 (14%) / 5 x 135 (43%) / 5 x 185 (59%)}
Back Squat
{5 x 225 (71%) / 5 x 245 (78%) / 5 x 265 (84%)}
(That last set at 265-pound felt the best.
Tonight's back squats went according to plan.)
10-1 x Goblet Squat <32-kg>
10-1 x Toes-to-Bar
Complete in under 12:00.
(All in all, I was content that I finished the workout under the time cap.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 106
A bunch of crap
(I made huge improvement with kipping toes-to-bars tonight.)
Warm Up
Back Squat
{5 x 45 (14%) / 5 x 135 (43%) / 5 x 185 (59%)}
Back Squat
{5 x 225 (71%) / 5 x 245 (78%) / 5 x 265 (84%)}
(That last set at 265-pound felt the best.
Tonight's back squats went according to plan.)
10-1 x Goblet Squat <32-kg>
10-1 x Toes-to-Bar
Complete in under 12:00.
(All in all, I was content that I finished the workout under the time cap.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 106
17 DAY 186
Warm Up
A short run around the neighborhood
In team of 3, row for 35:00 for max calories. Athletes switch at the completion of every 25 calories. Before each athlete's turn to row, the athlete completes 5 toes-to-bars. At the completion of 25 calories, the athlete completes 30-second plank hold.
(This was easy.
I consistently rowed at a 11xx-14xx cal/hr pace. I was very content with my effort. My pace peaked at 17xx cal/hr. Each round, I was fully recovered by the time I returned to the rower.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A short run around the neighborhood
In team of 3, row for 35:00 for max calories. Athletes switch at the completion of every 25 calories. Before each athlete's turn to row, the athlete completes 5 toes-to-bars. At the completion of 25 calories, the athlete completes 30-second plank hold.
(This was easy.
I consistently rowed at a 11xx-14xx cal/hr pace. I was very content with my effort. My pace peaked at 17xx cal/hr. Each round, I was fully recovered by the time I returned to the rower.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 184
Warm Up
Warm Up
Back Squat
5 x 45 (14%) / 5 x 135 (43%) / 5 x 155 (49%) / 5 x 175 (56%)
0:00-2:00 - 12-15 x Back Squat <225> [scaled: <bodyweight (195)>] {15 / 15 / 12 / 15}
2:00-4:00 - 200' One Arm Farmer's Carry and Other Arm Waiter's Carry <AHAP> [<32-kg and 20-kg>]
4:00-6:00 - 15 x Box Jump Over <24">
Complete 4 rounds.
(I was content.)
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Warm Up
Back Squat
5 x 45 (14%) / 5 x 135 (43%) / 5 x 155 (49%) / 5 x 175 (56%)
0:00-2:00 - 12-15 x Back Squat <225> [scaled: <bodyweight (195)>] {15 / 15 / 12 / 15}
2:00-4:00 - 200' One Arm Farmer's Carry and Other Arm Waiter's Carry <AHAP> [<32-kg and 20-kg>]
4:00-6:00 - 15 x Box Jump Over <24">
Complete 4 rounds.
(I was content.)
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 183
Warm Up
10-minute run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 6.8mph, 3:00 @ 7.8mph, 2:00 @ 8.8mph, 1:00 @ 9.8mph}
Warm Up
Smith Machine Bench Press
{10 x 20 (11% of Max Smith Machine Bench Press) / 10 x 70 (37%) / 10 x 110 (58%) / 5 x 145 (76%)}
Smith Machine Bench Press
{5 x 5 x 165 (87%)}
One Arm Dumbbell Muscle Snatch
{5 x 5/arm x 45}
Alternate a set of Smith Machine Bench Press with a set of one arm dumbbell muscle snatch. Complete each set in 5:00. It is not required to alternate arms for the dumbbell snatches.
Smith Machine Deadlift
{10 x 20 (6% of Max Deadlift) / 10 x 110 (35%) / 8 x 200 (63%) / 6 x 250 (79%) / 4 x 290 (92%) / 2 x 320 (102%)}
AMRAP (10:00)
9 x Dumbbell Deadlift <2 x 50>
6 x Burpee
3 x Dumbbell Power Clean <2 x 50>
(This was an embarrassing effort.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
10-minute run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 6.8mph, 3:00 @ 7.8mph, 2:00 @ 8.8mph, 1:00 @ 9.8mph}
Warm Up
Smith Machine Bench Press
{10 x 20 (11% of Max Smith Machine Bench Press) / 10 x 70 (37%) / 10 x 110 (58%) / 5 x 145 (76%)}
Smith Machine Bench Press
{5 x 5 x 165 (87%)}
One Arm Dumbbell Muscle Snatch
{5 x 5/arm x 45}
Alternate a set of Smith Machine Bench Press with a set of one arm dumbbell muscle snatch. Complete each set in 5:00. It is not required to alternate arms for the dumbbell snatches.
Smith Machine Deadlift
{10 x 20 (6% of Max Deadlift) / 10 x 110 (35%) / 8 x 200 (63%) / 6 x 250 (79%) / 4 x 290 (92%) / 2 x 320 (102%)}
AMRAP (10:00)
9 x Dumbbell Deadlift <2 x 50>
6 x Burpee
3 x Dumbbell Power Clean <2 x 50>
(This was an embarrassing effort.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 181
Warm Up
A bunch of crap.
(This was my first class with the new coach.
Double under came back tonight, for a little bit. I completed 15 double unders unbroken for the first time in a long time.)
Back Spin
1000-meter Row
150 x Double Under [Scaled: 300 x Single Under]
1-mile Run
150 x Double Under [Scaled: 300 x Single Under]
1000-meter Row
(I was bummed.
The toughest part of tonight's workout turned out to be the run. There was a lot of lactic acid build up in the feet and the muscle just above the knees. It was a horrific run.
I did not breathe heavy through any part of the workout. My stamina (and my strength) is greater than my endurance. My legs gave up before my lungs.
We had a snack at a Japanese restaurant followed by dinner at an Indian restaurant by Saint Mark's Place after class.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 57.44 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 106
A bunch of crap.
(This was my first class with the new coach.
Double under came back tonight, for a little bit. I completed 15 double unders unbroken for the first time in a long time.)
Back Spin
1000-meter Row
150 x Double Under [Scaled: 300 x Single Under]
1-mile Run
150 x Double Under [Scaled: 300 x Single Under]
1000-meter Row
(I was bummed.
The toughest part of tonight's workout turned out to be the run. There was a lot of lactic acid build up in the feet and the muscle just above the knees. It was a horrific run.
I did not breathe heavy through any part of the workout. My stamina (and my strength) is greater than my endurance. My legs gave up before my lungs.
We had a snack at a Japanese restaurant followed by dinner at an Indian restaurant by Saint Mark's Place after class.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 57.44 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 106
17 DAY 179
Warm Up
A bunch of crap with a medicine ball
(I went back to work after class. I returned home late. I don't have a lot of time to write tonight.)
1:00 x Box Jump with Step Down <24" box>
1:00 x Wallball <20>
1:00 x Row for Calorie
Rest 1:00.
Complete 5 rounds.
{20, 20, 15 / 20, 20, 14 / 20, 20, 11 / 20, 20, 10 / 20, 20, 13}
(Box jump and wallball went according to plan. Rowing did not.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 106
A bunch of crap with a medicine ball
(I went back to work after class. I returned home late. I don't have a lot of time to write tonight.)
1:00 x Box Jump with Step Down <24" box>
1:00 x Wallball <20>
1:00 x Row for Calorie
Rest 1:00.
Complete 5 rounds.
{20, 20, 15 / 20, 20, 14 / 20, 20, 11 / 20, 20, 10 / 20, 20, 13}
(Box jump and wallball went according to plan. Rowing did not.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 106
17 DAY 178
Warm Up
Jump rope and a bunch other crap
(I forgot to bring gym clothes to work today. I had to buy a new t-shirt and shorts from a nearby K-Mart. I went to class late. But I was very satisfied with my purchase.)
Warm Up
Back Squat
{5 x 45 (14% of Max Back Squat) / 5 x 135 (43%) / 5 x 185 (59%)}
Back Squat
3 x 5
{230 (73%) / 255 (81%) / 275 (87%) / 290 (92%)}
(My goal tonight was to set a new 5RM, back squat PR at 290-pound. I did just that. I was content.)
50 x Double Under [Scaled: 100 x Single Under]
12 x Front Squat <135 (50% of Max Front Squat)>
12 x Burpee
Complete 3 rounds in under 10:00.
(The first clean was shockingly heavy.
Prior to class, I told myself to complete the front squats unbroken. I did just that. And I was happy about that.
I was not content with the time. I was the second to last person in my class to complete the workout.
My pink shoes are awful. It traps lactic acid in the feet, making the feet hurt and the workout a lot tougher.
Strength does not equal endurance. I need to work on my muscle endurance.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Jump rope and a bunch other crap
(I forgot to bring gym clothes to work today. I had to buy a new t-shirt and shorts from a nearby K-Mart. I went to class late. But I was very satisfied with my purchase.)
Warm Up
Back Squat
{5 x 45 (14% of Max Back Squat) / 5 x 135 (43%) / 5 x 185 (59%)}
Back Squat
3 x 5
{230 (73%) / 255 (81%) / 275 (87%) / 290 (92%)}
(My goal tonight was to set a new 5RM, back squat PR at 290-pound. I did just that. I was content.)
50 x Double Under [Scaled: 100 x Single Under]
12 x Front Squat <135 (50% of Max Front Squat)>
12 x Burpee
Complete 3 rounds in under 10:00.
(The first clean was shockingly heavy.
Prior to class, I told myself to complete the front squats unbroken. I did just that. And I was happy about that.
I was not content with the time. I was the second to last person in my class to complete the workout.
My pink shoes are awful. It traps lactic acid in the feet, making the feet hurt and the workout a lot tougher.
Strength does not equal endurance. I need to work on my muscle endurance.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 177
Warm Up
5 x Scap Pull-up
10-second Hollow Body Hold
Complete 3 rounds.
Practice toes-to-bars for the remainder of 6:00.
Warm Up
Barbell drill
Power Clean
5 x (1 x Hang Power Clean, from mid-thigh + 1 x Hang Power Clean, from just above the knee + 2 x Power Clean)
{95 (44% of Max Clean) / 115 (53%) / 125 (58%) / 145 (67%) / 155 (72%)}
(I was content. My form was sloppy, but I made all of the lifts with ease.
My partner was a 6'-8", rising senior and collegiate basketball player from Washington University in St. Louis, who is interning at Macy's for the summer. Today was only his second CrossFit class. The man made every lift with perfect form and ease. I was most jealous of his front rack mobility. He was able to keep his elbows high while maintaining full grips on the bar.)
AMRAP (7:00)
3-6-9-12-15... x Power Clean <115>
3-6-9-12-15... x Toes-to-Bars
(I was really disappointed.
My coach called me out on my power clean and toes-to-bar mid-workout, completely throwing me off of my rhythm.
My forearms were also completely exhausted toward the end of the workout.
Power clean. Catching a clean in a partial squat is not what makes a power clean a power clean. I am not being difficult. Catching a loaded bar in a partial squat does not feel right. The movement irritates the last section of my spine and tailbone. My coaches' intentions are well. However, coaches need to understand that many athletes simply do not have the proper mobility to perform certain movements. And mobility does not happen overnight. Telling a student to move a certain way that may look more correct on the exterior while the student lacks the adequate mobility will result in more harm than good. I know what does not create pain. And catching my power cleans, power snatches and push jerks with straight legs, while less efficient, allows me to walk away from each workout pain-free.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
5 x Scap Pull-up
10-second Hollow Body Hold
Complete 3 rounds.
Practice toes-to-bars for the remainder of 6:00.
Warm Up
Barbell drill
Power Clean
5 x (1 x Hang Power Clean, from mid-thigh + 1 x Hang Power Clean, from just above the knee + 2 x Power Clean)
{95 (44% of Max Clean) / 115 (53%) / 125 (58%) / 145 (67%) / 155 (72%)}
(I was content. My form was sloppy, but I made all of the lifts with ease.
My partner was a 6'-8", rising senior and collegiate basketball player from Washington University in St. Louis, who is interning at Macy's for the summer. Today was only his second CrossFit class. The man made every lift with perfect form and ease. I was most jealous of his front rack mobility. He was able to keep his elbows high while maintaining full grips on the bar.)
AMRAP (7:00)
3-6-9-12-15... x Power Clean <115>
3-6-9-12-15... x Toes-to-Bars
(I was really disappointed.
My coach called me out on my power clean and toes-to-bar mid-workout, completely throwing me off of my rhythm.
My forearms were also completely exhausted toward the end of the workout.
Power clean. Catching a clean in a partial squat is not what makes a power clean a power clean. I am not being difficult. Catching a loaded bar in a partial squat does not feel right. The movement irritates the last section of my spine and tailbone. My coaches' intentions are well. However, coaches need to understand that many athletes simply do not have the proper mobility to perform certain movements. And mobility does not happen overnight. Telling a student to move a certain way that may look more correct on the exterior while the student lacks the adequate mobility will result in more harm than good. I know what does not create pain. And catching my power cleans, power snatches and push jerks with straight legs, while less efficient, allows me to walk away from each workout pain-free.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 170
Warm Up
250-meter Row
5-8 x Strict Pull-up
5 x Air Squat
5 x Jumping Squat
x x Push-up
Complete 4 rounds or 10:00.
(Four rounds? No, thank you.)
Warm Up
Back Squat
5 x 45 (14%) / 5 x 135 (43%) / 3 x 185 (59%)
(The empty bar aside, the weights felt heavy.)
Back Squat
{5 x 235 (75%) / 3 x 255 (81%) / 1 x 275 (87%) / 1 x 295 (94%) / 1 x 305 (97%)}
(The 295-pound weight felt lighter than the 275 and the 255-pound weights. Tonight's 305-pound weight felt lighter than previous session's 305-pound weight. I was happy to squat above 300-pound tonight. I would have been happier if I PR-ed.)
30 x Back Squat <bodyweight> [<195 (62%)>]
1000-meter Row
Complete in under 10:00.
(Eh. It was okay. I did not blow myself away.
I weighed 196.8-pound prior to class.
I wanted to complete the squats unbroken. However, there was no way that was happening given my condition at the time.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 106
250-meter Row
5-8 x Strict Pull-up
5 x Air Squat
5 x Jumping Squat
x x Push-up
Complete 4 rounds or 10:00.
(Four rounds? No, thank you.)
Warm Up
Back Squat
5 x 45 (14%) / 5 x 135 (43%) / 3 x 185 (59%)
(The empty bar aside, the weights felt heavy.)
Back Squat
{5 x 235 (75%) / 3 x 255 (81%) / 1 x 275 (87%) / 1 x 295 (94%) / 1 x 305 (97%)}
(The 295-pound weight felt lighter than the 275 and the 255-pound weights. Tonight's 305-pound weight felt lighter than previous session's 305-pound weight. I was happy to squat above 300-pound tonight. I would have been happier if I PR-ed.)
30 x Back Squat <bodyweight> [<195 (62%)>]
1000-meter Row
Complete in under 10:00.
(Eh. It was okay. I did not blow myself away.
I weighed 196.8-pound prior to class.
I wanted to complete the squats unbroken. However, there was no way that was happening given my condition at the time.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 106
17 DAY 167
Warm Up
10-minute run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 6.9 mph, 3:00 @ 7.9 mph, 2:00 @ 8.9 mph, 1:00 @ 9.9mph}
Warm Up
Smith Machine Bench Press
{10 x 20 (11% of Max Smith Machine Bench Press) / 10 x 70 (37%) / 10 x 110 (58%)}
Smith Machine Bench Press
5 x 10 x 135
{10 x 135 (71%) / 10 x 135 / (6+1+1(F)) x 135 / (5+2) x 135 / (5+2) x 135}
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
5 x 8/arm x 45
Alternate a set of Smith Machine Bench Press with a set of one arm dumbbell bent over row. Complete each superset in 4:00.
(The rep scheme for the next bench press session will be 5 x 5 x 165. The rep scheme for the bench press session after that will be 5 x 9 x 135.)
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
(This was so hard tonight.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
10-minute run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 6.9 mph, 3:00 @ 7.9 mph, 2:00 @ 8.9 mph, 1:00 @ 9.9mph}
Warm Up
Smith Machine Bench Press
{10 x 20 (11% of Max Smith Machine Bench Press) / 10 x 70 (37%) / 10 x 110 (58%)}
Smith Machine Bench Press
5 x 10 x 135
{10 x 135 (71%) / 10 x 135 / (6+1+1(F)) x 135 / (5+2) x 135 / (5+2) x 135}
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
5 x 8/arm x 45
Alternate a set of Smith Machine Bench Press with a set of one arm dumbbell bent over row. Complete each superset in 4:00.
(The rep scheme for the next bench press session will be 5 x 5 x 165. The rep scheme for the bench press session after that will be 5 x 9 x 135.)
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
(This was so hard tonight.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 164
Warm Up
3 x Air Squat
3 x Jumping Squat
5 x Forearm Plank to Straight Arm Plank
3 x Strict Toes-to-Bar
Complete 5 rounds.
Front Squat
5 x 3
{135 (50% of Max Front Squat) / 155 (57%) / 185 (69%) / 205 (76%) / 225 (83%) / 245 (91%)}
(I was not thrilled.
It was okay.)
3-6-9-12-15-18-21-18-15-12-9-6-3 x Wallball <20-pound medicine ball>
Athletes must complete each set of wallball unbroken.
(I was not thrilled.
I need to work on muscle endurance. In other words, I need to include tough MetCons in my exercise routine.
Hair, please grow back. And please stop shedding.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
3 x Air Squat
3 x Jumping Squat
5 x Forearm Plank to Straight Arm Plank
3 x Strict Toes-to-Bar
Complete 5 rounds.
Front Squat
5 x 3
{135 (50% of Max Front Squat) / 155 (57%) / 185 (69%) / 205 (76%) / 225 (83%) / 245 (91%)}
(I was not thrilled.
It was okay.)
3-6-9-12-15-18-21-18-15-12-9-6-3 x Wallball <20-pound medicine ball>
Athletes must complete each set of wallball unbroken.
(I was not thrilled.
I need to work on muscle endurance. In other words, I need to include tough MetCons in my exercise routine.
Hair, please grow back. And please stop shedding.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 162
Warm Up
10-minute run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 6.7 mph, 3:00 @ 7.7 mph, 2:00 @ 8.7mph, 1:00 @ 9.7mph}
Smith Machine Bench Press
{10 x 20 (11% of Max Smith Machine Bench Press) / 8 x 70 (37%) / 6 x 110 (58%) / 4 x 160 (84%)}
Smith Machine Bench Press
5 x 5 x 165 (87%)
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
5 x 5/arm x 60
Alternate a set of Smith Machine Bench Press with a set of one arm dumbbell bent over row. Complete each superset in 4:00.
(I could not complete the last set of the Smith Machine Bench Press unbroken. I divided the last set of the Smith Machine Bench Press into 3 subsets of 3, 1 and 1 rep(s).
The next Smith Machine Bench Press session will be 5 x 10 x 135. The Smith Machine Bench Press session after that will be 5 x 5 x 165 for a second time.)
Tricep Pull-down (machine)
10 x 30 / 10 x 40 / 10 x 40
Rear Deltoid Fly (machine)
10 x 85 / 10 x 85 / 10 x 85
Seated Leg Press (machine)
10 x 250 / 10 x 280 / 10 x 310
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
10-minute run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 6.7 mph, 3:00 @ 7.7 mph, 2:00 @ 8.7mph, 1:00 @ 9.7mph}
Smith Machine Bench Press
{10 x 20 (11% of Max Smith Machine Bench Press) / 8 x 70 (37%) / 6 x 110 (58%) / 4 x 160 (84%)}
Smith Machine Bench Press
5 x 5 x 165 (87%)
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
5 x 5/arm x 60
Alternate a set of Smith Machine Bench Press with a set of one arm dumbbell bent over row. Complete each superset in 4:00.
(I could not complete the last set of the Smith Machine Bench Press unbroken. I divided the last set of the Smith Machine Bench Press into 3 subsets of 3, 1 and 1 rep(s).
The next Smith Machine Bench Press session will be 5 x 10 x 135. The Smith Machine Bench Press session after that will be 5 x 5 x 165 for a second time.)
Tricep Pull-down (machine)
10 x 30 / 10 x 40 / 10 x 40
Rear Deltoid Fly (machine)
10 x 85 / 10 x 85 / 10 x 85
Seated Leg Press (machine)
10 x 250 / 10 x 280 / 10 x 310
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 161
Active Recovery
Walk with Weighted Backpack <15 water bottles + miscellaneous crap>
(My roommate is away for Father's Day weekend.
The weather was beautiful today. I made a trip to Flushing, Queens. I was out and about for over 3 hours. I walked the perimeter of the Queens Botanical Garden.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 57.44 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 106
Walk with Weighted Backpack <15 water bottles + miscellaneous crap>
(My roommate is away for Father's Day weekend.
The weather was beautiful today. I made a trip to Flushing, Queens. I was out and about for over 3 hours. I walked the perimeter of the Queens Botanical Garden.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 57.44 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 106
17 DAY 160
Warm Up
Barbell drills
(I was concerned about my wrist and elbow.)
Clean and Jerk
{95 (66% of Max Clean and Jerk, 63% of Max Axel Bar Clean and Jerk, 44% of Max Clean) / 95 / 115 (79%, 77%, 53%) / 115}
EMOM (30:00)
1 x Clean and Jerk
{115 / 115 / 115 / 115 / 115 / 125 (86%, 83%, 58%) / 125 / 125 / 125 / 125 / 135 (93%, 90%, 62%) / 135 / 135 / 135 / 135 / 145 (100%, 97%, 67%) / 145 / 145 / 145 / 145 / 150 (103%, 100%, 70%) / 150 / 150 / 150 / 150 / 155 (107%, 103%, 72%) / 155 / 155 / 155 / 160 (110%, 107%, 74%)
(My wrist, elbow and lower back actually felt better after 30 clean and jerks.
My form for the clean felt prettier with the heavier weights.
Footwork for the jerk needs a lot of work.
In term of heaviness, every weight from 95 to 160-pound felt the same.
There were no misses.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Barbell drills
(I was concerned about my wrist and elbow.)
Clean and Jerk
{95 (66% of Max Clean and Jerk, 63% of Max Axel Bar Clean and Jerk, 44% of Max Clean) / 95 / 115 (79%, 77%, 53%) / 115}
EMOM (30:00)
1 x Clean and Jerk
{115 / 115 / 115 / 115 / 115 / 125 (86%, 83%, 58%) / 125 / 125 / 125 / 125 / 135 (93%, 90%, 62%) / 135 / 135 / 135 / 135 / 145 (100%, 97%, 67%) / 145 / 145 / 145 / 145 / 150 (103%, 100%, 70%) / 150 / 150 / 150 / 150 / 155 (107%, 103%, 72%) / 155 / 155 / 155 / 160 (110%, 107%, 74%)
(My wrist, elbow and lower back actually felt better after 30 clean and jerks.
My form for the clean felt prettier with the heavier weights.
Footwork for the jerk needs a lot of work.
In term of heaviness, every weight from 95 to 160-pound felt the same.
There were no misses.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 159
Warm Up
A bunch of kettlebell exercises
(I felt a tickle in my left elbow during one of the kettlebell snatches.)
AMRAP (4:00)
10/leg x Barbell Front Rack Reverse Lunge <135> [Scaled: <115>]
30 x Lateral Box Jump Over <24-inch box>
20/arm x Kettlebell Snatch <24-kilogram kettlebell> [Scaled: <20-kilogram kettlebell>]
Rest 4:00.
Complete 4 rounds.
{<1 round/4:00 AMRAP}
(I wanted to use the 135-pound weight for the reverse lunges. However, I did not have enough time to warm up. In addition, my front rack position is not great and I was concerned about my left wrist and left elbow.
I thought that I was going to kick today's MetCon's ass. But I did not.
I was disappointed. The stars were just not aligned. I was nauseous from today's lunch. I was doubtful of my strength. I was worried about my left wrist and left elbow. My box was falling apart. Midway through my first set of box jump overs, I noticed the word "Broken" written on top of my box with a black marker. My right knee and back of my right ankle felt multiple shocks during the first set of box jump overs. And my shoe laces kept coming untied. As for the kettlebell snatches, I need to work on better hinge at the hip. My lower back was irritated.
Did I really have to put the bar down? Did I really have to rest on top of the box? Did I really have to put the kettlebell down? No. No. No. But did I? Yes. Yes. Yes.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of kettlebell exercises
(I felt a tickle in my left elbow during one of the kettlebell snatches.)
AMRAP (4:00)
10/leg x Barbell Front Rack Reverse Lunge <135> [Scaled: <115>]
30 x Lateral Box Jump Over <24-inch box>
20/arm x Kettlebell Snatch <24-kilogram kettlebell> [Scaled: <20-kilogram kettlebell>]
Rest 4:00.
Complete 4 rounds.
{<1 round/4:00 AMRAP}
(I wanted to use the 135-pound weight for the reverse lunges. However, I did not have enough time to warm up. In addition, my front rack position is not great and I was concerned about my left wrist and left elbow.
I thought that I was going to kick today's MetCon's ass. But I did not.
I was disappointed. The stars were just not aligned. I was nauseous from today's lunch. I was doubtful of my strength. I was worried about my left wrist and left elbow. My box was falling apart. Midway through my first set of box jump overs, I noticed the word "Broken" written on top of my box with a black marker. My right knee and back of my right ankle felt multiple shocks during the first set of box jump overs. And my shoe laces kept coming untied. As for the kettlebell snatches, I need to work on better hinge at the hip. My lower back was irritated.
Did I really have to put the bar down? Did I really have to rest on top of the box? Did I really have to put the kettlebell down? No. No. No. But did I? Yes. Yes. Yes.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 158
Warm Up + Active Recovery
10-minute run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 6.7mph, 3:00 @ 7.7mph, 2:00 @ 8.7mph, 1:00 @ 9.7mph}
5-minute walk on treadmill
{5:00 @ 2.5mph}
9-minute run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 6.8mph, 3:00 @ 7.8mph, 2:00 @ 8.8mph}
4-minute walk on treadmill
{4:00 @ 2.5mph}
7-minute run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 6.9mph, 3:00 @ 7.9mph}
3-minute walk on treadmill
{3:00 @ 2.5mph}
4-minute run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 7.0mph}
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
(Running was hard. Sit-ups were hard.
I am afraid that I am losing muscle from all of the running.
The 305-pound weight felt really heavy last night.
My lower back is recovered. My left wrist is recovering. My left elbow is irritated. I irritate my left elbow a while back. The irritation recently subsided. Then last night, I felt a slight rotation in the elbow during one of the floor presses. My left elbow has been tickling since.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 106
10-minute run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 6.7mph, 3:00 @ 7.7mph, 2:00 @ 8.7mph, 1:00 @ 9.7mph}
5-minute walk on treadmill
{5:00 @ 2.5mph}
9-minute run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 6.8mph, 3:00 @ 7.8mph, 2:00 @ 8.8mph}
4-minute walk on treadmill
{4:00 @ 2.5mph}
7-minute run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 6.9mph, 3:00 @ 7.9mph}
3-minute walk on treadmill
{3:00 @ 2.5mph}
4-minute run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 7.0mph}
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
(Running was hard. Sit-ups were hard.
I am afraid that I am losing muscle from all of the running.
The 305-pound weight felt really heavy last night.
My lower back is recovered. My left wrist is recovering. My left elbow is irritated. I irritate my left elbow a while back. The irritation recently subsided. Then last night, I felt a slight rotation in the elbow during one of the floor presses. My left elbow has been tickling since.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 106
17 DAY 155
Warm Up
Run from apartment to track
400-meter run
10 x 100-meter sprint <@ 100%>
Walk 100-meter between each sprint.
(I did not time my sprints. I slowed down significantly toward the later rounds. I did not feel great today.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 106
Run from apartment to track
400-meter run
10 x 100-meter sprint <@ 100%>
Walk 100-meter between each sprint.
(I did not time my sprints. I slowed down significantly toward the later rounds. I did not feel great today.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 106
17 DAY 152
Warm Up
Some rowing. Some barbell drills.
(I did not want to work out alone tonight.)
Active Recovery
Hang Power Clean + Front Squat
5 x 75 (35% of Max Clean, 28% of Max Front Squat) / 5 x 95 (44%, 35%) / 5 x 105 (49%, 39%) / 5 x 105 / 5 x 110 (51%, 41%)
(I was terrified about how my left wrist was going to hold up.
I think the way I tape my wrist is what hurt my wrist.)
Active Recovery
AMRAP (16:00)
4 x Hang Power Clean <115> [Scaled: 4 x Hang Power Clean <80 (37% of Max Clean)>]
6 x Shoulder-to-Overhead <115> [Scaled: 6 x Push Jerk (r1) / Behind-the-Neck Push Jerk (r2) / Strict Press (r3-r7?) <80 (53% of Max Push Jerk, 70% of Max Strict Press)>]
8 x Front Squat <115> [Scaled: 8 x Front Squat <80 (30% of Max Front Squat)>]
Complete with a partner. One athlete works at a time.
(I completed each round in about 0:30.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Some rowing. Some barbell drills.
(I did not want to work out alone tonight.)
Active Recovery
Hang Power Clean + Front Squat
5 x 75 (35% of Max Clean, 28% of Max Front Squat) / 5 x 95 (44%, 35%) / 5 x 105 (49%, 39%) / 5 x 105 / 5 x 110 (51%, 41%)
(I was terrified about how my left wrist was going to hold up.
I think the way I tape my wrist is what hurt my wrist.)
Active Recovery
AMRAP (16:00)
4 x Hang Power Clean <115> [Scaled: 4 x Hang Power Clean <80 (37% of Max Clean)>]
6 x Shoulder-to-Overhead <115> [Scaled: 6 x Push Jerk (r1) / Behind-the-Neck Push Jerk (r2) / Strict Press (r3-r7?) <80 (53% of Max Push Jerk, 70% of Max Strict Press)>]
8 x Front Squat <115> [Scaled: 8 x Front Squat <80 (30% of Max Front Squat)>]
Complete with a partner. One athlete works at a time.
(I completed each round in about 0:30.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 151
Warm Up
10-minute run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 6.6mph, 3:00 @ 7.6mph, 2:00 @ 8.6mph, 1:00 @ 9.6mph}
40-feet x One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge <right arm only w/ 30-pound dumbbell>
40-feet x One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge <left arm only w/ 30-pound dumbbell>
40-feet x Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge <both arms w/ 2 30-pound dumbbells>
Complete 5 rounds. Rest 1:00-2:00 between each round.
5 x Farmer's Carry Up and Down Stairs <w/ 2 45-pound dumbbells>
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
10-minute run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 6.6mph, 3:00 @ 7.6mph, 2:00 @ 8.6mph, 1:00 @ 9.6mph}
40-feet x One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge <right arm only w/ 30-pound dumbbell>
40-feet x One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge <left arm only w/ 30-pound dumbbell>
40-feet x Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge <both arms w/ 2 30-pound dumbbells>
Complete 5 rounds. Rest 1:00-2:00 between each round.
5 x Farmer's Carry Up and Down Stairs <w/ 2 45-pound dumbbells>
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 150
Warm Up + Conditioning
10-minute run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 6.6mph, 3:00 @ 7.6mph, 2:00 @ 8.6mph, 1:00 @ 9.6mph}
5-minute walk on treadmill
{5:00 @ 2.5mph}
9-minute run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 7.6mph, 3:00 @ 8.6mph, 2:00 @ 9.6mph}
5-minute walk on treadmill
{5:00 @ 2.5mph}
7-minute run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 8.6mph, 3:00 @ 9.6mph}
5-minute walk on treadmill
{5:00 @ 2.5mph}
4-minute run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 9.6mph}
(I was content with tonight's workout.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 106
10-minute run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 6.6mph, 3:00 @ 7.6mph, 2:00 @ 8.6mph, 1:00 @ 9.6mph}
5-minute walk on treadmill
{5:00 @ 2.5mph}
9-minute run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 7.6mph, 3:00 @ 8.6mph, 2:00 @ 9.6mph}
5-minute walk on treadmill
{5:00 @ 2.5mph}
7-minute run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 8.6mph, 3:00 @ 9.6mph}
5-minute walk on treadmill
{5:00 @ 2.5mph}
4-minute run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 9.6mph}
(I was content with tonight's workout.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 106
17 DAY 148
Active Recovery
Walk with Wighted Backpack
(Moving around with extra weight on my back is my latest favorite exercise. I made a trip to Flushing, Queens today. I packed a full backpack consisted of fifteen water bottles and leftovers from yesterday's hiking trip.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 101 / 102 / 106
Walk with Wighted Backpack
(Moving around with extra weight on my back is my latest favorite exercise. I made a trip to Flushing, Queens today. I packed a full backpack consisted of fifteen water bottles and leftovers from yesterday's hiking trip.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 101 / 102 / 106
17 DAY 147
Active Recovery
Hike with Weighted Backpack
(We hiked the Hudson Highlands. Long story short, I spent most of the day by myself. I packed a full backpack, consisted of a box of cookies, a box of breakfast bars, two sweatshirts, six bottles of Poland Spring, approximately ten bananas and a bunch of miscellaneous crap. I wanted the backpack to be heavy.
After the hike, we walked from where we were to the town of Cold Spring for lunch.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 101 / 102 / 106
Hike with Weighted Backpack
(We hiked the Hudson Highlands. Long story short, I spent most of the day by myself. I packed a full backpack, consisted of a box of cookies, a box of breakfast bars, two sweatshirts, six bottles of Poland Spring, approximately ten bananas and a bunch of miscellaneous crap. I wanted the backpack to be heavy.
After the hike, we walked from where we were to the town of Cold Spring for lunch.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 101 / 102 / 106
17 DAY 146
Warm Up
10-minute run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 6.6mph, 3:00 @ 7.6mph, 2:00 @ 8.6mph, 1:00 @ 9.6mph}
Warm Up / Strength
Smith Machine Stiff-Leg Deadlift
{10 x 20 (6% of Max Deadlift) / 10 x 70 (22%) / 10 x 90 (29%) / 10 x 110 (35%)}
Smith Machine Sumo Deadlift
{8 x 160 (51%) / 6 x 200 (63%) / 4 x 250 (79%) / 2 x 290 (92%)}
Rest 1:00.
{6 x 290 / 4 x 300 (95%) / 2 x 310 (98%)}
Rest 1:00.
{4 x 310 / 2 x 320 (102%)}
Warm Up
One Arm Dumbbell Waiter's Carry
{12.5 / 17.5 / 22.5}
Smith Machine, Seated, Behind-the-Neck Strict Press
{10 x 20 / 5 x 70 / x}
(I had to stop the exercise. This wrist injury is turning into quite a mess.)
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
5 x 5/arm x 60
followed by,
3:00 active rest on Elliptical machine
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
10-minute run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 6.6mph, 3:00 @ 7.6mph, 2:00 @ 8.6mph, 1:00 @ 9.6mph}
Warm Up / Strength
Smith Machine Stiff-Leg Deadlift
{10 x 20 (6% of Max Deadlift) / 10 x 70 (22%) / 10 x 90 (29%) / 10 x 110 (35%)}
Smith Machine Sumo Deadlift
{8 x 160 (51%) / 6 x 200 (63%) / 4 x 250 (79%) / 2 x 290 (92%)}
Rest 1:00.
{6 x 290 / 4 x 300 (95%) / 2 x 310 (98%)}
Rest 1:00.
{4 x 310 / 2 x 320 (102%)}
Warm Up
One Arm Dumbbell Waiter's Carry
{12.5 / 17.5 / 22.5}
Smith Machine, Seated, Behind-the-Neck Strict Press
{10 x 20 / 5 x 70 / x}
(I had to stop the exercise. This wrist injury is turning into quite a mess.)
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
5 x 5/arm x 60
followed by,
3:00 active rest on Elliptical machine
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 144
Warm Up
10:00 run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 6.5mph, 3:00 @ 7.5mph, 2:00 @ 8.5mph, 1:00 @ 9.5mph}
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
5 x 5/arm x 60
followed by,
3:00 active rest on Elliptical machine
(I thought I had a 50-pound dumbbell.
I realized that it was a 60-pound dumbbell when my left arm failed to complete the first set of the press unbroken.
I ultimately decided to stick with the weight.
My left arm was able to complete the last set of the press unbroken.)
Machine Assisted Pull-up <with 25-pound assistance>
5 x max effort
Rest 1:00 between each set.
{8 / 5 / 3 / 3 / 3}
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
10:00 run on treadmill
{4:00 @ 6.5mph, 3:00 @ 7.5mph, 2:00 @ 8.5mph, 1:00 @ 9.5mph}
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
5 x 5/arm x 60
followed by,
3:00 active rest on Elliptical machine
(I thought I had a 50-pound dumbbell.
I realized that it was a 60-pound dumbbell when my left arm failed to complete the first set of the press unbroken.
I ultimately decided to stick with the weight.
My left arm was able to complete the last set of the press unbroken.)
Machine Assisted Pull-up <with 25-pound assistance>
5 x max effort
Rest 1:00 between each set.
{8 / 5 / 3 / 3 / 3}
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 142
Warm Up
10-calorie Row
3 x (1 x Inchworm + 2 x Push-up)
Complete 3 rounds.
(My left wrist was hurting during the push-ups.)
5 x 3 <@ 89%> [Scaled: go by feel and stay safe]
{5 x 135 (43% of Max Deadlift) / 5 x 225 (71%) / 5 x 205 (65%) / 5 x 225 / 3 x 255 (81%) / 3 x 285 (90%) / 3 x 285 / 3 x 285}
1-2-3-4-5 x Back Squat <AHAP> [1-2-3-4-5 x Back Squat <225 (71% of Max Back Squat)>]
1-2-3-4-5 x Atlas Stone Ground-to-Shoulder <AHAP> [1-2-3-4-5 x Atlas Stone Ground-to-Shoulder <160 (91% of Max Atlas Stone Ground-to-Shoulder>]
Complete in under 10:00.
(This was a lot tougher than I anticipated.
I was fine immediately after the workout, but my lower back is freaking out right now.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
10-calorie Row
3 x (1 x Inchworm + 2 x Push-up)
Complete 3 rounds.
(My left wrist was hurting during the push-ups.)
5 x 3 <@ 89%> [Scaled: go by feel and stay safe]
{5 x 135 (43% of Max Deadlift) / 5 x 225 (71%) / 5 x 205 (65%) / 5 x 225 / 3 x 255 (81%) / 3 x 285 (90%) / 3 x 285 / 3 x 285}
1-2-3-4-5 x Back Squat <AHAP> [1-2-3-4-5 x Back Squat <225 (71% of Max Back Squat)>]
1-2-3-4-5 x Atlas Stone Ground-to-Shoulder <AHAP> [1-2-3-4-5 x Atlas Stone Ground-to-Shoulder <160 (91% of Max Atlas Stone Ground-to-Shoulder>]
Complete in under 10:00.
(This was a lot tougher than I anticipated.
I was fine immediately after the workout, but my lower back is freaking out right now.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 140
Warm Up
Front rack stretch with 40-pound "bar" on back rack
3 x 30-count
Rest as needed.
(I bought a new pair of running shoes today.)
Warm Up
10:00 run on treadmill
{2:00 @ 6.5mph, 3:00 @ 7.5mph, 3:00 @ 8.5mph, 2:00 @ 9.5mph}
(The warm up run felt really good today. My legs had a tougher time than my lungs.)
Warm Up
Front rack stretch with 50-pound "bar" on back rack
3 x 30-count
Rest as needed.
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
5 x 5/arm x 50
Complete each set in 3:00. Hop on the Elliptical machine? for the remainder of each 3:00 interval.
(Some assholes hogged the Smith Machine.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Front rack stretch with 40-pound "bar" on back rack
3 x 30-count
Rest as needed.
(I bought a new pair of running shoes today.)
Warm Up
10:00 run on treadmill
{2:00 @ 6.5mph, 3:00 @ 7.5mph, 3:00 @ 8.5mph, 2:00 @ 9.5mph}
(The warm up run felt really good today. My legs had a tougher time than my lungs.)
Warm Up
Front rack stretch with 50-pound "bar" on back rack
3 x 30-count
Rest as needed.
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
5 x 5/arm x 50
Complete each set in 3:00. Hop on the Elliptical machine? for the remainder of each 3:00 interval.
(Some assholes hogged the Smith Machine.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 139
Warm Up
A bunch of crap.
Complete in team of 2,
Partner A completes,
1000-meter Row
While Partner B completes,
15 x Pull-up [Scaled: 10 x Strict-ish Pull-up]
30 x Sit-up
45 x Air Squat
Partner A moves onto the bodyweight movements at the completion of the 1000-meter row, while Partner B moves onto the rower at the completion of the bodyweight movements. Each athlete completes 4 rounds.
(I was content.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap.
Complete in team of 2,
Partner A completes,
1000-meter Row
While Partner B completes,
15 x Pull-up [Scaled: 10 x Strict-ish Pull-up]
30 x Sit-up
45 x Air Squat
Partner A moves onto the bodyweight movements at the completion of the 1000-meter row, while Partner B moves onto the rower at the completion of the bodyweight movements. Each athlete completes 4 rounds.
(I was content.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 137
Warm Up
A bunch of crap plus two runs around the blocks.
(I started last but finished first on both runs.)
EMOM (21:00)
1:00 - 1 x Axel Bar Clean and Press Away <AHAP, up to 175> [1:00 - 1 x Axel Bar Clean and Press Away <95>] {5 / 3 / 1? / 3? / 3 / 3 / 3}
2:00 - 60' Sandbag Carry <AHAP> [2:00 - 60' Sandbag Carry <3? x 200, 4? x 180>]
3:00 - 14 x Dumbbell Snatch <50, alternating> {14 / 14 / 10 / 8? / 4? / 4? / 6}
(I had a plan. And my plan fell through.
I had an awful time at the gym.
The gym was so hot. It felt like a sauna. I felt the air closing in. It was suffocating.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap plus two runs around the blocks.
(I started last but finished first on both runs.)
EMOM (21:00)
1:00 - 1 x Axel Bar Clean and Press Away <AHAP, up to 175> [1:00 - 1 x Axel Bar Clean and Press Away <95>] {5 / 3 / 1? / 3? / 3 / 3 / 3}
2:00 - 60' Sandbag Carry <AHAP> [2:00 - 60' Sandbag Carry <3? x 200, 4? x 180>]
3:00 - 14 x Dumbbell Snatch <50, alternating> {14 / 14 / 10 / 8? / 4? / 4? / 6}
(I had a plan. And my plan fell through.
I had an awful time at the gym.
The gym was so hot. It felt like a sauna. I felt the air closing in. It was suffocating.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 136
Warm Up
A bunch of crap.
(I was on the phone with my Mom. She was annoying me. I raised my voice a tad. I did not realize then that I was speaking loudly. After I hung up the phone on my Mom, I noticed that the front desk lady's usual smile was gone. I could tell that she was taken aback by my behavior.)
Back Squat
Floor Press
Complete 2 waves.
{225 (71% of Max Back Squat), 115 (61% of Max Smith Machine Bench Press), 245 (78%), 135 (71%), 265 (84%), 165 (89%) / 245, 145 (76%), 265, 165 (89%), 285 (90%), 185 (97%)}
Warm Up
A bunch of crap.
Deadlift (25:00)
5 x 3 <at 86% of Max Deadlift> [Scaled: go by feel, just don't hurt yourself again]
{5 x 135 (43% of Max Deadlift) / 5 x 205 (65%) / 3 x 255 (81%) / 3 x 205}
(I am still unsure what happened the previous time I deadlifted.
I spent most of the 25 minutes wrapping my fingers with athletic tape.
My Brazilian partner was really annoying.)
AMRAP (7:00)
3 x Back Squat <185>
9 x Viper Press with Log <70>
(My rack was really far away from my log.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Warm Up
A bunch of crap.
(I was on the phone with my Mom. She was annoying me. I raised my voice a tad. I did not realize then that I was speaking loudly. After I hung up the phone on my Mom, I noticed that the front desk lady's usual smile was gone. I could tell that she was taken aback by my behavior.)
Back Squat
Floor Press
Complete 2 waves.
{225 (71% of Max Back Squat), 115 (61% of Max Smith Machine Bench Press), 245 (78%), 135 (71%), 265 (84%), 165 (89%) / 245, 145 (76%), 265, 165 (89%), 285 (90%), 185 (97%)}
Warm Up
A bunch of crap.
Deadlift (25:00)
5 x 3 <at 86% of Max Deadlift> [Scaled: go by feel, just don't hurt yourself again]
{5 x 135 (43% of Max Deadlift) / 5 x 205 (65%) / 3 x 255 (81%) / 3 x 205}
(I am still unsure what happened the previous time I deadlifted.
I spent most of the 25 minutes wrapping my fingers with athletic tape.
My Brazilian partner was really annoying.)
AMRAP (7:00)
3 x Back Squat <185>
9 x Viper Press with Log <70>
(My rack was really far away from my log.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 133
Warm Up
Push-ups, lunges and inchworms. Tabata style.
Farmer's Carry
Establish 1RM 50' Farmer's Carry in 20:00.
{110/arm (73% of Max Farmer's Carry) / 130 (87%) / 160 (106%) / 180 (120%) / 190 (127%)}
We ran out of time.
But I got more in the tank.
The above weights assume that each farmer's handle weighs 20 pounds.)
AMRAP (15:00)
15 x Sit-up
1 x Atlas Stone Ground-to-Shoulder <AHAP> [1 x Atlas Stone Ground-to-Shoulder <with 175-pound Atlas Stone (100% of Max Atlas Stone Ground-to-Shoulder)>]
30 x Double Under [Scaled: 90 x Single Under]
(I told my coach that I lost count of my rounds when she asked how many rounds I had completed.
I completed either 6+16 or 7+16 rounds.
Most of my classmates completed 9 to 11 rounds. I did lose track of my rounds. At the same time, I was a little embarrassed to report my score.
I did not intend to use the 175-pound stone for the MetCon. I wanted a 160-pound stone. The 175-pound stone has "16"" and "175#" molded on the surface. At first glance, I saw the number "16" and immediately assumed that it was a 160-pound stone. I did not realize until mid-workout that I was actually using a 175-pound stone.
I managed.
The 90 single unders and 15 sit-ups, including transition between the movements, should take me roughly 1:30-2:00. The stone ground-to-shoulder should take me no more than 0:30.
All in all, I was impressed by the number of rounds my classmates completed in the allotted time.
I had focused a lot of time this past year on building strength. I simply suck at MetCons, because I had not been doing that much MetCons.)
Warm Up
10-minute on Elliptical machine
Smith Machine Bench Press
6 x 8 x 135 (71% of Max Smith Machine Bench Press)
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
6 x 8/arm x 40
Alternate a set of Smith Machine Bench Press with a set of one arm dumbbell bent over row. Complete each superset in 4:00.
(Today's rep scheme was supposed to be 5 x 10. I changed the rep scheme during the first set of bench press. I was experiencing discomfort in my left wrist.
All in all, the 135-pound weight for the bench press felt light today.)
Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge
10 x 80' <with 2 40-pound dumbbells>
Rest 1:00-2:00 between each set.
(My apartment currently has no hot water. I am miserable.)
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Warm Up
Push-ups, lunges and inchworms. Tabata style.
Farmer's Carry
Establish 1RM 50' Farmer's Carry in 20:00.
{110/arm (73% of Max Farmer's Carry) / 130 (87%) / 160 (106%) / 180 (120%) / 190 (127%)}
We ran out of time.
But I got more in the tank.
The above weights assume that each farmer's handle weighs 20 pounds.)
AMRAP (15:00)
15 x Sit-up
1 x Atlas Stone Ground-to-Shoulder <AHAP> [1 x Atlas Stone Ground-to-Shoulder <with 175-pound Atlas Stone (100% of Max Atlas Stone Ground-to-Shoulder)>]
30 x Double Under [Scaled: 90 x Single Under]
(I told my coach that I lost count of my rounds when she asked how many rounds I had completed.
I completed either 6+16 or 7+16 rounds.
Most of my classmates completed 9 to 11 rounds. I did lose track of my rounds. At the same time, I was a little embarrassed to report my score.
I did not intend to use the 175-pound stone for the MetCon. I wanted a 160-pound stone. The 175-pound stone has "16"" and "175#" molded on the surface. At first glance, I saw the number "16" and immediately assumed that it was a 160-pound stone. I did not realize until mid-workout that I was actually using a 175-pound stone.
I managed.
The 90 single unders and 15 sit-ups, including transition between the movements, should take me roughly 1:30-2:00. The stone ground-to-shoulder should take me no more than 0:30.
All in all, I was impressed by the number of rounds my classmates completed in the allotted time.
I had focused a lot of time this past year on building strength. I simply suck at MetCons, because I had not been doing that much MetCons.)
Warm Up
10-minute on Elliptical machine
Smith Machine Bench Press
6 x 8 x 135 (71% of Max Smith Machine Bench Press)
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
6 x 8/arm x 40
Alternate a set of Smith Machine Bench Press with a set of one arm dumbbell bent over row. Complete each superset in 4:00.
(Today's rep scheme was supposed to be 5 x 10. I changed the rep scheme during the first set of bench press. I was experiencing discomfort in my left wrist.
All in all, the 135-pound weight for the bench press felt light today.)
Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge
10 x 80' <with 2 40-pound dumbbells>
Rest 1:00-2:00 between each set.
(My apartment currently has no hot water. I am miserable.)
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 127
Warm Up
Run from apartment to track
400-meter run
Followed by,
400-meter walk
Conditioning / Active Recovery
10-8-6-4-2 x Hill Run
1-1-1-1-1 x 400-meter Run
1-1-1-1-1 x 400-meter Walk
Score is the time it takes to complete the hill run and the 400-meter run.
{8:54, 7:57, 6:35, 5:07, 3:13}
(The times are not impressive. Though I was happy that I got my ass out of the house on such a beautiful day.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 101 / 102 / 106
Run from apartment to track
400-meter run
Followed by,
400-meter walk
Conditioning / Active Recovery
10-8-6-4-2 x Hill Run
1-1-1-1-1 x 400-meter Run
1-1-1-1-1 x 400-meter Walk
Score is the time it takes to complete the hill run and the 400-meter run.
{8:54, 7:57, 6:35, 5:07, 3:13}
(The times are not impressive. Though I was happy that I got my ass out of the house on such a beautiful day.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 101 / 102 / 106
17 DAY 124
Warm Up
A bunch of crap.
Warm Up / Conditioning
AMRAP (20:00)
0:30 - Right Arm Waiter's Carry
0:30 - Left Arm Waiter's Carry
0:30 - Right Arm Farmer's Carry <keep weight slightly away from body>
0:30 - Left Arm Farmer's Carry <keep weight slightly away from body>
1 x Right Arm Turkish Get-up
1 x Left Arm Turkish Get-up
Increase weight after each round.
{20 (dumbbell) / 25 (dumbbell) / 25 (dumbbell) / 30 (dumbbell) / 16-kilogram (kettlebell) / 20-kilogram (kettlebell)
(Time capped in the middle of my last round.)
Conditioning / Skill
5/arm x Kettlebell Snatch <with 24-kilogram kettlebell> [Scaled: 5/arm x Kettlebell Snatch <with 20-kilogram kettlebell>]
2/arm x Turkish Get-up <with 24-kilogram kettlebell> [Scaled: 2/arm x Turkish Get-up <with 20-kilogram kettlebell>]
Complete in team of 2. Each athlete completes 6 rounds. One athlete works at a time.
(I surprised myself today with the kettlebell snatch and the Turkish get-up. Form still needs work. All in all, however, I was content with my performance today. I did slow down my partner quite a bit, which I felt bad about.)
Warm Up
10 x ?
10 x Push-up
10 x Bicep Curl <with light weight>
Complete 3 rounds.
(I did not complete my 3 rounds.)
Strength / Skill
Stone Load <to 42" Target>
{95? / 115 / 130 / 145 / 145 / 175 / 175 / 175 / 175? / x}
7 x Deficit Axel Bar Deadlift <with overhand grip, 3.75-inch deficit and 155-pound weight; unbroken reps are preferred> [Scaled: 7 x Deficit Axel Bar Deadlift <with overhand and mixed grip, 3.75-inch deficit and 155-pound weight>]
14 x Wallball <with 20-pound medicine ball>
Complete in under 20:00. Complete in team of 2. Each athlete completes 7 rounds. One athlete works at a time.
(We were one of the last teams to complete the MetCon. Once again, I held back my teammate. I began to fail on the wallballs on the 5th round. I had to break up the wallballs into small sets from the fifth round on. I was embarrassed.
I got no excuses for performing poorly tonight.
I think my coach is annoyed by me.)
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Warm Up
A bunch of crap.
Warm Up / Conditioning
AMRAP (20:00)
0:30 - Right Arm Waiter's Carry
0:30 - Left Arm Waiter's Carry
0:30 - Right Arm Farmer's Carry <keep weight slightly away from body>
0:30 - Left Arm Farmer's Carry <keep weight slightly away from body>
1 x Right Arm Turkish Get-up
1 x Left Arm Turkish Get-up
Increase weight after each round.
{20 (dumbbell) / 25 (dumbbell) / 25 (dumbbell) / 30 (dumbbell) / 16-kilogram (kettlebell) / 20-kilogram (kettlebell)
(Time capped in the middle of my last round.)
Conditioning / Skill
5/arm x Kettlebell Snatch <with 24-kilogram kettlebell> [Scaled: 5/arm x Kettlebell Snatch <with 20-kilogram kettlebell>]
2/arm x Turkish Get-up <with 24-kilogram kettlebell> [Scaled: 2/arm x Turkish Get-up <with 20-kilogram kettlebell>]
Complete in team of 2. Each athlete completes 6 rounds. One athlete works at a time.
(I surprised myself today with the kettlebell snatch and the Turkish get-up. Form still needs work. All in all, however, I was content with my performance today. I did slow down my partner quite a bit, which I felt bad about.)
Warm Up
10 x ?
10 x Push-up
10 x Bicep Curl <with light weight>
Complete 3 rounds.
(I did not complete my 3 rounds.)
Strength / Skill
Stone Load <to 42" Target>
{95? / 115 / 130 / 145 / 145 / 175 / 175 / 175 / 175? / x}
7 x Deficit Axel Bar Deadlift <with overhand grip, 3.75-inch deficit and 155-pound weight; unbroken reps are preferred> [Scaled: 7 x Deficit Axel Bar Deadlift <with overhand and mixed grip, 3.75-inch deficit and 155-pound weight>]
14 x Wallball <with 20-pound medicine ball>
Complete in under 20:00. Complete in team of 2. Each athlete completes 7 rounds. One athlete works at a time.
(We were one of the last teams to complete the MetCon. Once again, I held back my teammate. I began to fail on the wallballs on the 5th round. I had to break up the wallballs into small sets from the fifth round on. I was embarrassed.
I got no excuses for performing poorly tonight.
I think my coach is annoyed by me.)
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 122
Warm Up
Too much crap.
Strength / Active Recovery
Complete 2-3 waves of,
Back Squat
{155 (49% of Max Squat), 175 (56%), 195 (62%) / 185 (59%), 205 (65%), 235 (75%) / 235, x, x}
Floor Press
{95 (50% of Max Smith Machine Bench Press), 115 (61%), 135 (71%) / 125 (66%), 145 (76%), 165 (87%) / 155 (82%), x, x}
(It did not even itch.
At the end of the day, I was happy that I stayed light.
Prior to class, I was unsure how my back was going to hold up.
The weights were decided by my partners, except for that last set of back squat.)
Warm Up
16 x Lunge
8 x Push-up
8 x Air Squat
Complete 3 rounds.
Skill / Warm Up
Axel Bar Clean and Press Away
5 x 75 (50% of Max Axel Bar Clean and Jerk and Push Press, 52% of Max Clean and Jerk) / 5 x 115 (77%, 79%) / 5 x 125 (83%, 86%) / 5 x 135 (90%, 93%)
Skill / Warm Up
Sandbag Carry
60' x 140 / 60' x 160
Conditioning / Active Recovery?
EMOM (21:00)
1:00 - 1 x max effort x Axel Bar Clean and Press Away <AHAP> [Scaled: 1:00 - 1 x 3-5 x Axel Bar Clean and Press Away <with 135-pound weight>] {5 / 5 / 5 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3}
2:00 - 60' Sandbag Carry <with bodyweight sandbag> [Scaled: 2:00 - 60' Sandbag Carry <with 180-pound sandbag>]
3:00 - 12 x Russian Kettlebell Swing <AHAP> [3:00 - 12 x Russian Kettlebell Swing <with 32-kilogram kettlebell>]
Strict press, push press and push jerk are all acceptable for the press away.
(Throwing weight over my head terrifies me. Throwing weight over my head with a bar that I can barely get a grip on scares me to death. Throwing weight over my head with a bar that I can barely get a grip on while carrying multiple injuries/wounds. Well, there is just no word for that kind of fear.
The sandbag carry was easy. I could have easily used the 220-pound sandbag for the EMOM.
The 32-kilogram kettlebell felt like air tonight.
My coach was visibly irritated tonight.)
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Warm Up
Too much crap.
Strength / Active Recovery
Complete 2-3 waves of,
Back Squat
{155 (49% of Max Squat), 175 (56%), 195 (62%) / 185 (59%), 205 (65%), 235 (75%) / 235, x, x}
Floor Press
{95 (50% of Max Smith Machine Bench Press), 115 (61%), 135 (71%) / 125 (66%), 145 (76%), 165 (87%) / 155 (82%), x, x}
(It did not even itch.
At the end of the day, I was happy that I stayed light.
Prior to class, I was unsure how my back was going to hold up.
The weights were decided by my partners, except for that last set of back squat.)
Warm Up
16 x Lunge
8 x Push-up
8 x Air Squat
Complete 3 rounds.
Skill / Warm Up
Axel Bar Clean and Press Away
5 x 75 (50% of Max Axel Bar Clean and Jerk and Push Press, 52% of Max Clean and Jerk) / 5 x 115 (77%, 79%) / 5 x 125 (83%, 86%) / 5 x 135 (90%, 93%)
Skill / Warm Up
Sandbag Carry
60' x 140 / 60' x 160
Conditioning / Active Recovery?
EMOM (21:00)
1:00 - 1 x max effort x Axel Bar Clean and Press Away <AHAP> [Scaled: 1:00 - 1 x 3-5 x Axel Bar Clean and Press Away <with 135-pound weight>] {5 / 5 / 5 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3}
2:00 - 60' Sandbag Carry <with bodyweight sandbag> [Scaled: 2:00 - 60' Sandbag Carry <with 180-pound sandbag>]
3:00 - 12 x Russian Kettlebell Swing <AHAP> [3:00 - 12 x Russian Kettlebell Swing <with 32-kilogram kettlebell>]
Strict press, push press and push jerk are all acceptable for the press away.
(Throwing weight over my head terrifies me. Throwing weight over my head with a bar that I can barely get a grip on scares me to death. Throwing weight over my head with a bar that I can barely get a grip on while carrying multiple injuries/wounds. Well, there is just no word for that kind of fear.
The sandbag carry was easy. I could have easily used the 220-pound sandbag for the EMOM.
The 32-kilogram kettlebell felt like air tonight.
My coach was visibly irritated tonight.)
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 121
Warm Up
A bunch of crap.
Skill / Warm Up
Beat Swing
4 x 8
Overhead Squat <with 3 1 3 1 tempo>
4 x 4 x 45
(The tempo that was programmed for the overhead squats was 2 3 1 1.)
AMRAP (24:00)
15-calorie Row
9 x Hang Power Snatch <with 75-pound weight>
6 x Toes-to-Bar
Complete in team of 3 follow-the-leader style.
(I was teamed with one other guy. There were just two of us. The hang power snatches did not feel light today.
I injured my lower back for the third time two Thursdays ago.
Last Thursday, I scraped a piece of skin off of each of my shoulders while flipping tires.
I was reckless. My wounds on the shoulders were sunburned on Saturday during the bike session.
All day Sunday and today, I could not raise my right arm without experiencing excruciating pain from the wound on my right shoulder. I believe the wound was infected.
Somehow the pain subsided before the start of the class. I managed to snatch 63 times.
On the sixth round, my forearm gave out. Also on the sixth round, I tore a piece of skin off of my ring finger. On the seventh round, I tore two more pieces of skins respectively off of my two pinkies. As a result of a combination of muscle exhaustion and skin tear, I divided up the sixth and seventh rounds of snatches into sets of 3. I completed the first five rounds of snatches unbroken.
My lower back was irritated after class. My snatches were fine. I blame the toes-to-bars.
I had initially planned to complete another training session tonight. By today afternoon, I just felt broken. And on top of that, I was extremely sleepy. I ultimately made the decision to go home.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap.
Skill / Warm Up
Beat Swing
4 x 8
Overhead Squat <with 3 1 3 1 tempo>
4 x 4 x 45
(The tempo that was programmed for the overhead squats was 2 3 1 1.)
AMRAP (24:00)
15-calorie Row
9 x Hang Power Snatch <with 75-pound weight>
6 x Toes-to-Bar
Complete in team of 3 follow-the-leader style.
(I was teamed with one other guy. There were just two of us. The hang power snatches did not feel light today.
I injured my lower back for the third time two Thursdays ago.
Last Thursday, I scraped a piece of skin off of each of my shoulders while flipping tires.
I was reckless. My wounds on the shoulders were sunburned on Saturday during the bike session.
All day Sunday and today, I could not raise my right arm without experiencing excruciating pain from the wound on my right shoulder. I believe the wound was infected.
Somehow the pain subsided before the start of the class. I managed to snatch 63 times.
On the sixth round, my forearm gave out. Also on the sixth round, I tore a piece of skin off of my ring finger. On the seventh round, I tore two more pieces of skins respectively off of my two pinkies. As a result of a combination of muscle exhaustion and skin tear, I divided up the sixth and seventh rounds of snatches into sets of 3. I completed the first five rounds of snatches unbroken.
My lower back was irritated after class. My snatches were fine. I blame the toes-to-bars.
I had initially planned to complete another training session tonight. By today afternoon, I just felt broken. And on top of that, I was extremely sleepy. I ultimately made the decision to go home.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 118
Warm Up
10-minute on the Elliptical Machine
Skill / Warm Up
One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squat
1 x 8/arm x 15
Conditioning / Warm Up
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
(This was a bad idea. Though it did stretch out my lower back a little bit.)
Dumbbell Bench Press
5 x 8 x 50/arm
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
5 x 8/arm x 50
Alternate a set of dumbbell bench press with a set of one arm dumbbell bent over row. Complete each superset in 4:00.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
10-minute on the Elliptical Machine
Skill / Warm Up
One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squat
1 x 8/arm x 15
Conditioning / Warm Up
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
(This was a bad idea. Though it did stretch out my lower back a little bit.)
Dumbbell Bench Press
5 x 8 x 50/arm
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
5 x 8/arm x 50
Alternate a set of dumbbell bench press with a set of one arm dumbbell bent over row. Complete each superset in 4:00.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 116
Warm Up
For once, a bunch of crap.
Tire Flipping Cindy
5 x Pull-up (Rx+: 5 x Strict Pull-up)
10 x Push-up
15 x Air Squat
1 x Tire Flip <with 3 x bodyweight tire> [Scaled: 1 x Tire Flip <with 515-pound tire>]
(I was content with my performance, considering my PR for regular Cindy was only about 9+x rounds. The 515-pound tire was manageable, though it did feel heavier today than the previous time I flipped tire in class.
I weigh approximately 195-pound.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
For once, a bunch of crap.
Tire Flipping Cindy
5 x Pull-up (Rx+: 5 x Strict Pull-up)
10 x Push-up
15 x Air Squat
1 x Tire Flip <with 3 x bodyweight tire> [Scaled: 1 x Tire Flip <with 515-pound tire>]
(I was content with my performance, considering my PR for regular Cindy was only about 9+x rounds. The 515-pound tire was manageable, though it did feel heavier today than the previous time I flipped tire in class.
I weigh approximately 195-pound.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 115
Warm Up
7 x Scap Pull-up
7 x Burpee Pull-up
Complete 3 rounds.
Weighted, Strict Pull-up
5 x bodyweight / 4 x 5 / 3 x 10 / 2? x 15 / 2? x 25 (warm-up set)
1 x 40 / 1 x 40 / 1 x 40 (chin-up) / x / x
(It had slipped my mind that the programmed workout was 5 sets of 1 heavy rep.
My partner worked up to 1 rep of 75-pound weighted, strict pull-up. The man is about my height, though probably weigh a little less.)
30 x Atlas Stone Ground-to-Shoulder
Complete in under 10:00. The recommended Atlas Stone weight for man is 130 or 145-pound.
(My initial plan was to use the 115-pound Atlas Stone for the MetCon. All the 115-pound stones were claimed by the time I returned from taping my forearms. I knew that I could complete the workout with the 130-pound stone. The weight is not heavy. However, I was concerned about my lower back.
I was very cautious with each rep. I was not worried about the time cap. Ten-minute was plenty of time to complete the workout. I really took my time to make sure that each rep was as perfect as it could be. I was the last person to finish the workout.
My entire lower body is sore from yesterday's lunges, the best kind of sore.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
7 x Scap Pull-up
7 x Burpee Pull-up
Complete 3 rounds.
Weighted, Strict Pull-up
5 x bodyweight / 4 x 5 / 3 x 10 / 2? x 15 / 2? x 25 (warm-up set)
1 x 40 / 1 x 40 / 1 x 40 (chin-up) / x / x
(It had slipped my mind that the programmed workout was 5 sets of 1 heavy rep.
My partner worked up to 1 rep of 75-pound weighted, strict pull-up. The man is about my height, though probably weigh a little less.)
30 x Atlas Stone Ground-to-Shoulder
Complete in under 10:00. The recommended Atlas Stone weight for man is 130 or 145-pound.
(My initial plan was to use the 115-pound Atlas Stone for the MetCon. All the 115-pound stones were claimed by the time I returned from taping my forearms. I knew that I could complete the workout with the 130-pound stone. The weight is not heavy. However, I was concerned about my lower back.
I was very cautious with each rep. I was not worried about the time cap. Ten-minute was plenty of time to complete the workout. I really took my time to make sure that each rep was as perfect as it could be. I was the last person to finish the workout.
My entire lower body is sore from yesterday's lunges, the best kind of sore.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 114
Warm Up
Elliptical Machine <10:00>
Strength / Conditioning
80' x Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge <with 2 40-pound dumbbells>
Complete a set every 3:00. Complete 10 rounds.
(I was content with today's workout.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Elliptical Machine <10:00>
Strength / Conditioning
80' x Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge <with 2 40-pound dumbbells>
Complete a set every 3:00. Complete 10 rounds.
(I was content with today's workout.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 112
Smith Machine Bench Press
15 x 20 (11% of Max Smith Machine Bench Press) / 10 x 70 (37%) / 8 x 110 (58%) / 6 x 130 (68%) (warm-up set)
5 x 5 x 160 (84%)
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
5 x 5/arm x 60
Alternate a set of Smith Machine Bench Press with a set of one arm dumbbell bent over row. Complete each superset in 4:00.
Smith Machine Seated, Behind-the-Neck Strict Press
5 x 8 x 70 (61% of Max Strict Press)
Dumbbell Deadlift
5 x 8 x 60 (19% of Max Deadlift)
Alternate a set of Smith Machine Seated, Behind-the-Neck Strict Press with a set of dumbbell deadlift. Complete each superset in 4:00.
Farmer's Carry up and down Stairs <with 2 45-pound plates>
<5:00 AMRAP>
Rest 3:00.
Farmer's Carry up and down Stairs <with 2 45-pound plates>
<5:00 AMRAP>
(Today's training was great.
I am still bummed over my latest back injury.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Smith Machine Bench Press
15 x 20 (11% of Max Smith Machine Bench Press) / 10 x 70 (37%) / 8 x 110 (58%) / 6 x 130 (68%) (warm-up set)
5 x 5 x 160 (84%)
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
5 x 5/arm x 60
Alternate a set of Smith Machine Bench Press with a set of one arm dumbbell bent over row. Complete each superset in 4:00.
Smith Machine Seated, Behind-the-Neck Strict Press
5 x 8 x 70 (61% of Max Strict Press)
Dumbbell Deadlift
5 x 8 x 60 (19% of Max Deadlift)
Alternate a set of Smith Machine Seated, Behind-the-Neck Strict Press with a set of dumbbell deadlift. Complete each superset in 4:00.
Farmer's Carry up and down Stairs <with 2 45-pound plates>
<5:00 AMRAP>
Rest 3:00.
Farmer's Carry up and down Stairs <with 2 45-pound plates>
<5:00 AMRAP>
(Today's training was great.
I am still bummed over my latest back injury.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 108
Warm Up
2 x Wall-walk
15 x Air Squat
Complete 3 rounds.
(I am so happy to be back in New York.)
1 x Axle Bar Clean + 5 x Axle Bar Shoulder-to-Overhead
Establish 1RM of complex in 15:00
{20 (14% of Max Clean and Jerk) / 70 (48%) / 110 (76%) / 130 (90%) / 1 x 150 (103%) + 2 x 150 / 130 / 130}
(I used a combination of push press and push jerk for the shoulder-to-overheads.
I am very content with tonight's shoulder-to-overheads. I made some fortunate math errors while changing weights.)
125 x Push-up
Complete 50' yoke carry each time the athlete divides up the push-ups. Complete no more than 12 yoke carries. Scale push-ups appropriately. Male athletes are recommended to carry approximately 400 pounds on the yoke apparatus.
125 x Push-up
50' Yoke Carry <with 390-pound yoke (75% of Max Yoke Carry) after every 10 push-ups>]
(The yoke was light. I had no problem with the yoke.
As for the push-ups, I started with sets of 10. I failed either the 59th or the 69th rep. I do not remember clearly. From there, I completed sets of 4, 3 and 3, then sets of 3, 3, 2 and 2, and eventually sets of singles. I failed too many push-ups tonight. I completed a total of 12 yoke carries. I completed the conditioning piece in just under 21:00.)
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
2 x Wall-walk
15 x Air Squat
Complete 3 rounds.
(I am so happy to be back in New York.)
1 x Axle Bar Clean + 5 x Axle Bar Shoulder-to-Overhead
Establish 1RM of complex in 15:00
{20 (14% of Max Clean and Jerk) / 70 (48%) / 110 (76%) / 130 (90%) / 1 x 150 (103%) + 2 x 150 / 130 / 130}
(I used a combination of push press and push jerk for the shoulder-to-overheads.
I am very content with tonight's shoulder-to-overheads. I made some fortunate math errors while changing weights.)
125 x Push-up
Complete 50' yoke carry each time the athlete divides up the push-ups. Complete no more than 12 yoke carries. Scale push-ups appropriately. Male athletes are recommended to carry approximately 400 pounds on the yoke apparatus.
125 x Push-up
50' Yoke Carry <with 390-pound yoke (75% of Max Yoke Carry) after every 10 push-ups>]
(The yoke was light. I had no problem with the yoke.
As for the push-ups, I started with sets of 10. I failed either the 59th or the 69th rep. I do not remember clearly. From there, I completed sets of 4, 3 and 3, then sets of 3, 3, 2 and 2, and eventually sets of singles. I failed too many push-ups tonight. I completed a total of 12 yoke carries. I completed the conditioning piece in just under 21:00.)
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 103
Warm Up
We practically do not warm up at City Strongman.
Skill / Test / Strength
Last Man Standing
50' Yoke Carry
Complete unbroken 50' yoke carry. Increase weight of the yoke by 20-pound each round until 400-pound. Subsequently, increase weight of the yoke by 30-pound each round.
{240 / 260 / 280 / 300 / 320 / 340 / 360 / 380 / 400 / 430 / 460 / 490 / 520 / 550 (F)}
(I was unable to complete the 550-pound yoke carry unbroken.
The yoke was swaying intensely. Lighter weights were easy to manage. Keeping the yoke steady becomes increasingly difficult with heavier loads. I simply lost control of the 550-pound yoke when the apparatus started to wobble uncontrollably. Technique needs work. Core needs strengthening.)
Cash Out / Conditioning
1000-meter Row
50 x Push-up
Complete for time.
{5 x (4 / 3 / 3)}
(I did not time the push-ups.
I miss CrossFit NYC.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
We practically do not warm up at City Strongman.
Skill / Test / Strength
Last Man Standing
50' Yoke Carry
Complete unbroken 50' yoke carry. Increase weight of the yoke by 20-pound each round until 400-pound. Subsequently, increase weight of the yoke by 30-pound each round.
{240 / 260 / 280 / 300 / 320 / 340 / 360 / 380 / 400 / 430 / 460 / 490 / 520 / 550 (F)}
(I was unable to complete the 550-pound yoke carry unbroken.
The yoke was swaying intensely. Lighter weights were easy to manage. Keeping the yoke steady becomes increasingly difficult with heavier loads. I simply lost control of the 550-pound yoke when the apparatus started to wobble uncontrollably. Technique needs work. Core needs strengthening.)
Cash Out / Conditioning
1000-meter Row
50 x Push-up
Complete for time.
{5 x (4 / 3 / 3)}
(I did not time the push-ups.
I miss CrossFit NYC.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 101
17 DAY 99
Warm Up
~1.6-mile run and walk
(Today's weather was great.)
Warm Up
15 x Front Squat <with empty bar>
15 x Back Squat <with empty bar>
15 x Behind-the-Neck Strict Press <with empty bar>
15 x Muscle Snatch <with empty bar>
1 Sots Press + 15 x Overhead Squat <with empty bar>
5 x Sots Press <with empty bar>
15 x Muscle Clean <with empty bar>
(I was content with the 5 unbroken sots presses. Shoulder mobility and just overall flexibility is steadily improving.
And of course, I was happy about the 15 muscle cleans. This was my first time performing cleans without experiencing pain post hand injury.
Next, I am planning to watch videos and read articles on how to properly receive a clean. I am looking forward to start cleaning again.)
Front Squat
5 x 135 (51% of max Front Squat) / 5 x 165 (62%) / 5 x 195 (74%) (warm-up set)
3 x 225 (85%) / 1 x 225 + 2 x 225 (back squat) / 3 x 225 / 3 x 225 / 3 x 225
Complete each set in 2-3 minutes.
(I was the only athlete who signed up for open gym today.
On the other hand, my coach was hosting a private session during the open gym period. And the students happened to be athletes from CrossFit NYC. That was beside the point. My coach programmed a dodgeball match as warm up for the class. I was unable to work out throughout the duration of the dodgeball match. I did not complete each set in 2-3 minutes.
In addition, my legs were not feeling 100% today.)
Skill / Strength
3 x Touch-and-Go Power Snatch + 1 x Snatch
75 (60% of Max Snatch) / 85 (68%) / 95 (76%) / 105 (84%) / 115 (92%)
(I missed my first full snatch attempt with the 115-pound weight. I caught the snatch in a kneeling position. The knees just collapsed inward. That was my only miss of the day. I have this newfound confidence with the 115-pound weight since the last time I snatched in class.)
Behind-the-Neck Strict Press
5 x 8 x 75 (65% of Max Strict Press)
Complete each set in 2-3 minutes.
(This was easy.)
Active Recovery
~1.6-mile walk and run
(After gym, I met up with a friend in the City.
My takeaway of the day, Arby's has great cheese fries.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
~1.6-mile run and walk
(Today's weather was great.)
Warm Up
15 x Front Squat <with empty bar>
15 x Back Squat <with empty bar>
15 x Behind-the-Neck Strict Press <with empty bar>
15 x Muscle Snatch <with empty bar>
1 Sots Press + 15 x Overhead Squat <with empty bar>
5 x Sots Press <with empty bar>
15 x Muscle Clean <with empty bar>
(I was content with the 5 unbroken sots presses. Shoulder mobility and just overall flexibility is steadily improving.
And of course, I was happy about the 15 muscle cleans. This was my first time performing cleans without experiencing pain post hand injury.
Next, I am planning to watch videos and read articles on how to properly receive a clean. I am looking forward to start cleaning again.)
Front Squat
5 x 135 (51% of max Front Squat) / 5 x 165 (62%) / 5 x 195 (74%) (warm-up set)
3 x 225 (85%) / 1 x 225 + 2 x 225 (back squat) / 3 x 225 / 3 x 225 / 3 x 225
Complete each set in 2-3 minutes.
(I was the only athlete who signed up for open gym today.
On the other hand, my coach was hosting a private session during the open gym period. And the students happened to be athletes from CrossFit NYC. That was beside the point. My coach programmed a dodgeball match as warm up for the class. I was unable to work out throughout the duration of the dodgeball match. I did not complete each set in 2-3 minutes.
In addition, my legs were not feeling 100% today.)
Skill / Strength
3 x Touch-and-Go Power Snatch + 1 x Snatch
75 (60% of Max Snatch) / 85 (68%) / 95 (76%) / 105 (84%) / 115 (92%)
(I missed my first full snatch attempt with the 115-pound weight. I caught the snatch in a kneeling position. The knees just collapsed inward. That was my only miss of the day. I have this newfound confidence with the 115-pound weight since the last time I snatched in class.)
Behind-the-Neck Strict Press
5 x 8 x 75 (65% of Max Strict Press)
Complete each set in 2-3 minutes.
(This was easy.)
Active Recovery
~1.6-mile walk and run
(After gym, I met up with a friend in the City.
My takeaway of the day, Arby's has great cheese fries.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 95
Warm Up / Conditioning
EMOM (5:00)
13 x Burpee
Penalty / Warm Up / Conditioning
EMOM (2:00)
12 x Burpee
Mobility / Warm Up
1:00 - Dumbbell Overhead Hold <with 2 5-pound dumbbells>
1:00 - Rest
1:00 - One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Hold <with 5-pound dumbbell>
1:00 - Rest
1:00 - One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Hold <with 5-pound dumbbell>
1:00 - Rest
1:00 - max effort x One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press <with 5-pound dumbbell>
1:00 - max effort x One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press <with 5-pound dumbbell>
(I completed the exercise in front of a mirror so I can observe my body position.
Work is boring. And I have been unproductive.
I need a way out.)
Active Recovery
1-mile run <on treadmill at 8:00/mile pace>
(I felt lazy today. I felt unmotivated, and sleepy. I have not been getting enough sleep since I moved back to Queens.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
EMOM (5:00)
13 x Burpee
Penalty / Warm Up / Conditioning
EMOM (2:00)
12 x Burpee
Mobility / Warm Up
1:00 - Dumbbell Overhead Hold <with 2 5-pound dumbbells>
1:00 - Rest
1:00 - One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Hold <with 5-pound dumbbell>
1:00 - Rest
1:00 - One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Hold <with 5-pound dumbbell>
1:00 - Rest
1:00 - max effort x One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press <with 5-pound dumbbell>
1:00 - max effort x One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press <with 5-pound dumbbell>
(I completed the exercise in front of a mirror so I can observe my body position.
Work is boring. And I have been unproductive.
I need a way out.)
Active Recovery
1-mile run <on treadmill at 8:00/mile pace>
(I felt lazy today. I felt unmotivated, and sleepy. I have not been getting enough sleep since I moved back to Queens.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 92
Warm Up
10-minute on the Elliptical machine.
Warm Up / Skill
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Tuck-up
(I had a really tough time with the movement. I was unsure about the standard for the movement. I should watch some videos on tuck-ups. All in all, I felt extremely awkward flailing back and forth on the gym floor.)
Warm Up / Skill
One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squat
3 x 8/arm x 15
One Arm Dumbbell Superman Press
3 x 8/arm x 5
Alternate a set of one arm dumbbell overhead squat with a set of one arm dumbbell superman press.
(Shoulder mobility still needs work. However, it is improving.)
Strength I
Bench Press <with Smith Machine>
10 x 20 / 10 x 70 / 5 x 110 (warm-up set)
5 x 9 x 135
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
5 x 9/arm x 35
Alternate a set of bench press with a set of one arm dumbbell bent over row. Complete each superset in 5:00.
(There were a lot of heavy pullings this week.)
Strength II
Seated, Behind-the-Neck Strict Press <with Smith Machine>
10 x 20 (warm-up set)
5 x 8 x 65
One Arm Dumbbell Muscle Snatch
5 x 8/arm x 35
Alternate a set of seated, behind-the-neck strict press with a set of one arm dumbbell muscle snatch. Complete each superset in 5:00.
(I attempted at pan-frying salmon steak for dinner tonight. The pan caught a grease fire. The smoke detector went off twice. My entire apartment currently smells like fish. On the plus side, the apartment no longer smells like beer.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
10-minute on the Elliptical machine.
Warm Up / Skill
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Tuck-up
(I had a really tough time with the movement. I was unsure about the standard for the movement. I should watch some videos on tuck-ups. All in all, I felt extremely awkward flailing back and forth on the gym floor.)
Warm Up / Skill
One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squat
3 x 8/arm x 15
One Arm Dumbbell Superman Press
3 x 8/arm x 5
Alternate a set of one arm dumbbell overhead squat with a set of one arm dumbbell superman press.
(Shoulder mobility still needs work. However, it is improving.)
Strength I
Bench Press <with Smith Machine>
10 x 20 / 10 x 70 / 5 x 110 (warm-up set)
5 x 9 x 135
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
5 x 9/arm x 35
Alternate a set of bench press with a set of one arm dumbbell bent over row. Complete each superset in 5:00.
(There were a lot of heavy pullings this week.)
Strength II
Seated, Behind-the-Neck Strict Press <with Smith Machine>
10 x 20 (warm-up set)
5 x 8 x 65
One Arm Dumbbell Muscle Snatch
5 x 8/arm x 35
Alternate a set of seated, behind-the-neck strict press with a set of one arm dumbbell muscle snatch. Complete each superset in 5:00.
(I attempted at pan-frying salmon steak for dinner tonight. The pan caught a grease fire. The smoke detector went off twice. My entire apartment currently smells like fish. On the plus side, the apartment no longer smells like beer.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 91
Warm Up
A bunch of crap and kipping swing practice.
(My love is like a star. You can't always see me, but I am always there. When you see one shining, take it as mine and remember that I am always near.
This is the lyric from a Demi Lovato song, My Love is Like a Star.)
Partner AMRAP (24:00)
3 x Muscle-up [Scaled: 3 x Pull-up and 3 x Strict Ring Dip]
5 x Deadlift <with 225-pound weight>
7 x Burpee [7 x Lateral Burpee-over-Bar]
(I completed 6 to 7 rounds. I lost count.
Initially, I wanted to scale the muscle-ups with strict pull-ups and strict ring dips. My coach suggested that I should work on my kipping pull-up. I completed the pull-ups for the first 3 rounds strict. I completed the pull-ups for the rest of the AMRAP with a kip. I had a mini breakthrough with kipping pull-ups today.
The gymnastic movements were taking me a long time to get through. I felt awful that I was taking so much time away from my partner. My partner scaled the muscle-ups with kipping chest-to-bar pull-ups and the deadlifts with 123-pound weight. The Rx weight for the ladies - my parter was a woman - was 155-pound. She breezed through each of her rounds. In addition to my struggle with the bodyweight movements, I had minimum rest.
At approximately 3:30, I was running on whatever was left of 2 eggs, 2 egg whites, 2 oranges, a handful of almonds and a cup of coffee. I did not feel hungry prior to the workout. Lack of food in my system kicked in midway through the MetCon. I was dizzy after each round of the burpees. The room was spinning out of control. And before the room could stop spinning, I had to get back onto the bar. My energy was low. I had a hard time putting away the equipment after the workout.)
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap and kipping swing practice.
(My love is like a star. You can't always see me, but I am always there. When you see one shining, take it as mine and remember that I am always near.
This is the lyric from a Demi Lovato song, My Love is Like a Star.)
Partner AMRAP (24:00)
3 x Muscle-up [Scaled: 3 x Pull-up and 3 x Strict Ring Dip]
5 x Deadlift <with 225-pound weight>
7 x Burpee [7 x Lateral Burpee-over-Bar]
(I completed 6 to 7 rounds. I lost count.
Initially, I wanted to scale the muscle-ups with strict pull-ups and strict ring dips. My coach suggested that I should work on my kipping pull-up. I completed the pull-ups for the first 3 rounds strict. I completed the pull-ups for the rest of the AMRAP with a kip. I had a mini breakthrough with kipping pull-ups today.
The gymnastic movements were taking me a long time to get through. I felt awful that I was taking so much time away from my partner. My partner scaled the muscle-ups with kipping chest-to-bar pull-ups and the deadlifts with 123-pound weight. The Rx weight for the ladies - my parter was a woman - was 155-pound. She breezed through each of her rounds. In addition to my struggle with the bodyweight movements, I had minimum rest.
At approximately 3:30, I was running on whatever was left of 2 eggs, 2 egg whites, 2 oranges, a handful of almonds and a cup of coffee. I did not feel hungry prior to the workout. Lack of food in my system kicked in midway through the MetCon. I was dizzy after each round of the burpees. The room was spinning out of control. And before the room could stop spinning, I had to get back onto the bar. My energy was low. I had a hard time putting away the equipment after the workout.)
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 88
Warm Up
We ran. We snatched. We jumped.
Find 3rm touch-and-go power snatch in 15:00.
3 x 75 (60% of Max Snatch) / 3 x 85 (68%) / 3 x 95 (76%) / 3 x 100 (80%) / 3 x 105 (84%) / 3 x 115 (92%)
(I was very happy about the power snatches with the 115-pound weight. The weight did not feel terribly heavy. A few weeks ago, when my gym programmed CrossFit Open Workout 15.1, I scaled the weight to 85-pound. At the time, I was unsure if I could snatch the 115-pound weight more than once. All in all, tonight's class was a huge confidence booster.)
10 x Ground-to-Overhead <with 95-pound weight> [10 x Snatch <with 95-pound weight>]
12 x 50-feet Shuttle Run
Complete 3 rounds in 7:00.
(I was very impressed with myself.)
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
We ran. We snatched. We jumped.
Find 3rm touch-and-go power snatch in 15:00.
3 x 75 (60% of Max Snatch) / 3 x 85 (68%) / 3 x 95 (76%) / 3 x 100 (80%) / 3 x 105 (84%) / 3 x 115 (92%)
(I was very happy about the power snatches with the 115-pound weight. The weight did not feel terribly heavy. A few weeks ago, when my gym programmed CrossFit Open Workout 15.1, I scaled the weight to 85-pound. At the time, I was unsure if I could snatch the 115-pound weight more than once. All in all, tonight's class was a huge confidence booster.)
10 x Ground-to-Overhead <with 95-pound weight> [10 x Snatch <with 95-pound weight>]
12 x 50-feet Shuttle Run
Complete 3 rounds in 7:00.
(I was very impressed with myself.)
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 87
Warm Up
10-minute on Elliptical machine
Warm Up
AMRAP (5:00)
Farmer's Carry up and down the Stairs <with 2 25-pound dumbbells>
One ascent and one descent together counts as 1 rep.
Run 0.25-mile <on treadmill at 5:56/mile pace>
15 x Dumbbell Deadlift <with 2 50-pound dumbbells>
80-feet Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge <with 2 50-pound dumbbells> [Scaled: 50-feet Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge <with 2 50-pound dumbbells>]
Complete 5 rounds. Complete each round in 6:00. [Scaled: Complete 3 rounds. Rest 3:00 between each round.]
(I did not time the first round. In short, I lost my phone for about 2:28.
I completed the two subsequent rounds in 12:41. This time includes 1 3:00 rest.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
10-minute on Elliptical machine
Warm Up
AMRAP (5:00)
Farmer's Carry up and down the Stairs <with 2 25-pound dumbbells>
One ascent and one descent together counts as 1 rep.
Run 0.25-mile <on treadmill at 5:56/mile pace>
15 x Dumbbell Deadlift <with 2 50-pound dumbbells>
80-feet Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge <with 2 50-pound dumbbells> [Scaled: 50-feet Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge <with 2 50-pound dumbbells>]
Complete 5 rounds. Complete each round in 6:00. [Scaled: Complete 3 rounds. Rest 3:00 between each round.]
(I did not time the first round. In short, I lost my phone for about 2:28.
I completed the two subsequent rounds in 12:41. This time includes 1 3:00 rest.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 86
Warm Up
Snatch and Romanian deadlift drills with a pvc pipe and subsequently with an empty bar.
Romanian Deadlift <with 5-count descent> (15:00)
5 x 135 / 5 x 185 / 5 x 205 / 5 x 225 / 5 x 245
(I felt very rushed.
I enjoy conventional deadlift and sumo deadlift greater than Romanian deadlift.
I need to remember to keep the bar close to the body and squeeze my ass on the ascent. I was using way too much lower back.)
Partner AMRAP (16:00)
12 x wallball <with 20-pound medicine ball>
5/leg x switch lunge
8 x hang power snatch <with 75-pound weight>
(I thought the switch lunges were stupid. They turned out to be the hardest of the 3 movements.
I completed 7 rounds. I broke up the reps for the wallballs twice. They were unintentional. I missed the catch. I completed the rest of the movements unbroken.
I felt great on the hang power snatches. I lost the speed that I once had. Though my form felt very solid.)
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Snatch and Romanian deadlift drills with a pvc pipe and subsequently with an empty bar.
Romanian Deadlift <with 5-count descent> (15:00)
5 x 135 / 5 x 185 / 5 x 205 / 5 x 225 / 5 x 245
(I felt very rushed.
I enjoy conventional deadlift and sumo deadlift greater than Romanian deadlift.
I need to remember to keep the bar close to the body and squeeze my ass on the ascent. I was using way too much lower back.)
Partner AMRAP (16:00)
12 x wallball <with 20-pound medicine ball>
5/leg x switch lunge
8 x hang power snatch <with 75-pound weight>
(I thought the switch lunges were stupid. They turned out to be the hardest of the 3 movements.
I completed 7 rounds. I broke up the reps for the wallballs twice. They were unintentional. I missed the catch. I completed the rest of the movements unbroken.
I felt great on the hang power snatches. I lost the speed that I once had. Though my form felt very solid.)
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 85
Warm Up
We ran a bunch.
Some people call it grapevine. I call it karaoke.
(I spoke with good intention. I acted with good intention. Sometimes, the person on the receiving end does not take my gesture the right way. But there is only so much I have control over.)
Strength I
Back Squat (20:00)
10 x 45 (15% of Max Back Squat) / 5 x 135 (44%) / 5 x 185 (60%) (warm-up set)
1 x 225 (73%) / 1 x 245 (79%) / 1 x 265 (85%) / 1 x 285 (92%) / 1 x 305 (98%) / 1 x 315 (102%)
(I wanted to attempt the 320-pound weight as well.)
Strength II
Front Squat with Tempo <from the ground, 3 3 x 1> [Substitute: Back Squat with Tempo <from the rack, 3 3 x 1> (15:00)
3 x 225 / 3 x 230 (73% of 315) / 2 x 230 / 2 x 230 / 2 x 230 / 2 x 230
Durante's Core (15:00)
10 x Hollow Rock
10 x V-up
10 x Tuck-up
10-second Hollow Hold
Rest 1:00.
Complete 5 rounds.
(I completed less than 4 rounds in the allotted 15:00. Oops.
V-ups were weird. Tuck-ups were the hardest. Tuck-ups are commonly used as a scaling option for toes-to-bars. However, in my opinion, the movement is significantly tougher than toes-to-bars.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
We ran a bunch.
Some people call it grapevine. I call it karaoke.
(I spoke with good intention. I acted with good intention. Sometimes, the person on the receiving end does not take my gesture the right way. But there is only so much I have control over.)
Strength I
Back Squat (20:00)
10 x 45 (15% of Max Back Squat) / 5 x 135 (44%) / 5 x 185 (60%) (warm-up set)
1 x 225 (73%) / 1 x 245 (79%) / 1 x 265 (85%) / 1 x 285 (92%) / 1 x 305 (98%) / 1 x 315 (102%)
(I wanted to attempt the 320-pound weight as well.)
Strength II
Front Squat with Tempo <from the ground, 3 3 x 1> [Substitute: Back Squat with Tempo <from the rack, 3 3 x 1> (15:00)
3 x 225 / 3 x 230 (73% of 315) / 2 x 230 / 2 x 230 / 2 x 230 / 2 x 230
Durante's Core (15:00)
10 x Hollow Rock
10 x V-up
10 x Tuck-up
10-second Hollow Hold
Rest 1:00.
Complete 5 rounds.
(I completed less than 4 rounds in the allotted 15:00. Oops.
V-ups were weird. Tuck-ups were the hardest. Tuck-ups are commonly used as a scaling option for toes-to-bars. However, in my opinion, the movement is significantly tougher than toes-to-bars.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 84
Warm Up
100 x Jumping Jack
Warm Up / Conditioning
EMOM (5:00)
13 x Burpee
(I was only able to complete 10 burpees in the fourth minute. That was when I stopped the clock and terminated the EMOM. My quickest completion time for the 13 burpees was 45 seconds.)
Rest 3:00.
Penalty / Warm Up / Conditioning
EMOM (3:00)
12 x Burpee
(My completion time ranged from 46 to 51 seconds.)
Strength I
Lat Pull-down (machine)
5 x 8 x 100
Pike Push-up
5 x 8
Complete each superset in 4:00.
(That was too much rest.)
Strength II
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
5 x 8/arm x 40
One Arm Dumbbell Bent over Row
5 x 8/arm x 40
Complete each superset in 4:00.
(My left shoulder was still very tight.)
Strength III
Sumo Deadlift <with Smith Machine>
10 x 110 (35% of Max Deadlift) / 8 x 160 (51%) / 6 x 200 (63%) / 4 x 250 (79%) / 2 x 275 (87%) (warm-up set)
5 x 5 x 275
Complete a set every 3 minutes.
{5 / 5 / 4 + 1 / 5 / 3 + 2}
(I had to break up the reps on the third and the fifth round when the bar started to slip from my hands.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
100 x Jumping Jack
Warm Up / Conditioning
EMOM (5:00)
13 x Burpee
(I was only able to complete 10 burpees in the fourth minute. That was when I stopped the clock and terminated the EMOM. My quickest completion time for the 13 burpees was 45 seconds.)
Rest 3:00.
Penalty / Warm Up / Conditioning
EMOM (3:00)
12 x Burpee
(My completion time ranged from 46 to 51 seconds.)
Strength I
Lat Pull-down (machine)
5 x 8 x 100
Pike Push-up
5 x 8
Complete each superset in 4:00.
(That was too much rest.)
Strength II
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
5 x 8/arm x 40
One Arm Dumbbell Bent over Row
5 x 8/arm x 40
Complete each superset in 4:00.
(My left shoulder was still very tight.)
Strength III
Sumo Deadlift <with Smith Machine>
10 x 110 (35% of Max Deadlift) / 8 x 160 (51%) / 6 x 200 (63%) / 4 x 250 (79%) / 2 x 275 (87%) (warm-up set)
5 x 5 x 275
Complete a set every 3 minutes.
{5 / 5 / 4 + 1 / 5 / 3 + 2}
(I had to break up the reps on the third and the fifth round when the bar started to slip from my hands.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 73
Warm Up / Conditioning
EMOM (10:00)
10 x Burpee
(My quickest and slowest split times for the 10 burpees were respectively 38 and 48 seconds.
My left arm was mad about something during the burpees today.)
EMOM (8:00)
10 x Dumbbell Power Clean <with 2 55-pound dumbbells> [scaled: 8 x Dumbbell Power Clean <with 2 55-pound dumbbells>]
(I stopped the EMOM 5 reps into the fourth round. My form was giving up. The 55-pound dumbbells were significantly heavier than I had anticipated. I selected the weight based on how easy the dumbbell power cleans were with the 50-pound dumbbells during CrossFit Open Workout 17.2.
I had been so good about lifting with proper form. Needless to say, I was a little disappointed at myself tonight. My lower back is furious right now.)
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
EMOM (10:00)
10 x Burpee
(My quickest and slowest split times for the 10 burpees were respectively 38 and 48 seconds.
My left arm was mad about something during the burpees today.)
EMOM (8:00)
10 x Dumbbell Power Clean <with 2 55-pound dumbbells> [scaled: 8 x Dumbbell Power Clean <with 2 55-pound dumbbells>]
(I stopped the EMOM 5 reps into the fourth round. My form was giving up. The 55-pound dumbbells were significantly heavier than I had anticipated. I selected the weight based on how easy the dumbbell power cleans were with the 50-pound dumbbells during CrossFit Open Workout 17.2.
I had been so good about lifting with proper form. Needless to say, I was a little disappointed at myself tonight. My lower back is furious right now.)
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 72
Warm Up
A selection of warm up exercises with a 16-kilogram kettlebell.
(I almost died.)
Romanian Deadlift
8 x 135 / 8 x 185 (on 2-inch plates) / 8 x 205 (on 2-inch plates) / 8 x 205 (on 2-inch plates)
(I touch-and-go-ed the first half of the set of 185. My coach walked by and told me to not touch the floor with plates. I completed the rest of the deadlifts without touching the floor with the plates.)
AMRAP (3:00)
20 x Hand-to-hand Kettlebell Swing <with 24-kilogram kettlebell>
30 x Double Under [scaled: 45-second Double Under attempt / 60 x Single Under]
Rest 3:00.
Complete 3 rounds.
(I completed 40 hand-to-hand kettlebell swings each round. I subbed 60 single unders for the 30 double unders in the last round. I wanted to know if completing 60 single unders was a tougher scaling option than completing 45 seconds of double under attempts, since I was not getting too much out of the double under attempts.)
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A selection of warm up exercises with a 16-kilogram kettlebell.
(I almost died.)
Romanian Deadlift
8 x 135 / 8 x 185 (on 2-inch plates) / 8 x 205 (on 2-inch plates) / 8 x 205 (on 2-inch plates)
(I touch-and-go-ed the first half of the set of 185. My coach walked by and told me to not touch the floor with plates. I completed the rest of the deadlifts without touching the floor with the plates.)
AMRAP (3:00)
20 x Hand-to-hand Kettlebell Swing <with 24-kilogram kettlebell>
30 x Double Under [scaled: 45-second Double Under attempt / 60 x Single Under]
Rest 3:00.
Complete 3 rounds.
(I completed 40 hand-to-hand kettlebell swings each round. I subbed 60 single unders for the 30 double unders in the last round. I wanted to know if completing 60 single unders was a tougher scaling option than completing 45 seconds of double under attempts, since I was not getting too much out of the double under attempts.)
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 71
Warm Up
A light jog mixed with a bunch of crap.
(I found my keys!)
Back Squat
5 x 45 (15% of Max Back Squat) / 5 x 135 (44%) / 5 x 185 (60%) (warm-up set)
1 x 265 (85%) / 1 x 285 (92%) / 1 x 300 (97%) / 1 x 310 (100%) / x
Front Squat <from the ground, tempo: 3 3 0 1> [substitute: Front Squat <from the rack, tempo: 3 3 0 1>]
5 x 2 x 185 (70% of Max Front Squat)
(I rushed my first heavy squat with the 265-pound weight. I almost tipped over. That was scary.
All in all, I was very intimidated tonight. It had been a while since I last squatted.
There is definitely a PR in the tank.
I felt a faint pain in my right hand during my first set of front squats. I hope my hand heals soon. I want to start cleaning again.)
10 x Double Kettlebell Front Squat <with 2 20-kilogram kettlebells>
10 x Double Kettlebell Swing <with 2 20-kilogram kettlebells>
Complete 6 to 8 rounds.
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A light jog mixed with a bunch of crap.
(I found my keys!)
Back Squat
5 x 45 (15% of Max Back Squat) / 5 x 135 (44%) / 5 x 185 (60%) (warm-up set)
1 x 265 (85%) / 1 x 285 (92%) / 1 x 300 (97%) / 1 x 310 (100%) / x
Front Squat <from the ground, tempo: 3 3 0 1> [substitute: Front Squat <from the rack, tempo: 3 3 0 1>]
5 x 2 x 185 (70% of Max Front Squat)
(I rushed my first heavy squat with the 265-pound weight. I almost tipped over. That was scary.
All in all, I was very intimidated tonight. It had been a while since I last squatted.
There is definitely a PR in the tank.
I felt a faint pain in my right hand during my first set of front squats. I hope my hand heals soon. I want to start cleaning again.)
10 x Double Kettlebell Front Squat <with 2 20-kilogram kettlebells>
10 x Double Kettlebell Swing <with 2 20-kilogram kettlebells>
Complete 6 to 8 rounds.
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 69
Warm Up
A bunch of crap.
(The bar felt heavy today.
I pooped today.)
17.3, Scaled
Prior to 8:00, complete 3 rounds of
6 x jumping pull-up
6 x snatch <with 45-pound weight>
Then, complete 3 rounds of
7 x jumping pull-up
5 x snatch <with 75-pound weight>
If all reps are completed, time cap extends by 4:00.
Prior to 12:00, complete 3 rounds of
8 x jumping pull-up
4 x snatch <with 95-pound weight>
If all reps are completed, time cap extends by 4:00.
Prior to 16:00, complete 3 rounds of
9 x jumping pull-up
3 x snatch <with 115-pound weight>
If all reps are completed, time cap extends by 4:00.
Prior to 20:00, complete 3 rounds of
10 x jumping pull-up
2 x snatch <with 135-pound weight>
If all reps are completed, time cap extends by 4:00.
Prior 24:00, complete 3 rounds of
11 x jumping pull-up
1 x snatch <155-pound weight>
Power snatch followed by an overhead squat is permitted.
(I could not complete a single up-to-standard chest-to-bar pull up. The chest has to touch the bar. I did not know that until today. My collar bone was over the bar. However, I could not move my chest to touch the bar.
The scaled version of the workout was not hard. However, I did miss a number of reps with the 95-pound weight. I zoned out after each miss. I lost track of time.
I do not like my classmates from the competition team. They are too much. They think that they are more important than the rest of us because they can lift heavier and complete more rounds. I dislike one girl more than the rest of them. She rubbed me the wrong way today.
I do like one girl from the competition team.
I want a retest!
And God, please let me find what I lost today. I learned my lesson.)
Bonus / Strength
Bench Press <with Smith Machine>
10 x 20 / 5 x 70 / 5 x 110 (warm-up set)
5 x 5 x 150 (79% of Max Bench Press with Smith Machine)
Complete a set every 3:00.
Bonus / Strength
EMOM (5:00)
5 x Strict Dip
{5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 3+1+1}
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap.
(The bar felt heavy today.
I pooped today.)
17.3, Scaled
Prior to 8:00, complete 3 rounds of
6 x jumping pull-up
6 x snatch <with 45-pound weight>
Then, complete 3 rounds of
7 x jumping pull-up
5 x snatch <with 75-pound weight>
If all reps are completed, time cap extends by 4:00.
Prior to 12:00, complete 3 rounds of
8 x jumping pull-up
4 x snatch <with 95-pound weight>
If all reps are completed, time cap extends by 4:00.
Prior to 16:00, complete 3 rounds of
9 x jumping pull-up
3 x snatch <with 115-pound weight>
If all reps are completed, time cap extends by 4:00.
Prior to 20:00, complete 3 rounds of
10 x jumping pull-up
2 x snatch <with 135-pound weight>
If all reps are completed, time cap extends by 4:00.
Prior 24:00, complete 3 rounds of
11 x jumping pull-up
1 x snatch <155-pound weight>
Power snatch followed by an overhead squat is permitted.
(I could not complete a single up-to-standard chest-to-bar pull up. The chest has to touch the bar. I did not know that until today. My collar bone was over the bar. However, I could not move my chest to touch the bar.
The scaled version of the workout was not hard. However, I did miss a number of reps with the 95-pound weight. I zoned out after each miss. I lost track of time.
I do not like my classmates from the competition team. They are too much. They think that they are more important than the rest of us because they can lift heavier and complete more rounds. I dislike one girl more than the rest of them. She rubbed me the wrong way today.
I do like one girl from the competition team.
I want a retest!
And God, please let me find what I lost today. I learned my lesson.)
Bonus / Strength
Bench Press <with Smith Machine>
10 x 20 / 5 x 70 / 5 x 110 (warm-up set)
5 x 5 x 150 (79% of Max Bench Press with Smith Machine)
Complete a set every 3:00.
Bonus / Strength
EMOM (5:00)
5 x Strict Dip
{5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 3+1+1}
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 68
Active Recovery
Accumulate 500-calorie on treadmill at any speed [Scaled: accumulate 3-mile on treadmill at any speed]
(My lower back, ass and legs are incredibly sore from Wednesday's workout. I can barely walk. I thought that maybe running would help alleviate the muscle soreness.)
My goal for tomorrow's 17.3 is to complete 43 reps.)
Bonus / Accessory
AMRAP (5:00)
Decline Sit-up
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Accumulate 500-calorie on treadmill at any speed [Scaled: accumulate 3-mile on treadmill at any speed]
(My lower back, ass and legs are incredibly sore from Wednesday's workout. I can barely walk. I thought that maybe running would help alleviate the muscle soreness.)
My goal for tomorrow's 17.3 is to complete 43 reps.)
Bonus / Accessory
AMRAP (5:00)
Decline Sit-up
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 66
Warm Up / Conditioning
EMOM (10:00)
10 x Burpee
(I completed the 10 burpees in approximately 30 seconds in the early rounds and 50 seconds in the later rounds.)
Warm Up / Conditioning
EMOM (8:00)
5/leg x Pistol Squat
(I completed each round in approximately 20 seconds.)
EMOM (6:00)
5/arm x One Arm Dumbbell Muscle Snatch <with 50-pound dumbbell>
(I completed each round in approximately 35 seconds.)
4-minute run <on treadmill at 5:56/mile pace> [scaled: accumulate 4-minute run <on treadmill at 5:56/mile pace>]
(This was so hard.
I ran 2 2-minute intervals at the aforementioned speed.)
2-minute plank [scaled: accumulate 2-minute plank]
(This was hard as well.
If I remember correctly, I paused and resumed the timer 5 times.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
EMOM (10:00)
10 x Burpee
(I completed the 10 burpees in approximately 30 seconds in the early rounds and 50 seconds in the later rounds.)
Warm Up / Conditioning
EMOM (8:00)
5/leg x Pistol Squat
(I completed each round in approximately 20 seconds.)
EMOM (6:00)
5/arm x One Arm Dumbbell Muscle Snatch <with 50-pound dumbbell>
(I completed each round in approximately 35 seconds.)
4-minute run <on treadmill at 5:56/mile pace> [scaled: accumulate 4-minute run <on treadmill at 5:56/mile pace>]
(This was so hard.
I ran 2 2-minute intervals at the aforementioned speed.)
2-minute plank [scaled: accumulate 2-minute plank]
(This was hard as well.
If I remember correctly, I paused and resumed the timer 5 times.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 65
Warm Up
AMRAP (8:00)
5 x scap pull-up
10 x plank <transition from high plank to forearm plank; each transition counts as 1 rep.>
10 x kettlebell deadlift (with 24-kilogram kettlebell)
10 x air squat
Romanian Deadlift
10 x 45 (14% of Max Deadlift) / 8 x 135 (43%) (warm-up set)
8 x 185 (59%) / 8 x 185 (on 2-inch plates) / 8 x 185 (on 24-inch box) / 8 x 205 (65%) (on 2-inch plate)
(I walked to the rack to grab my own bar. My coach yelled across the gym. He told me to put the bar back and team up with another classmate who did not have a partner.
On the third round, my partner power cleaned the bar to his shoulder. Subsequently, I picked up the bar from his shoulder. I was standing on a box. Completing the third round of the Romanian deadlift on a box was my partner's idea.
My initial plan was to use 135, 155, 175 and 195-pound weights for the 4 rounds of the Romanian deadlift. I remembered how much I struggled with the 155-pound weight the previous time I Romanian-deadlifted in class. My plan was changed when my partner made the jump from the 135-pound weight to the 185-pound weight. I followed his lead. All of the weights felt light tonight.)
Baseline (10:00)
500-meter row
40 x air squat
30 x sit-up
20 x push-up {5 / 5 / 5 / 5}
10 x pull-up [10 x strict pull-up] {3 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 1}
(I completed the conditioning piece in 5:45. The 10 strict pull-ups took over a minute to complete. My partner completed the conditioning piece in 4:30. I caught a glimpse of his pull-ups. They were messy.)
Wall Walk into Handstand Hold
EMOM (5:00)
0:20 - Wall walk into wall-facing handstand hold
0:40 - Descent and rest
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
AMRAP (8:00)
5 x scap pull-up
10 x plank <transition from high plank to forearm plank; each transition counts as 1 rep.>
10 x kettlebell deadlift (with 24-kilogram kettlebell)
10 x air squat
Romanian Deadlift
10 x 45 (14% of Max Deadlift) / 8 x 135 (43%) (warm-up set)
8 x 185 (59%) / 8 x 185 (on 2-inch plates) / 8 x 185 (on 24-inch box) / 8 x 205 (65%) (on 2-inch plate)
(I walked to the rack to grab my own bar. My coach yelled across the gym. He told me to put the bar back and team up with another classmate who did not have a partner.
On the third round, my partner power cleaned the bar to his shoulder. Subsequently, I picked up the bar from his shoulder. I was standing on a box. Completing the third round of the Romanian deadlift on a box was my partner's idea.
My initial plan was to use 135, 155, 175 and 195-pound weights for the 4 rounds of the Romanian deadlift. I remembered how much I struggled with the 155-pound weight the previous time I Romanian-deadlifted in class. My plan was changed when my partner made the jump from the 135-pound weight to the 185-pound weight. I followed his lead. All of the weights felt light tonight.)
Baseline (10:00)
500-meter row
40 x air squat
30 x sit-up
20 x push-up {5 / 5 / 5 / 5}
10 x pull-up [10 x strict pull-up] {3 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 1}
(I completed the conditioning piece in 5:45. The 10 strict pull-ups took over a minute to complete. My partner completed the conditioning piece in 4:30. I caught a glimpse of his pull-ups. They were messy.)
Wall Walk into Handstand Hold
EMOM (5:00)
0:20 - Wall walk into wall-facing handstand hold
0:40 - Descent and rest
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 63
17 DAY 62
Warm Up
80-calorie on Assault AirBike
some other crap
17.2 (12:00 AMRAP)
50' weighted walking lunge
16 x toes-to-bar
8 x dumbbell power clean
Use 2 50-pound dumbbells for weighted walking lunge and dumbbell power clean. Complete 2 rounds.
50' weighted walking lunge
16 x toes-to-bar
8 x dumbbell power clean
Use 2 50-pound dumbbells for weighted walking lunge and dumbbell power clean. Complete 2 rounds.
(I completed 78 reps. Muscle-up was not happening.
Weighted walking lunges were tougher than I had anticipated. Dumbbell power cleans were easier than I had anticipated.)
0.5-mile run on treadmill <at 6:44/mile pace>
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
80-calorie on Assault AirBike
some other crap
17.2 (12:00 AMRAP)
50' weighted walking lunge
16 x toes-to-bar
8 x dumbbell power clean
Use 2 50-pound dumbbells for weighted walking lunge and dumbbell power clean. Complete 2 rounds.
50' weighted walking lunge
16 x toes-to-bar
8 x dumbbell power clean
Use 2 50-pound dumbbells for weighted walking lunge and dumbbell power clean. Complete 2 rounds.
(I completed 78 reps. Muscle-up was not happening.
Weighted walking lunges were tougher than I had anticipated. Dumbbell power cleans were easier than I had anticipated.)
0.5-mile run on treadmill <at 6:44/mile pace>
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 57
Warm Up
100-calorie bike on Assault Airbike
some stretch against the wall
x x behind-the-neck strict press (with pvc pipe)
x x sots press (with pvc pipe)
17.1 (20:00)
10 x Dumbbell Snatch, alternating (with 50-pound dumbbell)
15 x Burpee Box Jump Over (with 24-inch box)
20 x Dumbbell Snatch
15 x Burpee Box Jump Over
30 x Dumbbell Snatch
15 x Burpee Box Jump Over
40 x Dumbbell Snatch
15 x Burpee Box Jump Over
50 x Dumbbell Snatch
15 x Burpee Box Jump Over
(I completed 171 reps.
I am not content with the result. However, I am at peace with what it is.
This was my second attempt at the workout. I completed merely 154 reps on my first attempt.
My coach today described the workout as a mind grinder. She could not have been more accurate.
I got no excuses.)
9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
100-calorie bike on Assault Airbike
some stretch against the wall
x x behind-the-neck strict press (with pvc pipe)
x x sots press (with pvc pipe)
17.1 (20:00)
10 x Dumbbell Snatch, alternating (with 50-pound dumbbell)
15 x Burpee Box Jump Over (with 24-inch box)
20 x Dumbbell Snatch
15 x Burpee Box Jump Over
30 x Dumbbell Snatch
15 x Burpee Box Jump Over
40 x Dumbbell Snatch
15 x Burpee Box Jump Over
50 x Dumbbell Snatch
15 x Burpee Box Jump Over
(I completed 171 reps.
I am not content with the result. However, I am at peace with what it is.
This was my second attempt at the workout. I completed merely 154 reps on my first attempt.
My coach today described the workout as a mind grinder. She could not have been more accurate.
I got no excuses.)
9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 48
Warm Up
A bunch of crap that my CrossFit gym does not normally do.
And that is what I like the most about dropping in at other CrossFit gyms.
(I dropped in at CrossFit Woburn (CFW) of Woburn, Massachusetts today. I liked their gym. I checked out Mountain Strength CrossFit (MSCF) of Winchester, Massachusetts' schedule first. It turned out that MSCF does not host any class in the afternoon on Fridays. MSCF's WOD included sumo deadlift, high box jump and a MetCon involving power clean, front squat and bar-facing burpee. CFW's WOD was a 30-minute MetCon made up of deadlift, shuttle sprint and burpee.)
10 x 135 (43% of max deadlift) / 5 x 225 (71%) / 5 x 255 (81%) (warm-up set)
In 1:00, complete
3 x deadlift (315, 100%) [scaled: 3 x deadlift (255)]
60-feet shuttle sprint
max effort x burpee {10 / 10 / 8 / 7 / 7 / 7 / 7 / 6 / 6 / 7}
Rest 2:00.
Complete 10 rounds.
(If you know my history with deadlift, you would know that using 255-pound weight in a MetCon is a huge win for me. I remember having a tough time with the 145-pound weight during a MetCon. This was when I first started Crossfit, about a year ago. I remember rounding my back deadlifting the 245-pound weight during an open gym session. A coach walked by and called me out on my poor form. And last but not least, I remember hurting my back deadlifting the 185-pound weight during another MetCon.
The weight felt noticeably heavier toward the later rounds. I managed without compensating my form. I was happy about that.
I was not happy about the burpees. Many of my classmates completed 100-plus burpees. I completed merely 75 burpees.
"Do you go to this gym?"
"No. I am a drop in. I am home for President's Day weekend. I do CrossFit at CrossFit NYC in New York City. How long have you been doing CrossFit?"
"Not too long. About a month or so. I was hesitant at first, you know. I had a rotator cuff injury." He proceeded to point at his rotator cuff.
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap that my CrossFit gym does not normally do.
And that is what I like the most about dropping in at other CrossFit gyms.
(I dropped in at CrossFit Woburn (CFW) of Woburn, Massachusetts today. I liked their gym. I checked out Mountain Strength CrossFit (MSCF) of Winchester, Massachusetts' schedule first. It turned out that MSCF does not host any class in the afternoon on Fridays. MSCF's WOD included sumo deadlift, high box jump and a MetCon involving power clean, front squat and bar-facing burpee. CFW's WOD was a 30-minute MetCon made up of deadlift, shuttle sprint and burpee.)
10 x 135 (43% of max deadlift) / 5 x 225 (71%) / 5 x 255 (81%) (warm-up set)
In 1:00, complete
3 x deadlift (315, 100%) [scaled: 3 x deadlift (255)]
60-feet shuttle sprint
max effort x burpee {10 / 10 / 8 / 7 / 7 / 7 / 7 / 6 / 6 / 7}
Rest 2:00.
Complete 10 rounds.
(If you know my history with deadlift, you would know that using 255-pound weight in a MetCon is a huge win for me. I remember having a tough time with the 145-pound weight during a MetCon. This was when I first started Crossfit, about a year ago. I remember rounding my back deadlifting the 245-pound weight during an open gym session. A coach walked by and called me out on my poor form. And last but not least, I remember hurting my back deadlifting the 185-pound weight during another MetCon.
The weight felt noticeably heavier toward the later rounds. I managed without compensating my form. I was happy about that.
I was not happy about the burpees. Many of my classmates completed 100-plus burpees. I completed merely 75 burpees.
"Do you go to this gym?"
"No. I am a drop in. I am home for President's Day weekend. I do CrossFit at CrossFit NYC in New York City. How long have you been doing CrossFit?"
"Not too long. About a month or so. I was hesitant at first, you know. I had a rotator cuff injury." He proceeded to point at his rotator cuff.
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 45
Warm Up / Conditioning I
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Burpee
(I completed 58 reps. I was not happy.)
Warm Up / Conditioning II
50-30-10 x calorie run (on treadmill, at 5:52/mile pace)
50-30-10 x air squat
(I did not time the mini-MetCon. It did not feel as shitty as last time.)
Warm Up / Skill
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Pistol Squat (in tempo; 4-count descent, 4-count hold at the bottom, and 4-count ascent)
(It had been a long time since I pistol-squatted. I did not count the reps. And the tempo thing did not quite happen.)
Strength I
Dumbbell Bench Press
3 x 10 x 50/arm
Complete each set in 3:00.
(While manageable, the pressing movement did not feel good.)
Strength II
One Arm Dumbbell Muscle Snatch
EMOM (10:00)
5/arm x 35
(This was easy. I was surprised at how easy this was. I was not sure how my left shoulder was going to hold up. I did not feel any discomfort throughout the EMOM. All in all, I was very content.)
Conditioning III
EMOM (4:00)
17 x Decline Sit-up
At the end of the 4th minute,
AMRAP (1:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
(I completed 18 decline sit-ups in the last minute. I completed a total of 86 decline sit-ups in 5 minutes.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Burpee
(I completed 58 reps. I was not happy.)
Warm Up / Conditioning II
50-30-10 x calorie run (on treadmill, at 5:52/mile pace)
50-30-10 x air squat
(I did not time the mini-MetCon. It did not feel as shitty as last time.)
Warm Up / Skill
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Pistol Squat (in tempo; 4-count descent, 4-count hold at the bottom, and 4-count ascent)
(It had been a long time since I pistol-squatted. I did not count the reps. And the tempo thing did not quite happen.)
Strength I
Dumbbell Bench Press
3 x 10 x 50/arm
Complete each set in 3:00.
(While manageable, the pressing movement did not feel good.)
Strength II
One Arm Dumbbell Muscle Snatch
EMOM (10:00)
5/arm x 35
(This was easy. I was surprised at how easy this was. I was not sure how my left shoulder was going to hold up. I did not feel any discomfort throughout the EMOM. All in all, I was very content.)
Conditioning III
EMOM (4:00)
17 x Decline Sit-up
At the end of the 4th minute,
AMRAP (1:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
(I completed 18 decline sit-ups in the last minute. I completed a total of 86 decline sit-ups in 5 minutes.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 44
Warm Up
A bunch of crap.
(There were 4 rounds of the warm-up. I completed less than 3 rounds. I had a tough time with the wallballs. The 25-pound medicine ball felt very heavy today.)
Back Squat
10 x 45 (15% of Max Back Squat) / 5 x 115 (37%) (warm-up set)
3 x 225 (73%) / 3 x 245 (79%) / 3 x 265 (85%) / 3 x 285 (92%) / 3 x 295 (95%)
(As always, form gradually deteriorated with heavier weights.)
EMOM (10:00)
5-7/arm x One Arm Kettlebell Thruster (AHAP) [5 x One Arm Kettlebell Thruster (with 16-kilogram kettlebell)]
5-10 x Strict Pull-up [5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 3+1+1 x Strict Pull-up]
(I had a tough time racking the kettlebell. My right hand still hurts. The pressing movement did not feel good.
Pull-ups felt very strong in the beginning rounds.)
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap.
(There were 4 rounds of the warm-up. I completed less than 3 rounds. I had a tough time with the wallballs. The 25-pound medicine ball felt very heavy today.)
Back Squat
10 x 45 (15% of Max Back Squat) / 5 x 115 (37%) (warm-up set)
3 x 225 (73%) / 3 x 245 (79%) / 3 x 265 (85%) / 3 x 285 (92%) / 3 x 295 (95%)
(As always, form gradually deteriorated with heavier weights.)
EMOM (10:00)
5-7/arm x One Arm Kettlebell Thruster (AHAP) [5 x One Arm Kettlebell Thruster (with 16-kilogram kettlebell)]
5-10 x Strict Pull-up [5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 3+1+1 x Strict Pull-up]
(I had a tough time racking the kettlebell. My right hand still hurts. The pressing movement did not feel good.
Pull-ups felt very strong in the beginning rounds.)
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 43
Warm Up / Conditioning
AMRAP (3:00)
1 x Burpee
Step down and up is not allowed.
Run on the treadmill for 3:00 at 6:53/mile pace.
Rest for 3:00.
Run on the treadmill for 3:00 at 6:53/mile pace.
AMRAP (3:00)
1 x Burpee
Step down and up is not allowed.
(I respectively completed 39 and 37 burpees for the two AMRAPs. I was happy about the consistency. The run was manageable.)
Deadlift (with Smith Machine)
5 x 105 (33% of Max Deadlift) / 5 x 155 (49%) / 5 x 195 (62%) (warm-up set)
Seated, Behind-the-Neck Strict Press (with Smith Machine)
10 x 15 (13% of Max Strict Press) (warm-up set)
5 x 70 (61%) / 5 x 75 (65%) / 5 x 80 (70%) / 5 x 85 (74%) / 4 x 85
Complete a set every 3 minutes.
Deadlift (with Smith Machine)
5 x 195 (warm-up set)
10 x 215 (68%) / 8 x 235 (75%) / 6 x 245 (78%) / 4 x 265 (84%) / 2 x 285 (90%)
Complete a set every 3 minutes.
(I just noticed today that the Smith Machine bar is a little thicker than a regular Olympic lifting bar, making the grip difficult.
The seated, behind-the-neck strict press was a lot tougher than I anticipated.)
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
AMRAP (3:00)
1 x Burpee
Step down and up is not allowed.
Run on the treadmill for 3:00 at 6:53/mile pace.
Rest for 3:00.
Run on the treadmill for 3:00 at 6:53/mile pace.
AMRAP (3:00)
1 x Burpee
Step down and up is not allowed.
(I respectively completed 39 and 37 burpees for the two AMRAPs. I was happy about the consistency. The run was manageable.)
Deadlift (with Smith Machine)
5 x 105 (33% of Max Deadlift) / 5 x 155 (49%) / 5 x 195 (62%) (warm-up set)
Seated, Behind-the-Neck Strict Press (with Smith Machine)
10 x 15 (13% of Max Strict Press) (warm-up set)
5 x 70 (61%) / 5 x 75 (65%) / 5 x 80 (70%) / 5 x 85 (74%) / 4 x 85
Complete a set every 3 minutes.
Deadlift (with Smith Machine)
5 x 195 (warm-up set)
10 x 215 (68%) / 8 x 235 (75%) / 6 x 245 (78%) / 4 x 265 (84%) / 2 x 285 (90%)
Complete a set every 3 minutes.
(I just noticed today that the Smith Machine bar is a little thicker than a regular Olympic lifting bar, making the grip difficult.
The seated, behind-the-neck strict press was a lot tougher than I anticipated.)
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 42
Warm Up
A bunch of crap.
Snatch (<50% of 1RM Snatch)
EMOM (8:00)
65 (52% of Max Snatch) / 65 / 65 / 65 / 75 (60%) / 75 / 75 / 75
Hang Snatch, from the Hip [Tall Snatch] (50-70%)
EMOM (8:00)
75 / 75 / 75 / 75 / 85 (68%) / 85 / 85 / 85
Hang Snatch, from below the Knee (70-80%)
EMOM (8:00)
85 / 85 / 85 / 85 / 95 (76%) / 95 / 95 / 95
Snatch (80-90+%)
EMOM (8:00)
95 / 100 (80%) / 100 / 100 / 100 / 100 (F) / 100 / 100 (Po.)
(I missed a handful of the reps. I caught another handful of the reps in the power position. I made up every failed rep and reps that were caught in the power position within the same minute except the third to last rep and the very last rep. I missed two attempts at the 100-pound weight in the 30th round. I caught the very last rep in the power position. I made a second attempt at the weight and missed.
I missed my very first lift with the 65-pound weight.
My right hand still hurts a little. And I was still scared of the loaded bar.
For the snatches from the hip, I did not initiate the pull with a dip. I jumped, I pulled and I got under the bar. My coach explained that a snatch from the hip without a dip is known as a tall snatch.)
Bonus / Conditioning
Run on the treadmill for 5:00 at 6:58/mile pace.
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
Run on the treadmill for 5:00 at 6:58/mile pace.
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
(I respectively completed 84 and 83 decline sit ups for the two AMRAPs. I was very content with the consistency.
The 6:58 per mile pace was very manageable.)
Bonus / Accessory
Dumbbell Side Bend
10/side x 50 / 10/side x 55 / 10/side x 60
9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap.
Snatch (<50% of 1RM Snatch)
EMOM (8:00)
65 (52% of Max Snatch) / 65 / 65 / 65 / 75 (60%) / 75 / 75 / 75
Hang Snatch, from the Hip [Tall Snatch] (50-70%)
EMOM (8:00)
75 / 75 / 75 / 75 / 85 (68%) / 85 / 85 / 85
Hang Snatch, from below the Knee (70-80%)
EMOM (8:00)
85 / 85 / 85 / 85 / 95 (76%) / 95 / 95 / 95
Snatch (80-90+%)
EMOM (8:00)
95 / 100 (80%) / 100 / 100 / 100 / 100 (F) / 100 / 100 (Po.)
(I missed a handful of the reps. I caught another handful of the reps in the power position. I made up every failed rep and reps that were caught in the power position within the same minute except the third to last rep and the very last rep. I missed two attempts at the 100-pound weight in the 30th round. I caught the very last rep in the power position. I made a second attempt at the weight and missed.
I missed my very first lift with the 65-pound weight.
My right hand still hurts a little. And I was still scared of the loaded bar.
For the snatches from the hip, I did not initiate the pull with a dip. I jumped, I pulled and I got under the bar. My coach explained that a snatch from the hip without a dip is known as a tall snatch.)
Bonus / Conditioning
Run on the treadmill for 5:00 at 6:58/mile pace.
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
Run on the treadmill for 5:00 at 6:58/mile pace.
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
(I respectively completed 84 and 83 decline sit ups for the two AMRAPs. I was very content with the consistency.
The 6:58 per mile pace was very manageable.)
Bonus / Accessory
Dumbbell Side Bend
10/side x 50 / 10/side x 55 / 10/side x 60
9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 40
I feel uneasy. My roommate and I are signing the lease tomorrow morning for our apartment. It is a 2-year lease. I will be 28 by the time the lease expires.
I skipped class tonight. I was not feeling Filthy Fifty, a CrossFit classic. I looked over the collection of exercises over and over again. There was a lot more pushing than pulling. I could not figure out the logic behind the programming.
One my classmates texted me again tonight.
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
I skipped class tonight. I was not feeling Filthy Fifty, a CrossFit classic. I looked over the collection of exercises over and over again. There was a lot more pushing than pulling. I could not figure out the logic behind the programming.
One my classmates texted me again tonight.
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 39
Warm Up / Conditioning I
AMRAP (3:00)
1 x Burpee
Rest 1:00.
AMRAP (3:00)
1 x Burpee
Step up and down is not allowed.
(I respectively completed 37 and 36 reps for the 2 AMRAPs. I was happy about the consistency.)
Warm Up / Skill
One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squat (with 12.5-pound dumbbell)
One Arm Dumbbell Sots Press (with 12.5-pound dumbbell)
(Mobility still needs a lot of work.)
Bench Press (with Smith Machine)
10 x 15 / 10 x 65 / 5 x 105 (warm up set)
5 x 5 x 135
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
5 x 10/arm x 60
Alternate a set of bench press with a set of one arm dumbbell bent over row. Complete each set in 4 minutes.
(I had a hard time with the bent over rows tonight.)
Conditioning II
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
(I completed 86 reps. I was very happy about that.)
Conditioning III
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Farmer's Carry up and down the Stairs (with 2 45-pound plates)
(First and foremost, stairs are excellent for training. Stairs make everything hard.
I completed 5 reps, consistent with the previous time when I completed the exercise.)
Again, this was tough.)
Conditioning IV
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Vertical Leg Raise
(I complete 83 reps.)
Conditioning V
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Manmaker (with 2 25-pound dumbbells)
(I completed merely 9 reps. I just noticed tonight that Planet Fitness' dumbbells have round ends. I had a tough time with the push-up and the renegade row. I had to actively push down on the dumbbells to prevent them from rolling.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
AMRAP (3:00)
1 x Burpee
Rest 1:00.
AMRAP (3:00)
1 x Burpee
Step up and down is not allowed.
(I respectively completed 37 and 36 reps for the 2 AMRAPs. I was happy about the consistency.)
Warm Up / Skill
One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squat (with 12.5-pound dumbbell)
One Arm Dumbbell Sots Press (with 12.5-pound dumbbell)
(Mobility still needs a lot of work.)
Bench Press (with Smith Machine)
10 x 15 / 10 x 65 / 5 x 105 (warm up set)
5 x 5 x 135
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
5 x 10/arm x 60
Alternate a set of bench press with a set of one arm dumbbell bent over row. Complete each set in 4 minutes.
(I had a hard time with the bent over rows tonight.)
Conditioning II
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Decline Sit-up
(I completed 86 reps. I was very happy about that.)
Conditioning III
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Farmer's Carry up and down the Stairs (with 2 45-pound plates)
(First and foremost, stairs are excellent for training. Stairs make everything hard.
I completed 5 reps, consistent with the previous time when I completed the exercise.)
Again, this was tough.)
Conditioning IV
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Vertical Leg Raise
(I complete 83 reps.)
Conditioning V
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Manmaker (with 2 25-pound dumbbells)
(I completed merely 9 reps. I just noticed tonight that Planet Fitness' dumbbells have round ends. I had a tough time with the push-up and the renegade row. I had to actively push down on the dumbbells to prevent them from rolling.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 38
Warm Up / Conditioning I
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Burpee
Step up and down is not allowed.
(I completed exactly 60 reps. I was content.)
Warm Up / Conditioning II
50-30-10 x calorie run (on treadmill at 5:52 per mile pace)
50-30-10 x air squat
(This was supposed to be 50-40-30-20-10. The first run felt too awful. I changed my mind.
This took about 10:00. I was not content.)
Warm Up / Skill
One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squat (with 15-pound dumbbell)
Dumbbell Sots Press (with 2 15-pound dumbbells)
One Arm Dumbbell Sots Press (with 15-pound dumbbell)
(Dumbbell sots press was impossible.)
Conditioning III
100 x Decline Sit-up
(7:29. I have done better.
I think I miscounted the reps tonight. I think I actually completed less than 100 reps.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
AMRAP (5:00)
1 x Burpee
Step up and down is not allowed.
(I completed exactly 60 reps. I was content.)
Warm Up / Conditioning II
50-30-10 x calorie run (on treadmill at 5:52 per mile pace)
50-30-10 x air squat
(This was supposed to be 50-40-30-20-10. The first run felt too awful. I changed my mind.
This took about 10:00. I was not content.)
Warm Up / Skill
One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squat (with 15-pound dumbbell)
Dumbbell Sots Press (with 2 15-pound dumbbells)
One Arm Dumbbell Sots Press (with 15-pound dumbbell)
(Dumbbell sots press was impossible.)
Conditioning III
100 x Decline Sit-up
(7:29. I have done better.
I think I miscounted the reps tonight. I think I actually completed less than 100 reps.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 37
Warm Up
A bunch of crap.
Strength I
Back Squat
5 x 135 / 5 x 185 (warm-up set)
5 x 225 / 5 x 245 / 5 x 265
(Two forty-five is starting to feel like the old 225. Even 265 felt light tonight. I remember the first time I squatted 245. I almost passed out.
Two eight-five and 295 came across my mind. However, I have been a little traumatized since my last squat miss. I am easily traumatized. Thus, I decided to stay light. To make the light weights more challenging, I minimized pause between each rep and focused on speed standing up from the bottom.)
Strength II
Overhead Squat
3 x 5
(I spent the time working on technique. I did not load any weight on the bar.)
Conditioning I
Complete max unbroken wallballs with 20-pound medicine ball.
(I completed 48 reps.
My head gave up.
The most wallballs I had completed with a 20-pound medicine ball prior to tonight was 33 reps. The medicine ball did not hit the designated 10-feet target on every rep. The most wallballs I had completed with a 25-pound medicine ball prior to tonight was 30 reps. Same, the medicine ball did not hit the designated 10-feet target on every rep. The medicine ball hit the designated 10-feet target on every rep tonight.)
Conditioning II
500-meter row
(I completed the 500-meter row in 1:46. I was content.
Tonight, for the first time ever, a speed under 1:40 per 500 meters appeared on my rower's screen. I could not maintain the pace. Nevertheless, it was a win for me.)
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap.
Strength I
Back Squat
5 x 135 / 5 x 185 (warm-up set)
5 x 225 / 5 x 245 / 5 x 265
(Two forty-five is starting to feel like the old 225. Even 265 felt light tonight. I remember the first time I squatted 245. I almost passed out.
Two eight-five and 295 came across my mind. However, I have been a little traumatized since my last squat miss. I am easily traumatized. Thus, I decided to stay light. To make the light weights more challenging, I minimized pause between each rep and focused on speed standing up from the bottom.)
Strength II
Overhead Squat
3 x 5
(I spent the time working on technique. I did not load any weight on the bar.)
Conditioning I
Complete max unbroken wallballs with 20-pound medicine ball.
(I completed 48 reps.
My head gave up.
The most wallballs I had completed with a 20-pound medicine ball prior to tonight was 33 reps. The medicine ball did not hit the designated 10-feet target on every rep. The most wallballs I had completed with a 25-pound medicine ball prior to tonight was 30 reps. Same, the medicine ball did not hit the designated 10-feet target on every rep. The medicine ball hit the designated 10-feet target on every rep tonight.)
Conditioning II
500-meter row
(I completed the 500-meter row in 1:46. I was content.
Tonight, for the first time ever, a speed under 1:40 per 500 meters appeared on my rower's screen. I could not maintain the pace. Nevertheless, it was a win for me.)
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 36
Warm Up
No warm up.
Strength I
Bench Press (with Smith Machine)
10 x 15 / 10 x 65 / 5 x 105 (warm-up set)
5 x 5 x 130
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
5 x 10/arm x 60
Alternate a set of bench press with a set of one arm dumbbell bent over row. Complete each superset in 4 minutes.
Strength II
Seated, Behind-the-Neck Strict Press (with Smith Machine)
5 x 15 (warm-up set)
5 x 65 / 5 x 70 / 5 x 75 / 5 x 80 / 5 x 85
Complete each set in 3 minutes.
Strength III
Lat Pull-down (machine)
5 x 5 x 100
Complete each set in 3 minutes.
(These were light. I completed 15 reps in the third round and called it a day.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
No warm up.
Strength I
Bench Press (with Smith Machine)
10 x 15 / 10 x 65 / 5 x 105 (warm-up set)
5 x 5 x 130
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
5 x 10/arm x 60
Alternate a set of bench press with a set of one arm dumbbell bent over row. Complete each superset in 4 minutes.
Strength II
Seated, Behind-the-Neck Strict Press (with Smith Machine)
5 x 15 (warm-up set)
5 x 65 / 5 x 70 / 5 x 75 / 5 x 80 / 5 x 85
Complete each set in 3 minutes.
Strength III
Lat Pull-down (machine)
5 x 5 x 100
Complete each set in 3 minutes.
(These were light. I completed 15 reps in the third round and called it a day.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 34
Warm Up
(Easy) Cindy
5 x Scap Pull-up
10 x Hand-release Push-up
15 x Air Squat (with pause at bottom)
15 x Front Squat (with empty bar)
3 x Muscle Clean (from hip, with empty bar)
3 x Power Clean (from hip, with empty bar)
3 x Full Clean (from hip, with empty bar)
3 x Muscle Clean (from below knee, with empty bar)
3 x Power Clean (from below knee, with empty bar)
3 x Full Clean (from below knee, with empty bar)
3 x Muscle Clean (from ground, with 95-pound weight)
3 x Power Clean (from ground, with 95-pound weight)
3 x Full Clean (from ground, with 95-pound weight)
AMRAP (3:00)
3 x Clean <Use 95-pound weight in the first round. Increase weight by 20 pounds each round.> [Scaled: 3 x Clean (95 / 115 / 135 / 135 / 135)]
6 x Lateral Burpee over Bar
9 x Pull-up [9 x Strict-ish Pull-up]
Complete 5 rounds. Rest 3 minutes in between each round.
(It just keeps getting worse.
I missed more cleans in one class session than a lifetime.
I rarely miss my cleans.
Two Wednesday ago, I hurt my hand during an Olympic lifting class. I took the following day off to rest. I was back at the gym by Friday. Subsequently, I completed an entire week of class. My hand managed just fine. My hand only hurts with select movements. In other words, the pain was not always there to remind me that I was injured.
I was traumatized by the class from two Wednesdays ago. I did not realized how much the class affected me until Friday, when I stood in front of a loaded bar. I was afraid to pick up the bar. I was afraid to get under the bar. I was the most afraid to rack the bar. That was when it hurt the most. I prayed and hoped with each pull that the bar would miraculously land on my shoulder and stay there. That had not been the case. Again and again, I reflexively pulled my hand from under the bar, absolutely terrified that the bar was going to smash my hand. And again and again, the bar rolled off of my shoulder. The entire MetCon was an utter, embarrassing mess.
I am fully capable of cleaning the 175-pound weight, at least 3 times.
I respectively completed 1+13, 1+5, 0+15, 0+15, and 0+13 rounds. I wasted a lot of time on the cleans.
I tried to make small talk with one of my coaches before class.
I have been feeling very depressed since my 26th birthday.
9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
(Easy) Cindy
5 x Scap Pull-up
10 x Hand-release Push-up
15 x Air Squat (with pause at bottom)
15 x Front Squat (with empty bar)
3 x Muscle Clean (from hip, with empty bar)
3 x Power Clean (from hip, with empty bar)
3 x Full Clean (from hip, with empty bar)
3 x Muscle Clean (from below knee, with empty bar)
3 x Power Clean (from below knee, with empty bar)
3 x Full Clean (from below knee, with empty bar)
3 x Muscle Clean (from ground, with 95-pound weight)
3 x Power Clean (from ground, with 95-pound weight)
3 x Full Clean (from ground, with 95-pound weight)
AMRAP (3:00)
3 x Clean <Use 95-pound weight in the first round. Increase weight by 20 pounds each round.> [Scaled: 3 x Clean (95 / 115 / 135 / 135 / 135)]
6 x Lateral Burpee over Bar
9 x Pull-up [9 x Strict-ish Pull-up]
Complete 5 rounds. Rest 3 minutes in between each round.
(It just keeps getting worse.
I missed more cleans in one class session than a lifetime.
I rarely miss my cleans.
Two Wednesday ago, I hurt my hand during an Olympic lifting class. I took the following day off to rest. I was back at the gym by Friday. Subsequently, I completed an entire week of class. My hand managed just fine. My hand only hurts with select movements. In other words, the pain was not always there to remind me that I was injured.
I was traumatized by the class from two Wednesdays ago. I did not realized how much the class affected me until Friday, when I stood in front of a loaded bar. I was afraid to pick up the bar. I was afraid to get under the bar. I was the most afraid to rack the bar. That was when it hurt the most. I prayed and hoped with each pull that the bar would miraculously land on my shoulder and stay there. That had not been the case. Again and again, I reflexively pulled my hand from under the bar, absolutely terrified that the bar was going to smash my hand. And again and again, the bar rolled off of my shoulder. The entire MetCon was an utter, embarrassing mess.
I am fully capable of cleaning the 175-pound weight, at least 3 times.
I respectively completed 1+13, 1+5, 0+15, 0+15, and 0+13 rounds. I wasted a lot of time on the cleans.
I tried to make small talk with one of my coaches before class.
I have been feeling very depressed since my 26th birthday.
9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 32
Warm Up
Barbell drills.
(They were okay.
My partner picked out a shiny bar. I do not like the shiny bars.)
Split Jerk (with weights displaced, from 42-inch blocks)
10 x 3
3 x 65 / 3 x 85 / 3 x 95 / 3 x 115 / 3 x 135 / 3 x 145 / 3 x 145 / 3 x 145 / 3 x 145 / x
(I immediately regretted my decision to attend class tonight the second I cleaned the bar to my shoulder. My right hand was still hurting. I adjusted my front rack position on the fly. Somehow I managed to rack the weight without experiencing the unbearable pain.
The 145-pound weight is my current clean and jerk PR. I was pretty comfortable with the weight.
I did miss 1 lift tonight with the 145-pound weight.)
125-calorie on Assault AirBike
AMRAP (30:00)
1 x Box Push
1 x Sled Drag (with 135 to 180-pound weight)
(I was pulling not nearly as much weight as some of my classmates. Shorter dudes definitely had an advantage.
The class was poorly organized. There were too many students and not enough equipment.)
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Barbell drills.
(They were okay.
My partner picked out a shiny bar. I do not like the shiny bars.)
Split Jerk (with weights displaced, from 42-inch blocks)
10 x 3
3 x 65 / 3 x 85 / 3 x 95 / 3 x 115 / 3 x 135 / 3 x 145 / 3 x 145 / 3 x 145 / 3 x 145 / x
(I immediately regretted my decision to attend class tonight the second I cleaned the bar to my shoulder. My right hand was still hurting. I adjusted my front rack position on the fly. Somehow I managed to rack the weight without experiencing the unbearable pain.
The 145-pound weight is my current clean and jerk PR. I was pretty comfortable with the weight.
I did miss 1 lift tonight with the 145-pound weight.)
125-calorie on Assault AirBike
AMRAP (30:00)
1 x Box Push
1 x Sled Drag (with 135 to 180-pound weight)
(I was pulling not nearly as much weight as some of my classmates. Shorter dudes definitely had an advantage.
The class was poorly organized. There were too many students and not enough equipment.)
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 31
Warm Up
There was no warm up today. I felt very rushed.
250-meter Row
3 x Back Squat (65-75% of 1RM Back Squat) [3 x Back Squat (69-73% of 1 RM Back Squat)]
Complete 10 rounds. Complete each round in 4 minutes.
(I used 215-pound weight, 69% of my current 1RM back squat, for the back squat for the first 2 rounds, and 225-pound weight, 73% of my current 1RM back squat, for the back squat for the rest of the 8 rounds.
The last time that I completed this exercise, I used 185-pound weight for the back squat for all of the 10 rounds.
Overall, my pace on the rower was very consistent. My speed ranged from 1:42-1:50 per 500 meters. I was very content with that.
The last time that I completed this exercise, I was rowing consistently at an approximately 2:00 per 500 meters pace.
I completed 7 of the 10 rounds under 1:30.
Row before squat made the exercise a lot more intimidating. Even so, I was surprised to discover tonight that rowing barely affected my leg strength. I could have easily used a heavier weight.)
9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
There was no warm up today. I felt very rushed.
250-meter Row
3 x Back Squat (65-75% of 1RM Back Squat) [3 x Back Squat (69-73% of 1 RM Back Squat)]
Complete 10 rounds. Complete each round in 4 minutes.
(I used 215-pound weight, 69% of my current 1RM back squat, for the back squat for the first 2 rounds, and 225-pound weight, 73% of my current 1RM back squat, for the back squat for the rest of the 8 rounds.
The last time that I completed this exercise, I used 185-pound weight for the back squat for all of the 10 rounds.
Overall, my pace on the rower was very consistent. My speed ranged from 1:42-1:50 per 500 meters. I was very content with that.
The last time that I completed this exercise, I was rowing consistently at an approximately 2:00 per 500 meters pace.
I completed 7 of the 10 rounds under 1:30.
Row before squat made the exercise a lot more intimidating. Even so, I was surprised to discover tonight that rowing barely affected my leg strength. I could have easily used a heavier weight.)
9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 30
Warm Up
10-minute walk on the StairMaster
(I started the warm up walk at a 75 steps per minute pace. I increased the pace to 82 steps per minute at the end of the third minute and increased the pace again to 89 steps per minute at the end of the fifth minute. I maintained the 89 steps per minute pace through the end of the warm up walk.)
Conditioning I
AMRAP (10:00)
4 x Strict Pull-up
4 x Strict Dip
4 x Push-up
(My goal was to complete 5 rounds. I completed 5+3 rounds.
I am still terrified of pull-ups.)
Conditioning II
100 x Decline Sit-up
Complete 100 decline sit-ups in under 10:00.
(I completed the 100 decline sit-ups in 7:04, 0:32 faster than the previous time that I completed the exercise.)
Conditioning III
AMRAP (5:00)
Farmer's Carry (with 2 45-pound plates)
Farmer's carry 2 45-pound plates from the second floor down to the first floor of the gym, then farmer's carry the weights back up to the second floor, taking one step at a time. One trip down and up counts as one round. Each trip down or up counts as one rep.
(I completed 5 rounds.
That was hard.)
Rest 2:30.
(I completed 5 rounds. I thought that I was a lot more aggressive on the second round. I ended up completing the same number of rounds.)
Conditioning IV
AMRAP (5:00)
Turkish Get-up (with 30-pound dumbbell)
Each right and left side counts as one rep. A right and a left side together counts as one round.
(I completed 4+1 rounds. I started the exercise with the right arm and finished the exercise with the same arm.)
Rest 2:30.
(I completed 4+1 rounds. I started the second round of the AMRAP with the left arm and finished the second round with the same arm.
My entire body is lightly sore right now. The sensation feels great.
On another note, I am still bothered by Saturday's squat miss incident.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
10-minute walk on the StairMaster
(I started the warm up walk at a 75 steps per minute pace. I increased the pace to 82 steps per minute at the end of the third minute and increased the pace again to 89 steps per minute at the end of the fifth minute. I maintained the 89 steps per minute pace through the end of the warm up walk.)
Conditioning I
AMRAP (10:00)
4 x Strict Pull-up
4 x Strict Dip
4 x Push-up
(My goal was to complete 5 rounds. I completed 5+3 rounds.
I am still terrified of pull-ups.)
Conditioning II
100 x Decline Sit-up
Complete 100 decline sit-ups in under 10:00.
(I completed the 100 decline sit-ups in 7:04, 0:32 faster than the previous time that I completed the exercise.)
Conditioning III
AMRAP (5:00)
Farmer's Carry (with 2 45-pound plates)
Farmer's carry 2 45-pound plates from the second floor down to the first floor of the gym, then farmer's carry the weights back up to the second floor, taking one step at a time. One trip down and up counts as one round. Each trip down or up counts as one rep.
(I completed 5 rounds.
That was hard.)
Rest 2:30.
(I completed 5 rounds. I thought that I was a lot more aggressive on the second round. I ended up completing the same number of rounds.)
Conditioning IV
AMRAP (5:00)
Turkish Get-up (with 30-pound dumbbell)
Each right and left side counts as one rep. A right and a left side together counts as one round.
(I completed 4+1 rounds. I started the exercise with the right arm and finished the exercise with the same arm.)
Rest 2:30.
(I completed 4+1 rounds. I started the second round of the AMRAP with the left arm and finished the second round with the same arm.
My entire body is lightly sore right now. The sensation feels great.
On another note, I am still bothered by Saturday's squat miss incident.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 29
I thought about going to the gym after the apartment visit. I wanted to bench press. I did a quick evaluation of my body state on the train. My arms were incredibly sore from I-am-not-sure-what. I took too long to make a decision and ended up missing the stop. I went home instead.
I was really bothered by my squat miss yesterday. I was so bothered, I could not sleep last night. I was mostly afraid of what other people were going to think of me.
Rolling the bar off of the back is a legitimate technique.
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
I was really bothered by my squat miss yesterday. I was so bothered, I could not sleep last night. I was mostly afraid of what other people were going to think of me.
Rolling the bar off of the back is a legitimate technique.
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 28
Warm Up
10 x Back Squat (with empty bar and pause at the bottom)
10 x Front Squat (with empty bar)
(My right hand is still hurting. I could not sots press.)
Strength I
10 x 1
Start with current 1RM.
5 x 135 / 5 x 185 / 5 x 205 / 5 x 225
(warm up set)
1 x 245 / 1 x 250 / 1 x 255 / 1 x 260 / 1 x 265 / 1 x 270 / 1 x 275 / 1 x 280 / 1 x 285 / 1 x 290 / 1 x 295 (Bonus) / 1 x 300 (Bonus) / 1 x 305 (Bonus) / 1 x 310 (Bonus) / 1 x 315 (Bonus)
(All the birthday PRs. I pr-ed my deadlift by 70-pound today. I finally deadlift more than I squat. I tied my previous most PR in a class session PR. Last June, I PR-ed my squat clean by 70 pounds in a class session, when I cleaned the 185-pound weight for the first time.)
Strength II
Front Squat
5 x 1
Start with current 1 RM.
5 x 185 / 5 x 205 / 5 x 225
(warm up set)
1 x 245 / 1 x 250 / 1 x 255 / 1 x 260 / 1 x 265
(I pr-ed my front squat by 20-pound today.)
Strength III
Back Squat
3 x 1
Start with current 1 RM.
1 x 265 / 1 x 275 / 1 x 285 / 1 x 295 / 1 x 305
(warm up set?)
1 x 310 (F) / x / x
(I failed the first rep. I had to roll the bar off of my back. It made a loud thump. Everyone looked over. Some were asking me if was okay. I was embarrassed. I am easily embarrassed.
This was my third back squat fail, ever. And it was my first time rolling a bar off of the back. I was not very graceful. To think of it, I fell forward, lost balance, and leaned into the rack. The rack shook wildly, adding to the commotion.
I believe that it is very important for a coach to teach his or her students how to safely fail a squat.
If I remember correctly, I failed my first back squat with the 270-pound weight. That was on the Smith Machine. I failed my second back squat with the 275-pound weight. And that was when I was recovering from my back injury.
I forgot when I started CrossFit, the exact date. Before I left the gym today, I stopped by the front desk to ask. The receptionist informed me that I completed the free, introduction class on 01/28/2016. That was exactly an year ago today, on my 25th birthday. Subsequently, I purchased the monthly class plan and scheduled my first element class for 02/01/2016.)
Summary (01/17)
Back Squat - 310/350 (-40)
Front Squat - 265/300 (-35)
Deadlift - 315/310 (C)
Snatch - 125/165 (-40)
Clean and Jerk - 145/185 (-40)
Clean - 215/245 (-30)
Bench Press - 180 (Smith Machine) / 225 (free weight) (-45)
Bench Press - 4 x 5 x 165 + 1 x 2 x 165 (Smith Machine) / 5 x 5 x 185 (free weight)
Pull-up - 8 / 25 (-17)
1-mile Run - 6:14/5:59 (-0:15)
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
10 x Back Squat (with empty bar and pause at the bottom)
10 x Front Squat (with empty bar)
(My right hand is still hurting. I could not sots press.)
Strength I
10 x 1
Start with current 1RM.
5 x 135 / 5 x 185 / 5 x 205 / 5 x 225
(warm up set)
1 x 245 / 1 x 250 / 1 x 255 / 1 x 260 / 1 x 265 / 1 x 270 / 1 x 275 / 1 x 280 / 1 x 285 / 1 x 290 / 1 x 295 (Bonus) / 1 x 300 (Bonus) / 1 x 305 (Bonus) / 1 x 310 (Bonus) / 1 x 315 (Bonus)
(All the birthday PRs. I pr-ed my deadlift by 70-pound today. I finally deadlift more than I squat. I tied my previous most PR in a class session PR. Last June, I PR-ed my squat clean by 70 pounds in a class session, when I cleaned the 185-pound weight for the first time.)
Strength II
Front Squat
5 x 1
Start with current 1 RM.
5 x 185 / 5 x 205 / 5 x 225
(warm up set)
1 x 245 / 1 x 250 / 1 x 255 / 1 x 260 / 1 x 265
(I pr-ed my front squat by 20-pound today.)
Strength III
Back Squat
3 x 1
Start with current 1 RM.
1 x 265 / 1 x 275 / 1 x 285 / 1 x 295 / 1 x 305
(warm up set?)
1 x 310 (F) / x / x
(I failed the first rep. I had to roll the bar off of my back. It made a loud thump. Everyone looked over. Some were asking me if was okay. I was embarrassed. I am easily embarrassed.
This was my third back squat fail, ever. And it was my first time rolling a bar off of the back. I was not very graceful. To think of it, I fell forward, lost balance, and leaned into the rack. The rack shook wildly, adding to the commotion.
I believe that it is very important for a coach to teach his or her students how to safely fail a squat.
If I remember correctly, I failed my first back squat with the 270-pound weight. That was on the Smith Machine. I failed my second back squat with the 275-pound weight. And that was when I was recovering from my back injury.
I forgot when I started CrossFit, the exact date. Before I left the gym today, I stopped by the front desk to ask. The receptionist informed me that I completed the free, introduction class on 01/28/2016. That was exactly an year ago today, on my 25th birthday. Subsequently, I purchased the monthly class plan and scheduled my first element class for 02/01/2016.)
Summary (01/17)
Back Squat - 310/350 (-40)
Front Squat - 265/300 (-35)
Deadlift - 315/310 (C)
Snatch - 125/165 (-40)
Clean and Jerk - 145/185 (-40)
Clean - 215/245 (-30)
Bench Press - 180 (Smith Machine) / 225 (free weight) (-45)
Bench Press - 4 x 5 x 165 + 1 x 2 x 165 (Smith Machine) / 5 x 5 x 185 (free weight)
Pull-up - 8 / 25 (-17)
1-mile Run - 6:14/5:59 (-0:15)
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 27
Warm Up
A bunch of crap.
(I wish my CrossFit gym has an open space that is available at all times for warm up and open gym.)
AMRAP (10:00)
5 x Shoulder-to-Overhead (with 115-pound weight) [1 x Power Clean + 1 x Push Jerk + 4 x Behind-the-Neck Push Jerk (with 115-pound weight)]
10 x Deadlift (with 115-pound weight)
15 x Box Jump with Step Down (with 24-inch box) [15 x Box Jump with Step Down or 15 x Box Step Up and Down (with 24-inch box)]
(I completed 5+8 rounds.
I was hoping to complete at minimum 6 rounds. I fantasized about completing as many as 10 rounds.
Of the three movements, I was most nervous about the shoulder-to-overhead.
Behind-the-neck push jerk was an easy choice. Back racking the bar requires less technique, saves the wrists and the forearms, and allows for a more direct shoulder to overhead bar path. In addition, a slightly wider grip is typically needed for behind-the-neck presses. And wider grip equates to shorter range of motion.
I hurt my back last June in the middle of a deadlift-centered MetCon. Since then, I have put in a lot of work honing my technique. Both my form and strength have improved significantly since my recovery from the injury.
I am pretty good at box jump.
The warm up did not go well. My lower body muscles were especially tight. I attempted at cycling quick deadlifts and box jumps during the warm up. I could not find any speed. I had a feeling that I was not going to perform well. However, I was not expecting to perform this awful.
Shoulder-to-overheads were just fine. I was worried for nothing. On the other hand, I ended up having a lot of trouble with the deadlift and the box jump.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap.
(I wish my CrossFit gym has an open space that is available at all times for warm up and open gym.)
AMRAP (10:00)
5 x Shoulder-to-Overhead (with 115-pound weight) [1 x Power Clean + 1 x Push Jerk + 4 x Behind-the-Neck Push Jerk (with 115-pound weight)]
10 x Deadlift (with 115-pound weight)
15 x Box Jump with Step Down (with 24-inch box) [15 x Box Jump with Step Down or 15 x Box Step Up and Down (with 24-inch box)]
(I completed 5+8 rounds.
I was hoping to complete at minimum 6 rounds. I fantasized about completing as many as 10 rounds.
Of the three movements, I was most nervous about the shoulder-to-overhead.
Behind-the-neck push jerk was an easy choice. Back racking the bar requires less technique, saves the wrists and the forearms, and allows for a more direct shoulder to overhead bar path. In addition, a slightly wider grip is typically needed for behind-the-neck presses. And wider grip equates to shorter range of motion.
I hurt my back last June in the middle of a deadlift-centered MetCon. Since then, I have put in a lot of work honing my technique. Both my form and strength have improved significantly since my recovery from the injury.
I am pretty good at box jump.
The warm up did not go well. My lower body muscles were especially tight. I attempted at cycling quick deadlifts and box jumps during the warm up. I could not find any speed. I had a feeling that I was not going to perform well. However, I was not expecting to perform this awful.
Shoulder-to-overheads were just fine. I was worried for nothing. On the other hand, I ended up having a lot of trouble with the deadlift and the box jump.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 26
My hand was hurting so terribly this morning, I could not pick up the toothbrush. I have been messaging my hand non-stop since this morning. Depending on how my hand feels tomorrow, I might need to take another day off.
My hair feels thinner than ever. This makes me really sad.
I think the thinning of the hair is due to stress. Stress results in hormone imbalance. Hormone imbalance makes you lose hair.
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
My hair feels thinner than ever. This makes me really sad.
I think the thinning of the hair is due to stress. Stress results in hormone imbalance. Hormone imbalance makes you lose hair.
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 24
Warm Up
Barbell drills.
(I did not enjoy tonight's barbell warm-up.)
2 x Power Clean + 3 x Push Press + 1 x Split Jerk
95 / 100 / 105 / 110 / 115 / 120
(I asked my coach for some tape.
Scary sticky.
I did not want to use too much of his tape.
The power clean and the split jerk were easy. I need to work on my foot position for the jerk. Foot position aside, the jerk itself felt really strong.
Push press was hard. My front rack was non-existent. I had a tough time coordinating the dip and drive with the press. The bar was flying all over the place overhead. I had poor control of the weight. All in all, the motion did not feel correct.
This was my first time throwing more than 95-pound over my head in a really long time. Still, I was not happy with my performance.
My wrists were hurting by the end of the strength session.)
AMRAP (12:00)
15 x power clean (with 155-pound weight) [Scaled: 15 x power clean (with 105-pound weight)]
15 x lateral burpee over the bar
15 x shoulder-to-overhead (with 155-pound weight) [Scaled: 15 x behind-the-neck push jerk (with 105-pound weight)]
15 x lateral burpee over the bar
15 x ground-to-overhead (with 155-pound weight) [Scaled: 15 x power clean and push jerk (with 105-pound weight)]
15 x lateral burpee over the bar
(I completed 0+75 rounds.
My head was not in the right place.)
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Barbell drills.
(I did not enjoy tonight's barbell warm-up.)
2 x Power Clean + 3 x Push Press + 1 x Split Jerk
95 / 100 / 105 / 110 / 115 / 120
(I asked my coach for some tape.
Scary sticky.
I did not want to use too much of his tape.
The power clean and the split jerk were easy. I need to work on my foot position for the jerk. Foot position aside, the jerk itself felt really strong.
Push press was hard. My front rack was non-existent. I had a tough time coordinating the dip and drive with the press. The bar was flying all over the place overhead. I had poor control of the weight. All in all, the motion did not feel correct.
This was my first time throwing more than 95-pound over my head in a really long time. Still, I was not happy with my performance.
My wrists were hurting by the end of the strength session.)
AMRAP (12:00)
15 x power clean (with 155-pound weight) [Scaled: 15 x power clean (with 105-pound weight)]
15 x lateral burpee over the bar
15 x shoulder-to-overhead (with 155-pound weight) [Scaled: 15 x behind-the-neck push jerk (with 105-pound weight)]
15 x lateral burpee over the bar
15 x ground-to-overhead (with 155-pound weight) [Scaled: 15 x power clean and push jerk (with 105-pound weight)]
15 x lateral burpee over the bar
(I completed 0+75 rounds.
My head was not in the right place.)
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 22
Warm Up
Some partnered medicine ball warm up exercises.
Back Squat
5 x 45 / 5 x 95 / 5 x 135 / 5 x 185
(warm up set)
5 x 245 / 5 x 265 / 5 x 285
(Every lift was heavy.)
Overhead Squat
5 x 45 / 5 x 65 / 2 x 95
(I walked in the bar after my second rep with the 95-pound weight. My form did not feel well.
Last week and today, both sessions, I felt very rushed with the strength portion of the workout. I hurried through the back squats. After I was done with the back squats, there was just not much time left for the overhead squats.
I can overhead squat more than 95 pounds.)
AMRAP (8:00)
Buy-in: 30 x double under (1:00 time cap)
Medicine Ball Clean + Wallball (with 20-pound medicine ball)
(I completed 81 reps of the medicine ball clean and wallball complex. I did not complete 30 double unders in the first 60 seconds. I merely completed 11 reps.
All in all, I was disappointed.)
Bonus / Strength II
Bench Press (with Smith Machine)
5 x 5 x 125
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
5 x 10/arm x 60
Alternate a set of bench press with a set of one arm dumbbell bent over row. Complete each superset in 4 minutes.
(I started over my bench press cycle.)
Bonus / Conditioning
100 x Decline Sit-up
(I completed the 100 decline sit-ups in 7:36.)
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Some partnered medicine ball warm up exercises.
Back Squat
5 x 45 / 5 x 95 / 5 x 135 / 5 x 185
(warm up set)
5 x 245 / 5 x 265 / 5 x 285
(Every lift was heavy.)
Overhead Squat
5 x 45 / 5 x 65 / 2 x 95
(I walked in the bar after my second rep with the 95-pound weight. My form did not feel well.
Last week and today, both sessions, I felt very rushed with the strength portion of the workout. I hurried through the back squats. After I was done with the back squats, there was just not much time left for the overhead squats.
I can overhead squat more than 95 pounds.)
AMRAP (8:00)
Buy-in: 30 x double under (1:00 time cap)
Medicine Ball Clean + Wallball (with 20-pound medicine ball)
(I completed 81 reps of the medicine ball clean and wallball complex. I did not complete 30 double unders in the first 60 seconds. I merely completed 11 reps.
All in all, I was disappointed.)
Bonus / Strength II
Bench Press (with Smith Machine)
5 x 5 x 125
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
5 x 10/arm x 60
Alternate a set of bench press with a set of one arm dumbbell bent over row. Complete each superset in 4 minutes.
(I started over my bench press cycle.)
Bonus / Conditioning
100 x Decline Sit-up
(I completed the 100 decline sit-ups in 7:36.)
★ / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 19
Warm Up
A bunch of crap.
5 x 135
(warm-up set)
5 x 185 / 5 x 205 / 5 x 225
(My initial plan was to use 195, 215 and 235-pound weights for the deadlifts.)
AMRAP (3:00)
Buy-in: 75 x double under (1:30 time cap)
15 x deadlift (with 225-pound weight) [Scaled: 15 x deadlift (with 185-pound weight)]
15 x burpee
Rest for 3:00.
AMRAP (3:00)
Buy-in: 75 x double under (1:30 time cap)
10 x deadlift (with 275-pound weight) [Scaled: 10 x deadlift (with 205-pound weight)]
10 x burpee
Rest for 3:00.
AMRAP (3:00)
Buy-in: 75 x double under (1:30 time cap)
5 x deadlift (with 315-pound weight) [Scaled: 5 x deadlift (with 225-pound weight)]
5 x burpee
(Redemption WOD 2.0.
This was the other WOD that broke my back.
I made it in one piece. My back is good right now.
I did not complete 75 double unders on any of the 3 rounds. They were more like 3 rounds of 90-second double under practices. I respectively completed 0+28, 1, and 2 rounds of the 3 AMRAPs. I completed all of the deadlifts unbroken.)
9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
A bunch of crap.
5 x 135
(warm-up set)
5 x 185 / 5 x 205 / 5 x 225
(My initial plan was to use 195, 215 and 235-pound weights for the deadlifts.)
AMRAP (3:00)
Buy-in: 75 x double under (1:30 time cap)
15 x deadlift (with 225-pound weight) [Scaled: 15 x deadlift (with 185-pound weight)]
15 x burpee
Rest for 3:00.
AMRAP (3:00)
Buy-in: 75 x double under (1:30 time cap)
10 x deadlift (with 275-pound weight) [Scaled: 10 x deadlift (with 205-pound weight)]
10 x burpee
Rest for 3:00.
AMRAP (3:00)
Buy-in: 75 x double under (1:30 time cap)
5 x deadlift (with 315-pound weight) [Scaled: 5 x deadlift (with 225-pound weight)]
5 x burpee
(Redemption WOD 2.0.
This was the other WOD that broke my back.
I made it in one piece. My back is good right now.
I did not complete 75 double unders on any of the 3 rounds. They were more like 3 rounds of 90-second double under practices. I respectively completed 0+28, 1, and 2 rounds of the 3 AMRAPs. I completed all of the deadlifts unbroken.)
9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 18
Warm Up
Barbell drills.
(I really enjoyed the barbell warm up.)
Muscle Snatch + Power Snatch + Half Snatch + Snatch
65 / 70 / 75 / 80
95 / 100 / 105 / 110 / 115 / 120 / 125
Snatch Pull
3 x 3 x 135
(Heavy. Every lift felt heavy. All in all, I was disappointed tonight.
My technique was just not there.
I was really impressed by the skinny Asian who was lifting adjacent to me. I was impressed by his technique and form and the weight he was putting up. He effortlessly snatched, I believe, the 150-pound weight in his last round.
I matched my current snatch PR with the 125-pound weight tonight.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Barbell drills.
(I really enjoyed the barbell warm up.)
Muscle Snatch + Power Snatch + Half Snatch + Snatch
65 / 70 / 75 / 80
95 / 100 / 105 / 110 / 115 / 120 / 125
Snatch Pull
3 x 3 x 135
(Heavy. Every lift felt heavy. All in all, I was disappointed tonight.
My technique was just not there.
I was really impressed by the skinny Asian who was lifting adjacent to me. I was impressed by his technique and form and the weight he was putting up. He effortlessly snatched, I believe, the 150-pound weight in his last round.
I matched my current snatch PR with the 125-pound weight tonight.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 17
Warm Up
Barbell drills.
(I desperately need to work on my front rack position. My left wrist is really upset right now.)
Hang Power Clean
4 x 95 / 4 x 115 / 4 x 135 / 4 x 145 / 4 x 155 / 4 x 165
(I do not like power anything. Catching a barbell in a partial squat, the movement itself, does not feel natural. I would much rather catch a lift in a full squat. My form did not feel pretty tonight. I was definitely starfishing on that last set of hang power cleans. The weight did not feel heavy. I was actually pulling the weight really high. My body was just reluctant to get under the bar in a half squat.
I was satisfied with how much I lifted tonight. I was not satisfied with my form.)
250-meter row
7 x hang power clean (with 95-pound weight) [Rx+: 7 x hang power clean (with 105-pound weight)]
14 x wallball (with 20-pound medicine ball)
Complete a round every 4 minutes. Complete 5 rounds.
(My initial plan was to use the 115-pound weight for the hang power cleans and possibly the 25-pound medicine ball for the wallballs.
Ultimately, I settled on the 105-pound weight for the hang power cleans and the 20-pound medicine ball for the wallballs.
Round one. I was not the first person in my heat to get off of the rower. I was the first person to complete the wallballs, finishing the first round just under 2:00. My split time gradually increased with each succeeding round. I finished the fourth round in approximately 2:15. I finished the fifth round in approximately 2:40.
I was rowing consistently at an approximately 1:50 per 500 meters pace throughout the first four rounds. I slowed down a tad on the last round, rowing at an approximately 1:55 to 2:00 per 500 meters pace. Once again, I surprised myself on the rower.
As for the hang power cleans and the wallballs, I completed both exercises unbroken throughout the five rounds.
All in all, I am very satisfied with my performance tonight. I am very glad that I scaled up.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
Barbell drills.
(I desperately need to work on my front rack position. My left wrist is really upset right now.)
Hang Power Clean
4 x 95 / 4 x 115 / 4 x 135 / 4 x 145 / 4 x 155 / 4 x 165
(I do not like power anything. Catching a barbell in a partial squat, the movement itself, does not feel natural. I would much rather catch a lift in a full squat. My form did not feel pretty tonight. I was definitely starfishing on that last set of hang power cleans. The weight did not feel heavy. I was actually pulling the weight really high. My body was just reluctant to get under the bar in a half squat.
I was satisfied with how much I lifted tonight. I was not satisfied with my form.)
250-meter row
7 x hang power clean (with 95-pound weight) [Rx+: 7 x hang power clean (with 105-pound weight)]
14 x wallball (with 20-pound medicine ball)
Complete a round every 4 minutes. Complete 5 rounds.
(My initial plan was to use the 115-pound weight for the hang power cleans and possibly the 25-pound medicine ball for the wallballs.
Ultimately, I settled on the 105-pound weight for the hang power cleans and the 20-pound medicine ball for the wallballs.
Round one. I was not the first person in my heat to get off of the rower. I was the first person to complete the wallballs, finishing the first round just under 2:00. My split time gradually increased with each succeeding round. I finished the fourth round in approximately 2:15. I finished the fifth round in approximately 2:40.
I was rowing consistently at an approximately 1:50 per 500 meters pace throughout the first four rounds. I slowed down a tad on the last round, rowing at an approximately 1:55 to 2:00 per 500 meters pace. Once again, I surprised myself on the rower.
As for the hang power cleans and the wallballs, I completed both exercises unbroken throughout the five rounds.
All in all, I am very satisfied with my performance tonight. I am very glad that I scaled up.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 16
Warm Up
750-meter row
Then, a bunch of crap.
(I rowed consistently at an under 1:55 per 500 meters pace. I surprised myself on the rower tonight. I was very content with my performance on the rower.
Overhead squat with a plate was tough.
Can you believe we are already midway through January?)
Back Squat
5 x 45 / 5 x 95 / 5 x 135 / 5 x 185
(warm-up set)
5 x 225 / 5 x 245 / 5 x 275
Overhead Squat
5 x 45 / 5 x 65 / 5 x 85
(Back squat felt strong tonight.
I can overhead squat now! Every rep felt great. I initiated each squat at the hip. My ass was where it needed to be at the bottom of each squat. I was very excited about the breakthrough tonight.)
10 x overhead squat (with empty bar)
8 x bar-facing burpee over bar
Complete 10 rounds with a partner. Switch after every round. Each partner completes 5 rounds.
(My partner and I completed the MetCon in 7:43.
And those overhead squats felt great too.
Tonight was about technique. I was all in all very content with my performance.
My left wrist hurts from yesterday's cleans. I want to buy a pair of wrist sleeves to add on to my collection of knee and ankle sleeves. I bought another knee sleeve and an ankle sleeve over the weekend.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
750-meter row
Then, a bunch of crap.
(I rowed consistently at an under 1:55 per 500 meters pace. I surprised myself on the rower tonight. I was very content with my performance on the rower.
Overhead squat with a plate was tough.
Can you believe we are already midway through January?)
Back Squat
5 x 45 / 5 x 95 / 5 x 135 / 5 x 185
(warm-up set)
5 x 225 / 5 x 245 / 5 x 275
Overhead Squat
5 x 45 / 5 x 65 / 5 x 85
(Back squat felt strong tonight.
I can overhead squat now! Every rep felt great. I initiated each squat at the hip. My ass was where it needed to be at the bottom of each squat. I was very excited about the breakthrough tonight.)
10 x overhead squat (with empty bar)
8 x bar-facing burpee over bar
Complete 10 rounds with a partner. Switch after every round. Each partner completes 5 rounds.
(My partner and I completed the MetCon in 7:43.
And those overhead squats felt great too.
Tonight was about technique. I was all in all very content with my performance.
My left wrist hurts from yesterday's cleans. I want to buy a pair of wrist sleeves to add on to my collection of knee and ankle sleeves. I bought another knee sleeve and an ankle sleeve over the weekend.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106
17 DAY 15
Warm Up
Barbell drills.
Tall Clean
3 x 75 / 3 x 95 / 3 x 115
Hang Clean, from above the Knees
3 x 115 / 3 x 125 / 3 x 135
155 / 165 / 175 (F/P) / 185 / 195 / 205 / 210 / 215
(Hang clean was tougher for me than tall clean.
I failed my first attempt at the 175-pound weight. I caught the 185-pound weight in the power position, lost my balance, hopped at the bottom of the partial squat to regain stability, then lowered my ass into a full squat.
The 215-pound clean was a 10-pound PR.
"You are a lot stronger than you lead on to be," my coach said.)
Bench Press (with Smith Machine)
10 x 15 / 10 x 65 / 5 x 115 / 5 x 135 / 5 x 150
(warm-up set)
5 x 165 / 4 x 170 / 3 x 175 / 2 x 180
Complete a set every 3 minutes.
(I failed my attempt at the 185-pound weight.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
Barbell drills.
Tall Clean
3 x 75 / 3 x 95 / 3 x 115
Hang Clean, from above the Knees
3 x 115 / 3 x 125 / 3 x 135
155 / 165 / 175 (F/P) / 185 / 195 / 205 / 210 / 215
(Hang clean was tougher for me than tall clean.
I failed my first attempt at the 175-pound weight. I caught the 185-pound weight in the power position, lost my balance, hopped at the bottom of the partial squat to regain stability, then lowered my ass into a full squat.
The 215-pound clean was a 10-pound PR.
"You are a lot stronger than you lead on to be," my coach said.)
Bench Press (with Smith Machine)
10 x 15 / 10 x 65 / 5 x 115 / 5 x 135 / 5 x 150
(warm-up set)
5 x 165 / 4 x 170 / 3 x 175 / 2 x 180
Complete a set every 3 minutes.
(I failed my attempt at the 185-pound weight.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
17 DAY 9
Bonus / Warm Up
100-calorie on Assault AirBike
Warm Up
A selection of dynamic warm up exercises.
(I had a hard time with the warm up exercises in my new shoes.)
1:00 - 2:00
Back Squat
3 x 265
2:00 - 4:00
3 x 205
4:00 - 6:00
Box Jump
5 x 36-inch
200-feet farmer's carry (with 2 32-kilogram kettlebells)
Complete 6 rounds.
(My initial plan was to use 265-pound weight for the back squat, 210-pound weight for the deadlift, 37-inch box for the box jump and 2 28-kilogram bells for the farmer's carry.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
100-calorie on Assault AirBike
Warm Up
A selection of dynamic warm up exercises.
(I had a hard time with the warm up exercises in my new shoes.)
1:00 - 2:00
Back Squat
3 x 265
2:00 - 4:00
3 x 205
4:00 - 6:00
Box Jump
5 x 36-inch
200-feet farmer's carry (with 2 32-kilogram kettlebells)
Complete 6 rounds.
(My initial plan was to use 265-pound weight for the back squat, 210-pound weight for the deadlift, 37-inch box for the box jump and 2 28-kilogram bells for the farmer's carry.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
17 DAY 8
Bonus / Warm Up
100-calorie on Assault AirBike
Warm Up
Barbell drills.
(I had a hard time with the overhead squat and the snatch balance.)
2 x Snatch Pull + 1 x Snatch from 12" Box
65 / 75 / 85 (F/P) / 85 / 95 / 105 / 115 / 120 (F/F) / 120 / 125
(I missed my first lift with the 85-pound weight. I caught the second lift in the power position. I attempted for a third lift, and caught the third lift in a full overhead squat. I missed my first two attempts at the 120-pound weight, my previous PR.
My coach said that my last lift was my best lift of the day.)
Snatch Balance
3 x 95 / 3 x 95 / 2 x 95
(Snatch balance was significantly tougher than the snatch. It also hurts the wrists. I failed my last rep.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
100-calorie on Assault AirBike
Warm Up
Barbell drills.
(I had a hard time with the overhead squat and the snatch balance.)
2 x Snatch Pull + 1 x Snatch from 12" Box
65 / 75 / 85 (F/P) / 85 / 95 / 105 / 115 / 120 (F/F) / 120 / 125
(I missed my first lift with the 85-pound weight. I caught the second lift in the power position. I attempted for a third lift, and caught the third lift in a full overhead squat. I missed my first two attempts at the 120-pound weight, my previous PR.
My coach said that my last lift was my best lift of the day.)
Snatch Balance
3 x 95 / 3 x 95 / 2 x 95
(Snatch balance was significantly tougher than the snatch. It also hurts the wrists. I failed my last rep.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
17 DAY 7
Warm Up
I walked a bunch in the snow, when I was apartment-hunting in the Upper East Side this afternoon.
Bench Press (with Smith Machine)
10 x 15 / 10 x 65 / 10 x 65 / 5 x 105 / 5 x 125
(warm up set)
5 x 165 / 5 x 165 / 5 x 165 / 5 x 165 / 2 x 165
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
5 x 10/arm x 55
Alternate a set of bench press with a set of one arm dumbbell bent over row. Complete each superset in 4 minutes.
(I failed the third bench press of the last set.)
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
I walked a bunch in the snow, when I was apartment-hunting in the Upper East Side this afternoon.
Bench Press (with Smith Machine)
10 x 15 / 10 x 65 / 10 x 65 / 5 x 105 / 5 x 125
(warm up set)
5 x 165 / 5 x 165 / 5 x 165 / 5 x 165 / 2 x 165
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
5 x 10/arm x 55
Alternate a set of bench press with a set of one arm dumbbell bent over row. Complete each superset in 4 minutes.
(I failed the third bench press of the last set.)
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
17 DAY 6
Warm Up
A bunch of crap with a PVC pipe.
(I was looking forward to today's class.
I tried to keep my feelings in check. I wanted to look. To stare. But I refrained from doing so. It has been a long time since I felt so strongly about someone.)
AMRAP (9:00)
15 x Toes-to-Bar
10 x Deadlift (with 115-pound weight)
5 x Snatch (with 115-pound weight)
Find 1RM Clean and Jerk.
85 / 135 / 155 / 175 / 195 / 205
(I completed the toes-to-bars strict-ish. I scaled the deadlift and the snatch with 85-pound weight. I completed 3+3 rounds. I was very content with the 48 strict-ish toes-to-bars. My toes touched the bar on every rep. The deadlifts were easy. The snatches were manageable. I was in control of the bar throughout the MetCon. I was happy about that.
I scaled the clean and jerk with just a clean. I matched my current PR at 205-pound. It felt light. I could have easily set a new PR. I was very slow with the movement. I was terrified throughout the second half of the MetCon that I was going to upset my newly recovered right knee. My knee survived the heavy cleans. I was happy about that.
On another note, my lower back is pretty fired up right now.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
A bunch of crap with a PVC pipe.
(I was looking forward to today's class.
I tried to keep my feelings in check. I wanted to look. To stare. But I refrained from doing so. It has been a long time since I felt so strongly about someone.)
AMRAP (9:00)
15 x Toes-to-Bar
10 x Deadlift (with 115-pound weight)
5 x Snatch (with 115-pound weight)
Find 1RM Clean and Jerk.
85 / 135 / 155 / 175 / 195 / 205
(I completed the toes-to-bars strict-ish. I scaled the deadlift and the snatch with 85-pound weight. I completed 3+3 rounds. I was very content with the 48 strict-ish toes-to-bars. My toes touched the bar on every rep. The deadlifts were easy. The snatches were manageable. I was in control of the bar throughout the MetCon. I was happy about that.
I scaled the clean and jerk with just a clean. I matched my current PR at 205-pound. It felt light. I could have easily set a new PR. I was very slow with the movement. I was terrified throughout the second half of the MetCon that I was going to upset my newly recovered right knee. My knee survived the heavy cleans. I was happy about that.
On another note, my lower back is pretty fired up right now.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
17 DAY 5
Warm Up / Active Recovery
100-calorie walk (on the treadmill, at 3 mile/hour pace)
(My knee is feeling a lot better. However, it still hurts a little when I poke it. I blame my sneakers for the injury. My knees and ankles just hurt walking in them. I need new shoes.)
Lat Pulldown (machine)
5 x 5 x 120
Pike Push-up
5 x 7
Alternate a set of lat pulldown with a set of pike push-up. Complete each superset in 3 minutes.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
100-calorie walk (on the treadmill, at 3 mile/hour pace)
(My knee is feeling a lot better. However, it still hurts a little when I poke it. I blame my sneakers for the injury. My knees and ankles just hurt walking in them. I need new shoes.)
Lat Pulldown (machine)
5 x 5 x 120
Pike Push-up
5 x 7
Alternate a set of lat pulldown with a set of pike push-up. Complete each superset in 3 minutes.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
17 DAY 4
The knee pain stayed.
So I decided to take a day off.
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
So I decided to take a day off.
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
17 DAY 3
Barbell drills.
(I enjoyed the barbell warm-up. I felt good during the warm-up.)
Power Clean, from the Hip
3 x 65 / 3 x 85 / 3 x 95 / 3 x 105 / 3 x 115 / 3 x 125 / 3 x 135
(I began to feel tired and a little nauseous during the strength portion of the workout.
Power clean from the hip is a tall power clean. Most of my classmates were performing hang power clean from just above the knees. They were doing the exercise incorrectly.)
50 x Front Rack Reverse Lunge (with 95-pound weight)
40 x Sit-up
30 x Power Clean (with 95-pound weight)
20 x Burpee
10 x Thruster (with 95-pound weight)
(This is the WOD that broke my back. Deadlift broke my back. And this conditioning piece broke my back. I completed the reverse lunges unbroken. I completed the reverse lunges and the sit-ups in 3:15. I completed the rest of the workout in 11:27. Burpees took a long time. Thrusters were heavy. I was dizzy from the burpees. I thought I was going to pass out during the thrusters. All in all, my back made it in one piece. Previously, I completed a similar MetCon just under the time cap.
I need to lose weight. I am having a tough time with bodyweight movements. When I started CrossFit last March, I weighed approximately 165 pounds. This past Christmas break, 9 months later, I peaked at 202 pounds. The most I weighed prior to this Christmas was 198 pounds, when I was about 19 years old. A few months back, when I weighed roughly 180 pounds, I wanted to gain weight. I thought that I looked too skinny for my height. I started drinking milk regularly. I drank two glasses of whole milk a day, a glass in the morning before work and another glass at night before bed. Tonight, I decided to cut a glass of milk out of my daily diet. That is about 300 to 500 calories.
I was walking up the stairs. While making a turn, my upper body and my left leg turned, but my right leg did not follow through. I felt a sharp pain on the left side of my right knee. I have never felt pain like this before. Depending on how my knee feels tomorrow, I might have to skip the Olympic lifting class. Though I do not want to skip the class.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
Barbell drills.
(I enjoyed the barbell warm-up. I felt good during the warm-up.)
Power Clean, from the Hip
3 x 65 / 3 x 85 / 3 x 95 / 3 x 105 / 3 x 115 / 3 x 125 / 3 x 135
(I began to feel tired and a little nauseous during the strength portion of the workout.
Power clean from the hip is a tall power clean. Most of my classmates were performing hang power clean from just above the knees. They were doing the exercise incorrectly.)
50 x Front Rack Reverse Lunge (with 95-pound weight)
40 x Sit-up
30 x Power Clean (with 95-pound weight)
20 x Burpee
10 x Thruster (with 95-pound weight)
(This is the WOD that broke my back. Deadlift broke my back. And this conditioning piece broke my back. I completed the reverse lunges unbroken. I completed the reverse lunges and the sit-ups in 3:15. I completed the rest of the workout in 11:27. Burpees took a long time. Thrusters were heavy. I was dizzy from the burpees. I thought I was going to pass out during the thrusters. All in all, my back made it in one piece. Previously, I completed a similar MetCon just under the time cap.
I need to lose weight. I am having a tough time with bodyweight movements. When I started CrossFit last March, I weighed approximately 165 pounds. This past Christmas break, 9 months later, I peaked at 202 pounds. The most I weighed prior to this Christmas was 198 pounds, when I was about 19 years old. A few months back, when I weighed roughly 180 pounds, I wanted to gain weight. I thought that I looked too skinny for my height. I started drinking milk regularly. I drank two glasses of whole milk a day, a glass in the morning before work and another glass at night before bed. Tonight, I decided to cut a glass of milk out of my daily diet. That is about 300 to 500 calories.
I was walking up the stairs. While making a turn, my upper body and my left leg turned, but my right leg did not follow through. I felt a sharp pain on the left side of my right knee. I have never felt pain like this before. Depending on how my knee feels tomorrow, I might have to skip the Olympic lifting class. Though I do not want to skip the class.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 364
Warm Up
3-minute walk on the treadmill (at 3.5 mile/hour pace)
7-minute run on the treadmill
(Start run at 7 mile/hour pace. Increase speed by 1 mile/hour every 2 minutes. Increase speed by another 1 mile/hour at the ninth minute. Finish run at 10 mile/hour.)
Strength I
Lat Pull-down (machine)
5 x 6 x 100
Pike Push-up
5 x 6
Alternate a set of lat pull-down with a set of pike push-up. Complete each superset in 3 minutes.
(I switched the one arm dumbbell strict press for pike push-up. One arm dumbbell strict press was hurting my back.)
Strength II
AMRAP (10:00)
3 x Strict Pull-up
3 x Strict Dip
(I completed 6+2 rounds.)
50-40-30-20-10 x calorie run (on treadmill, at 10.1 mile/hour pace.)
50-40-30-20-10 x air squat
(I did not time the workout.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
3-minute walk on the treadmill (at 3.5 mile/hour pace)
7-minute run on the treadmill
(Start run at 7 mile/hour pace. Increase speed by 1 mile/hour every 2 minutes. Increase speed by another 1 mile/hour at the ninth minute. Finish run at 10 mile/hour.)
Strength I
Lat Pull-down (machine)
5 x 6 x 100
Pike Push-up
5 x 6
Alternate a set of lat pull-down with a set of pike push-up. Complete each superset in 3 minutes.
(I switched the one arm dumbbell strict press for pike push-up. One arm dumbbell strict press was hurting my back.)
Strength II
AMRAP (10:00)
3 x Strict Pull-up
3 x Strict Dip
(I completed 6+2 rounds.)
50-40-30-20-10 x calorie run (on treadmill, at 10.1 mile/hour pace.)
50-40-30-20-10 x air squat
(I did not time the workout.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 363
Warm Up
3-minute walk on the treadmill (at 3.5 mile/hour pace)
7-minute run on the treadmill
(Start run at 7 mile/hour pace. Increase speed by 1 mile/hour every 2 minutes. Increase speed by another 1 mile/hour at the ninth minute. Finish run at 10 mile/hour.)
Lat Pull-down (machine)
5 x 5 x 100
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
5 x 5/arm x 40
Alternate a set of lat pull-down with a set of one arm dumbbell strict press. Complete each superset in 3 minutes.
(I am still having trouble isolating the pressing movement with the left shoulder. The shoulder is better, but still needs work. My lower back is pretty angry right now.)
1:00 Plank (at max effort)
0.25-mile run on the treadmill (at 10.1 mile/hour pace)
1:00 Dumbbell Hang Clean (at max effort with 2 25-pound dumbbells)
1:00 Dumbbell Overhead Lunge (at max effort with 2 25-pound dumbbells)
Complete 3 rounds. Rest as needed.
(I respectively completed 20, 20, and 21 hang cleans, and 10, 10, and 12 overhead lunges for the three rounds.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
3-minute walk on the treadmill (at 3.5 mile/hour pace)
7-minute run on the treadmill
(Start run at 7 mile/hour pace. Increase speed by 1 mile/hour every 2 minutes. Increase speed by another 1 mile/hour at the ninth minute. Finish run at 10 mile/hour.)
Lat Pull-down (machine)
5 x 5 x 100
One Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
5 x 5/arm x 40
Alternate a set of lat pull-down with a set of one arm dumbbell strict press. Complete each superset in 3 minutes.
(I am still having trouble isolating the pressing movement with the left shoulder. The shoulder is better, but still needs work. My lower back is pretty angry right now.)
1:00 Plank (at max effort)
0.25-mile run on the treadmill (at 10.1 mile/hour pace)
1:00 Dumbbell Hang Clean (at max effort with 2 25-pound dumbbells)
1:00 Dumbbell Overhead Lunge (at max effort with 2 25-pound dumbbells)
Complete 3 rounds. Rest as needed.
(I respectively completed 20, 20, and 21 hang cleans, and 10, 10, and 12 overhead lunges for the three rounds.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 361
Warm Up
~1-mile run
(I finally got my lazy ass out of the house.)
8 x 100-meter Sprint
Sprint the straight section of the track. Walk the curved section of the track.
(I managed to maintain the same speed throughout the first 7 runs, working at 100% effort. The eighth run felt slower. All in all, I was content.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
~1-mile run
(I finally got my lazy ass out of the house.)
8 x 100-meter Sprint
Sprint the straight section of the track. Walk the curved section of the track.
(I managed to maintain the same speed throughout the first 7 runs, working at 100% effort. The eighth run felt slower. All in all, I was content.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 358
Active Recovery
~3.7-mile run and walk
(I wanted to drop in at a local CrossFit gym, CrossFit Woburn of Woburn, Massachusetts. My parents took both cars. I did not care. I figured that I could just run to the gym. Man, I cannot run anymore. Earlier this year, right when I began CrossFit, I weighed approximately 165 pounds. I currently weigh 195 pounds. I simply cannot move like I used to.
I turned around midway and went home.)
Goals for 2017
Back Squat
Current PR - 310
Goal for 2017- 350
40-pound PR
(I think that is a comfortable goal. I recently squatted 310 pounds with ease. I am confident that I can squat 350 pounds by the end of 2017.)
Front Squat
Current PR - 245
Goal for 2017 - 300
55-pound PR
(This goal is a little more intimidating. Front squat is intimidating. I need to work on my front rack position. I think it is probable with a stronger front rack position.)
Current PR - 245
Goal for 2017 - > Back Squat
> 100-pound PR
(Do not doubt me. You would be surprised.)
Current PR - 120
Goal for 2017 - 165
45-pound PR
(I surprised myself two weeks ago during an in class snatch EMOM. This is another intimidating goal, but not entirely out of reach.)
Clean and Jerk
Current PR - 145
Goal for 2017 - 185
40-pound PR
(I struggle with overhead movements due to a tight left shoulder. I am doing a lot of shoulder mobility work on my own. Once my shoulder mobility improves and with a stronger front rack position, I believe this is attainable.)
Current PR - 205
Goal for 2017 - 245
40-pound PR
Bench Press
Current PR - 170 (with Smith Machine) / 5 x 5 x 160 (a set every 5 minutes, paired with another exercise, with Smith Machine)
Goal for 2017 - 225 (with free weight) / 103. 5 x 5 x 180 (a set every 3 minutes, with free weight)
Current PR - 8
Goal for 2017 - 25 / Comfortably perform pull-ups in a WOD
17-rep PR
(The most pull-ups I have completed unbroken is 8 reps. My goal is to be able to complete 25 strict pull-ups unbroken by the end of 2017. In addition, I currently find WODs with large volume of pull-ups every intimidating. Hopefully by the end of 2017, I would be more confident and comfortable with WODs with pull-ups.)
1-mile Run
Current PR - 6:14
Goal for 2017 - 18. < 6:00
> 0:14 PR
(This is a PR from high school. It is time to set a new PR.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
~3.7-mile run and walk
(I wanted to drop in at a local CrossFit gym, CrossFit Woburn of Woburn, Massachusetts. My parents took both cars. I did not care. I figured that I could just run to the gym. Man, I cannot run anymore. Earlier this year, right when I began CrossFit, I weighed approximately 165 pounds. I currently weigh 195 pounds. I simply cannot move like I used to.
I turned around midway and went home.)
Goals for 2017
Back Squat
Current PR - 310
Goal for 2017- 350
40-pound PR
(I think that is a comfortable goal. I recently squatted 310 pounds with ease. I am confident that I can squat 350 pounds by the end of 2017.)
Front Squat
Current PR - 245
Goal for 2017 - 300
55-pound PR
(This goal is a little more intimidating. Front squat is intimidating. I need to work on my front rack position. I think it is probable with a stronger front rack position.)
Current PR - 245
Goal for 2017 - > Back Squat
> 100-pound PR
(Do not doubt me. You would be surprised.)
Current PR - 120
Goal for 2017 - 165
45-pound PR
(I surprised myself two weeks ago during an in class snatch EMOM. This is another intimidating goal, but not entirely out of reach.)
Clean and Jerk
Current PR - 145
Goal for 2017 - 185
40-pound PR
(I struggle with overhead movements due to a tight left shoulder. I am doing a lot of shoulder mobility work on my own. Once my shoulder mobility improves and with a stronger front rack position, I believe this is attainable.)
Current PR - 205
Goal for 2017 - 245
40-pound PR
Bench Press
Current PR - 170 (with Smith Machine) / 5 x 5 x 160 (a set every 5 minutes, paired with another exercise, with Smith Machine)
Goal for 2017 - 225 (with free weight) / 103. 5 x 5 x 180 (a set every 3 minutes, with free weight)
Current PR - 8
Goal for 2017 - 25 / Comfortably perform pull-ups in a WOD
17-rep PR
(The most pull-ups I have completed unbroken is 8 reps. My goal is to be able to complete 25 strict pull-ups unbroken by the end of 2017. In addition, I currently find WODs with large volume of pull-ups every intimidating. Hopefully by the end of 2017, I would be more confident and comfortable with WODs with pull-ups.)
1-mile Run
Current PR - 6:14
Goal for 2017 - 18. < 6:00
> 0:14 PR
(This is a PR from high school. It is time to set a new PR.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 356
Warm Up
A bunch of crap.
21-18-15-12-9 x Russian Kettlebell Swing (with 32-kilogram kettlebell)
21-18-15-12-9 x Goblet Squat (with 32-kilogram kettlbell)
Row for Calorie (at max effort)
21-18-15-12-9 x Sit Up
21-18-15-12-9 x Burpee
(This looked like a tough workout. However, I never expected to perform as poorly as I did. My core and legs were shaking during those goblet squats. I finished the Russian kettlebell swings and the goblet squats just under the time cap. I had no strategy on the rower. I averaged under 500 calories a hour on the rower. I eventually gave up. I figured that I could rest on the rower and give whatever I had left on the sit ups and the burpees. It turned out that there was not much left. I had a tough time with the sit up and an even tougher time with the burpees. I was only on the round of 15s before reaching the time cap.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
A bunch of crap.
21-18-15-12-9 x Russian Kettlebell Swing (with 32-kilogram kettlebell)
21-18-15-12-9 x Goblet Squat (with 32-kilogram kettlbell)
Row for Calorie (at max effort)
21-18-15-12-9 x Sit Up
21-18-15-12-9 x Burpee
(This looked like a tough workout. However, I never expected to perform as poorly as I did. My core and legs were shaking during those goblet squats. I finished the Russian kettlebell swings and the goblet squats just under the time cap. I had no strategy on the rower. I averaged under 500 calories a hour on the rower. I eventually gave up. I figured that I could rest on the rower and give whatever I had left on the sit ups and the burpees. It turned out that there was not much left. I had a tough time with the sit up and an even tougher time with the burpees. I was only on the round of 15s before reaching the time cap.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 353
Rest day.
I really wanted to take the Olympic lifting class this morning. However, I was exhausted mentally and physically. I was sleepy. I was sore from Monday and Tuesday's snatches, Thursday's bear complex, Friday's Cindy and Saturday's open gym.
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
I really wanted to take the Olympic lifting class this morning. However, I was exhausted mentally and physically. I was sleepy. I was sore from Monday and Tuesday's snatches, Thursday's bear complex, Friday's Cindy and Saturday's open gym.
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 352
Warm Up
10 x ass-to-grass-ish air squat (with pause at the bottom of squat)
10 x back squat (with empty bar)
10 x front squat (with empty bar)
5 x behind-the-neck sots press (with empty bar)
5 x front rack sots press (with empty bar)
interim front rack position stretches
Strength I
Back Squat
5 x 135 / 5 x 185
(warm up set)
5 x 8 x 230
Box Jump
5 x 8 x 36-inch
Alternate a set of back squat with a set of box jump. Respectively complete each superset in 4, 5, 4, 5, and 4 minutes.
(First and foremost, pajama pants is not optimal for squats. My pants was limiting my range of motion. My squats did not feel pretty today. I was so terrfied that my pants was going to rip at the bottom of one of the squats. I was not wearing any underwear. 9,200 total poundage today, and 1,140 total inches.)
Strength II
5 x 8 x 190
Strict Toes-to-Bar
5 x 7
Alternate a set of deadlift with a set of strict toes-to-bar. Complete each superset in 4 minutes.
(Easy. 5 x 8 x 195 and 5 x 8 respectively for next session's deadlift and toes-to-bar.)
Strength III
Lat Pull-down (machine)
5 x 85 / 5 x 100 / 5 x 100 / 5 x 100 / 5 x 100
(My upper body was so sore from Tuesday and Thursday's workout. I will be incorporating lat pull-downs into my weekly routine from today on.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
10 x ass-to-grass-ish air squat (with pause at the bottom of squat)
10 x back squat (with empty bar)
10 x front squat (with empty bar)
5 x behind-the-neck sots press (with empty bar)
5 x front rack sots press (with empty bar)
interim front rack position stretches
Strength I
Back Squat
5 x 135 / 5 x 185
(warm up set)
5 x 8 x 230
Box Jump
5 x 8 x 36-inch
Alternate a set of back squat with a set of box jump. Respectively complete each superset in 4, 5, 4, 5, and 4 minutes.
(First and foremost, pajama pants is not optimal for squats. My pants was limiting my range of motion. My squats did not feel pretty today. I was so terrfied that my pants was going to rip at the bottom of one of the squats. I was not wearing any underwear. 9,200 total poundage today, and 1,140 total inches.)
Strength II
5 x 8 x 190
Strict Toes-to-Bar
5 x 7
Alternate a set of deadlift with a set of strict toes-to-bar. Complete each superset in 4 minutes.
(Easy. 5 x 8 x 195 and 5 x 8 respectively for next session's deadlift and toes-to-bar.)
Strength III
Lat Pull-down (machine)
5 x 85 / 5 x 100 / 5 x 100 / 5 x 100 / 5 x 100
(My upper body was so sore from Tuesday and Thursday's workout. I will be incorporating lat pull-downs into my weekly routine from today on.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 351
Warm Up
A blur.
Cindy (AMRAP 20:00)
5 x pull-up
10 x push-up
15 x air squat
(I performed my pull-ups strict. Not by choice. I did curled up to a ball on a few of the reps. However, I did not kick. By my standard, that is strict. I completed 8+2 rounds. By number, I did not PR. I performed better the last time I completed Cindy. I am definitely getting stronger, however, it seems like my improvement in strength is not keeping up with my weight gain. On top of that, I was sore from Tuesday and Thursday's workouts.
I was not too upset.)
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
A blur.
Cindy (AMRAP 20:00)
5 x pull-up
10 x push-up
15 x air squat
(I performed my pull-ups strict. Not by choice. I did curled up to a ball on a few of the reps. However, I did not kick. By my standard, that is strict. I completed 8+2 rounds. By number, I did not PR. I performed better the last time I completed Cindy. I am definitely getting stronger, however, it seems like my improvement in strength is not keeping up with my weight gain. On top of that, I was sore from Tuesday and Thursday's workouts.
I was not too upset.)
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 350
Warm Up
A bunch of crap.
AMRAP (22:00)
The Bear Complex (1 x Power Clean + 1 x Front Squat + 1 x Push Press + 1 x Back Squat + 1 x Behind-the-Neck Push Press, or 1 x Cluster + 1 Behind-the-Neck Thruster)
Complete the AMRAP with a partner.
(My partner and I completed 119 reps. My partner completed more reps than I did. We started with doubles. I began performing singles after the 40th rep, while my partner powered on with doubles. I threw in a few doubles, while my partner resorted to singles here and there. I approximated that I completed 48 reps, while my partner completed 71 reps. My partner was so strong. His form looked consistent from start to finish. It just looked easy for him, while I struggled greatly with the overhead movements.
One thing that I noticed today was that I have a really narrow clean grip. I worked on widening my grip throughout the complex. Another item that I desperately need to work on is reracking after each rep of thrusters.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
A bunch of crap.
AMRAP (22:00)
The Bear Complex (1 x Power Clean + 1 x Front Squat + 1 x Push Press + 1 x Back Squat + 1 x Behind-the-Neck Push Press, or 1 x Cluster + 1 Behind-the-Neck Thruster)
Complete the AMRAP with a partner.
(My partner and I completed 119 reps. My partner completed more reps than I did. We started with doubles. I began performing singles after the 40th rep, while my partner powered on with doubles. I threw in a few doubles, while my partner resorted to singles here and there. I approximated that I completed 48 reps, while my partner completed 71 reps. My partner was so strong. His form looked consistent from start to finish. It just looked easy for him, while I struggled greatly with the overhead movements.
One thing that I noticed today was that I have a really narrow clean grip. I worked on widening my grip throughout the complex. Another item that I desperately need to work on is reracking after each rep of thrusters.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 348
Warm Up
A bunch of crap.
(I got this sick feeling in my stomach.)
E2MO2M (16:00)
2 x Hang Snatch Pull + 1 x Hang Snatch
65 / 75 / 85 / 95 / 100 / 100 / 100 / 100
(I caught the 7th snatch in the power position. My coach watched my last rep and said that my form looked fine. However, It did not feel fine. The weight was concentrated on the knees.)
45 x Double Under
30 x Sit-up
15 x Hang Power Snatch (with 75-pound weight)
Complete 3 rounds.
(I scaled the 45 double unders with 90 single unders. First and last round of snatches were ugly. Second round of snatches were acceptable. I need to work on keeping the weight close to the body. I completed the first and second round of snatches unbroken. I divided up the last round of snatches into sets of 10 and 5. I finished the MetCon in 8:24.
And I did it to myself again. A wrenching heartache over my chest.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
A bunch of crap.
(I got this sick feeling in my stomach.)
E2MO2M (16:00)
2 x Hang Snatch Pull + 1 x Hang Snatch
65 / 75 / 85 / 95 / 100 / 100 / 100 / 100
(I caught the 7th snatch in the power position. My coach watched my last rep and said that my form looked fine. However, It did not feel fine. The weight was concentrated on the knees.)
45 x Double Under
30 x Sit-up
15 x Hang Power Snatch (with 75-pound weight)
Complete 3 rounds.
(I scaled the 45 double unders with 90 single unders. First and last round of snatches were ugly. Second round of snatches were acceptable. I need to work on keeping the weight close to the body. I completed the first and second round of snatches unbroken. I divided up the last round of snatches into sets of 10 and 5. I finished the MetCon in 8:24.
And I did it to myself again. A wrenching heartache over my chest.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 347
Warm Up
Barbell work.
EMOM (20:00)
65 / 65 / 70 / 70 / 75 / 75 / 80 / 80 / 85 / 85 / 90 / 90 / 95 / 95 / 100 / 100 / 105 / 105 / 110 / 115 / 120
(I pr-ed my snatch by 20 pounds tonight! Every lift felt light. I was very satisfied with my performance. Nevertheless, my form was not perfect. I know that because my lower back, knees, and ankles are pretty fired up right now. Items to work on: be more patient with the set up, drive the knees outward at the bottom of the overhead squat, which would engage the posterior chain, straighten the lower back, and shift the weight from the knees to the heels, and continue to work on my shoulder mobility.)
Snatch Grip Deadlift
4 x 120 / 4 x 125 / 4 x 130 / 4 x 135 / 4 x 140
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
Barbell work.
EMOM (20:00)
65 / 65 / 70 / 70 / 75 / 75 / 80 / 80 / 85 / 85 / 90 / 90 / 95 / 95 / 100 / 100 / 105 / 105 / 110 / 115 / 120
(I pr-ed my snatch by 20 pounds tonight! Every lift felt light. I was very satisfied with my performance. Nevertheless, my form was not perfect. I know that because my lower back, knees, and ankles are pretty fired up right now. Items to work on: be more patient with the set up, drive the knees outward at the bottom of the overhead squat, which would engage the posterior chain, straighten the lower back, and shift the weight from the knees to the heels, and continue to work on my shoulder mobility.)
Snatch Grip Deadlift
4 x 120 / 4 x 125 / 4 x 130 / 4 x 135 / 4 x 140
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 346
Rest day.
I slept a lot today. Much needed sleep.
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
I slept a lot today. Much needed sleep.
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 345
Warm Up
Active Recovery (for 1:00:00)
10 x Back Squat (with empty barbell)
10 x Front Squat (with empty barbell)
30-count front rack position stretch
5 x Snatch Grip, Behind the Neck Sots Press (with empty barbell)
5 x Front Racked Sots Press (with empty barbell)
30-count front rack position stretch
10 x Thruster (with empty barbell)
Strength I
Back Squat
5 x 135 / 5 x 185
(warm-up set)
5 x 8 x 225
Box Jump
5 x 8 x 36-inch
Alternate a set of back squat with a set of box jump. Respectively complete each superset in 4, 5, 4, 5, and 4 minutes.
(I squatted a total of 9,000 pounds today in 22 minutes, 950 more pounds than last week's total. Within the same period, I jumped a total of 1,440 inches, same total height as last week's.)
Strength II
5 x 7 x 185
Strict Toes-to-Bars
5 x 6
Alternate a set of deadlift with a set of strict toes-to-bars. Complete each superset in 4 minutes.
(The 185-pound weight felt very light today. The 6 strict toes-to-bars every 4 minutes were very easy. I am thinking 5 sets of 8 reps at 190-pound for next weekend's deadlift, paired with 7 strict toes-to-bars.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
Active Recovery (for 1:00:00)
10 x Back Squat (with empty barbell)
10 x Front Squat (with empty barbell)
30-count front rack position stretch
5 x Snatch Grip, Behind the Neck Sots Press (with empty barbell)
5 x Front Racked Sots Press (with empty barbell)
30-count front rack position stretch
10 x Thruster (with empty barbell)
Strength I
Back Squat
5 x 135 / 5 x 185
(warm-up set)
5 x 8 x 225
Box Jump
5 x 8 x 36-inch
Alternate a set of back squat with a set of box jump. Respectively complete each superset in 4, 5, 4, 5, and 4 minutes.
(I squatted a total of 9,000 pounds today in 22 minutes, 950 more pounds than last week's total. Within the same period, I jumped a total of 1,440 inches, same total height as last week's.)
Strength II
5 x 7 x 185
Strict Toes-to-Bars
5 x 6
Alternate a set of deadlift with a set of strict toes-to-bars. Complete each superset in 4 minutes.
(The 185-pound weight felt very light today. The 6 strict toes-to-bars every 4 minutes were very easy. I am thinking 5 sets of 8 reps at 190-pound for next weekend's deadlift, paired with 7 strict toes-to-bars.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 344
Warm Up
A bunch of crap.
(My bear crawl game was especially strong tonight.)
Tabata Something Other Than This
Russian Kettlebell Swing (with 32-kilogram kettlebell)
Box Jump Over (with 24-inch box)
Burpee (with overhead target)
Air Squat
Complete each exercise tabata style. Rest 2 minutes between each tabata.
(I have been underperforming greatly since my October break. I felt like complete shit after the workout. I felt so defeated.
I completed my toes-to-bars strict. Not by choice. I have a tough time kipping due to a tight left shoulder. Before my October break, I completed as many as 70 strict-ish toes-to-bars in a class session. Today, my midline gave out after the third round.
Russian kettlebell swings were okay.
I completed just 5 box jump overs in the first round. I was immensely frustrated with the foam box. I was stumbling and falling off of the box throughout the tabata. My rhythm was completely thrown off. The last time my gym programmed Hope, I completed as many as 25 box jumps with step down in a minute, averaging less than 3 seconds a jump. That was box jump with step down.
I completed as little as 2 burpees in a 20-second interval. I completed as many as 25 burpees in a minute during Hope, averaging less than 3 seconds a burpee.
I completed as little as 9 air squats in a 20-second interval.
Tonight's performance was disheartening. I am really upset right now, because I really tried tonight.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
A bunch of crap.
(My bear crawl game was especially strong tonight.)
Tabata Something Other Than This
Russian Kettlebell Swing (with 32-kilogram kettlebell)
Box Jump Over (with 24-inch box)
Burpee (with overhead target)
Air Squat
Complete each exercise tabata style. Rest 2 minutes between each tabata.
(I have been underperforming greatly since my October break. I felt like complete shit after the workout. I felt so defeated.
I completed my toes-to-bars strict. Not by choice. I have a tough time kipping due to a tight left shoulder. Before my October break, I completed as many as 70 strict-ish toes-to-bars in a class session. Today, my midline gave out after the third round.
Russian kettlebell swings were okay.
I completed just 5 box jump overs in the first round. I was immensely frustrated with the foam box. I was stumbling and falling off of the box throughout the tabata. My rhythm was completely thrown off. The last time my gym programmed Hope, I completed as many as 25 box jumps with step down in a minute, averaging less than 3 seconds a jump. That was box jump with step down.
I completed as little as 2 burpees in a 20-second interval. I completed as many as 25 burpees in a minute during Hope, averaging less than 3 seconds a burpee.
I completed as little as 9 air squats in a 20-second interval.
Tonight's performance was disheartening. I am really upset right now, because I really tried tonight.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 343
Rest day.
I changed into my gym clothes. But then decided to skip class.
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
I changed into my gym clothes. But then decided to skip class.
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 342
Warm Up
Some light kettlebell work.
5 x strict handstand push-up
5 x strict toes-to-bar
10 x kettlebell push press/arm (with 24-kilogram kettlebell)
10 x kettlebell bent over row/arm (with 24-kilogram kettlebell)
10 x globet squat (increase weight each round)
100-feet plate push (with 2 45-pound plates)
Complete 6 rounds.
(It was bad. I scaled every movement besides the toes-to-bars. There are just so many movments that I am bad at. So many items that I need to work on.
I asked my coach to watch one of my wall-facing, strict handstand push-ups tonight. It was not up to standard. So, back on the box.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
Some light kettlebell work.
5 x strict handstand push-up
5 x strict toes-to-bar
10 x kettlebell push press/arm (with 24-kilogram kettlebell)
10 x kettlebell bent over row/arm (with 24-kilogram kettlebell)
10 x globet squat (increase weight each round)
100-feet plate push (with 2 45-pound plates)
Complete 6 rounds.
(It was bad. I scaled every movement besides the toes-to-bars. There are just so many movments that I am bad at. So many items that I need to work on.
I asked my coach to watch one of my wall-facing, strict handstand push-ups tonight. It was not up to standard. So, back on the box.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 341
Rest day.
It had been a while since I threw weights over my head. I stopped pairing dumbbell strict press with bench press when I realized that my inability to isolate the pressing movement was hurting my lower back.
I stumbled upon one of my CrossFit coaches' Insgram page today. I came across two videos respectively of her working on thrusters and front squats. I was immensely impressed by her front rack position. For her thrusters, she managed to re-rack after every rep, an interim movement I had utterly ignored until now. Her upper body looked so erect for her front squats. I believe it was a result of her strong front rack position.
I am not too fond of my gym's programming this week. The weeks starts with Monday's 45 thrusters, followed by Tuesday's 36 push jerks and Wednesday's 30 strict handstand push-ups and 60 one arm kettlebell push presses per arm. That is a lot of back to back shoulder heavy movements.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
It had been a while since I threw weights over my head. I stopped pairing dumbbell strict press with bench press when I realized that my inability to isolate the pressing movement was hurting my lower back.
I stumbled upon one of my CrossFit coaches' Insgram page today. I came across two videos respectively of her working on thrusters and front squats. I was immensely impressed by her front rack position. For her thrusters, she managed to re-rack after every rep, an interim movement I had utterly ignored until now. Her upper body looked so erect for her front squats. I believe it was a result of her strong front rack position.
I am not too fond of my gym's programming this week. The weeks starts with Monday's 45 thrusters, followed by Tuesday's 36 push jerks and Wednesday's 30 strict handstand push-ups and 60 one arm kettlebell push presses per arm. That is a lot of back to back shoulder heavy movements.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 340
Warm Up
250-meter row
20-second l-hang hold
12 x wallball (with 25-pound medicine ball)
20-second wall-facing handstand hold
Complete 3 rounds.
(I was surprised that I could hold a L-hang. I did not finish the warm up.)
Back Squat
6 x 45 / 3 x 135
(warm-up set)
3 x 3 x 295
Front Squat
2 x 225 / 2 x 235 / 2 x 245 / 2 x 245
15 x thruster (with 115-pound weight)
20-calorie row
Complete 3 rounds in 8:00.
(I scaled the thrusters with 100-pound weight. I knew before I arrived to class that I was not going to finish the MetCon. I completed 2+5 rounds. Regardless, I was surpringly content with my performance today.
In the hindsight, I regretted attending class today. I should have listened to my body. It was wrecked from exercising for 4 consecutive days.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
250-meter row
20-second l-hang hold
12 x wallball (with 25-pound medicine ball)
20-second wall-facing handstand hold
Complete 3 rounds.
(I was surprised that I could hold a L-hang. I did not finish the warm up.)
Back Squat
6 x 45 / 3 x 135
(warm-up set)
3 x 3 x 295
Front Squat
2 x 225 / 2 x 235 / 2 x 245 / 2 x 245
15 x thruster (with 115-pound weight)
20-calorie row
Complete 3 rounds in 8:00.
(I scaled the thrusters with 100-pound weight. I knew before I arrived to class that I was not going to finish the MetCon. I completed 2+5 rounds. Regardless, I was surpringly content with my performance today.
In the hindsight, I regretted attending class today. I should have listened to my body. It was wrecked from exercising for 4 consecutive days.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 339
Warm Up
Clean-related barbell work.
5 x 3 x Clean Pull + 5 x 1 x Clean (from 12" block)
65 / 95 / 115 / 135 / 155
5 x 1 x Clean (from 12" block)
165 / 175 / 185 / 190 / 195 / 200 / 205
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
Clean-related barbell work.
5 x 3 x Clean Pull + 5 x 1 x Clean (from 12" block)
65 / 95 / 115 / 135 / 155
5 x 1 x Clean (from 12" block)
165 / 175 / 185 / 190 / 195 / 200 / 205
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 338
Warm Up
10 x back squat (with empty bar)
10 x front squat (with empty bar)
5 x sots press (with empty bar)
5 x front racked sots press (with empty bar)
10 x box jump (with 24-inch box)
Strength I
Back Squat
5 x 135 / 3 x 185
(warm-up set)
5 x 7 x 230
Box Jump
5 x 7 x 36-inch
Alternate a set of back squat with a set of box jump. Respectively complete each superset in 4, 5, 4, 5, and 4 minutes.
(In total, I squatted 8050 pounds and jumped 1260 inches today in 22 minutes. Two weeks ago, in the same amount of time, I squatted 6750 pounds and jumped 900 inches.)
Strength II
4 x Strict Pull-up
1 x Wallwalk into 10 count x Handstand Hold
Alternate a set of strict pull-up with a set of wallwalk and handstand hold. Complete as many rounds as possible before the end of class.
(I completed 5 rounds. I divided up the strict pull-ups into singles after the third round. Pull-ups were tough. Wallwalks and handstand holds were easy.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
10 x back squat (with empty bar)
10 x front squat (with empty bar)
5 x sots press (with empty bar)
5 x front racked sots press (with empty bar)
10 x box jump (with 24-inch box)
Strength I
Back Squat
5 x 135 / 3 x 185
(warm-up set)
5 x 7 x 230
Box Jump
5 x 7 x 36-inch
Alternate a set of back squat with a set of box jump. Respectively complete each superset in 4, 5, 4, 5, and 4 minutes.
(In total, I squatted 8050 pounds and jumped 1260 inches today in 22 minutes. Two weeks ago, in the same amount of time, I squatted 6750 pounds and jumped 900 inches.)
Strength II
4 x Strict Pull-up
1 x Wallwalk into 10 count x Handstand Hold
Alternate a set of strict pull-up with a set of wallwalk and handstand hold. Complete as many rounds as possible before the end of class.
(I completed 5 rounds. I divided up the strict pull-ups into singles after the third round. Pull-ups were tough. Wallwalks and handstand holds were easy.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 337
Warm Up
Not worth listing.
1 x Deadlift (with 255-pound weight)
3 x Handstand Push-up
5 x Wallball (with 20-pound medicine ball)
(I scaled the deadlift with 225-pound weight. I thought the whole night that 225-pound was the Rx weight. I scaled the handstand push-ups with regular push-ups. I scaled up the wallballs with 25-pound medicine ball. I completed 24 rounds in 30 minutes.
I breezed through the push-ups and the wallballs. At the 15th round, my coach told me to complete 5 reps of the push-ups instead of 3, because the push-ups were too easy for me. Now, the deadlift. My lower back turned into a block of cement after the 10th round, when I began to slow down drastically. I spent a significant chunk of the 30 minutes pacing back and forth in front of the bar, afraid to pick it up, terrified that it was going to break my back. The weight did not feel heavy. The first rep felt the same as the last rep. But damn. That lower back. So tight. My coach watched a number of my reps. He said that my form looked fine. My lower back is okay right now.
In total, I completed 24 deadlifts with the 225-pound weight, 92 push-ups, and 120 wallballs with the 25-pound medicine ball. I am content with my performance tonight.
I tore a piece of the skin off of my palm again tonight. It was awful.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
Not worth listing.
1 x Deadlift (with 255-pound weight)
3 x Handstand Push-up
5 x Wallball (with 20-pound medicine ball)
(I scaled the deadlift with 225-pound weight. I thought the whole night that 225-pound was the Rx weight. I scaled the handstand push-ups with regular push-ups. I scaled up the wallballs with 25-pound medicine ball. I completed 24 rounds in 30 minutes.
I breezed through the push-ups and the wallballs. At the 15th round, my coach told me to complete 5 reps of the push-ups instead of 3, because the push-ups were too easy for me. Now, the deadlift. My lower back turned into a block of cement after the 10th round, when I began to slow down drastically. I spent a significant chunk of the 30 minutes pacing back and forth in front of the bar, afraid to pick it up, terrified that it was going to break my back. The weight did not feel heavy. The first rep felt the same as the last rep. But damn. That lower back. So tight. My coach watched a number of my reps. He said that my form looked fine. My lower back is okay right now.
In total, I completed 24 deadlifts with the 225-pound weight, 92 push-ups, and 120 wallballs with the 25-pound medicine ball. I am content with my performance tonight.
I tore a piece of the skin off of my palm again tonight. It was awful.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 336
Warm Up
A bunch of crap.
Max Height Box Jump
(I PR-ed today. I cleared the 44-inch box.)
Kipping Toes-to-Bar
(I cannot kip.)
AMRAP (8:00)
9 x toes-to-bar
12 x Russian kettlebell swing (with 32-kilogram kettlebell)
15 x box jump over (with 24-inch box)
(I completed 3+33 rounds. At first, I was upset with my performance. Then, I made peace with myself.
Toes-to-bar felt stricter than ever. Russian kettlebell swings felt stronger than ever. Box jump overs. They felt okay.
Items to work on: burpee, double under, and kipping swing. My aerobic capacity also needs a reboot. That being said, I am squeezing in an aerobic heavy workout this weekend.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
A bunch of crap.
Max Height Box Jump
(I PR-ed today. I cleared the 44-inch box.)
Kipping Toes-to-Bar
(I cannot kip.)
AMRAP (8:00)
9 x toes-to-bar
12 x Russian kettlebell swing (with 32-kilogram kettlebell)
15 x box jump over (with 24-inch box)
(I completed 3+33 rounds. At first, I was upset with my performance. Then, I made peace with myself.
Toes-to-bar felt stricter than ever. Russian kettlebell swings felt stronger than ever. Box jump overs. They felt okay.
Items to work on: burpee, double under, and kipping swing. My aerobic capacity also needs a reboot. That being said, I am squeezing in an aerobic heavy workout this weekend.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 335
Rest day.
This is me listening to my body.
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
This is me listening to my body.
18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 334
Warm Up
A selection of dynamic warm up exercises.
Back Squat
5 x 45 / 5 x 135 / 3 x 225
(warm up set)
1 x 275 / 1 x 295 / 1 x 310
Front Squat
2 x 95 / 2 x 135 / 2 x 185 / 2 x 225 / 2 x 245
(I need to work on sending the hips further back before squatting down. I need to be more patient with that initiation at the hip. Premature knee protrusion beyond the toes is extremely harmful for the knees. Got to keep the knees safe. On that note, my right knee is pretty fired up right now. Not pain, but obvious discomfort.
Back update. My back is mad at me for the bad reps from the day before.)
EMOM (10:00)
1:00 - 15-20 x wallball (with 25-pound medicine ball)
2:00 - 25-feet shuttle run (AMRAP)
(I respectively completed 20, 15, 20, 15, and 20 wallballs for the five rounds. I did not tally the shuttle runs. In the hindsight, I wish I would have completed 10 more wallball shots in that last round of wallballs.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
A selection of dynamic warm up exercises.
Back Squat
5 x 45 / 5 x 135 / 3 x 225
(warm up set)
1 x 275 / 1 x 295 / 1 x 310
Front Squat
2 x 95 / 2 x 135 / 2 x 185 / 2 x 225 / 2 x 245
(I need to work on sending the hips further back before squatting down. I need to be more patient with that initiation at the hip. Premature knee protrusion beyond the toes is extremely harmful for the knees. Got to keep the knees safe. On that note, my right knee is pretty fired up right now. Not pain, but obvious discomfort.
Back update. My back is mad at me for the bad reps from the day before.)
EMOM (10:00)
1:00 - 15-20 x wallball (with 25-pound medicine ball)
2:00 - 25-feet shuttle run (AMRAP)
(I respectively completed 20, 15, 20, 15, and 20 wallballs for the five rounds. I did not tally the shuttle runs. In the hindsight, I wish I would have completed 10 more wallball shots in that last round of wallballs.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 332
I went on an approximately 3.5-mile run and walk along East River Promenade tonight. There was more walking than running. It was awful.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 330
I watched the 2016 CrossFit Invitational today. I like Lukas Högberg.
Something is going on in my right knee and ankle. Not pain. I am not sure how to describe the sensation.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
Something is going on in my right knee and ankle. Not pain. I am not sure how to describe the sensation.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 329
Warm Up
1-mile run
Pistol Squat
(I focused on alignment of the knee and the ankle. Must keep the knees safe.)
50 x Hill Run
Run from the bottom of the hill to the top of the hill. Tag the tree on the top of the hill. Jog/walk down the stairs adjacent to the hill. Complete 50 trips.
(I completed the exercise in approximately 43:00. It was an easy workout, though long. The hill was about 1.5-2 stories tall.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
1-mile run
Pistol Squat
(I focused on alignment of the knee and the ankle. Must keep the knees safe.)
50 x Hill Run
Run from the bottom of the hill to the top of the hill. Tag the tree on the top of the hill. Jog/walk down the stairs adjacent to the hill. Complete 50 trips.
(I completed the exercise in approximately 43:00. It was an easy workout, though long. The hill was about 1.5-2 stories tall.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 328
50-calorie Row
Warm Up
A selection of dynamic warm up exercises.
Turkish Get-up (with 12-kilogram kettlebell)
(I was deciding between CrossFit Woburn of Woburn, MA and Mountain Strength CrossFit (MSCF) of Winchester, MA. More specifically, I was deciding between CrossFit Woburn's heavy clean and high box jump and MSCF's floor press. I was intrigued by floor press, an exercise that I was unfamiliar with. I ultimately decided to drop in at MSCF.
MSCF does their bear crawls differently than my home gym.)
Floor Press
5 x 45
(warm up set)
5 x 75 / 5 x 105 / 5 x 125 / 5 x 145 / 5 x 155
(5 sets of 5 were programmed for beginners. Experienced athletes were programmed to find their 1 rep max. Since I had never completed floor press before, I decided to stick with the 5 sets of 5. The 155-pound weight was very manageable. This was my first time "benching" with free weights since I began my bench press cycle. I am very glad with how well Smith Machine benching translated to free weight benching. I am also glad with the improvements that I have made since I started benching regularly.)
15 x wallball (with 20-pound medicine)
10 x box jump with step down (with 24-inch box)
10 x pull-up
Complete 1 round every 3 minutes. Complete 5 rounds.
(I scaled the volume for the pull-ups. I respectively completed 10, 8, 6, 4, and 4 pull-ups for the five rounds.
I was looking on MSCF's website. The MetCon was supposed to be 20 wallballs and 15 box jumps with step down.
Moreover, the coach skipped a 400-meter run that was supposed to be part of the warm up and the post-WOD accessory work, banded push down and banded pull apart.
I really like the assistance coach.
I was looking through MSCF's WOD archive. I also really like their programming.
My right knee and ankle are acting up again.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
50-calorie Row
Warm Up
A selection of dynamic warm up exercises.
Turkish Get-up (with 12-kilogram kettlebell)
(I was deciding between CrossFit Woburn of Woburn, MA and Mountain Strength CrossFit (MSCF) of Winchester, MA. More specifically, I was deciding between CrossFit Woburn's heavy clean and high box jump and MSCF's floor press. I was intrigued by floor press, an exercise that I was unfamiliar with. I ultimately decided to drop in at MSCF.
MSCF does their bear crawls differently than my home gym.)
Floor Press
5 x 45
(warm up set)
5 x 75 / 5 x 105 / 5 x 125 / 5 x 145 / 5 x 155
(5 sets of 5 were programmed for beginners. Experienced athletes were programmed to find their 1 rep max. Since I had never completed floor press before, I decided to stick with the 5 sets of 5. The 155-pound weight was very manageable. This was my first time "benching" with free weights since I began my bench press cycle. I am very glad with how well Smith Machine benching translated to free weight benching. I am also glad with the improvements that I have made since I started benching regularly.)
15 x wallball (with 20-pound medicine)
10 x box jump with step down (with 24-inch box)
10 x pull-up
Complete 1 round every 3 minutes. Complete 5 rounds.
(I scaled the volume for the pull-ups. I respectively completed 10, 8, 6, 4, and 4 pull-ups for the five rounds.
I was looking on MSCF's website. The MetCon was supposed to be 20 wallballs and 15 box jumps with step down.
Moreover, the coach skipped a 400-meter run that was supposed to be part of the warm up and the post-WOD accessory work, banded push down and banded pull apart.
I really like the assistance coach.
I was looking through MSCF's WOD archive. I also really like their programming.
My right knee and ankle are acting up again.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 324
Warm Up
10 x Back Squat (with empty bar)
10 x Front Squat (with empty bar)
10 x Back Squat with Behind the Neck Strict Press at bottom of Back Squat (with empty bar)
10 x Box Jump (with 24-inch box)
Strength I
Back Squat
5 x 135 / 5 x 185
(warm up set)
5 x 6 x 225
Box Jump (with 30-inch box)
5 x 6
Alternate a set of back squat with a set of box jump. Respectively complete the first four sets in 5, 4, 5, and 4 minutes. Subsequently, complete the fifth set.
(There were many cute faces at the gym today.)
Rest for 5 minutes.
Strength II
5 x 135
(warm up set)
5 x 6 x 185
Strict Pull-up
5 x 3
Alternate a set of deadlift with a set of strict pull-up. Respectively complete the first four sets in 5, 4, 5, and 4 minutes. Subsequently, complete the fifth set.
Handstand Hold
(I programmed 10 sets of handstand hold. I gave up after the second round.)
Dumbbell Bench Press
3 x 10 x 50/arm
Complete a set every 4 minutes.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
10 x Back Squat (with empty bar)
10 x Front Squat (with empty bar)
10 x Back Squat with Behind the Neck Strict Press at bottom of Back Squat (with empty bar)
10 x Box Jump (with 24-inch box)
Strength I
Back Squat
5 x 135 / 5 x 185
(warm up set)
5 x 6 x 225
Box Jump (with 30-inch box)
5 x 6
Alternate a set of back squat with a set of box jump. Respectively complete the first four sets in 5, 4, 5, and 4 minutes. Subsequently, complete the fifth set.
(There were many cute faces at the gym today.)
Rest for 5 minutes.
Strength II
5 x 135
(warm up set)
5 x 6 x 185
Strict Pull-up
5 x 3
Alternate a set of deadlift with a set of strict pull-up. Respectively complete the first four sets in 5, 4, 5, and 4 minutes. Subsequently, complete the fifth set.
Handstand Hold
(I programmed 10 sets of handstand hold. I gave up after the second round.)
Dumbbell Bench Press
3 x 10 x 50/arm
Complete a set every 4 minutes.
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 322
Warm Up
A selection of dynamic warm up exercises.
210 x wall ball (with 20-pound medicine ball)
210 x American kettlebell swing (with 24-kilogram kettlebell)
210 x box jump (with 24-inch box)
210 x jump switch lunge
Work in team of three. Complete in under 30:00.
(Tomorrow is going to be a long day. I am stressed already.
My team finished second or third to last with 1:30 left on the clock. That's okay. I like my teammates.
I strongly dislike American kettlebell swings. I cannot believe that I completed 70 reps of the movement tonight. I lost control of the bell twice over the course of the 70 reps, 2 back to back reps. I had to put the bell down.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
A selection of dynamic warm up exercises.
210 x wall ball (with 20-pound medicine ball)
210 x American kettlebell swing (with 24-kilogram kettlebell)
210 x box jump (with 24-inch box)
210 x jump switch lunge
Work in team of three. Complete in under 30:00.
(Tomorrow is going to be a long day. I am stressed already.
My team finished second or third to last with 1:30 left on the clock. That's okay. I like my teammates.
I strongly dislike American kettlebell swings. I cannot believe that I completed 70 reps of the movement tonight. I lost control of the bell twice over the course of the 70 reps, 2 back to back reps. I had to put the bell down.)
★ / 1 / 9 / 12 / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 321
Warm Up
A selection of dynamic warm up exercises.
Back Squat
10 x 45 / 3 x 135 / 3 x 225
(warm up set)
1 x 245 / 1 x 265 / 1 x 285 / 1 x 295 / 1 x 305
(No one touched my bar today. I finally hold a 300-pound plus one rep max back squat.)
Front Squat
2 x 185 / 2 x 205 / 2 x 225 / 2 x 245
(I had trouble keeping the weight on my shoulders. This was new. I most definitely could have squatted better if I had a stronger hold of the bar.)
10 x front squat (with 185-pound weight)
300-feet sprint
Complete 3 rounds in under 5:00.
(I scaled the front squats with 135-pound weight. I did not feel 100% tonight. I do not feel great about my form for the front squats tonight. Squatting and running were a deadly combination.
All in all, I am not happy with my performance for the conditioning piece tonight.
My coach told me tonight that I have strong legs.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
A selection of dynamic warm up exercises.
Back Squat
10 x 45 / 3 x 135 / 3 x 225
(warm up set)
1 x 245 / 1 x 265 / 1 x 285 / 1 x 295 / 1 x 305
(No one touched my bar today. I finally hold a 300-pound plus one rep max back squat.)
Front Squat
2 x 185 / 2 x 205 / 2 x 225 / 2 x 245
(I had trouble keeping the weight on my shoulders. This was new. I most definitely could have squatted better if I had a stronger hold of the bar.)
10 x front squat (with 185-pound weight)
300-feet sprint
Complete 3 rounds in under 5:00.
(I scaled the front squats with 135-pound weight. I did not feel 100% tonight. I do not feel great about my form for the front squats tonight. Squatting and running were a deadly combination.
All in all, I am not happy with my performance for the conditioning piece tonight.
My coach told me tonight that I have strong legs.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 320
Warm Up
kipping pull-up and overhead squat mobility work
(My aunt called me tonight asking for money. She asked for $3,000. There, on the phone, I was put on the spot, I said yes. My aunt has a history of gambling and borrowing money. She said that the money is for housing insurance, life insurance, and her nephew's upcoming wedding.)
2016 Lift-off Event 3, Lite
15 x pull-up
30-calorie row
60 x overhead squat (with 45-pound weight)
30 x box jump with step down (with 24-inch box)
15 x pull-up
(Pull-ups were tough as usual. Today's row felt better than yesterday's. I had a minor breakthrough with overhead squats today. They were okay at the start of the set of 60. Forms fell apart toward the end of the set. I completed 136 reps.
I feel very stressed and depressed right now. She should not have asked me for money.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
kipping pull-up and overhead squat mobility work
(My aunt called me tonight asking for money. She asked for $3,000. There, on the phone, I was put on the spot, I said yes. My aunt has a history of gambling and borrowing money. She said that the money is for housing insurance, life insurance, and her nephew's upcoming wedding.)
2016 Lift-off Event 3, Lite
15 x pull-up
30-calorie row
60 x overhead squat (with 45-pound weight)
30 x box jump with step down (with 24-inch box)
15 x pull-up
(Pull-ups were tough as usual. Today's row felt better than yesterday's. I had a minor breakthrough with overhead squats today. They were okay at the start of the set of 60. Forms fell apart toward the end of the set. I completed 136 reps.
I feel very stressed and depressed right now. She should not have asked me for money.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 318
~1-mile run
Warm Up
Clean related barbell work
Tall Clean
3 x 65 / 3 x 85 / 3 x 105
Hang Clean
3 x 105 / 3 x 105
(warm up set for the deadlift and the full clean)
2 x Deadlift (to knee) + 1 x Clean
1 x 115 / 1 x 135 / 1 x 145 / 1 x 155 / 1 x 165 / 1 x 175 / 1 x 185 / 1 x 190
(The last time I cleaned heavy in class was last June, when I first started EWOD, just before I hurt my back. Then, I was roughly five months into CrossFit. That day, I worked up to 185-pound with very poor form. I cleaned 135, 155, 165, 175, and 185-pound. Today's cleans, the motion, felt a lot smoother. Of course, there are still many elements of the lift to improve on. The 190-pound was a PR.)
Bench Press (with Smith Machine)
5 x 5 x 160
Dumbbell Shrug
5 x 12 x 50/arm
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
5 x 10/arm x 50
Complete 1 superset every 5 minutes.
(All of my bench press work thus far were completed with a Smith Machine at Planet Fitness. Stability is not a concern when benching with a Smith Machine. I probably cannot bench as heavy with free weights. One perk of benching with a Smith Machine is that you do not need a spotter.
I noticed today that the glute ham developer (GHD) at my CrossFit gym is different from the "GHD" at Planet Fitness. I tried out a couple of glute-ham raises on the GHD at my CrossFit gym. They felt different. I can crank out 100 unbroken glute-ham raises with the "GHD" at Planet Fitness. I doubt I can do the same with an actual GHD.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
~1-mile run
Warm Up
Clean related barbell work
Tall Clean
3 x 65 / 3 x 85 / 3 x 105
Hang Clean
3 x 105 / 3 x 105
(warm up set for the deadlift and the full clean)
2 x Deadlift (to knee) + 1 x Clean
1 x 115 / 1 x 135 / 1 x 145 / 1 x 155 / 1 x 165 / 1 x 175 / 1 x 185 / 1 x 190
(The last time I cleaned heavy in class was last June, when I first started EWOD, just before I hurt my back. Then, I was roughly five months into CrossFit. That day, I worked up to 185-pound with very poor form. I cleaned 135, 155, 165, 175, and 185-pound. Today's cleans, the motion, felt a lot smoother. Of course, there are still many elements of the lift to improve on. The 190-pound was a PR.)
Bench Press (with Smith Machine)
5 x 5 x 160
Dumbbell Shrug
5 x 12 x 50/arm
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
5 x 10/arm x 50
Complete 1 superset every 5 minutes.
(All of my bench press work thus far were completed with a Smith Machine at Planet Fitness. Stability is not a concern when benching with a Smith Machine. I probably cannot bench as heavy with free weights. One perk of benching with a Smith Machine is that you do not need a spotter.
I noticed today that the glute ham developer (GHD) at my CrossFit gym is different from the "GHD" at Planet Fitness. I tried out a couple of glute-ham raises on the GHD at my CrossFit gym. They felt different. I can crank out 100 unbroken glute-ham raises with the "GHD" at Planet Fitness. I doubt I can do the same with an actual GHD.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 315
Warm Up
(We talked politic in the hallway. To know that they feel the way I feel, I felt better.)
1:00 - bear crawl (at max effort for the whole minute)
2:00 - 12 x wallball (with 20-pound medicine ball)
3:00 - 12 x box jump over (with 24-inch box)
4:00 - sit up (at max effort for the whole minute)
5:00 - Russian kettlebell swing into goblet squat (with 24-kilogram kettlebell at max effort for the whole minute)
Repeat. Work for 30:00.
(The bear crawls were tough to tally. Bear crawls aside, I completed 12, 12, 20, and 12 reps of the wallballs, box jump overs, sit ups, and the kettlebell complex each round respectively. Each set of each of the exercises where I completed 12 reps took about 25-35 seconds to complete. Each set of the 20 sit-ups took about 50 seconds to complete.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
(We talked politic in the hallway. To know that they feel the way I feel, I felt better.)
1:00 - bear crawl (at max effort for the whole minute)
2:00 - 12 x wallball (with 20-pound medicine ball)
3:00 - 12 x box jump over (with 24-inch box)
4:00 - sit up (at max effort for the whole minute)
5:00 - Russian kettlebell swing into goblet squat (with 24-kilogram kettlebell at max effort for the whole minute)
Repeat. Work for 30:00.
(The bear crawls were tough to tally. Bear crawls aside, I completed 12, 12, 20, and 12 reps of the wallballs, box jump overs, sit ups, and the kettlebell complex each round respectively. Each set of each of the exercises where I completed 12 reps took about 25-35 seconds to complete. Each set of the 20 sit-ups took about 50 seconds to complete.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 314
Contain the ego. Contain the ego, especially at a time like this, when their egos are inflating and rising. Fighting the ego with ego, that is just more ego. See the ego. Recognize the ego. Thoroughly feel the ego's presence until you are numb to the ego. And always remember, non reaction is strength, not weakness.
Warm Up
Kang Squat
8 x 45 / 8 x 65 / 8 x 75
Back Squat
5 x 135
(warm up set)
1 x 225 / 1 x 245 / 1 x 265 / 1 x 285 / 1 x 295
(Today's 295 felt a lot better than last week's 295. I still need to work on sending the hip backward at the initiation of the squat.)
0:30-0:60 Plank
0:30-0:60 Dead Hang (with Supinated Grip)
1 Turkish Get Up/arm
0:30-0:60 Hollow Hold
Complete 3 to 4 rounds as time allows.
(I completed maybe 1 full round. I feel somewhat redeemed after today's workout.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
Warm Up
Kang Squat
8 x 45 / 8 x 65 / 8 x 75
Back Squat
5 x 135
(warm up set)
1 x 225 / 1 x 245 / 1 x 265 / 1 x 285 / 1 x 295
(Today's 295 felt a lot better than last week's 295. I still need to work on sending the hip backward at the initiation of the squat.)
0:30-0:60 Plank
0:30-0:60 Dead Hang (with Supinated Grip)
1 Turkish Get Up/arm
0:30-0:60 Hollow Hold
Complete 3 to 4 rounds as time allows.
(I completed maybe 1 full round. I feel somewhat redeemed after today's workout.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 312
Warm Up
AMRAP (15:00)
25 x pull-up
50-calorie row
100 x overhead squat (with 45-pound weight)
50 x box jump with step down (with 24-inch box)
25 x pull-up
(Today was the worst. I completed merely 150 reps. I foresaw the pull-ups to be challenging, and they were, as predicted. I did not expect overhead squat to be such a nuisance. Last week, I was able to ride off of the momentum from a snatch into an acceptable overhead squat that was initiated at the hip. I was hoping to do the same this week. However, today, I had trouble receiving the bar at the bottom of a snatch with the hip backward. I never had difficulty sending my hip backward at the bottom of a snatch. I have had trouble completing a proper overhead squat from day one, but my inability to overhead squat had never affected my snatch, until today. Today was a first. Squats of any kind that are initiated at the knees are detrimental to the knees and the back. I was terrified that I was going to hurt myself. I divided the overhead squats into sets of 5.
My coach did not understand that I physically cannot send my hips backward while holding weights over my head.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
AMRAP (15:00)
25 x pull-up
50-calorie row
100 x overhead squat (with 45-pound weight)
50 x box jump with step down (with 24-inch box)
25 x pull-up
(Today was the worst. I completed merely 150 reps. I foresaw the pull-ups to be challenging, and they were, as predicted. I did not expect overhead squat to be such a nuisance. Last week, I was able to ride off of the momentum from a snatch into an acceptable overhead squat that was initiated at the hip. I was hoping to do the same this week. However, today, I had trouble receiving the bar at the bottom of a snatch with the hip backward. I never had difficulty sending my hip backward at the bottom of a snatch. I have had trouble completing a proper overhead squat from day one, but my inability to overhead squat had never affected my snatch, until today. Today was a first. Squats of any kind that are initiated at the knees are detrimental to the knees and the back. I was terrified that I was going to hurt myself. I divided the overhead squats into sets of 5.
My coach did not understand that I physically cannot send my hips backward while holding weights over my head.)
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
16 DAY 310
Warm Up
Bench Press
10 x 15 / 10 x 65 / 10 x 65
(warm-up set)
5 x 5 x 155
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
5 x 10/arm x 45
Complete 1 superset every 4 minutes.
(In addition to bench press, I am planning to back squat and deadlift regularly, starting next week.)
AMRAP (20:00)
10 x push-up
10 x vertical leg raise
10 x air squat
(I completed 8+3 rounds. Push-ups and air squats were tough. My right knee was bothering me again. My arms are completely wrecked.)
Active Recovery
~3-mile run and walk
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105
Bench Press
10 x 15 / 10 x 65 / 10 x 65
(warm-up set)
5 x 5 x 155
One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
5 x 10/arm x 45
Complete 1 superset every 4 minutes.
(In addition to bench press, I am planning to back squat and deadlift regularly, starting next week.)
AMRAP (20:00)
10 x push-up
10 x vertical leg raise
10 x air squat
(I completed 8+3 rounds. Push-ups and air squats were tough. My right knee was bothering me again. My arms are completely wrecked.)
Active Recovery
~3-mile run and walk
★ / 18 / 46 / 99 / 100 / 101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105